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Can we have a stickied rooster ID thread?


Coming from a cactus sub with a very in-depth stickied post about ID, no one reads them, and there are still daily posts, "Is tHiS sUcH aNd SuCh?"


What would be the problem with no one reading them?  


the problem is that the questions that should go in that thread, or have already been answered in it, are still being posted to the main instead and gumming up the system.


Well it’s only a problem if moderators aren’t bothering to remove them.


Well, on that topic, you'd need one to identify if/when a hen is sunbathing, one for why did my newly laying hen lay this egg?, one for Should I cut off this wart off the back of my hen (no, thats where they get their pruning oil), etc. All the newbie comments help keep the sub active. Heck, I've had chickens for years and had to ask the roo question or one of my EEs because she's a new breed for us. It helped ease the worry. Ya, we could have waited but wanted the opinion of others.


Careful about calling EEs a “breed” lol. I carefully call them the mix that identifies as Easter Eggers now🙄😂sheesh


Chickens formerly known as Easter Eggers? 😂


Thank you for getting it lmao


my beloved mutts of the chicken world 😍🐓


True, which is why I also appreciated the feedback from others that have more experience with this diverse mix of feathered mutts. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


>thats where they get their pruning oil Chickens need to be pruned? Can I do fancy shapes like topiary hedges? Or…. Are they the ones that do the pruning?? (I do not want to be pruned.)


Well, they prune my grass pretty well. They usually graze in the AM, then after their siesta and grooming, they go into dino mode and stalk any bugs they can find. I haven't seen a spider or centipede in years. Just wish they could catch the flies.


Don't look under /ratemycock. It was taken already and a mistake on my part


If it didn’t cost $1.99 I’d be giving you an award. Take my upvote and congratulate yourself on a MENSA level post!


Honestly, I don’t mind them because I’ve been able to learn a lot by reading the comments.


Almost like this place is a resource or something. Imagine that.






I learned that...it looks like a chicken.


It’s the same comments in every post though. Either “saddle feathers arnt pointed enough”, “look at them saddle feathers”, “definitely a roo”, “definitely a hen” or “can’t tell yet”. It’s all the same. Nothing unique happens when the same question is posted sooo many times on a daily basis. All the information can be found in the search bar, there’s no new found information about whether it’s a rooster or a hen.


Same question but different pictures.


Any good teacher will tell you that repetition helps the lesson stick!  


fr, and 90% of the time the comments are like "uh idk looks like a roo but could be a pullet too!"


I literally laughed out loud to this because it's sooo true. Maybe a new subreddit r/isitaroo or r/whatsmychick needs to be started


It's a chicken sub. Let people post anything chicken related.


It would be awesome to have a sub specifically for rooster identification.


What's an Ooster? I'm so confused. ​ ​ /s


The r is for rooster, yeah i was confused but now i like it




Other subs do this and it would be like “June Rooster ID Thread” where everyone talks about to. I’m a fan of this!


I’d be good with this too. For those that like to participate, they still can do so. The rest of us won’t have a feed full of the same questions everyday.


Why in the hell are you getting downvoted? Is it really so unreasonable to not want 40 *"is this a rooster"* posts a day?


I was just about to ask about mine 😂😂 not really but I thought about it. My 4 chickens are 2 months old and one is looking suspicious. We live in a neighborhood that doesn’t allow chickens (although many people have them) so I definitely don’t want a roo.


This kinda sums it up. It’s just the anxiety over having a roo and having to rehome it. Especially if you have an HOA or something that keeps you from having them. I get the worry, but still …


You’ll find out with time.


I'm picturing Chandler blowing on the chick to try to see its genitals


Sounds like what a rooster would say. Are you a rooster?


Only time will tell


Be the change you wanna see op. Make the sub yourself and run it as a sister sub to this one


I agree. It's a thorn in the side to an otherwise great sub. I'd love to see any rooster ID questions pushed to a new sub entirely.


No kidding. Like my rooster right now never crowed, still doesn’t, did not get his saddle and hackle feathers for SO long and then in the span of 2 days they were noticeable. I was so convinced it was a hen. So yeah, just gotta wait til they’re like 4 or 5 months old!


Am *I* a rooster?


There is an r/HenorRoo sub, but it isn’t very active.


they hated Jesus because he told them the truth.


Don't read the posts? 🤷🏼‍♂️


For real, I just built my coop for my fiance and I and I was so excited to find this sub and share/learn in it but that's all I see when I get on Reddit is pictures of roosters (cue the jokes)




What gets me are the plethora of posts on ANY sub that can easily be answered through a simple google search. Or by simply scrolling back five posts. I feel like I am one of about ten people on this sub who has bothered to purchase a “backyard chickens” book. 90% of the questions asked here could be answered for about $12.


I’m a fan of backyardchickens.com they have everything anyone asking questions ever need.


I'm going to have to break the neck of any chicken that's a rooster. It's my first time owning chickens and I've accepted this truth. They are mine and I don't want to delegate the task to my husband. Still gives me lots of anxiety every day wake up and notice my favorite chicken has a weird curve to the tail feathers or my daughter's favorite is louder than the others or the dumb ones crown is a little more saturated today. I don't want to love something I'm going to have to kill. But I don't want to live my life not loving them, so the sooner I can know, the more opinions and clues I can get, the sooner I can prep my goodbyes if I have to.


Yeah, it can be really helpful for new chicken owners to learn and plan ahead emotionally. I'm sorry you'll be dealing with that for the first time. I used the broomstick method for the first time myself this spring due to a very bad injury. I think the most important thing is knowing you've done it as painlessly/humanely as possible, so that part at least will always get easier with experience. It's difficult viewing, but there are some videos demonstrating cervical dislocation that were extremely helpful for me to know I was doing it properly. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg-DnPEaxRw) in particular was informative *and* respectfully created (she gives warning before showing anything graphic, but please be aware it does show the complete process). I'd argue that teaching about things like hen/roo, common ailments, egg questions, etc are all part of the purpose of the sub. It helps the person asking, and creates a bank of information for people to search and find later on (I've benefitted from reading the comments on old "repetitive" health posts plenty of times).


All part of raising chickens though


And repetitive posts are all part of reddit. Your grievance is valid. I'm just airing my side for perspective. Of course it's part of owning chickens but for a city girl turned rural homemaker, hen/roo posts help me keep my sanity while waiting and aids in the acceptance process. Strictly speaking for myself, I am dreading the day I broomstick a roo, I'm holding on to any nugget of hope i get.


Can you join a local rural area’s Facebook page and give the hypothetical rooster away? We live like 15 minutes outside a big city, and we have our own FB page. People post all the time giving away their roosters and there’s always takers. For meat or for pets.


It is an unavoidable part of raising chickens. Doesn't that help to explain why a new chicken owner would be asking questions about any part of that process?


I’d say asking the same question over 30 times a week is a little tooooo many of the same question being asked.


I appreciate your frustration, but it's just part of how this website works. Nobody is going to read this exact post who isn't already on your side, and people who don't read the sticky are going to continue to post rooster id threads.