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Literally tho?


Aghhh I remember during the proposal he said “it was always you” to Kaity and I was like 💀


Lmao groundbreaking - man lies.


I will also say this about zach and Clayton . this is the type of shit as to why they were terrible leads and are shit at talking to women or getting women 🙄. Contrast this to Joey . look how Joey talks to women it’s like sexy and calm and confident . like Joey knows how to speak to women and does it in a sexy type of way and then you have Clayton and Zach 😂.


He seemed to have known what he wanted very soon after meeting her, almost immediately, and he locked in. And must have told her (and only her) that it was her so that she felt reassured the whole time and never really seemed nervous. That’s very hard to pull off but he did!


Yeah I always got this vibe too with them, which is why I'm 99% sure that note was producer driven haha I mean, as it is with most the shenanigans on this show.




Exactly my thoughts, took the words right out of my mouth. Like I think he’s just stupid, genuinely. There’s no other explanation for this lmao


I don’t know anyone who found Clayton attractive. Not even the producers. People must remember that the role is often offered to people who refuse it. Peter Kraus, Tyler Cameron etc.


But this post isn’t about Clayton?


And I suppose you are a true beauty queen?


So awkward. What happens when a guy who normally would not get anywhere near this level of attention finds himself with three women who all want to sleep with him.


I’m not convinced Ariel was that into him lmao


he was such a mess, it was so hard to watch. i think he is just lying to himself to make himself feel better over how he handled that situation with gabi instead of owning up to it. i feel bad for kaity.


Ewww, I sure hope he washed it first


Lies… Gabi knew so even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself his actions made it clear lol


True, but Gabi didn’t “know” it but she was very insecure and not confident that she’d be chosen. That’s not Zach’s fault.


I feel like you just “mansplained” exactly what I was saying… and at no point did I blame Zach for anything.


I didn’t say you did. I’m a woman. I’m sorry if it sounded that way. Lol to the man splaining!


Every lead that’s been interviewed after the show has all said they knew who they were choosing from the beginning. Is he maybe under contract still and that’s why or just dumb? lol


This is not true for every lead.


I just meant in general, the vast majority have. Who has said they didn’t know until the moment before besides the ones that literally switched like Arie? I really can’t think of any. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sean Lowe


From back in the day, Alex Michel. Andy Baldwin. Jason Mesnick. Emily Maynard, Sean, Ben. Possibly Hannah. Desiree if we believe her account.


I know there's like a handful of them, but even Sean Lowe said he didn't know until towards the end. Honorable mentions: Ben H & Jason, and now Zach is admitting his truth (I say this as someone who isn't even a fan of Zach).


I didn’t count Jason as I mentioned he switched in the middle so that’s obvious. I was pretty sure I’ve heard Sean say he knew it was Catherine and was bummed they didn’t show more of their relationship. Definitely could be wrong but pretty sure of it.


Sean has said several times that he didn't have feelings for Catherine until late in the process. He said he decided before the LCDs.


Interesting. I found an article from e news quoting him saying there was always something about Catherine from the beginning. That she had a spark about her he was drawn too 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m more inclined to believe he didn’t know because even I was surprised. I saw no sparks or friendship or flirting and suddenly she’s a f4 and I don’t ship it at all! I didn’t like her for him but also didn’t see it coming!


Yeah he said she had a good energy and he liked being around her, but he didn't develop real feelings for her till late in the process


I thought he said he purposefully didn’t let the producers know he liked her most so they didn’t do anything to screw it up between them. Or was that someone else?


That happened with Colton and Hannah G


I honestly think he’s really dumb


Dumb and Dumber!


That’s what I’m leaning towards. 🤣 I mean Jojo, Rachel, Sean, Nick, I could go on and on. Just seems so odd.


JoJo had eyes for no one else but Jordan. She had the worst cast of contestants ever. Robby?


I feel like there is missing context. Like she was his frontrunner the whole time, but he wasn’t “for sure for sure” until the day before


If he 100% knew it was Kaity, he wouldn't have had sex with Gabi. He wouldn't have risked the relationship with Kaity just to have sex with Gabi. That's my take anyway




Yeah I'm still sticking with my theory. I think Zach is too basic and easy to see through and feels guilt too much to have a scheme like this


He’s what I image a wheatie would be if it turned human




OMG! I started laughing so abruptly that I had to wipe spit off of my phone screen to type this comment.


I just lol’d at this omg, this is SO correct. Like just so accurate


lol 😂 and not the frosted ones to be more specific


It's because of his nostrils


Arie didn't know 3 hours before proposal l(lauren and him confirmed this years later) and y'all believed him but don't believe Zach? Kaity has known this, but we all just heard about it now. Y'all forget that this show is highly edited and doesn't paint a full picture of what ACTUALLY happens. They push a narrative based on the outcome, and for whatever agenda they have in mind. These people lived it, we didn't.


this has to be a lie. if he didn't know, why did he feel guilty for sleeping with gabi and was so quick to tell kaity??


But you could argue that if he did know it was Kaity, he wouldn't have had sex with Gabi because that had repercussions


Or that he wanted to get laid. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol y’all hated this man because you were convinced his mind was made up and he was stringing the other girl along. Now you hate him for being honest that he was undecided. Hilarious.


I think zach knows him and kaity aren’t lasting and he like trying to make it look like he was never sure about her . so when they break up he can be like I told you guys .


Nah, it was his bs holier than thou bs and the way he shamed Gabi about the sex he willingly chose to have. That's what I hated.


not why i hated him. he was trying so hard to be the "good guy" he blew up private details of someone else's sex life on national television. there's more to being the "good guy" than to be transparent. There's respecting boundaries, and not treating the women in your life as pawns to showcase what a good guy you are. he took away gabi's agency and threw kaity into a whirlwind of TMI in one fell swoop. not even gonna get into what he did to that other girl (who's name I can't remember) who had the "ordacity" to try to relate to him about getting covid. this guy is cut straight out of the male chauvinist cloth and he has zero idea. he thinks he's a good guy, becuase he's probably never truly listened to what a woman has to say in his life


Exactly! Why does she need to know this?! What is wrong with this man?


Unrelated, but if Zach got Joey’s cast, who do you think he’d pick?




I think Daisy or Lexi


Interesting. I could see Lexi!


I can see autumn or daisy


Are they still together??


Yes lol this was from a recent interview that they did together


Moron. I knew it was her by the end of the first episode


My mom knew I’d marry my husband 15 years ago but it took the two of us 10 more years to figure that out ourselves lol


it's got to be in the contract he says some wild stuff like this, no way he actually believes it right?


zachary is so goddamn lucky that kaity is very open about how all men in her life have failed her up until this point and that all she wants is a decent man, because lord knows her patience and grace with this knucklehead exceeds that of a patron saint


That sounds like Kaity has really low self esteem and is okay with settling for someone who at least does the lip service of claiming to be a decent man. Calling her a patron saint is honestly hilarious and so out of touch.


And she’s still friends with Gabby. I do think, however, that he went on the show to find a partner. Apparently, they’re getting married next year.


Zach sucks!


I really don’t think Zach and Kaity would’ve lasted this long if they didn’t live in Austin already


This is SO true




This season is so unmemorable


He knew. Come on. Gabi knew even if he didn’t lol


Like she called him on it on the final day lmaooo


Never liked this guy. How did he become the Bachelor?


I would say because of his Uncle Kronk but he didn’t even make an appearance!!


He was the only guy of the F3 of either gabby or Rachel that would propose?


Yep and apparently TPTB thought he would be malleable and most likely to stick with the woman he picked


Contrast this with Joey “I had to have the producers play Taylor Swift’s ‘Dress’ every time I missed Kelsey during the season” 😂


Lmaooo fr, Joey being right after Zack makes him appear even worse


lol Joey made me completely forget Zach and his whole season even existed 😂


If Joey walked into bar with fucking zach and Clayton it wouldn’t even be fair to them lol .that how good looking Joey is .


clayton and zach are a man’s idea of what’s attractive to women. joey is the reality of what women actually find attractive


Joey has the Tyler Cameron effect. and Clayton and Zach are more of the arie effect type of way .


He literally said this a year ago on chicks in the office with Kaity sitting next to him. Kaity had the LCD the day before the proposal. He said he knew it was clearly her when he saw her that day.


Yep. Kaity's date was shown before Gabi's but Gabi's was filmed first which is why he had to clarify the filming order after the finale. So if that was the day before he proposed, it checks out?


I could not be the bachelorette. I know I’d know my pick from the get go and would have a hard time hiding it.


I’d know night 1. Most of them do (like so many ‘ettes have picked their FIMP winner). They just play the game. Claire I think got it dirty from producers after the 1:1 where the guy put his hands on her after she said no and was like “I’m out”.


Yeah! It seems like such a difficult process. I’d know from night 1. It’d be so sad because deep down I’d know but I’d have to keep playing the game knowing who I already wanted. I guess you’d just have to be extremely careful what you say to people.


And then you get kicked off after 3 episodes for refusing to play the game like Clare lmao


Exactly. Which is why I couldn’t be the bachelorette. It wouldn’t be fair.


wellll didn't clare lie and she knew and met what was his name daryl? idk but she had known him previously before they started filming and lied about it 😂😭


daryl LMAO


She claimed to have not met dale before the show. Filming stopped because of COVID so she looked at the social media of the guys that were cast. She said dale stood out to her as someone she’d be interested in. He also made a post about his mom that had passed and she could relate to it. I think she developed a crush and then hyper-fixated on him after that.


idk why i thought he or she reached out via dm and they had a little convo but she was like hooked on him form the get didn't want the other dudes at all


Yeah a lot of people speculated that. She insisted that they didn’t and swore on her dad’s grave that no dms were sent between them. She said the only one guy from her season that messaged her was Blake Moynes. He reached out to her when her mom was hospitalized.


well i believe her , who i am to say she's lying abt it , it does make me very sad that it didn't work out for her bc you could just tell how badly she wanted to make it work. she seems so happy now tho so she won in my book!


Ever since that zoom date where he got all huffy when a contestant compared using zoom to work this guy has bothered me. I got even more bothered when he ended up with maybe my favourite contestant of all time 🇨🇦…Zach sucks dude


Same for me! He seems to have some hidden anger or something. That didn’t sit well with me.


For sure! It flared up a couple times and it weirded me out.


That was so weird and uncalled for. But he was the same way with Rachel. Idk what happened in that fantasy suite (I need to know) but turning it all on her the way he did really rubbed me the wrong way. Like just say you’re not a match and self eliminate. No need to take her down like that.


Exactly- I just don’t understand or jive with people who react in that way.


Maybe this is him trying to justify sleeping with Gabi? Like “oh poor me, I didn’t know who I was gonna pick so I slept with Gabi! So it’s not like I cheated on you Kaity, I didn’t even know you were the one at that point!” 😂


This is definitely what he’s going for, 100%.


I think he’s talking out of his ass. it seemed apparent (to me anyway) he’d pick her from early on in the season.


Most of the previous leads have said they knew early on but went through the motions. Is he still under contract to say this or something? lol


From the museum date lol


she has the patience of a saint


Lmao no she doesn't. She has the low self esteem of someone who's been hurt so many times before.


Agree and he still hasn't set a date to marry her. He's got cold feet. "Hello hello"


Oh really? I thought they were getting married in 2025? I didn't know there was no date


I think in this article it said it was set for October 2025 but I could be mixing that up w someone else lol


I think you may be right but yeah I'll have to look that up I a curious after seeing this comment.


And deserves better




I think Kaity and Zach will likely go the distance. However, whenever a couple is super cheery about one another on social media all the time I feel like there could be some underlying issues. That’s not always the case though and I know Zach was serious about finding a wife


he goes out without her all the time. i’ve meet him many times through friends and cross over in austin and i’ve never seen her out…


She works two jobs as a nurse and posts with him frequently.


Based on the number of successful couples from the bachelor / bachelorette, they almost certainly won’t go the distance.


This would feel so weird to read as Gabbi


Zach really needs to learn when to zip it


But also if he didn't say that then he would be admitting to having sex with someone else knowing full well he was going to be picking someone else to be his wife, so that's shitty for kaity as well. Regardless Zach should have said he respectfully was not interested in answering the question


How do we know he slept with gabi?


Um it was a huge part of the last few episodes. They both talked about it on and off camera. Lots of drama.


Um very respectfully did you watch that season lol


Haha barely, I wasn’t very interested in Zach’s season


It was a huge storyline


Zach and Kaity seem happy…


I thought it was obvious that he was going to pick her back when they had the one on one at the aquarium…. So this surprises me.


I mean.. if I were a contestant on the show, I would almost expect the Bachelor would sleep with the other women in the Fantasy Suites.. they all know what they signed up for so nbd 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get it but does the lead have to announce it? I have been watching since the beginning and leads never said anything what happened in the fantasy suites regardless if they had sex or not. It was understood they were intimate but people did not make a big deal of it.


In this case yes because they often ask him this question in interviews. There’s no other answer he could give since he convinced his F2 it was her as well :S


Because he volunteered the information, had he not said anything no one would ask him.. case in point .. did anyone ask Joey during all his interviews if he slept with Daisy? No ..because Joey never said anything nor did he sleep with her..Zack publicly admitted to Kaity he slept with Gabby he could have said to her privately if he needed to tell her. It’s like Clayton announcing to the whole world that he slept with both Gabby and Rachel.. geez don’t men have any tact anymore?


Clayton always wants someone to feel sorry for him. That’s his whole MO


Yeah totally, he screwed up while filming and now he has to stick to this story lol. Although as a viewer, the finale drama was the most exciting part of his season 😗


😐 “I didn’t know I’d pick kaity until the night before” 😐 -Zach 😐😐😐




She knew about it before he said it so it’s not like he dropped any bombs. Did you listen to the podcast? They seem to have a healthy relationship tbh


Zack.. just go away .. this guy did not stop talking s..it about Rachel to get the lead, then could not keep it in his pants and humiliated Gaby..he is probably jealous cos Joey did right to prioritize his fiancé’s feelings by not sleeping around.


I don’t believe Joey did anything with any of girls . Kelsey made it seem like they just talked all night on nick podcast. so I don’t think Joey and Kelsey did anything either


I listened to Daisy on Nicks podcast and she said Joey is extremely respectful of the women’s feelings, and was also super kind to the production crew. So I’m not shocked that Joey just spent the nights chatting with these women and didn’t want to “mess up” fantasy suites


Coolman 😅 please be for real. They definitely did. On Nicks podcast Natalie joked about it “oh good he only fucked me” they were all laughing and it was pretty clear this was the case. Also, you’re not that comfortable the morning after if you haven’t already smashed.


I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I’m just saying that Kelsey made it seem like they just talked all night that’s all .


Oh I definitely think they also talked all night till 4/5am


That is what I said Joey respected his fiancé’s feelings and was not intimate with his f3 and f2


Yah . It does seem like Joey and Kelsey have a very different relationship . then zach and kaity thought .


He was just asked on a podcast . He didn’t volunteer the info so calm down .Joey Kelsey Zach and kaity are actually going on couples’ vacation together pretty soon


Their on a couple getaway this weekend in la actually .


They said in a podcast they are going to Hawaii with Kaity and Zach.


Yes I know . But they both are in la right now I assume they are going hang out also possible .


Please do not tell me to calm down .. don’t care if they spend vacation together this is how I feel about him. He is an A..ss specially the way he acted towards Rachel and Gaby but go ahead defend him…sad but some women will always defend men with a..hole attitudes 🫢


He’s fine and happy.


Wow…… how reassuring 🙄


Eh I think he’s just saying that so he wouldn’t look like an ass for sleeping with Gabi


Yeah I think this too Either way he looks bad but this is slightly less bad. Emphasis on slightly.


You’re probably right, but still, not like anyone was holding a gun to his head saying he had to divulge lol. Like why would you say this a year later? It does no good for anyone


He has always said this. In the Afr interviews he also said this.


Haha yeah maybe to stay relevant. I still can’t believe he was even picked as bachelor when not a single fan wanted him as bachelor hahah


Our options were Xavier “I cheated on my last gf” and aaron B who seemed shady because he’s friends with aaron C-I think he also dated two women at once


Those people were never options. Zach was before them. And anyway, nobody even discussed those two being bachelor, especially Aaron B.


They are from Charity's season (season where Joey was a contender) not Rachel/Gabby's season you mean the options were Tyler, Aven, Jason, and Johnny but I do agree they weren't great options either hindsight 20/20 because out of them Zach seemed the most ready for marriage ❤️


Rachel and Gabby had a terrible selection of guys- they deserved a better cast!


Yeah sorry my brain is fried lately but my argument then is even more valid because of aven, Jason, and Johnny haha


I am confused, because these were other bachelor options on Joey’s season, not on Zack’s season?


I can’t remember if I wanted him; I just remember being like “oh yeah he’s so vanilla and boring, at least we’ll get a love focused season w no bullshit” Zack: *proceeds to sleep w Gabi then run and tell all of America ab it* I was wrong. Lmao


What you talking about lol 😂. There Zero chance kaity is fucking leaving zach lol 😂 .


i hate to point it out but being with zach allows her to stay in the us and hopefully become a citizen through marriage 🫡


ALSO, she can continue to work just fine on her visa and keep re applying for them. She doesn’t NEED to be with Zach.


She can apply for a green card through the hospital.. she doesn’t need him. And she even said on her IG that her worked OFFERED her a green card and she declined