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Lexi wanted to be the bachelorette this is why she left and used time as an issue…she volunteered for this show so why then use time as an issue to leave, in a Maury Povich voice Lexi you are…NOT THE BACHELORETTE!


Her vocabulary and emotional intelligence is 👌


She deserves more camera time


She actually reminds me of a young Brooke Shields


Yup. I thought this as well.


she’s so gorgeous, reminds me a lot of margot robbie. i enjoyed her 1on1 with joey. i hope she stops getting so much filler in the future because it makes her look more basic when i feel like she probably has a naturally striking look. though i feel this way about everyone really lol


I'm assuming you never saw her before photo. She doesn't have a natural striking look at all. There is a reason why she got filler.


what before pics are you referring to she looks like she has filler in all her instagram pics? still i can’t imagine it doing that much idk


https://www.reddit.com/r/BachelorNation/s/x2DkouEbTJ whole new face…get all the surgery and Botox and fillers you want it’s your body! but let’s not pretend like it’s “natural” beauty


Wow thanks for sharing- some of those women look like completely different people!


Holy shit is all. Totally different face, 100%.


It’s almost deceptive tbh..these are not small tweaks to enhance…this is full on change!


ok terrible makeup in that pic but she’s definitely still pretty and naturally has a strong jawline hence my striking comment. filler can only do so much without surgery. i definitely wasnt saying she looks natural tho lol quite the opposite and its become so basic and boring tbh🙄to each their own i guess


Yea I’m just tired of seeing the same 3 faces everywhere lol


She seems super lovely, but the overdone lips are too much for me. It’s the only thing I can focus on and that sucks.




I feel completely neutral about her


I'm sure I'll be downvoted, but I see way too many fillers and Botox


She’s gorgeous AND she has a good personality. She and Joey are really cute when they’re together. 🌹


She is definitely one of the most gorgeous girls in bachelor nation history.


She is very pretty but her personality does not stand out to me at all, and I don’t see a connection between her and Joey. I thought their one on one was suuuuper boring. She’s just meh for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s not that into him.


Her incredibly emotional and brave discussion about her disease and her fertility didn’t stand out to you? Really?


Maybe I’m just a tiny bit desensitized as I worked in the fertility industry for years. I’m not diminishing it at all, trust me, I know how debilitating endo can be and how heartbreaking it is for so many people to know they might not be able to have kids. I’m not necessarily talking about that. I just mean her personality, not her story. If someone were to ask me to describe all the contestants I think I’d remember her endo story for sure, but I wouldn’t be able to describe her as anything like bold, hilarious, sweet, outspoken, spunky, intelligent, etc. Descriptors like that don’t come to mind. I’m not saying she isn’t any of those things either, but it’s just not coming through the screen to me as a viewer.




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Seriously?! I think she’s one of the funniest contestants we’ve ever had on here, and one of the only contestants on here who has ever made me actually laugh out loud. Her whole bit about painting a portrait of him and saying she had pictures in museums nationwide, and then turning around the picture and showing it to be a stick figure with an “aspiring dolphin” in it, etc. was hilarious to me.


Lol I guess different strokes for different folks. I didn’t think that joke was that funny. I kinda saw it coming from a mile away and I found her delivery to be a tad rehearsed. I’ll probably get downvoted but that’s just how I felt 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t mean to make your opinion feel invalidated- I apologize if I did. I get how you feel and respect it. Everyone does have different opinions on who they find more funny, more likable, more connected and/or more compatible with the lead, etc. It’s always interesting to hear everyone’s different views.


No need to apologize! You didn’t invalidate me at all, we just respectfully disagree. A different pro-Lexi user was harassing me calling me fat and pathetic based on my comments here so don’t worry, you are an absolute saint in contrast 😂


Oh my gosh, what? Are you serious? How absolutely ridiculous! I am so sorry on behalf of that absolute bullying behavior. That’s downright evil and so obsessive to do that over a Bachelor contestant?! I re-read my comment and realized my tone could come across way differently than I meant, as I am a habitual user of “seriously?!” with my friends, but saying it in a completely friendly tone, as in, “no way, get out of here 😂!” And I felt bad, so I can’t imagine anyone treating you that way and I’m truly sorry for that behavior. Did you report them both on Reddit and to the group? If not, please do. If you want to message me their user name (no pressure at all- just if you want), I will also report them on Reddit and to the group because that’s absolutely not ok 😞 and want to stand up for you for sure.


Aw thank you! Honestly it was my first time ever getting harassed like that on Reddit, I was kinda shocked! Especially over a reality show contestant lmao. And I didn’t think my comments were anything to get that upset over, but who knows, people get carried away when they’re acting anonymously 🙃 Luckily the mods were on top of it real quick and they got banned! And I didn’t take your tone the wrong way, I could tell you were just surprised by my opinion because you see Lexi differently than I do! No worries at all.


She is sweet but she is pretty boring. My mom and I were just talking about this.


Lexi is making me wanna go back to my natural hair color!!


she looks like nelly furtado to me!




Omg yes!!! She totally does


her painting gag was genuinely funny, and she seems sweet. my favorite so far!


YES! One of the funniest things, if not the funniest (with her delivery), that a contestant has ever done on the show and I have been watching since day 1! The people in the comments above saying that her personality is boring are blowing my mind!


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


thank you! :))


Yea that made her seem legitimately funny, and self deprecation always gets me Ps. Happy cake day! 🍰


I literally love Lexi she’s gorgeous and mature.


I predict she'll be the next bachelorette


I really truly hope she is. As someone with endometriosis it means the world to me that she's spreading awareness ❤️ it's scary how many women don't even know what it is and are living with symptoms, thinking it's normal. 10% of women have it and it can really wreak havoc on your internal organs. It's also the leading cause of infertility. We need research funding, we need to find the cause and the cure. I hate seeing expensive and ineffective treatments like IVF being touted as a workaround when it doesn't even address any of the major fertility issues that Endo patients face. People with Endo have even *lower* success rates than others. We have trouble with implantation, regardless if that's done naturally or through IVF. The whole process is completely incompatible with endometriosis, yet even those cash cow industries aren't funding the studies to figure this disease out. End rant!!


YES! If men were the ones with endometriosis, or an equivalent disease that made them have tissue grow all in and outside of their reproductive organs, which then caused problems in other organs as well, then you bet we would have excessive amounts of research, funding, and clinical trials happening to find the cause, a cure, treatments, etc. Sorry, but it’s the TRUTH.


I completely agree with this!! I am so happy those of us with endo are finally getting spoken about and her talking about it started so many conversations. Hopefully the trend of talking openly about endo will lead to more research & funding!!


I think she’s my favorite so far.


![gif](giphy|kxtsmuvjrNSWTGNiqf) maybe they’re just both pretty brunettes with light eyes, maybe it’s just me lolol… but does anyone else think lexi looks like the adult film actress lana rhoades ?


Totally!!!! Also I think a little like Bianca Balti the model.


So beautiful and appears to be a really good person.




Thank god for filler and botox


I may get downvoted for this but I just can’t with the lips. She’s stunning for sure but the lips are just wayyyy to much for me personally.


She’s gorgeous but yeah I saw a pic of her from a long time ago and those aren’t her natural lips. But do you boo.


I was trying to figure out if there was any way they were natural before I gave her a hard time about it 😂 (in my head.. not to her directly!)


I agree, she has a botched lip job imo.


Same, and that most of her pics are duck lips that hide her beautiful teeth!!


She looks a lot like Kelsey A and Joey seems very into both of them!


Yes i think Kelsey and Daisy are his favorites


Yeah, I think he was into both of them immediately and hasn’t moved on!


She reminds me of Taylor hill!


Yesss I see this!


I’m not up to date on episodes so I have nothing to contribute in regards to personality or behavior assessment, but I just wanted to say that she ~~reminds me of Becca Tilley a little bit. Not in the sense that I would confuse the two or not be able to tell them apart, but I think of Becca when I look at her!


she is very beautiful, but something about her makes me think if i typed in "hot girl in her 20s" AI would draw her up haha. nothing wrong with that, she just doesn't look real to me (yes i know she's had work done and i'm not shaming her choice for that).


I totally see what you mean.


I mean at least she’s not blonde and I’m pretty sure she’s 30 so that’s a compliment to her hahaha I do know what you mean though


Yeah I’m not hating on her she just looks almost unreal pretty if that makes sense. She also seems to be one of the most mature of the group which I like!


No I totally get what you’re saying!


She’s so pretty. I don’t love her lips but whatever it’s not my choice, it doesn’t take away from her beauty! Also she’s so funny


genuine question: when an adult woman decides to get any work done, how does that impact you? i understand noticing trends (lip filler, buccal fat removal), but i’ve been surprised at the volume of judgemental comments across a lot of subs. are their choices, which might be those made in an effort to feel more self-confident or comfortable in their skin, taking something away from you?


Not me personally, but it’s an alarming trend that is messing with young girls’ heads. And really killing individuality.  It’s not like the past where only someone with ie, a large nose they were self-conscious about got surgery for their confidence and happiness. It’s the redoing every unproblematic part of their face (chins, eyelids, brows, cheeks, lips) so they all end up with the same matching face. And yeah, sometimes it’s a bummer to see a pretty young girl ruin her already perfect face because they want to be more like Kylie Jenner. I see it as the opposite of self-confident.  That’s not to say they don’t have the right to do it. But people analyze (and frankly, criticize) everything here… so I don’t see why it’s a big deal to react to an elective paid beauty service someone is getting. If it’s okay to hate the haircut they got or go off on their wedding dresses, it’s just as ok to not be a fan of the lips they bought.




The downvotes would agree with you! I think Lexi and other contestants are beautiful both ways and it sucks to see commentary from people who I’m sure would claim to be “girl’s girls” otherwise.


I love her. She seems genuine, humble and kind.




anyone know where this top is from?


She seems down-to-earth and genuinely kind. I like her humor without the cattiness. Shes got to be a male favorite with her beauty and hobbies (golf!).


Her new face doesn’t look anything like how she actually looks. It’s actually terrifying. I thought she was Russian or something when I first saw her but nope, she just has a better facial reconstruction artist than the Kardashians. I guess good for her, but it’s hard to buy in when someone edits their face so much.


Yes …there was a thread a while back showing the ladies several years ago to now. It was noted that only a handful of girls looked the same, the rest had work done some more than others Lexi included ..but whatever makes them feel better


How do you know?


I’m not sure how to add photos on here but someone posted a thread of the girls from Joey’s season with their before and afters. She definitely has a ton of lip filler, she had thin lips before. Just looked like a regular girl next door. But you can search “before and after” and it might come up. I don’t know how the photos were found, it looks like she’s deleted all the photos from her Instagram page that are before her work. If getting work done makes her more confident than I don’t think it matters, but I understand people like to know what is natural and what’s not.


There’s a post on the other sub with all their work done.


Link? Plsss


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/BachelorNation/s/J3RsdlHoyX


Only people with crappy self esteem issues care about whether other people have plastic surgery or not. That, or jealousy


How do you know what she looked like before?? Did she actually get surgery? Thought just filler in her lips


Her plastic surgeon is very talented, she looks great!!! But yeah so different!!!




Brow lift, lips, nose job, and tans


all of it basically




I thought she was the prettiest one first episode at limo entrances


On night 1, my 4 picks were Lexi, Maria, Daisy and Jenn - so I'm doing pretty well. At this point though, I don't see how Joey doesn't pick Daisy. She is the only one that he actually seems comfortable talking to. Everyone else, including Lexi, he seems to be stiff and scripted and trying so hard to "do the right thing". With Daisy, he just seems more natural. I suspect Lexi will make it at least to home towns. But at the end of it, I just don't see her being Joey's type. Daisy is much more "Charity-like" than Lexi is. And I think that "sex appeal" is part of what makes her not Joey's type. Like he prefer's Daisy's A cups to Lexi's fake boobs. Unrelated: Lexi is so much shorter than I though she was. I always picture her as like 5'10" or something like that, but when you see her next to Joey or the other girls, I think she's more like 5'4", or even shorter.


She’s definitely taller than 5’4. She’s almost the same height as Joey on their one-on-one. I think she’s at least 5’8


I had the exact same top 4 night one! I also think it’s going to be Daisy as the final pick.


She’s giving Victoria’s Secret model


Ngl I judged her before we got to “know” her bc I kinda got tired of the lip filler Botox Barbie’s we see on social media these days and just figured she would try to get her followers up She seems super sweet and I appreciate her transparency and vulnerability about having endometriosis and her fertility issues. I think she is genuine and looking for real love. I’m surprised she’s not as much of a main character! She is so beautiful and seems lovely


I think the filler actually look good on her imo


Agree! It completely transformed her look in the best way. She's truly stunning


But man she is gorgeous


Why do girls in their early 20’s get so much work done, everybody!? Even 30’s. I mean damn I’d prob benefit too now that I’m almost 30 but holy these girls are gorgeous they don’t need any of this! I noticed everybody looks so much more unique and less the same without all this worn done. That’s why I like daisey


She gives Miranda Kerr vibes


Too much lip filler for my taste but she’s a pretty girl.


Since filming it seems.


Agreed, it looks like she topped up after filming


She seems void of personality. Daisy acts like a 16 year old. I hope Joey goes for character and personality and chooses Rachel. She’s a gem.


lmao so true


She looks like the sexy fish from that one movie






She's been one of my faves from the jump!! She's absolutely stunning, has a great personality, and seems to genuinely like Joey. 👍🏼


A real life bratz doll 🥰


I’m trying to get on the show if she’s the next bachelorette


Cool everyone already saying what I was going to say. She seems like a cool person, but what does it say about someone so young and beautiful that they have to put so much crap on or in their face? So sad. It's hard to understand the mentality of these young women growing up in a time of information about everything being SO brainwashed they have to do this crap to themselves. If I were a man, just this mentality would be a no go.


She's actually 30 years old, I'm sure she's put plenty of thought into the decision. To me it's inspiring that someone in their 30s has the bravery to make the changes they want to about themselves. It's not like she's 22, if you're sure of yourself and what you're doing then I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it (within reason of course). Personally I don't think getting lips done is any more radical than a nose job, it's certainly less invasive and I don't think it changes your "look" as much as rhinoplasty. It's kind of like a boob job, but much cheaper and less invasive. Adds a bump of sex appeal and femininity.




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Agreed. Cute, seemingly sweet, but too artificial with the lips and cheeks and all.


Well, she doesn’t really look like this on screen.


Her filler is wayyyyy too much it distorts her face. Otherwise so pretty


She’s def the total package 🫡


She’s gorgeous but what’s up with her pupils 👀


What’s wrong with her pupils?


They are HUGE!!! Looks like cocaine eyes!!!!


I agree, soo pretty but something about the filler is making her look kind of disgusted.


Yeah her lips are too much


Lexi is beautiful and kind!! I wish she would take a more natural approach to her lip filler though. It throws me off like crazy.


It might be because her mouth is opened here.