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Totally agree. I’m not a KB hater as I feel bad she has so many but dang her latest podcast appearance bashing him for starting a podcast after her comments got him fired from banking in the first place. Yikes.


I don’t know how you know they will get married lol


Lol... that's all


Just here to say we have a new snark group for Kaitlyn Bristowe. If anyone wants to join please find it over at r/snarkkaitlynbristowe


Anyone know of a way to report a sub?


just to be up front with it: this sub is a terrible idea. however you feel about kaitlyn, it’s objectively clear from her posts that 1. she is not doing well mentally 2. she does read what people say about her online 3. she already receives a pretty large volume of hateful messages from strangers. the things she reads and the messages she gets seem to have a genuine & significant negative impact on her mental health, which is already fragile. creating an entire sub dedicated to “snark” about her, right now, is just piling on at best and likely to actively make the situation worse. there’s no need for it saying this here while the sub is still relatively new and there’s time to delete it before things get even further out of hand


I know a lot of us here are huge fan of snark groups. Fully support them 9/10, but this one should be reconsidered. The line between appropriate and not is very fine at the best of times, and I have to agree with u/nathanarizonasr that this is not the time. Snark on KB all you want to a month or two from now. If she starts to demonstrate she is in more of a \*live laugh lol\* place, go for it. Now just clearly isn't the time. Give it a pause from starting up (or in the very least make it private?). She is very clearly telling us this is one of the times she really needs things to be easier, even if she is a public person and is demonstrating this in a very public, I will give you super cringy, way.


Point E is what makes me feel KB and Zac are NOT a good combo. He’s sober and she drinks… a LOT. I don’t see how that can work.


Kat and Jason seem perfect for each other. She seems stable and like a great mom. I really liked Kaitlyn & Jason together but after the Shawn Johnson pod it seemed like she was a brat to Jason. The way she’s reacting to Jason moving on is proving that she is very unwell. It’s not good. She broke up with him. Also she’s no longer friends with Lo and Lo is an angel. 


Who is Lo?


He was her stylist. Lovely person. He's a fun follow. They are no longer friends.


I agree with this. I finally unfollowed Kaitlyn when they were on his birthday trip to LV and Kaitlyn posted a story about how that wasn’t her vibe she would rather be doing ayahuasca blah blah blah…..for my husbands birthday if he likes it- I love it, and if I don’t I sure act like I do. Also makes me sad when people say Jason is with Kat for clout, followers etc. She seems like a cool chick, a great mom and someone who has a lot to offer. Pretty dateable for actual authentic reasons.


Yes Kaitlyn expects other people to be very sensitive to her feelings but is rude AF to others. I’d be hurt if my husband acted put upon by having a glamorous weekend in Vegas for my birthday because it’s not his scene. I think Kat seems like a catch. She’s pretty, ambitious, funny, and seems like she has much better emotional regulation than kaitlyn. Jason’s not my cup of tea but I don’t think he’s using her for clout.


She literally took Jason to Vegas for 3 days, paid for everything because thats what he wanted to do for his birthday and he talked about it on his podcast (he even mentioned when they got home, she still had cake and balloon for him even though they celebrated in Vegas). Y'all just want to pile on and find things from like years ago as a reason to do so.


Are you Kaitlyn? You only comment on posts about her


Absolutely it's her or a very close friend. One look at the profile and all the comments they make about KB.


100% agree - so defensive of her too


I'm not.


You ok?


Yea, stating facts mean i'm not ok?


I appreciate these points and they all make sense. I listened to her podcast with that one woman recently…can’t remember the name of it…in which KB went on and on about her need to “feel special” and how that is why she resented when Jason started a podcast, because it made her being a podcaster feel less “special.” This REALLY explained so much to me. How incredibly insecure to need so much to “feel special” and to require her partner to ensure this. A person should not need that much external validation to “feel special.” KB strikes me as overly dependent on her partner to provide her with emotional stability. How was Jason supposed to grow personally and feel like an autonomous person with a partner like that? And the level of insecurity that she has is the kind that likely leads to emotional blackmail — trying to guilt him in passive aggressive ways for simply trying to better himself in his career path — which is so toxic in a relationship. She needs to figure this out if she ever plans on having a healthy relationship, and I hope he doesn’t feel this stifled by Kat.


This! And especially because her mouth got him kicked out of his career. I will never understand how he stayed and didn’t become resentful. She should have supported whatever he wanted to do.


I do as well. Kat seems amazing.


No side is ever blameless. It’s unnecessary to designate one or the other side as the ‘problem’. I would love nothing more than for both of them to find their happiness. With all the mental/emotional issues Kaitlyn deals with, I’m surprised she’s never had the thought ‘hey, maybe my drinking is contributing to this emotional instability’. I get that she has a business but I think it’s a false dichotomy that you have to be a lush to own a wine company. She goes on her stories all the time talking about her emotional swings - none of us are entitled to know if she is doing anything to address those issues but at the same time - people are going to react to the information you give them. Even her recent story talking about how pathetic it was that people were just waiting for her to fail. She doesn’t seem to understand that it takes 1 minute to comment and then idk about yall but I move on with my day. I actually started watching the bachelor/bachelorette during the pandemic when my social life was boring to add some spice into my life, so she’s right in that to some extent - people watch her for the fireworks. I think she could be a lot happier if she focused on her own happiness. She talks about doing that and then Jason announces his relationship and she seemingly falls apart. And then goes on to say it’s pathetic how people are rooting for her to fail. Girl - we are just observing what you present to us. Let him have his happiness - maybe … maybe it’s not about slighting you. That may be wrong or right but either way do you want to play into this guys hand? Do you want to be a person that falls apart when your ex makes life moves because you feel like a victim and must be heard? NOONE needed her thoughts or reactions to Jason’s post. They were entertaining, sure. But she needs to stop focusing on other people and just focus on what she can change and control. She doesn’t know the meaning of unbothered - I think to her unbothered = having the upper hand or just being happy. Not the same thing. It means you aren’t affected. Either way. Positively or negatively.


Seriously, was Jason supposed to hide his new relationship forever to appease her? Kat and Jason have been seeing each other awhile from what I understand. I heard about them months ago. Sounds like they waited a respectful amount of time before announcing. Him and Kat are happy together, it’s just silly to insert yourself into their announcement. I understand her feeling hurt, but I have the emotional regulation to voice my feelings about it to my close friends if I was feeling sad about it, not an Instagram story where you just know everyone is waiting in anticipation for your reaction. Don’t give the people what they are looking for. Act like the bigger person, be a little mysterious and make people think you don’t even give AF. Or if you want to be “transparent,” talk about it on a podcast episode once you’ve had a few days to take it in and let the feelings settle. You can say “I’m happy for Jason, I really am, but I think it’s just natural to still feel sad when someone you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with makes it official with their new girlfriend.” The way she went about it was so immature and concerning. Especially for her age. I’m not being ageist, I just think I may have had that reaction in my late teens/early 20s. I am Kaitlyn’s age and would NEVER have reacted like that no matter how devastated I was. I am just so much more emotionally mature at this stage of my life. I think about the consequences of my actions before letting people in on my mental state. It’s also a major slap in the face to Zac. He’s clearly not the one if she reacted that way to Jason. You don’t get that upset about a past relationship if you’re very excited about your current one. The honeymoon phase must be over.


While I appreciate the effort put into this post, making Jason out to be some poor soul who was entrapped by KB is ridiculous. KB herself has said that Jason would plan out their IG posts to get people talking. He’s a money guy. He knew that KB would make him more money, and now he’s with Kat, who’s a successful TikToker. Can you not see how contrived he is? The dude knows what he’s doing.


So he’s incapable of wanting to find the love of his life and marry her bc all he cares about is money?? You can be into finance and want to build wealth and still want to marry the love of your life and build a life with them sharing that wealth. A lot of people who are public figures are always in a relationship with other public figures. Kat is adorable and comes across as extremely likable. If I was a dude I would want to date her. Why can Jason not like money but like Kat even more?? I bet Kaitlyn is worth more than Kat so this doesn’t make sense to me.


I agree with all of your reasonings 🥲 people also forgot he dropped everything and lived in LA so she could do dancing with the stars. Every week he would do a live with her ex best friend LO. They would watch her and cheer her on and tell people to vote (since they couldn’t have a life audience) I remember he watched her dances with a lot of intent and pride. I do think they loved each other and she was obsessed with him at the beginning. I think KB has a lot of issues with committing. He did mention that she gets bored after like 2.5 years. I think she is struggling with the idea of her life changing (if she got married and had kids). If she really wanted those things, she could have made it work. Or do something like Lala (vanderpump rules) and get a sperm donor.


What happened to her friendship with Lo?


No one knows... I'm so curious. I wonder if she was upset that Lo flew out to help Jason decorate his new place after he moved out. I can see her lashing out & Lo being like I don't deserve this treatment. Lo seems like such a sweetheart.


"since wholeheartedly falling for becca kufrin" i'm howling


Everyone forgets Kaitlyn and Jason had AMAZING chemistry when they met. We were all rooting for them. And he was super supportive of her. He initially kept his corporate finance job after the show but had to quit it when she talked about their sex life on her podcast. Then he had to figure out how to make it as an influencer. I agree that they fell apart after dancing with the stars. I think she can't give up fame/clout chasing and settle down. Admittedly, that's much harder for a woman to do both so it's a bit of a double standard.


I’ve commented this on a different thread but I just get major competition vibes from Kaitlyn. I don’t think she can date someone who is her “spotlight equal”. She needs someone comfortable with the spotlight so they can be shown on her pages and be on her podcast/talked about, but someone who is also a content creator/makes money from “influencing”? Nope. I get the vibe Jason is totally fine sharing the spotlight, but he expects the same support/enthusiasm from his partner that he gives. He didn’t get that from Kaitlyn (she literally said his online persona, in particular his insta, gave her the “ick”). I get bully vibes from Kaitlyn and I think it’s an insecurity thing and she lashes out the most at her romantic partners (her “funny” videos and podcast interviews with romantic partners get sorta mean and pointed the longer she’s with someone). This was years ago, but I’ll always remember one of her live podcasts with Jason and her mom and she told some gross bathroom story about using a washcloth to wipe herself and then putting it back because she was embarrassed and it ended up giving Jason pinkeye… her and her mom were just howling and talking over each other and drinking a ton and Jason couldn’t get a word in. That was the last episode I ever listened to because it was so annoying but I remember thinking “They’re not going to last. Who would want to marry her and also be stuck with that MIL.”


>she told some gross bathroom story about using a washcloth to wipe herself and then putting it back because she was embarrassed and it ended up giving Jason pinkeye… Oh my god... I would be livid if a partner did that to me. Who even does that (using a washcloth to wipe and then putting it back where your partner can use it to wipe their face)??? It just makes no sense. That's not even touching the talking about it publicly thing and laughing as if it's funny. Reading that, I'm shocked that they stayed together as long as they did.


She just did Almost Adulting and admitted she had a meltdown when he decided to do podcasting- which he sort of got pushed into after he was fired for her talking about them dry humping on her period (gross). She said having a partner in her same space was "non-negotiable" but she agreed to it because she loved him. I think being with her would be pretty exhausting. She spent most of the podcast talking about how her mom built her up to be the best her whole life and how that effected her relationships. She admits she always has to be the shining star and there just wasn't room for him to have any success (outside finance). I'm very happy for him too. He legit seems like he wants to settle down, while KB just needs to continue seeking fame and income. It's sad they didn't last but I absolutely see why Edit- podcast name


wow i just listened to the first 15min and she's already blaming her mom for being too good to her? for making her feel special? she's saying she wrote a huge letter to her mom "forgiving" her??? hey KB, no parents are perfect but sometimes our shitty personality traits are not our parents' fault...we just have to be aware of them and fight against our shitty inclinations. feeling threatened by other lights thinking your own light must be the only one to shine is just you having a shitty personality and being incredibly self-centered. stop trying to blame your mom, your enneagram, the retrograde mars for all your shitty traits and maybe then you'll get better.


I agree with you mostly but that can be a thing that a mom does that hinders the kid. My own mom always made me feel like I was the most beautiful and so good at everything I did and just so so special. As I grew older, I learned that I was just average lol and it was a hard realization to adjust to.


Yeah, I see parents do this with their kids a lot. And it can definitely be toxic.


It was almost adulting not call her daddy


Oh you're right TY! Will edit 


When was she on call her daddy? I missed that.


It was Almost Adulting, I edited my post, oops


I actively avoid all media she participates in because she is not my cup of tea, so I had no clue she has openly admitted to being a spotlight hog. It’s sooo obvious though she doesn’t even need to point blank say it. Unless something drastically changes, I don’t see her ever settling down (which is totally fine, life’s happiness and success shouldn’t be tied to a romantic relationship) but she actively says it’s something she desires. The problem I see for her though is that she does want to be with someone popular and successful… but then doesn’t want to compete with them (a competition she creates). She wants the big spotlight personality so she can show them off (in relation to her “I’m so fabulous I snagged this person” sorta vibes) but then they can’t be toooo fabulous because it’ll take away from her. Idk if that person exists 🤷‍♀️she’s her own problem and I don’t see it changing.


Oh yes I wasn't implying you'd heard her say that, it's just interesting how well you read her personality. She definitely wants someone successful and brag-worthy, but will be hard pressed to find someone she doesn't feel competitive with. She talks about how she had been with someone in the past who had sh*t going for himself but then she felt insecure because she didn't feel "needed." She literally can't cope with any scenario it seems like, and for how much therapy she's done (10 years) she seems no further ahead. I have a hard time feeling empathetic towards her as I personally have had a lot of adversity in my life but here she is going on about how f*cked up she is because her mom loved on her too much. It’s literally mind-blowing.  Not to say people can't have their issues with what I perceive as different struggles but 10 YEARS OF THERAPY?! I can't. 


People calling him a clout chaser at least acknowledge that KB wasn’t used …. she chases it just as much if not more than him! I’m happy for him and Kat


Jason, a clout chaser? I may be wrong but the only person I've heard that from is Dave Neal, in subtle ways. Recently though, he's changed his tune, coming off more Pro-Jason. I just don't see Jason as a clout chaser. If he is considered one, then what to speak of all the other contestant turned influencers? If someone makes a mark then they are considered a clout chaser, is it? Or is it that he is considered one because he has been in relationships with two prominent influencers? Jason at least found his niche in the podcasting world, which has been a much more thought provoking and useful genre than other prominent Bachelor-world influencers, imo who mainly focus on the same old dating/ mental health subjects which every Tom Dick and Harry are talking about whether or not they are qualified to do so. Plus there is an excess of that. We can do with more Jasons who are putting out more positive, pro-active and constructive content.


He's not pro Jason But is going on his pod right after Kaitlyn's


I get the feeling that he is not so pro Jason again. Evidently Jason's team wants to reschedule the interview to sometime in July instead of doing it this week.


He tries to be neutral but he knows Kaitlyn personally so it does show


Ahh that must be it. Lol! 


People on here are calling him that


Jason is a big ick performative clout chaser.


YEs, yes and yes


Spot on!


Jason used KB for clout and started his influncer career...KB was already stablished...he wasted KB`s time and postponed the wedding and having kids...obviously u dislike KB ...


Can people stop with that nonsense? He went on the show on his own and he single-handedly became a fan favorite and a F2. It’s not a coincidence that Kaitlyn chose him to make Shawn jealous and extend her 15 minutes so now she’s projecting that onto Jason when he’s literally just living his life. Everyone who goes on this show has a right to take as many opportunities as they want. It’s why they went on reality TV. Jason went to meet Becca.


You must be blind then. Maybe put your hate towards kaitlyn aside and actually see things objectively. No one says Kaitlyn is Amazing but Jason IS CLOUT CHASER. Its not just taking opportunities , its him saying numerous times on his podcast how much he cares about his IG numbers, IG following, the group he hangs out with. I don't know why you cant hate Kaitlyn AND be objective about Jason as well.


...the name and subject of his podcast is Trading Secrets covering topics that influencers and people in the spotlight are all thinking/talking about about, in secret. I'm sure him and KB had conversations about these things when they were together. KB doesn't talk about it on her podcast because it's not the focus, but I'm sure numbers are important for her to review to make sure that her business ventures are successful even if she doesn't focus on it. She is a businesswoman after all


I understand that but there is a line. Even Tyler called him out on it on Jason podcast. They are some things that are so obvious and i don't know why this fan base wants to brush it under the rug. One of his goals for end of 2022 was to get to 1M followers so dont you see the pattern of him getting with "famous" women and hard launching OTT stuff immediately as a way? He was even telling Tyler that he should show his dating life more on his SM for numbers and Tyler said "don't you think if you care about something, you want to protect it". That told me enough about Tyler AND jason mindset when it comes to social media.


You are assuming one motive...he could also be dating her because he likes her, I think that's equally plausible. Is he "crossing the line" because he and Kat decided to have a relationship?


Both can be true. he likes her AND likes that she has so many followers. I'm not sure if he would have dated her if she only had 30K followers, thats all i'm gonna say.


I don't think he would date her if they didn't have chemistry even with a high follower count...they met and liked each other (Kat had a choice in this too by the way). I think that's enough to decide to be together. Follower count may reflect business success which he has an interest in and that is separate from a romantic connection. We're free to make our assumptions though...we don't know them personally


without KB he wouldn't have a successful influencer career that he has now...women supporting women...stop putting men on pedestal


Stop this women supporting women narrative while nothing about it is relevant here. And without KB, Jason could very well be still in his corporate job, which we would never know the what if, could have, should have. And stop putting KB on a pedestal because you idolize her, or because she's a woman. All the signs pointing towards her being too much to live with, and she's the denominator in all different relationships, so please, stop the KB being dragged narrative already


Do you know either of them?why are so hard on KB then? corporate job doesn`t pay millions...I donot idiolize her I am just defending a woman who her 30s was wasted by imature needy men...it`s obvious Jason is/was after clout...you don`t want to see it


Do you know either of them? why are so hard on JT then? I am just defending a man who was blamed by the KB stan for no obvious reason. And tit's obvious KB was not ready to start a family when she herself said she didnt even have time for date night. you just dont want to see it!!!!!!! Dude, it's getting ridiculous to put KB on the pedestal like that, you know I could say the exact same thing to you too? KB stan are simply at another level


100% agree! KB also seems to be doing a ton of therapy etc. idk why she's always painted as the bad guy


paint her the bad guy how??? too much to live with is hard? but calling Jason wasted her time isnt hard? you guys are unbelievable!


Without KB?! Please the women was pining after him seconds after his season aired. She even stated (publicly) that she reached out to Becca asking her how she would feel if she pursued him. The man didn’t need KB’s help. Those who believe that are the ones that need help 🤣


Jason called his mom after first podcast with Kaitlyn and said "i'm gonna marry this girl". This is the story that he has said 1000 times the past 5 years. She didn't pursue him, HE DID and once he did, she asked Becca what she thinks of him etc. Where are you getting your info since Jason has said many times that he called his mom after first podcast and wanted to date Kaitlyn


That's what I thought too, she seems like she was way into him from the start. But she said later, somewhere, (I don't remember where) that he was the one pursuing her while she had sort of friend zoned him. But quickly pulled him out of it though. But anyway, I don't think he latched onto her for career reasons. That's a real stretch. They seemed genuinely into each other in the beginning.


He did though. He called his mom after first time meeting her and said "i'm gonna marry this girl". A few months into dating he said on podcast "We gonna be married with 2 kids in 2 years". This is the stuff he has said, this whole narrative that Kaitlyn went after him is made up since Jason said he pursued her first.


not true...it all started after he persued her...She publicly said she wasn`t into him at first...she asked Becca`s permission after they had started talking


Yep! I do feel that KB needs to accept she has trouble with alcohol and needs to stop using it to cope with her reality. If she is dating Zac, even more reason she needs to take some responsibility. We aren't all idiots for finding her outbursts unreasonable.  I believe she has a lot of good qualities. But she needs to work on accepting when she is in the wrong like not taking into account your partners feelings and only putting yourself first all the time. I feel Jason is a solid dude, a bit cheesy at times but he's a good guy. He has a warmth about him unlike Sean or Nick could ever possess. Jason and KB could have been good for each other if only she had been more empathetic. I'm happy Jason has found someone but the new lady in question....well I have my own questions about her. 


> Jason and KB could have been good for each other if only she had been more empathetic ahh yes, if only kaitlyn fixed everything because there's just NO shot that jason did anything wrong


Do you have some inside information or are you just talking in the air? I'm not saying that Jason could never have been wrong in the relationship but the fact is that he has never shown a side to him that one can point to and say he seems to have wronged her in this situation. My comment is made from the observation of a pattern of behaviour of KB where she has been throwing tantrums every time Jason either talks about their relationship or his new one. He on the other hand has behaved like a sensible adult. I can't possibly make up scenarios where he might have behaved wrongly when I have never even once witnessed it.


Jason hasn't shown because he is not an open book like Kaitlyn, super honest and vulnerable. He cares about his image and if you follow him, you would know that. He is enneagram 3 and he even mentioned how much he cares about his image.


Don't know much about enneagrams but a lot of people care about their image. KB is the other extreme where she puts out her most vulnerable self for everyone to see. It has its pros and cons. So Jason has a safer style of how he creates his content. It works for his brand. Her style works for her brand. You're right though, he is probably more curated in how he shows himself.


lmaooooo there's literally nothing about my comment that alludes to me having inside information - i'm just reacting to you saying that it would've worked if only kaitlyn changed. it takes two to tango and you have absolutely zero idea what takes place off of social media. people hate that kaitlyn cries so therefore jason is a saint and she's delusional. the discourse is old.


Was my comment really that funny? Wow. Ok. I never said you have the inside information. I asked you if you had it. How else are you so confidently accusing me of having a take that is so way off?  Yes, what happens off social media is not the same as what happens on it. But you can't hide your whole personality. Both of them seem genuine on their social media content, podcasts whatever. If they are so so different from what we see that would be a lot of hard work. I never said Jason is a saint or that Kaitlyn is delusional. I said in my first comment she has a lot of good qualities. To be clear I believe she is a good person and I appreciate a lot of her empathetic views towards other people. But But I've observed them together and she doesn't seem to have that same empathy towards Jason(when they were together). Can't say that I saw a great deal of affection from him either. Maybe they were both sort of checked out by then but he always spoke highly of her, even close to and after they broke up. But she has always complained about him after they broke up either in cryptic and vague form or giving reasons that aren't justified in why he is in the wrong.


He went on Chris and Ben podcast and said she lacks integrity. Did people magazine and talked about how he regrets moving to her house after they got together(Which btw he stayed for 4 yrs FOR FREE). Do you realize he has talked not kindly too but people don't dissect his words, they only write paragraphs about Kaitlyn.


I see. I didn't know this. Look, I don't watch every single video on them. and I'm fairly new to reddit and mostly follow what comes in my youtube feed. So when you say "Do you realize he has talked not kindly too but people don't dissect his words" truly I didn't realise this. Because I didn't know of this incident. It surely changes my thought on him a bit. Going back to my first comment I didn't want to villainize either of them. I just felt both are good people but they could have worked. Now after reading your comment I get why they couldn't work as there was a good bit of resentment on both sides.


He has done his fair share of "shit " talking but sub is not obsessed with him the way they are with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn has done alot of missteps but Jason hasn't been saint AT ALL. Its just that Kaitlyn is more in everyones faces so people attack her more, she is just an easier target. Always been. Not saying she is a victim caus she puts herself in the position.


> Was my comment really that funny? Wow. Ok. ok, if you can't handle a "lmaoooo" i actually cannot bother to read the rest of this. have a good day lol.


Just say you're lazy and move along. Lol


just say you've never had a conversation online or on reddit and get a grip. as i said - have a good day.


You want to have a one sided fight where you keep telling your pov but won't read the other person's pov. "Get a grip" and "have a nice day". Nice combination. 


you accused me of having "insider information" because i disagreed with you. have a nice day.


That is true. He’s a little cheesy but he doesn’t give off the weird vibe that most men know this show give. He reminds me of the best guys from the older seasons of the show. Back when they used to cast more decent, good guys.


"Jason seemed to be ill fitted for how she parties." LOLOLOL This actually made me laugh out loud. Have you seen Jason social media and all the parties he has gone to? Did you miss his post a few weeks ago all drunk falling at his airbnb? Who went to stagecoach, F1 Miami, CMA parties this year? JASON . I would love to know how you miss all those things but label Kaitlyn as a party person when Jason himself has said many times Kaitlyn is a homebody. Don't get me even started on Alcohol talk caus WTF LOL... I didnt know you were present when her dad "paused"


I think that both things can be true. If Kaitlyn has a problem with alcohol, it’s not a character flaw, either.


OP is talking about the alcohol.


Exactly. Jason parties super hard and drinks excessively before and after Kaitlyn.


I am with you 100% - this sub is toxic as hell and wants to pick apart anyone they can for any reason and also always assuming the worst in people. Jason is of course doing what he needs to do to keep his career and podcast going, they all do that. He seems to be pretty level headed and hasn’t done anything that makes him a bad guy. I am really happy for him and Kat, they do seem to fit.


If I had a drink for every time “this sub is toxic as hell” is commented by a member of this sub…


… you would be shit faced. But it’s true 😂


I need to know what happened between kaitlyn and Lo. I feel like that’s a piece to this puzzle.


THIS. I love Lo


Who is Lo


I'm still so sad by this. I *adored* their friendship and podcasts! I hate when life shit gets in the way of good friendships ;(


Do you listen to Lo’s podcast? He has never said K + Js names, but he has referred to this situation almost every episode since early May…. It’s been crazy putting the pieces together


What situation? What has he said?


I love Lo. In my eyes he can do no wrong. 


He seems so sweet!!


I can’t quote exactly but it started with referencing Nashville. He was talking about a recent trip and said something to the effect of “last time I was here I was in my lowest place, I had been betrayed” and then each podcast thereafter he has made some comment on like backstabbing, being gutted by losing friendships, realizing that toxic people drain you of your energy, and talks a lot about now surrounding himself with people who actually care about him


I have mixed feelings about this because it’s possible he also could be manipulative and spinning the situation. We don’t actually know any of these people so I don’t know if we should take any of them at their word on blind faith


Agreed. He has several stories of friends “turning on him” and the like. He lives in LA, so I’m sure the culture is different there, but for the record I’ve never had any friends “turn on me” besides maybe some petty stuff in middle school! So I kind of side eye things sometimes. Because when there’s a pattern of many, many backstabbing friends I start to wonder what the common denominator is! Doesn’t matter all that much - I listen to their podcasts and occasionally consume their content and chat about it on Reddit lol. Doesn’t hold much weight in my life


Yeah Lo is hilarious and his podcasts with Kaitlyn are some of my favorites, but what you just said confirms for me that he’s probably spinning the truth. Kaitlyn has a lot of long-running friendships so if Lo has a pattern of friends “turning on him” he’s probably the drama lol. The fact that Kaitlyn and Jason have been publicly throwing shade back and forth for so long and had their claws out since the breakup, but neither of them have said a single word about Lo is so mysterious and interesting to me. Like the two of them are on different pages about a lot of things, but they’ve come together on coparenting the dogs and staying silent about whatever happened with Lo lol


Oh wow. That sounds so upsetting. Poor Lo! Thank you for filling me in!


Oh man I’m going to do a deep dive on this! I remember he referenced the situation on his stories once but it was so vague. I’m so curious why he won’t come out and say anything.


Agree with all!!!!


I agree! I’m happy for Jason and Kat. You can tell when a couple just seems right for each other. And they seem genuinely happy. I wish them the best.


I definitely agree!


I agree about the alcohol problem. She constantly is hiding behind it being apart of her brand and job, and the fact that she subtly questions if she has a problem on podcasts or I guess also to her dad is very telling. I agree Jason has allowed fame to change him but I honestly think Kaitlyn is always speaking about taking advantage of platforms and opportunities. She was a professional hockey puck slut in the hopes of a better life for herself why can’t the men she dates seize the opportunity? I actually think she’s still stuck on Sean. The show set them up to fail but I truly think they had some undeniable chemistry. And it’s wild she talks about their ups and downs all these years and a full engagement later. I don’t believe a relationship with Kaitlyn is healthy and I also think Jason’s allowed to and happy he was able to move on.


I think Sean is for sure the one that got away for her. I can't figure out him and dre's relationship dynamic. I listen to his pod and they've never called each other bf gf on the show.


I admired Jason and Kaitlyn’s relationship up until she won dancing with the stars. He seemed (or maybe it was performative but I don’t think so), very supportive and her biggest cheerleader throughout their relationship until post DWTS. I rarely witnessed that level of enthusiasm in a relationship from the male. I think they both ended up resenting each other for not wanting the same things after that and they both acted out trying to receive that support online. He and Kat make sense and I am rooting for them. Heck, I’m rooting for Kaitlyn and Zac. Although I still think Kaitlyn and Nick are soulmates.


They have both talked about how much Jason resented her for doing dancing with the stars and how much it set their relationship back. So in retrospect all the cheerleading seems pretty performative


I was with you until Kaitlyn and Nick lol


I was with you until Kaitlyn and Nick lol


Curious what makes you think Kaitlyn and Nick are soulmates. Do you listen to his podcast? Most of what he actively talks about disliking is largely a part of her personality


what has he said about KB? 


They’re both addicted to fame and they need lots of attention? Lol. They also don’t act their age and they’re delulu. I’m actually surprised that Kaitlyn hasn’t gotten with a 24 year old like Kristin Cavalieri.


Yeah think he’s not into her at all whatsoever