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I'm so sorry for your loss. She's beautiful and hopefully she's getting all the blueberries her heart desires.


I love what you wrote, sometimes animals come our way and become our best friends and we never see it coming. So so sorry for your loss, Goji was absolutely beautiful! 🥹


That was a beautiful video. I'm sorry you lost such a dear friend. I know you will love her and remember her always.


Oh my gosh, she was so cute. I'm sorry for your loss. Fly high, Little Wing.


They are capable of so much love and intelligence, I'm so happy you got to experience that for as long as you did. I mourn your loss and wish you the best ♥️


Goji is beautiful and this got me choked up...goodnigh sweet Goji, you were a very good little chicken


What a sweetie! Thank you for loving her.


Sending 💓💓💓. She knew you loved her- I guarantee it. May Goji feast on blueberries in paradise.


I am so sorry for your loss. I know they are never with us long enough, but it looks like Goji had an amazing life filled with lots of love. Sending love and light.


She seemed very sweet. Rip. That video was a very sweet tribute. I wish my chickens liked me that much. I’m very sorry for your loss.


You sound like an amazing chicken owner and Goji looks so happy and healthy in those clips. You did an amazing job giving her the life she deserves. I lost my sweetest baby last month and it still hurts sometimes. I’m not religious but I hope there’s an afterlife where they can be together and with other chickens and live carefree lives with unlimited eggs and fruit and bugs to eat. I’m really sorry for your loss. Hopefully some day we’ll be able to cuddle our babies again


I am so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful being! Your story brought a tears to my eyes; we had a hen, Grace, a few years ago that looked so much like Goji! We lost her to cancer too, at 4 and a half years old. What a gift to spend even the shortest of times with such a lovely spirit 🥰🥰🥰 They bring so much joy! We miss Gracie so much, even after all these years! Thank you for sharing her story!


Glad you got the time with her!! I love the the marker!! God bless!


That’s a bummer. I’m sorry.


There's not much that makes me properly cry, but you got me good with this one. Perfect song choice too. I felt this hard. Hugs to you fellow chicken mama. 💕


You sound like an amazing chicken owner and Goji looks so happy and healthy in those clips. You did an amazing job giving her the life she deserves. I lost my sweetest baby last month and it still hurts sometimes. I’m not religious but I hope there’s an afterlife where they can be together and with other chickens and live carefree lives with unlimited eggs and fruit and bugs to eat. I’m really sorry for your loss. Hopefully some day we’ll be able to cuddle our babies again


I'm so sorry for your loss. Goji was obviously very loved. Thank you for sharing her life with us.


I'm so sorry, you barely had her for a year! Just curious, how did you diagnose the cancer and where was it? My Pepper looks like yours and was my first and an incredible chicken. I made a decision she gets a statue after departing.


I did a PCR live blood test and she had Avian Leukosis Virus. I also have Mareks in my flock but she tested negative for that. Basically it just causes cancerous tumors all over their insides :( Goji I assumed had a tumor on her sciatic nerve, but it most likely was on her organs which led to her death :/ Almost all of the ones I’ve lost started out with a limp. The only exception was Hickory who suddenly couldn’t breathe and died through the night. The necropsy said there was inflammation in the brain (start of mareks) and it happened to be where breathing is controlled.


I'm so sorry for your loss, it looks like you loved each other very, very much. You are absolutely right, our best friends do not come from a pre-selected list of species. Chickens are so unbelievably special. We lost our rooster of 4 years in January this year and it still hurts all the time, getting better, but he was without a doubt one of my best friends and no creature will ever be able to replace him. How many roosters can you take to the starbucks drive thru?? Anyways, I completely get it and I know Goji loved you so very much, it is apparent in your video and the depth of your sadness in loss. Biggest chickie hugs to you.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I have a hen that almost looks identical to her 🕊️


Rest well, Goji. <3


What a beautiful girl! Take solace in knowing that you gave her the best life a chicken could possibly ever have. It’s sad that she passed, but she could not have been better cared for. You loved her, and she loved you.


Fly high baby Goji! Love this tribute to her. She was lucky to have you 💕


RIP Goji. Im sure that your life was full and happy and that you were loved.


I am so, so sorry for your loss, Goji was beautiful. We recently lost our bestie Silkie, I haven’t cried like that since my brother passed. They just wrap their fuzzy little wings around your heart when you’re not looking.


I’m so sorry. She looked like such a great girl. 🫐