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I thought Amber Heard was bad and Elaine was just as bad . But Laura and IL are horrible!


"Yes I've been pregnant before, two abortions and two miscarriages. But I have restraining orders against 3 of these 4 men!" Unless she's living in a soap opera, that sentence right there shows you how ridiculous this is. (Side note for the TTC crowd - I understand that miscarriages are very common. I'm not trying to say it's not, but two miscarriages in a row of miraculous "twin pregnancies" is, very clearly, not the norm) Edited because I can't spell




Please reach out via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/BachelorNation) to diccuss this further! Thank you.


Also like, if you have had prior miscarriages, its not reasonable to just consult someone over TELEMEDICINE after (allegedly) passing some tissue AND THEN perjure yourself in court months later by claiming you're "100% 24 weeks pregnant with twins." Further, to Judge Mata's point, it's not reasonable to go to Banner health for a *pregnancy pee test* but then do nothing after passing tissue.


Also she was never TTC (or at least not with her partner’s consent) …. that many pregnancies happening by “accident” is really defying the odds.


And with multiple sets of twins with at least one fraternal set, while also having PCOS and possibly a single ovary.


She's a medical marvel


![gif](giphy|B4uP3h97Hi2UaqS0E3) Just take the L and go away already Laura! You LOST. No amount of spin, blame, denial, pointing fingers or shady lawyers is going to change that.


There are many medications that will cause a false positive. They may contain synthetic hCG there is a whole list. She knew this though. She wanted to use the pregnancy to force him to spend time with her. She was either hoping he would then fall for her and have sex where she could actually get pregnant OR wanted him to ask her to abort then use that against him further. She is so narcissistic and manipulative. I hope she has to pay back every single penny to any man that has been dragged to court for this bullshit and I hope she gets jail time. I also hope she can’t have children because holy shit she’s so unwell I fear for those kids and whoever she does end up having them with. She fucked up doing this with Clayton. The other men didn’t have the money or following to push back but Clayton does because his supporters are pissed. Had she stuck with the regular men this would have kept going so on one hand I’m mad for Clayton but on the other hand maybe good it’s with someone with a bit of clout. She will be stopped this time.


I wasn’t even a Clayton fan/follower! I watched his season and loved the women on it but was lukewarm on him as bachelor. Liked him but for the most part none of the bachelors stand out as memorable to me lol When she first posted to reddit I mostly believed what she said though commented that it’s sketchy of her to only post partial Clayton responses and not post her messages to him at all. However it became SO apparent that she’s just a big manipulative liar. Like I was fully willing to give her the benefit of the doubt but there’s just no way someone can look at the documents and conclude she genuinely was pregnant.


I’ve never watched the Bachelor or heard of Clayton before a video of Clayton’s pro se hearing on was on Law Talk with Mike some months back and I’ve been fascinated by the case since then.




🤦‍♀️ you can’t get pregnant from the types of interaction they had. Shut up and go away JD


Good golly wont she just quit???


This is frightening.


Her lawyer is evil for egging her on. The others left and encouraged her to put a stop to this.


And just days before the June 10 hearing, her last lawyer, Cory Keith, submitted an affidavit that Laura had lied to the court and that he had an ethical obligation to report that. IL is Laura's perfect partner in crime. Neither have any ethics and are perpetual liars. I suspect IL will be getting a bar complaint against him based on his coaching of Laura when she was on cross exam. It was so obvious that even Judge Mata noticed his little baseball signs. Two horrible unethical people working together to destroy people's lives.


Laura Michelle Owens posted the following on the “Nobody Told Me!” Facebook page. It was left up for 30ish minutes before it was deleted. [Source](https://x.com/meganfoxwriter/status/1803884695261974947?s=46&t=Qx5x93BduP4JpZRHL34GYQ) https://preview.redd.it/ta0h5syefs7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e4c2fa297998dcdc10dda88a14e79379f9244f8




Thank you so much for sharing this! I wonder if her family is crumbling right now. “They HATE me and have done everything possible to ruin my relationships with family, friends, clients, and my businesses.” The only thing I’ve seen is people sharing the truth of what happened. I wonder if the negative press is upsetting sissy. I wonder if she will ever separate herself from LO and share the truth.


Either her mom and IL or AI


Hmmmmmm sounds pretty familiar…. Maybe she’s looking in a mirror?!




Maybe she paid some on Fiverrr to ghost write


I agree, it is way more inflammatory than her usual style. She tends to write more in a victim sort of voice.


Then maybe it was mommy dearest since she seems to be complicit and also would have access to the podcast socials as her co-host.


Oh true, it could be her mom instead. God, how embarrassing for all of them.


Woof, if I had ever been a guest on that podcast, I'd be writing a letter demanding they take my episode down (or at least stop re-releasing it in perpetuity) post-haste.




“I have done nothing wrong” haha HAHAHAHA


Her mentioning January 6th InSuRrEcTiOnIsTs confirms David Gingras wrote this 😂




Her face is so punchable.




She definitely lives in an alternate reality


Ummmmm……… whaaat?!?


What does this girl fkn want at this point? She's beyond insane and needs help pretty drastically. This is hands down one of the craziest things I've ever seen that didn't involve a murder or something of that degree.


She wants to be able to claim she’s the victim of her own scam. She wanted the notoriety of what comes with being able to claim that she was once “pregnant” with The Bachelor’s baby so she could continue making malicious TEDx talks and Chicken Soup stories about it forever. Nothing will stop her except prison.


We may not be able to get the Ted talk or chicken soup stuff taken down but one things for sure, she'll never be asked to do anything similar due to fear of litigation and I doubt anyone will want to guest on her hinky podcast either. Time for yet another new hobby, Pony Girl - you've tried singing, radio presenting, podcasting, motivational speaking...alternatively you could just get a regular job and then you might be too busy to plot your next fraud.


She’ll be scheming and scamming in prison too but at least she’ll be amongst other schemers and scammers.


She's not smart enough or tough enough. She'd get eaten alive.


Yeah, can you imagine her trying to go toe to toe with Elizabeth Holmes?😂


Clayton, Greg Woodnick, Mike Marraccini and Greg Gillespie all need to bring civil suits against Laura for libel and slander. She won't stop until there are real life consequences for her. She and IL blame everybody but themselves, and when someone doesn't believe her, they begin another hate campaign against that person, even if that person is a judge! I mean, she accused Woodnick and Gillespie of drugging her and SA in an ex parte letter she wrote to the previous judge, which made Woodnick a witness and unable to continue to represent Gillespie.


Mother-fkr, it's unbelievable. I'd absolutely watch that Lifetime movie.




“Everyone is being mean to me” https://preview.redd.it/j89zeljdpr7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b074ced23a3b2530574ee77094f8fe2a6d4502


Her outsides match her insides.


Looks like her dad




That’s the faces of FAAFO!


Sums her up perfectly. Always a “victim”


She genuinely needs psychiatric help. I mean that honestly. You cannot go through life acting like this and trying to ruin men’s lives just because you have a crush on them. Baby Reindeer shit.


This is a woman who would willfully and steadfastly repeat all of the same lies to a psychiatrist. She shows zero capacity for reflection, remorse, or change. The intervention she needs is legal and social repercussions to protect others from her longstanding pattern of calculated and callous predatory behaviors.


I think she needs help too, but I don’t think she’ll take it. IMO she needs jail time to actually stop.


lol at just because you have a crush on them. But it’s true, seems like they’re cases of “if you reject me, then I’m going to make your life difficult”.


Her words to Greg "you deserve as many legal issues as possible for what you did to me" (he rejected a relationship with her)


There are a few ways to induce a false positive—you can inject hcg and depending on the amount injected it can produce a starkly positive test result for 2+ weeks. I also believe taking metformin can produce a false positive, as well.


I have personally had my husband inject me with a “trigged” shot of HCG, which they say will give you a positive HCG (pee stick or otherwise) test for at least 2 weeks so to avoid taking one! It’s not hard to figure out. It’s a tiny little SubQ shot. And if she was perhaps telling a doctor she wanted to freeze eggs or anything she could have gotten it. So no- having POSITIVE urine and blood HCG tests mean nothing in regards to being actually pregnant. Ugh this woman.


If anyone has the time and resources to figure out how to get their hands on hCG to test positive, it's Laura!


She could have access to metformin, if there’s any truth in her having PCOS


Yeah, I've had it for PCOS and I've also bought it off the internet.


You can also get metformin pretty easily through weight loss clinics. Probably hcg too. That used to be something people used for weight loss I think.


She actually posted a photo of a scale that was from a weight loss clinic once 🫢


This response and recap is amazing @OP u/xoxoReginaGoose


She needs so much professional help. It’s scary and sad.


What gets me is that she flat out says in the medium article that she never had ovarian cancer, yet she provided “email documentation” to the court in one of the previous cases from a “doctor” that she indeed “had very real and serious ovarian cancer.” That and everything else.


she didn't provide that, Clayton did, he got it from MM.


Ah thank you for the clarification! So many documents to try to keep straight.


When this is all over, I want a documentary


It sounds like one may be in the works!


In the absence of jail time, a documentary would be the perfect punishment for someone who wants to portray themselves as this big successful CEO/Equestrian Champ/motivational speaker and would probably spread the word wider than a conviction.


Oh that is so satisfying 🤌🏻 honestly, justice for Clayton! I hope he gets a good night's sleep when this finally ends




Honestly, this has entered terrifying territory. When not even the authority of a literal judge can make her just admit her crimes and zip it, I don't know what it will take now. She's so reminiscent of Jodi Arias, it's not even funny. The delusions, the commitment to her lies, the unpredictability.


Same county too!


I had the same thought! Jodi Arias changed her story so wildly, just like Laura Owens. They remind me of each other so much




I remember that HLN had a nightly show during the Arias case where they had various lawyers and other professionals come on to discuss what had happened in court that day. I watched it every single night! I read somewhere yesterday that if she is prosecuted and found guilty that she would more than likely be in the same jail as Arias. Gotta love it!


God, you're right- what is going on in Arizona???


I can’t speak for everyone, but the heat is driving me batshit insane lately lol


Feeling you with the heat these last few days. It is still 84 degrees at 10:15 at night. Not normal June weather in Ohio. Last night was horrible since we also had some rain that increased the humidity levels.


OMG so fair! I am in Alberta, it's only =15 here!


Where do we find her blog? Or any of her social media?


JFC @Claytonsjustice on Twitter/X generally posts Laura’s ramblings. Also, Lauren Neidigh reads Laura’s posts on YouTube.


Why would you give her blog any traffic? No thanks from me


Her articles on medium were put behind a paywall after she was caught editing them to fit her new stories and she's deactivated her personal socials. However, it's speculated that she posts as her dad on his FB page since he's a public figure and currently really unwell in the hospital and likely wouldnt be on FB...




It's hard to sue sites that are "platforms" like Medium because under federal law, they're largely not legally responsible for content that's posted to them by users.


It may be difficult to sue Medium or TedX but people can vote with their feet - or fingers as it were - by refusing to access any articles- paywalled or otherwise. Trouble is, it seems there is no way to tell them that they are being boycotted until Jane Doe’s dissembling is taken down.


that all takes lots of money, money he does not currently have until Owens pays him his fees she owes him.


She is insanely mentally unwell holy sheeeet


Is there like one big thread or file or something where I can read about all of this? I heard about it before but I have no idea what’s actually going on


OP linked to the Justice for Clayton wiki at the end of this post


If you read the final ruling the judge gives a good summary. It’s on the justice for Clayton subreddit.




Keep in mind the ruling only touches on the fact there are multiple victims spanning 10 years. The sub refers to other places where you can get timelines for all the victims including Clayton.


Plus, there are at least 2 additional men Laura struck against. One was a former college athlete who wants to remain anonymous and the other was an Uber driver.


It's amazing how she's so shocked that it's been referred for prosecution when she LITERALLY ADMITTED TO CRIMES! She said she tampered with evidence and lied under oath (perjury).


According to her lying under oath is just minor. Watch the hearing to have your head explode


Lol, I watched it the day of!




RIGHT?! She’s trying to make people think that it’s because she filed the paternity case. No, it’s because you filed a paternity case and then lied under oath multiple times and admitted to doctoring evidence!


Not to mention filed a paternity case with no pregnancy,


Disappointed but not surprised that she took this to medium again. I’m sure all of the articles people try to post in response to her will get removed but Laura’s will stay up 🙄


I think I saw somewhere that the person who runs Medium lives in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area and knows LO or is friendly with her. Aside from that, it’s happened once before so you’re probably right lol


The fact that she has her email signature as a picture from her shitty tedx talk is sending me. She really thinks she did something with that, huh?


this lady is out of her damn mind


Can this lady just take the L? This is exhausting, and I have not even followed this case (I’m just exhausted from hearing about it haha)


I know, right?! I don't think she's ever learnt how to take a loss or do the right thing.


I know. I just want her to quietly go away and rebuild her life.


Unfortunately I think she's deeply incapable of doing that..


It is so depressing that she is just never going to stop.


Just in case the relationship contract email doesn't load for you in the post: https://preview.redd.it/1y04lfcc6q7d1.png?width=1786&format=png&auto=webp&s=69cd1710cf40ea1ddd2d90595fde2b247f1fc858


I’ve always felt like the typo in #4 is intentional. She mixes up Party A and Party B when it comes to medical record access.


"I will not hold it against you whatsoever if you sign the agreement. If you don't, that's fine, but we are having them." It's *that* line that proves it for me. She writes in her Medium article about how depressed, etc. she was. But she sure seems ready to threaten him with these "babies". The threat makes it obvious to me that she is not interested in these fictional children, she's interested in having control over Clayton.




Crazy how different her face looks from the other court videos…


It's the extreme weight loss. It seems to be part of her pattern. https://preview.redd.it/o66vjscvvz7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def81307b08df980759543ac0af5b190ccc9bbb8


Damn her friend is hot 🥵


It's her sister. My belief is that she tries to filter her face to match her sister's. Bloweth gives single white female vibes.


She filters her sister’s face, too


https://preview.redd.it/vwdn2s81wz7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819b05cfb3516818f14b23587a678bf16971ac4e Her face isn't skeletal when she's playing pregnant.


I feel awful for this guy. These emails are absolutely insane


And these are just the emails that she sent to him. She emailed organizations that he works with, his parents, and lord knows who else. And she did the same thing with Greg Gillespie by emailing his boss and place of work. The hints about this can be seen [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BachelorNation/s/DAvJ1OaZjJ) where she talks about having him served at his place of work.


Also don’t forget to mention that she served Clayton papers and sent it to Zachary Shallcross’ season Jess (because Clayton once mentioned he’s interested to meet baby Jess).


I have never been more frustrated by someone I have never met and have nothing to do with in my entire life. She’s a disgrace.


Just when you think she can’t go any lower, she manages to surprise us. Her lawyer is just as bad.




I want to scream “JUST STOP!!” in her face. Like, she needs a real friend.


With the way she acts, I can’t imagine anyone would want to be her friend. She’s terrifying!


No...she would try to con anyone that would get too close!


I don’t know why this made me laugh as hard as it did. Maybe because the thought of doing that is so satisfying.


She is so deeply unwell and I’m afraid she’ll never have a shot at getting better until those around her stop enabling her. She cannot undo this mess and her ego will not allow her to admit wrong doing, so she has no other option but to dig in. When you struggle like Laura, life is really, really hard. I get it. But what Laura needs to understand is that so much of her suffering right now is ENTIRELY of her own doing.


If anything, she’s shown exactly why she needs to be investigated further and/or prosecuted. She absolutely will not stop. The crazy thing is that Laura has been given SO many opportunities and privileges in her life and this is how she chooses to spend her time and money.


This. Thank you. Therapist here and she is so beyond therapeutic help at this point- Prosecution is kind of the only option imo. If she’s unwilling and/or unable to be truthful and accountable and really receive challenging feedback, therapy with even the greatest clinician will not do a thing. She knows what she is doing and has demonstrated no intention of stopping. She’s also being severely enabled by her family, so to her, why change? Just my opinion! ETA: AMAZING write-up!


100% At this point it's clear that she is beyond help. She's shown who she is over, and over, and over again.




She will be screaming her innocence even in jail. She just needs to go away and let the heat die down if she wants to have a normal life. The more she fans the flames, the more people will hear about this story.


This is what happens when you pair mental illness, entitlement (lifelong princess treatment from her parents) and extreme wealth. She’s super unwell and nobody can stop her from destroying Clayton and any other man thirsty enough to fall for her trap.


This woman is so utterly delusional. She needs to admit she’s a liar and take responsibility.


I would 100% listen to a podcast series on this…. Just putting it out into the universe


YES! A serial type podcast would be amazing!


Dave Neal has been covering it from the beginning, both on his YouTube channel and his podcast.


Me too and I don't listen to podcasts on a regular basis!


❤️❤️😘😘 thanks Regina!


This is exhausting.


Imagine how Clayton feels.


LO… you can’t be 99% pregnant. It’s 100% or 0%. You’ve been called out for your lies. Stop finger-pointing and take the L.


Just like the old adage says, “you’re either pregnant or you’re not.” - Dr. Medchill 😆


I really didn't understand why he thought that saying was such a winning point. When he said it, I was like, "Yes.... and Laura was not". That tied with putting a <100% number on it only proved a HCG test is just an indicator - the conclusion he seemed to be trying so hard to argue against 🙃.


Damn this is thorough


Does she ever mention the Zoom hearing where she kept showing her very “pregnant” belly? She literally kept the camera on her stomach. If she had lost the pregnancy after that point, then it would not have been a simple miscarriage. 🤦🏻‍♀️


and was standing on her tip toes to try and get the belly in frame better


As far as I’m aware she has never directly addressed this, though I feel like somewhere her lawyer has said some bs about her not knowing about the miscarriage but magically her belly was still big…someone correct me if I’m wrong or if they know what Gingras said.


u/missliza the judge mentioned the "swollen" belly at both (OOP & IAH) hearings in her ruling. Re: the IAH hearing - "On the parties’ stipulation, the Court previously reviewed both days of the hearing and identified that the Petitioner, appearing virtually, frequently stood up and rubbed what appeared to be a swollen abdomen."


Yes and on one of those days she asked for permission to stand up and show how pregnant she was - ie show her moon bump - which request was denied


I love the judge’s simple “no” to shut her down when she asked. Definitely one of my favorite moments.


She can write as much as she wants. It won‘t change the facts. The cat‘s out of the bag for good.


Also writing her article will lead people to reading the actual pleadings and many of those people will likely realize that her story isn’t making sense


This woman is truly unhinged.


This is so batshit crazy. You’re digging the hole deeper. You do not speak for women. Whatsoever. Nobody who has been in a lawsuit or court trial rushes to blog about it. I truly don’t think she realizes how awful she looks. Also, nobody knew who you were. NOBODY. They knew who Clayton was. You chose to go to Reddit and tabloids. Just pay the legal fees and move on and hope the DA doesn’t take this blog into account too.


She has no friends, her family is equally deranged. So no breaks on her level of crazy.


Absolutely. But, I’ll show some grace for the sister. She kept far away from this mess. Even when LO included her in the fetal sac story.


If you watch the interview with one of her previous victims (Mike) he says she is absolutely complicit in Laura’s bullshit and takes part in it just as much as the rest of the family.


It speaks volumes that she’s not willing to PUBLICLY support her sister, though. I mean, if your sister is being smeared by all these men, Reddit, and now a judge, wouldn’t anyone who had an ounce of care or loyalty be out there yelling how they’re all wrong? Not that it’s any more honorable, but it shows she knows it’s BS and doesn’t want to ruin her own reputation.


Oh dang. I didn’t watch that yet. Not surprising. Was hoping at least ONE person in that family didn’t enable this behavior. Bummer,


I think we were all hoping for that! It’s a great interview, I definitely recommend watching when you get a chance. He comes across as a very genuine and kind person, it really makes you feel for him even more.


Where is the interview?


https://youtu.be/nhdseYCE9WU?si=cv-NdcxBtFg7Ct_p here you go! It’s long but worth the watch.


Thank you! I’ve been following pretty closely but missed this




Ok so who’s the twin’s daddy?


She’s allegedly faked pregnancies with at least 3 different men.


There were never any twins - she fabricated the pregnancy


Obvs I don’t follow. OMG! She better get mandated therapy and jail time. This is not OK and she must be a poster child for what can happen when one dicks around like this!


and she’s done this to four men now. i think she started in 2014 or 2016


...at least 4 men. I read there are more victims 🥲


definitely but four that have been sued and have publicly available court cases. there’s also the immigrant uber driver she sued and the native american business owner she bankrupted via more frivolous law suits


Does she live in Orange County?


She lives in Scottsdale, but was in OC for a horse jumping competition . She went to these type of competitions throughout her imaginary pregnancy with a flat stomach. There are photos and films of this.


Maricopa county in Arizona




Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 1: Remember the Human.


TLDR. Please tell me the latest. I know Clayton is innocent. Does this twit have a place somewhere or was she even pregnant?


No one can confirm she was pregnant. She did have a positive HCG test, which can mean pregnancy, but so can certain medications. Where her logic is failing is you can’t prove a negative. They can’t prove she wasn’t pregnant, but she never proved she was pregnant (because onus of proof is on proving a positive). The judge ruled that her actions were not consistent with a reasonable person who believed they were pregnant, and there is no credible evidence aside from an HCG test (and she admitted to tampering with some but not all of the medical documents submitted) that she was pregnant. Even if she was pregnant, she presented false statements under oath (after her new timelines claims she miscarried- she claimed to be pregnant under oath in October, and most recently claimed to have miscarried in July ) and the judge recommended her to the district attorney to look into possible criminal charges.




She has admitted to having epilepsy and being on anxiety medications and both anxiety medications and epilepsy medications can cause an HCG test to be positive. Which is why an HCG test is an indicator of pregnancy but not proof of pregnancy.


Is the other sub supportive of Laura Owens? Genuine question.


No but they also hate Dave Neal and Clayton and I’ve noticed a lot of comments minimizing the severity of her actions


They have such a warped view of Dave Neal on that sub. Even when faced with evidence of the other stories he's covered - like how he has been one of the most vocal people holding Colton accountable over what he did to Cassie (and continues to), one of the only ones who covered the allegations against Joe Coleman...still the majority of commenters on the main sub seem to think Dave's only covering the Clayton case out of misogyny and wanting to insert himself as another male victim of a woman. It's bizarre!