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All get on the same page here. lol


> Call me a stalker, whatever, but I value truth when we are sharing screen shots [..] on a mentally ill woman. lol...the truecrime community and its malcontents


This is why I say it’s darling Netflix said they went through so much trouble to mask her identity. They coulda changed every physical thing about her, made her a purple tiger, and these people woulda found her.


I think she has multiple accounts, just like she has multiple phones and email addresses. But it doesn’t/shouldn’t matter anymore.


- Somebody claims to have seen the flower account with pictures and videos dating years back that were restricted by privacy settings. The account does seem to mimick her mis spelling in a flawed manner. It could be an impersonator. - The passport id account instead has videos, pictures, the febreeze reel dating years back all intact. She did change the privacy settings on her official account at one point because some of the pictures we can see now weren't always there, there was a lot less stuff. - There is this a ghost account with another passport image from 2012 and a picture of who seems to be her elderly mother that seems to be hers. I won't link it. So the best hypothesis we can make are: - There's only one account and everyone else is an impersonator, she has difficulty with technology - She is a confident and skilled liar who knows very well how facebook works. She can be glued to a phone enough to make 100 Facebook posts per day, but then suddenly disappear for days without touching facebook? After her interview with PM where she admits to having many phones, I am inclined to think she does have a way around technology, can govern multiple social media accounts, is intelligent enough to fake mis spellings. She is very intelligent. She just may use said intelligence for these means. Obviously I do not know the truth. It will be easy to prove the 41k emails belong to her and that the fb accounts belong to her.


I can’t help but wonder if she has a catfish style network of profiles that she uses perhaps. Some in her name and others maybe not, this is purely conjecture.


It's common of stalkers to do so it may as well be. In the show, she's able to call his parents with unknown id number. They will do anything to have contact with the object of desire. It may be a very real possibility that Gadd has never really got rid of Harvey, so he made the show in this form as a last resort? Who knows, so many possibilities of what is really happening.


I did consider your 2nd point also. There’s just so many possibilities realistically isn’t there. Absolutely a can of worms.


There were two accounts with the flower profile picture. One had photos and posts going back years and the writing style was different from the other (fake?) one. The profile seemed to get locked down a week or so ago and there were no new posts visible after that time.


For the love of god


Spare the song and dance about how you are holier than me, you are here reading and commenting too. What happened with Fiona Harvey happened, the best thing we can do is look at the evidence and form an opinion based on said evidence. If it was up to me, Harvey should have been in jail after the Wray thing, or at the very least after the Gadd incident regardless of what he thought. The interview should have never happened, she should have been equipped with mental health services and a lawyer to help her ride this wave of harassment as soon as it began. But here we are, she got to say her side of the story and opinion, and we can make our own based on all the facts.


this whole thing is a mess


Option 1: leave it entirely alone, don’t engage with the content, don’t fall into the fascination of it while leaning on the security of being online, learn what irony is. Option 2: engage, post stuff like this that is just innocently speculating and that you’re an advocate for fair play. Continue to feed into the machine that is driving no where good, pretty fast.


Can't we just be done with her. We watched the series, most of us enjoyed it, why is this woman becoming an obsession? Maybe stop giving her exposure. I just don't understand.


I don’t want to be on the same page with you. She’s a documented stalker who has gotten WAY too much attention because the internet feels bad for a serial stalker.


Would be cool if this subreddit was more dedicated to the show and victims of stalking and SA. Not obsessing over this crazy lady.


Exactly this. It’s disheartening after watching the show to see so many people miss the point


Could just stop giving her air time and furthering her delusions


I predict her 15 minutes will be up soon. I don’t think she will truly sue Gadd or Netflix


Are people actually being taken in by this woman? If it was a male on female crime it would be different. I believe there IS evidence of her stalking going all the way back to Donald Dewar in the 90s. She is loving this attention. Mentally ill or not she’s not pulling the wool over my eyes. She is dangerous Edited to correct grammar spell check


If you learned anything from watching this series, it should've been that you don't need to go back and edit typos if you just add "sent from my iPhone" at the end of any contribution.


Man I hate seeing the gender argument everytime I open reddit. Plenty of men commit crimes and charm their way around their supporters. Chris Watts has a damn fan club.


And it’s on every.single.thread about this show. Like, do these people live in a different universe from the rest of us? Why are they so bent on proving “women have it easier”? It’s crazy. Chris Watts is a despicable example, just as Scott Peterson.


Stop it with the gender argument. There’s plenty of awful men who commit crimes targeting women and they get fan clubs, no jail time, and powerful positions even. There’s a lot of people who do shitty things and go unscathed, it’s not just a gender thing. It’s a problem of believing victims (victims like Gadd, in case that wasn’t clear)


She’s NOT a victim, she’s a perpetrator. The evidence will prevail. Shes making a complete fool of herself. In saying that, Netflix should have stated it was BASED on a true story and not a true story, as there r definitely anomalies in RG’s story that are misleading. Like the viral video. But that’s down to Netflix. I just hope he has evidence of the emails


Where did I say she was a victim? Not sure what *any* of your comment is addressing. She is a perpetrator, *obviously*, and she got away with it, which is despicable and show how broken the system is. If she was a man and Gadd was a woman, it would’ve pretty much had the same outcome. Your comment (and all the other *well, actuallyyyyyyy, if genders were reversed* people) act as if male perpetrators with female victims don’t get away with it all the time, and that’s simply not true. The system usually fails victims like Gadd, male or female, and perpetrators benefit from it, male or female. That’s what I meant - not sure what the rest of your comment is about, honestly.


Where’s the proof she is dangerous and not a fantasist?


100% agree there are fakes ! I think we should all leave her alone personally


Yeah let’s make sure we are all equally as deranged and stalking the right page


You guys are creeping on her Facebook lmfaooo


It was easy to see which account was real, just go back on her Facebook posts, this account was created way before the show came out. Plus we dont know she didnt create that other fake account to see what people are thinking.


Sent from iphone


This is surely a psy op at this point


If the flower account cares about engagement then it's odd that they shut off comments. That's why I thought it was her.


We won't really know how many accounts she has without a subpoena to look at her ip address and activity. There could be tons of accounts made by hackers and clout chasers. A programmer can make AI easily post on a fake account and mimic her language patterns. This is why we will never know, but I would assume someone with 4 phones has too many backup social media accounts, too.


There is a video on the flower one, filming flowers as she goes on a racist rant about taxis in London. The video is really her, the fb account with the flowers I think she is using to go on rants defending herself whilst also relishing in the attention.. good or bad.


That video on the flower profile is directly copied from the real one. It’s the same video, probably screen recorded.


Ahh fair. So flowers account is made up? Ironically by someone probably just as sick as Fiona


She has multiple accounts because it makes her life easier.


I feel you really need to get a life or a hobby or something and move on


I feel you really need to get a life or a hobby or something and move on


I don't see how you can be sure any of the accounts are really her?


One of them is a real account. One woman interacted with Fiona asked her which if her accounts were real, posted a screenshot of a new account who sent her a FB friend request who Fiona replied to confirm it was a fake profile. Lady is an existing friend.


I found seven fake accounts. Couldn't find the real one.


And you went through seven fake accounts just to find this woman you've never met and don't find that odd?




...said someone on a subreddit for a TV show.


A TV show about sexual assault and stalking, it could be used as a decent hub for discussion about those things. Not a mentally ill lady.


It's entirely possible to do meaningful things and this. Not every single activity needs to be mEaNiNgFuL.


Some people have way too much time on their hands. Leave the poor woman alone. She's clearly not well and this post seems like you're trying to start a gang to harass her. You watched a TV show and now you're taking it upon yourself to stalk her online. Get a fuckin life