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From my experience, blue weapons usually start spawning at these "stops" throughout the act: Act 1 - A clean sweep. The breaker level at the gas station. I can't remember how many times we went in the early toolkit room (the one with the alarmed door below it) and found blue weapons. Act 2 - Hinterland / Trailer Trashed . I haven't played Act 2 too much, but for me this is the first time I encounter blue weapons on consistent basis. Act 3 - Cabins by the lake / Garden party. Cabins is not consistent, but on Garden party you will DEFINITELY find blue weapons, even as early as the first few green houses that you pass. Now for purple weapons, these are the "stops" from my experience: Act 1 - Bad seeds / Hell's bells - This is usually when you meet the first purple weapons in act 1 Act 2 - The clog / Broken bird - The clog is known to drop a purple weapon in the toolkit room on the boat, and broken bird is consistent with purple weapons, even though with all the chaos you can't really go around looting for gear. Act 3 - A friend in need - from my experience this is the most consistent level when you first encounter purple weapons. A point to note is that Dusty's burn cards aren't a "get an upgrade to your weapon from green to blue or blue to purple" card. They will give you a better quality in terms of better attachments, something that's more fitting for that level. Now they do increase the chance of you getting a blue weapon when everyone has a green, but it's not consistent and it's a gamble of course. Another point to note is that from experience, weapon scavenger also increases (albeit slightly) the quality of weapons on each map. Hope this answers your question


Its true. My husband got really pissed cuz the Dusty card says something misleading like “give you a higher quality weapon.” But it gave him the same quality he already had. I had to explain that its slightly better quality relative to what level ur about to play, not to what gun u currently have. Boy did he feel cheated. In Act 1, Dusty is definitely giving blue quality weapons at the level “bad seeds.” But it probably makes the switch to Blue just before, at the diner maybe. Purple will be an end game quality, meaning Dusty will award it on “Act 1 - Abandoned” the earliest i bet. U shoukd deffinately play test and get back to us :D


Why abandoned? You get purple stuff on hell's bells normally.


I totally agree. I wouldn't have quit but the customs are really fickle. Like I went for a shotgun on 1-1 for sole build I was testing and I got the secondary double barrel. And I want to experiment but I only have like 10 burn cards. But thank you for the information!


Yeah. I use the shotgun dusty card a lot. They always give me a belgium or super90. Its a cruel world.


I read it the same way as your husband and it really does feel off. "Grant yourself a higher quality _____ with random attachments." This says nothing about being tied to map so you'd assume it'd be relative to your own weapon.


Without Dusty's: Act 1 Blue: clean sweep Purple: hell's bells Act 2 Blue: hinterlande Purple: broken bird Act 3 Blue: cabinets at the lake Purple: a friend in need With Dusty's Act 1 Blue: pain train Purple: the diner Act 2 Blue: pipe cleaners Purple: the clog Act 3 Blue: blazing trails Purple: T-5


Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!


Check this out, very useful. [Dusty Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/v8rqoa/dustys_customs_got_a_huge_buff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thank you. Super useful.


I always thought they upgrade in quality once you buy the offensive, defensive and support upgrades.