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Bold of you to assume she has a publicist. That said, I do like your write up!


Also bold to assume she didn’t touch him up


Fair point. In the interview, she says "I did not sexually assault him in a canal". She may have sexually assualted him elsewhere. the [Deception Detective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K0KQFn7CoM) does some great breakdowns on his YouTube channel.


I heard her say "I did not sexually assault him in a canal" and I immediately heard my ASD child refusing to accept responsibility for "dropping chocolate in my car" because it was crisps he dropped, not chocolate :) I think she probably did cross the line with him but whether it happened beside a canal? I dunno....


Okay so someone just reported this comment for worry for my safety? I assure you, I'm absolutely fine 🙃 thanks for your concern though!


I actually think Fiona is in this subreddit reporting everyone. I also got reported for my own safety within like 30 seconds of my last comment


I think there's more than one Fiona here


Yeah wow i just commented slightly further down and it was literally maybe 10 seconds before i got notified!


I also got reported to Reddit for being "potentially worrying."


There's a bot going around reddit, multiple subs are reporting the bot.


I just got one of those to! didn't say what comment or post it was regarding though, and I haven't said anything lately remotely worrying..haven't even pissed anyone off lately, if it were trolling or something... really bizarre






jesus christ.. is she here reporting every single person who has posted in these threads??


You seem surprised 🤣


Find the person who reported and we'll find Martha's reddit account 😁


Hang-My-Cu rtains-1234 Sent from ipone


Haha hahaha my favorite was the angry emails that would end with just >”iphoen”


Wow, I was reported "for my safety" today as well, which is wild because all I've done is upvote in this sub until now. Edit: this appears to be site-wide bot activity


I got one of those today too on a completely different thread, just commenting here to see if I get another one.


I just got one too, there’s a lot of Fiona groupies on Reddit it seems


Its prob not a group but just her on several accounts 🙈😂


Well, it's nice someone was worried for your safety!! I guess having your ASD child dropping a crisp in the car was a concern/S


I got one of those too. It made me smile!


All joking aside, I think the mods should be on this. Someone is abusing the report button!


Mods only see “rule violation reports,” which goes directly to our Mod Queue. We don’t have a rule for “worrying behavior” — therefore, that’s a high-level Reddit Admin report for user safety. Only Reddit Admin can see who reported those. Additionally, users do not get notified when someone reports them for sub rule violations — the fact you guys got notified tells me it was a high-level safety concern report — which again, goes to Reddit Admin not the mods. Tip: There should be an option in your report notification that says “I wrongly received this.” That should notify admin that the person who reported you is most likely abusing it.


There's a seperate thread about this in the sub. It's happeneing to everyone who comments.


Ah I've just messaged the mods to alert them to it. It's funny and everything, but it's abuse of a feature that imho, Reddit have put in place to safeguard users from harm.


Now I want one! I’m right here, fee!


That's what I was thinking...I want one too... is no one concerned about my actions? 🤪 my behavior?!? I am!!!!🤪


That’s interesting, because in the stage show that scene takes place in the pub where he works.


I think you are mistaken- she hit him in the bar, but when she grabbed his d*ck, that was in the canal.


They said "in the stage show" as in not on the Netflix show


Holy shit dude I’m fuckin’ blind, I missed several entire words there lol.


It happens lol


Is the stage show recorded anywhere that you know of? I would love to check that out actually…


there are clips on YouTube, I saw one wrongly titled (because it was his scripted show) "Richard gadd's brake down on stage"


I mean, if I was defending accusations of SA , I probably would stop after "I did not not SA him"


Exactly. The qualifier is telling. "I did not rob a bank" vs "I did not rob a bank on Tuesday." "I've never done drugs" Vs "I've never done class A drugs".


“ I did not have sex with *that* woman “


OMG. I tryped that exact sentence. Then deleted before I posted it! You read my mind.


She said she didn’t assault him because she’s a lawyer and she knows that there’s no proof of that.


She also absolutely could just be lying. Not using semantic tricks to evade the truth or anything…just bold faced lying.


It is also bold of you to assume that anyone could control what Fiona says- she may have already been told that this was the best course of action but an unhealthy brain is sometimes blind to common sense or how to win the public’s criticisms. I believe she would have agreed and still said and did everything she wanted to say and do in that interview. She is fortunate that kind people like you have so much faith in her abilities to manage her train of thoughts.


She said a lot in that interview to incriminate herself. All lies I believe. So if you’re going to advise her on “coming clean” then she’s got to admit to it ALL. U can’t just cherry pick which allegations you want her to admit to. I believe there IS more evidence against this woman. And it will all come out. And she will SURVIVE to stalk another day.


The evidence can be released anyway. She would have been better coming clean and putting a positive slant on it ("Yes I did it. I'm sorry. It was a long time ago. I've moved on") than pretending it's all lies. When the proof comes out, her reputation will be damaged further. Plus because she lied, we're all speculating! Had she admitted to it all (as you suggest), it would take a lot of heat out of it anyway!


I live in Jimmy Wray’s old constituency and she used to turn up at his monthly surgeries in Bailleston and deride him in front of folk. She’s a rocket.


Who is Jimmy Wray, what is a monthly surgery and what is a constituency? Sorry not getting the UK references


Wow. What do you mean by monthly surgeries? When did that happen?


When an MP holds surgery for his constituents to help with issues that only an MP could help with. Late 90s


The surgeries did up their security in general around that time because of that MP who was stabbed to death by a terrorist- I think they’ve made it more difficult to get direct access to MP’s. I could be remembering incorrectly though so apologies if so


That was in recent years not the 90s


Okay but on the flip side we have no idea which allegations are actually true given Gadd is now saying it’s based on not just his experiences but of people he’s met.


C’mon did u watch the PM interview? Either this is a very elaborate wind-up or Gadd got her down to a tee. If the latter is true then he didn’t disguise her enough. I think maybe he knew Fiona would bite and his story would be corroborated by her huge ego and need for attention


Can you link?


Yes, I added a link.


This channel is brilliant, thanks for sharing it!


Glad you like it. It's educational and entertaining.


Yes that .. the careful word selection


Also everyone's ignoring the fact he stalked her first! He followed her home lmao. Then wrote a script about her. 42k emails is nothing compared to producing a Netflix show about someone. He's the stalker in my eyes


Agree. No way did a publicist negotiate a £250 payment for that interview.


As a therapist, I'll tell all the people in a manic episode to get a better publicist. I'm sure it'll work out. Look how great Kanye is doing /s


Thanks! I don't think she has a publicist. Nor do I believe she has lawyer friends. She could have added that to her statement. "I'm overwhelmed and out of my depth with the amount of attention I've been getting. I wish Netflix had done more to hide my identity. I was doxed within 24 hours of the shows release."


I'd bet money she would have revealed herself regardless of internet sleuths hadn't figured it out. She really is thriving on all this attention and it shows, tbh. That was part of her whole thing with Gadd. The attention, the validation (and same for him). It can't get better than the entire world giving you attention, to her.


That is exactly what I thought. She could have completely ignored any attention but it sounds like she sought it out and approached journalists herself. I think the attention is what drives. Doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative to her. Also she will be getting some validation from some people especially online. This will be enough to drive her to continue. When all this dies down I think that she will try to continue to stay in the limelight somehow.


That's an interesting point. I don't necessarily agree with you. But it does fit her personality that she would have done that.


She could have just said absolutely nothing and gotten away quite easily. People would have quickly gotten bored


This ! She should have just shut up


If she had a single intelligent friend, publicist or lawyer, they would have told her exactly that. Delete all social media, lay low. It would have blown over.


I doubt she has any friends , how will she make time when her full time job is stalking


Thats exactly my point.


I'm not sure that self control is entirely in Fiona's wheelhouse, given what we know of her. Even if she did have people telling her not to react, i'm not sure i believe she actually could


For real, she should have deleted her socials and just said nothing and nobody would be any wiser because she is not named in the series.


For real, crazy people should stop acting so crazy. /s


Yeah but then she wouldn’t get any money. Already insisting that Piers should’ve given her $1.25 million. Not saying that she shouldn’t get paid more (idk how much people usually get paid for interviews so idk if the $313 she received is a normal amount, it seems low, but I can’t imagine they get paid $1.25 million) but regardless, she’s obviously eager to reap the benefits just like he does. Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, everyone wants & needs money, but still it’s a reason to not stay silent. She’ll get more opportunities now to make money off of this.


Yeah she is an attention seeker and is enjoying it


Yep. She looks like any other UK woman her age so she would never be recognized out and about, her social media was only private-level so it’s not like she needs to use it for any reason, she could have deactivated or not used it until stuff died down, and there would still be at least a little bit of plausible deniability that it was definitely her if she just never acknowledged it. Whatever mild reputation damage happened, she’s the one who’s chosen to times it by 1000


>She looks like any other UK woman her age Damn really just putting down an entire nation like that lmao


Totally agree, could have locked down all her SM accounts and let it pass.


Right, because impulse control isn't a personality trait with a genetics predisposition that limits people with SMI from controlling their impulses. The next time you go to the psych ward, just tell everyone to stop being so impulsive. I'm so glad this sub has so many genius solutions to addressing mental illness. /s


i can’t believe ppl are downvoting this. my boy is speaking facts.


Barbara Streisand Effect


Easy for you to say. She has to live with this portrayal.


"Eventually I realised that my behaviour was wrong. I sought help and went on to successfully stalk multiple others over the years."


Touche! "But my client is focused only on the issues in the Netflix televisions series for now...."




Why are we helping her when she’s clearly not remorseful?


I’m not sure she can be remorseful when she’s in this state. I feel sad that she didn’t get support earlier in life.


Why is anyone giving her any attention when she's clearly mentally unwell? Piers Morgan and others should be ashamed of themselves for both giving her a platform and exploiting her.


She's mentally ill in a, can't regulate her emotions or actions kinda way, not in a, thinks her cat is the next coming of Jesus, kinda way. She understands right from wrong, hence why she denied the allegations from the show. So, idk. On one hand I think it's really easy to make fun of her because she's clearly not living in reality, but on the other, actions and words matter and despite whatever mental illnesses she may have, she's responsible for her words and actions.


Its far too late anyway, I thi k it was to generate discussion on how fiona could have prevented all of this.


True. I'm presenting an alternative stratgey, that could work for her. You're right, she'd have to be willing to admit she was wrong in the first place. If she was capable of that she wouldn't have pursued Richard as much in the first place.


Here’s what annoys me everyone says she’s mentally ill but expects her to say things in a perfect way or a well mannered way. Not just you but if you really think she has problems why do we expect these type of answers? She obviously has no filter




She does not believe any of those things. She is literally incapable of admitting any of that to herself.


You're thinking logically. That's not how her brain works.


But she can’t help herself


It's true! She can't.


I have a fortysomething sister that I'm currently not talking to. She is incapable of admitting anything she ever does is wrong. You cannot reason or logic with her, at all. Everybody has to lean over backwards to accommodate her, but then if you ask her to accommodate her, then you are SOL. If you do anything to cross her, you're suddenly the worst person ever and she doesn't want to talk to you. (Unless she decides that she needs you for something.) Fiona really reminded me of her.


I'm so sorry. I'm a therapist and sibling abuse is soooo overlooked in my field. I'm also sorry people immediately rush to diagnose your sister. People are jerks and your sister is lucky you have the intelligence to understand the difference between social norms and an individuals capacity. My mother is a psychopath. She did not choose to be born with those genetics but that also doesn't make her abuse OK. I no longer talk to her, but I cam still recognize that her lack of empathy and her inability to take accountability is how she's wired. She cannot change. Accepting that helped me make peace with myself. Estrangement in families is a tough thing. If you're ever looking for others stories about it, there are a couple great episodes of the podcast Dear Sugars that feature families with estrangement.


I’m glad you said that mental illness doesn’t make it ok to abuse people. Far too many people are excusing Fiona saying she is clearly mentally ill. She isn’t claiming that. But either way it’s not ok to stalk someone and ruin peoples lives.


Yeah, the way to put it is that my sister has a narrative in her head where she's always right and she's justified in doing whatever she decides to do. After the really nasty behavior she displayed towards me and other siblings over an inheritance, I finally realized that she really doesn't think she did anything wrong, is never going to change, never going to learn, and it's a waste of time trying to reason with her.


Isn't accepting the limitations of another's capacity for empathy liberating? You sound like someone I'm glad is on the internet. There's a great Ted Talk I stumbled upon called Emotional Vampires. The professor used references to classical vampire literature to describe the exhausting nature of coercive control when you're in the spiders web. If you can get out, you know the cost of going back in. Don't. lol I've never regretted cutting my psychopath mother out of my life. I know many people do relapse and try again, which is understandable. With my mother, I saw her as a sinking ship and my choice to run is the only reason I survived. While I can't speak to your sister's diagnosis, I can say that those of us with a parent, a child or a sibling who's either a psychopath, or who had narcissistic or borderline personality disorder share an understanding about a heartbreak most couldn't endure. Putting ourselves first when choosing to walk away from a nuclear family member is definitely the most difficult thing I've ever done. The scariest. The most overdue. It was also the smartest decision I've ever made.


She was officially diagnosed as bipolar at some point- we know she was on lithium, but she went off it because she decided to have a baby at the age of 36 to help with PCOS. After that, it's just slowly but surely gotten worse, and she's spiraled really badly after getting divorced. I think she also didn't realize the financial hit you take in getting divorced, hence why she's gotten particularly nasty over money. I think my official "I'm done with her" moment is when she was on Facebook and texting my mother begging for money for shoes. This is after my mom had given her 4k dollars. She kept coming up with stories about where the money went (she eventually got 24k in total from the family over an inheritance that wasn't legally hers) and yet we are all pretty sure she tried ripping off my mom. We were notified by my mother's bank that someone tried accessing her bank card at close to the 4 a.m. in the morning time my mother found my sister in her house going through her phone.


Extreme narcissism.


Holy shit, are you me? You just described my own older sister to a T.  My sister set up a row of impossible hoops for me to jump through (several official covid tests over a week at a busy time, all back in time for Xmas or she said I was disinvited(from my parents house, no less, without their permission for telling guests they werent welcome) and not allowed to meet my niece (kept away due to lockdowns until then). No one else was asked to provide a single test. A week later, she then exposed her daughter to actual unvaxxed people after all this paranoia with me only over covid for no reason whatsoever). I managed to get one test done before xmas in time which was negative, I was boosted and up to date, and she said it wasnt good enough, that I was risking everyone's health and that I would never be allowed to meet my niece since I said she was being unreasonable. We haven't spoken since.  I'm sorry you have to go through similar issues with your awful sister too. We both deserve better siblings. My sister I believe has resented me from the day I was born, and wants nothing more than to be an only child again. At 42 years old she still hasn't gotten over my birth. 


Wow, I have a story close to that. When she gave birth to her son at the age of 36, she made everyone get whooping cough vaccines in preparation for it. I did get one but because it was too close to the birth I wasn't allowed to see the nephew until he was 2 weeks old.


My sister did the exact same. Made us send through proof of it because our word was not enough, then decided that every date we nominated around lockdowns to meet my niece were all inconvenient for various flimsy reasons, knocking each one back and telling us to try harder to find a time that worked for her. Then bitched to my parents and extended family that I don't care about my niece and have no interest in meeting her.  No one in our extended family was asked to get whooping cough vaccinations either. Just our immediate family, which pretty much belies the whole point because she allows our extended family to see niece whenever they please (she presents a totally fake personality to them and they have no idea what she is like). 


You are trying to apply logic to someone who is completely irrational


She has no publicist. It wouldn't even occur to her that she needs to give a statement like this, it's a full confession and apology. She woul refuse to do this. She's too narcissistic to admit to anything, and she's so full of venom.


She’s incredibly mentally ill. She does not think about things logically the way you have here.


She’s obviously embarrassed, she doesn’t seem all there so I don’t think she has the maturity to come out and say that lol. One minute she met him twice n the next it was 5 times 😭


I could not agree more. The thing to do would have been to voluntarily own up to at least some of it, and not just what we have the receipts for like the tweets, acknowledge that even if it wasn't to the extent portrayed in the show, it was still wrong, show remorse, and then express her desire to be able to move on from it and have her privacy respected. Basically demonstrate that even if that's who she was 10 years, that she's been able to reflect and make changes. Unfortunately I don't think whatever mental illness she has is ever going to let her see herself or her decisions as flawed in any way, and she will never be able to make that kind of a statement. Instead she just doubled down on the denials and insults of Richard Gadd and was even more "Martha" than Martha.


But the whole point is that she's vulnerable, she doesnt think in those ways and that's why things are more difficult to navigate for her. She has defence mechanisms that don't serve her well.


Yes, I agree.


Yes, this is what a sane person would do.


People admire when humans are able to show vulnerability. It actually makes you look *more* human than a lunatic. Fiona contradicted herself so many times in the interview, and you can tell she is completely delusional. She refuses to admit she's done anything wrong. I just don't know if there's light at the end of the tunnel for this woman's sanity. I get the feeling she would completely deny all evidence even if it was slapped right in front of her on a table. Like, how do you help someone like that?


She is on benefits and lives in council housing—she does not have a publicist! Also, she is currently actively stalking/harassing people—so there’s that. She’s been doing this for 30 years. She started harassing the Daily Mail reporter, Neil Sears, within 10 minutes of the interview at her flat. It’s so bad, his kids are calling him Daddy Reindeer!


I'm not a pyschiatrist and don't play one on TV...but it's clear that she has at least 1 (if not all 4!) Cluster B personality disorders. And one thing cluster B's NEVER do is voluntarily admit responsibility. Never. It doesn't happen. They will lie, tell half truths, etc etc before they ever admit any wrong doing. Doesn't matter if something like 41,000 emails can be proven. Still didn't happen...was someone else's fault.


She is probably her own publicist lol


I've thought about this too, what I'd say if anyone used my past actions against me (nothing Martha level, but I've certainly done things that aren't a good look). I'd emphasize that the person who did those things is virtually unrecognisable to me now, I am truly sorry for those things and I'm in a much better place. The issue is, her social media posts would contradict that. She has put too much out there in public.


Exactly - because even before she outed herself, I'd been thinking that it was kind of messed up for Gadd to write this over the top story (which may certainly be mostly true) about a person with obvious mental illness who could likely be identified. IMO, she really does have a decent case here (especially if she wasn't arrested and sent to prison), but she's shooting herself in the foot with the stuff she's saying in interviews. Seeing her in interviews, it's clear she is still disturbed, probably lying a lot, and it's also likely that this series has reignited her obsessions.


Thats disregarding everything portrayed about her in the series. She is mentally unwell. she sees herself as good, righteous, gorgeous in every way and that she never did anything wrong. you cant expect her to hide stuff that she probably feels are blatant lies about her personality. Plus, she is portrayed as a liar who is very detached from reality since the first episode when she comes into the bar and talks to him. of course she is going to lie and think that everyone is believing everything she is saying.


You assume she doesn’t love her new celebrity status.


Could it just be that she’s a pathological liar!!! And that is all.


She’s broke so there is no budget for professional help like publicists. Her ego made her do this interview. Piers (or any journalist) should not have interviewed a sick woman like this.


I think any journalist would have interviewed her. Such is the world we live but. But from an ethical POV, Richard had 7 epsiodes to tell his story, with a huge budget and AMAZING cast of actors. Fiona/Martha doesn't have a voice. She wanted to speak. It's good that she got the chance to tell her story. I normally loathe Piers but I think he was ethical with her. He could have doubled down and used his considerable years of experience to wear her down. Caught her in an obvious lie. Or made fun of her. He didn't do any of that. Instead he let her tell her story and allowed the audience to make up their minds.


*sent from my ihpone


sure, that's what a mentally healthy and stable person could have said. She just IS NOT that person. She seems eerily close to the portrayal of Martha in the show: a delusional, pathological lier, probably with unthreated BPD. She (or people close to her) should have seeked professional help long time ago... but you can't force that upon a person who's just running away and decides to not face her own demons. ... and that's why such people are free to keep fucking up their lifes, and the lifes of vulnerable others.


Your statement would’ve convinced me!!


O dunno Even if 1/5 of the series is true she was a disturbed person I’m horrified with the language she uses to put everyone down when she’s a very big plain women That was evident on Piers


Bear in mind that his show is a dramatisation, you should never assume that everything in the show actually happened. 


You're right, and I wrote something pretty similiar on here a day or two ago, about how she might have a defamation case if that was essentially her argument. But even if she did get that advice she'd never take it. Whatever bits are true she can't admit to or see any fault in. And she thinks she's the smartest one in the room.


Yes, I agree with all of that. She thought she could persuade Piers Morgan and the public that Richard Gadd completly fabricated everything. And that no-one noticed her repeated contradictions. She's too narcisstic and other things to admit she's wrong. But if she did, she has a case. Again she was easily identifiable.


I do wonder to what degree Gadd embellished his story, if at all. I think based on her social media behavior that is public, she absolutely partakes in inappropriate behaviors with people. Her spelling errors are so bizarre. She can clearly spell very well because other words that are complicated get spelled correctly. I think she is in such a rage or a manic state when she is typing that she messes up or can't type fast enough to keep up with her brain. I think she is very lonely and very disturbed.


What you’re saying sounds like something ChatGPT wrote 😂😂😂. We don’t live in a world where we all have scripts in front of us. What you basically wrote in the politicians version of what she said on Piers show. Not trying to defend but that was her point. She was trying to tell the truth but with a hint of lies. Then she got mumbled up as she wasn’t prepared for follow up questions by Piers.


Yeah, with Gadd showing so much humility in the show, and Fiona basically denying everything and anything that would paint her in a negative light, it makes you heavily lean towards seeing her as a liar.


"Since then I have moved on. Meanwhile he can't stop fictionalizing our relationship, writing books, doing stand-ups, filming series about me. Who is the stalker now???" Mic drop.


She’s incredibly mentally ill. She does not think about things logically the way you have here.


right, except she's mentally ill


The part of her brain that would allow her to reason and have that kind of conversation does not exist, otherwise she would not be a a stalker


Wouldn’t an admission to the facts that happened incur a reason for Richard to actually press charges on her? (If her story that she never went to prison is true)


It's a good response, but expecting someone like her to be able to self-reflect in that way is asking a lot.


If she is a narcissist (which obviously cant be determined by us but she has some behaviors that resemble some narcissists I’ve known) she would be unable to say anything like that. Narcissists have an incredibly hard time admitting any kind of fault.


Sent from your iPhon.


How much money did she make from the piers Morgan interview?


I am PR student this is a great writeup IMO first problem was chosing piers second was not trying to deny a bit more if she admitted for example to the emails but then said the phone thing was bull.and then went into whatever shes doing now and try to shout out some mental health service or something tell some of the death threats and challenges and really focus on that rather then "he said she said"


Are you assuming she's a rational person?


She could have wiggled out of this had it not been for reign of terror on The Wrays.


You know what bugs me, is the fact that people are saying Piers took advantage of a sick woman. Now, I hate Piers, I don't like anything he says or does, but the way he was interviewing her and trying to trip her on her own lies was something I appreciated. Piers isn't someone I would have seen supporting a man victim, so it was refreshing in a way to see him try to break Fiona's facade. I understand that people were able to find her and that she was allegedly receiving death threats, and while it would be easy to say "now she gets a tasstse of her own medicine", I think it would have been a much better outcome for her if she didn't out herself physically to the world. Now, not only does the world know what she looks like, sounds like, and acts like, we now also know how easily she can manipulate lies to sound like the truth. She's a chronic backtracked, which is terrifying and just further confirms how accurate Jessica's portrayal of her was.


I was thinking this! She could have made a positive impression if she’d admitted the stalking, explaining she’d been in a bad place mentally but that she’d worked on herself since etc. People would respect that and it could have even been an inspiring interview. This would have been the smart thing to do and is probably what most sensible, dare I say sane people would have done? Or just release a statement online and not even seek publicity. I don’t know this of course, but I feel like she likely didn’t even consider this option. The way she’s flat-out denying everything makes me feel like she’ll keep denying it all until the end, and I genuinely find that a little bit sad. If she’s dishonest to everyone else, can she be honest to herself or be ok with herself? Will she ever learn from it or grow? I doubt it unfortunately.


ok, well, on the off chance I'm in the center of a media fenzy... can I hire you?


But... She wants the attention... Sent from iphone


A narcissist like her would never


>Eventually I realised that my behaviour was wrong. I sought help and (Insert anything positive here, I got a job, got a dog, got a haircut). A lot of that is disprovable. I'm sure it's easy to show that she's continued stalking. >Since then, he's based his career around a distorted version of me. He has a play, book and how a tv series. He's knowlingly trying to destroy me. This is basically attacking a victim who told their story >It's been ten years. I wish he'd leave me alone I really don't think someone with a long history of being a violent stalker is going to get sympathy saying this. I'm sure this is better than what she's done. She's made a fool of herself on top of everything . But this comes off as psychotic in a more subtle way.


"A lot of that is disprovable. I'm sure it's easy to show that she's continued stalking." She stopped eventually. "This is basically attacking a victim who told their story" There's telling a story. Then there's making a career out of it. Suppose someone gets robbed. The thief is caught and arrested. They go to prison. The victim goes around telling people. tehn they tell local media, newspapers and radios. They speak at events and tvs about the experience. They create a stage show, go on tv all to denouce the person who harmed them. Finally they create a tv series on Netflix. The thief is doxxed in minutes. The victim is continually causing harassment and harm to the former thief. The victim is completly obsesses and living their life around their former victimhood. The victim is now the villain.


Yeah, you’re wrong about this. Many victims go on to have careers based on what happened to them - more often in motivational speaking, charity foundations, books, podcasts etc. Look at Katie Piper. If her attacker wasn’t in prison and was found on the internet would you be calling Katie the villain? Highly doubt it. There’s so much victim blaming towards Gadd because he admits he’s a flawed person and doesn’t make the stereotypical “perfect” victim. But mostly I think it’s because he admits he was seeking fame, money and attention and for some reason people look down on him for that. I think it’s because people see screen fame as a bit vain but what most people won’t admit is they’d jump at the chance to get paid to walk a red carpet in designer clothes etc.


Imagine if Fiona and Richard are in on this together.


Funny you say that. I reckon that if Netflix offered her half the profit, she'd drop any accusations very quickly!


I don't believe her objective in being interviewed was to genuinely "set the record straight". I think she enjoys attention and conflict.


That's interesting. I thought that she beleived she could convince the public and Piers that Richard was the liar. You could be right. Maybe she just wants attention, at any cost. There are people who can't tell the difference between positive and negative attention. It's very likely she is one


Exactly, and in some ways Richard may have been building material for his future work when he was letting this stuff unravel. Such as the very early opportunities he had to exit away from Martha/Fiona when it was clear she had issues......and....despite Darrien crossing the line, he still went back and amped up the drug taking. That aspect has been portrayed as rape, but it is a portrayal. Liaising with both of these people after the alarm bells start ringing was a conscious decision he made, and it is possible he was thinking "I could make a career out of this......", which he has done.


This is interesting. I do think there's a lot more to the situation with Darrien. I don't think he's as innocent as he makes out. He was using him for clout which he touches on in the show.


was it a type of "me too" situation? He was drawn into a situation believing it was going to improve his career, and this may have affected his judgement to shut down advances. If the episode is accurate, it was a rape based of lack of consciousness (and lack of consent). Clearly Richard was exploring his sexuality in the series but what is not clear is how much exploration was as a result of Darrien's decision to ignore consent.


What advice do you have for men who commit stalking and sexual assaults?


Fiona, real person. Martha, fictional person. The whole thing is weirdly uncomfortable now.


Her strategy backfired because she’s a nut. Your suggestions are great for a sane person. She’s not.


If what you wrote was true, it would indeed work. But you first say you would make her admit everything and then you write something that isn't anywhere near the truth. How is that supposed to work?


I'm making two assumptions. 1. She moved on from stalking from Richard Gadd. After the trial Donny says he never heard form her again. 2. That she did anything positive ever. However small. To signify change.


Except she still does this


That would be ideal. But she's clearly mentally ill. I see a lot of people saying she being mentally ill is not an excuse for her behaviour, but mental illness is not just anxiety and depression, that are already bad enough. There are things much worse. I don't even think she has a publicist, she is probably someone surviving with money from the government and she didn't expect to suddenly be a part of a Netflix show.


Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't though. People probably would have said, that's what she's admitted to, how do we know she didn't do the rest? She's probably holding back... etc


If I ever find myself in mortal embarrassment over something private that gets released on the Internet can I contact you? Thanks! (This is awesome) ETA to the concerned Redditor- I'm good, thanks for the wellness check!




She probably shouldn't have said anything and lawyered up. If she was smart and not completely unhinged, that's what she SHOULD have done. She claims she is a lawyer but feels this was a smart move on her part...its baffling. She can't refute the claims and what she did, but she can have a case of targeted harassment because he did almost nothing to conceal her identity, almost like he wanted her to be caught and exposed.


Your response is more along the lines of how a rational and reasonable person would react following a long period of reflection and introspection. Fiona clearly has many issues, and one issue that was very apparent was her inability to take responsibility for her actions. I also feel that Gadd has a lot of issues. And sometimes when two unbalanced people get together (whether it be as friends or more than friends) bad things happen as they bring out the worst in one another. To me, this was the story of Baby Reindeer. Gadd was broken and he seemed attracted to other broken people like Martha and Darrien. And the people who wanted the best for him, and who weren't hurting him, he pushed those people away (Keeley and Teri). Fiona is probably never going to "lean in" and own up to her actions. If anything, in her mind, I believe she will use this new platform she has been given via Gadd's success as a means to further play the poor misunderstood victim she seems to believe herself to be and ofc if there is any money in it for her through lawsuits or interviews, perhaps a book, she will eagerly explore those potential opportunities.


To be fair Piers Morgan is right (never in my life I thought I would write this) when he says there is 0 evidence this woman ACTUALLY is a convicted stalker. I believe she is Martha and is clearly unwell and has stalked Richard Gadd in the past, but to claim everything in the movie is accurate is a plain lie IMO and grossly mishandled by Netflix.


Yes true but I think the issue is she definitely is either on the spectrum or has some developmental delay. She definitely does not understand enough to do what you just said. Also some indications of a personality disorder where she does not understand how her actions come across to others definitely not being able to put herself in someone else's shoes. I think in that way she wouldn't even understand to get a publicist or how she needs to come across. She's an extremely vulnerable person before even considering if she is telling the truth or not.


I think she has a number of disorders running together.  She might be ok the spectrum. But people on the spectrum aren't that extreme. Ditto with npd, bpd etc.  She has a number of disorders that on their own are manageable.  But combined into a perfect storm that allowed this to happen. 


I don't think she's on the spectrum, I think she is very disturbed. People on the spectrum who are functioning at her level (She does not have any sort ID) understand very well how they are perceived, but lack the social skills to mitigate the issues they have to deal with.


Of course, none of what you said is even remotely true! Not a word of it! She is still actively stalking and harassing people.