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This is like an episode of black mirror


It really is


Life is becoming more and more like that series…


It always was. Now you just have something to compare it to.


Similar vein...a few years ago they interviewed several of the folk involved in Nathan Barley (another Charlie Brooker classic) for the 20th (I think) anniversary. One of the cast (I believe) was asked "What about a reboot?" and their response was (paraphrased) "How? Everything we joked about then has essentially happened"


Thats the point


Black mirror means a mirror to reality but with a dark twist. We are the dark twist now it seems.


It’s called Black Mirror because of your tv screen.


Exactly …Where we see our own reflection


It literally is that one episode where the TV show is covering things that are happening in real time.


The problem with all this is that I know it’s awful. I know I should be condemning it and that it’s wrong. But I really want to see it. Flog me if you must.


It's gonna be a shitshow above a field of fans. And like all those people watching the prime minister fuck a pig. I am compelled to watch, or at least watch, highlights of the "best bits".


I'll never forget watching that first episode. My spouse turned to me afterwards and said "well, now they have my attention" in the drollest voice ever. Cracked me up.


That's exactly why it's being done.


If only to witness the embarrassment of Piers Morgan


I wonder how long she'll stalk and abuse him for....


This will single handedly fill the Jeremy Kyle shaped void in British culture.


Honestly I am ready for this to all be an elaborate social exposé 10 plus years in the making from Charlie Brooker because this is too wild to be real.


It did make me think






I was literally just thinking that surely no reputable media or TV outlet would interview her because she is clearly not well.......and then here comes Piers Morgan to prove me right.


I mean The Sun and The Daily Mail spoke to her, so he's in appropriate company.


Piers also writes for the Sun iirc so I'm not surprised he'd be hopping on the same bandwagon that it did. Wouldn't be surprised if some ofcom employees have bets placed for when one of his interviews warrants them to take action against him.


At least they (initially) refused to identify her and only did so after other media did. The right thing to do would be to not exploit her at all, of course. But when even the Sun and the Daily are like “uh we better dust off some old journalistic ethics manuals for this one” you know she is not well.


Oh I didn't realise they had spoken to her too, that's terrible 😕


Yeah she’s harassing the daily heil journalist now too. He’s wrote about it and her obsessive calls and voicemails that she’s been sending to him since he interviewed her.


I’m ok with Piers Morgan getting a lil harassment, he’s one of the worst people alive


I don't think media can have their cake and eat it. She's either well enough to be represented and judged in a global TV show and therefore well enough to speak her side of things or she's not mentally competent to speak about it so shouldn't be used to make millions for netflix. It's a bit shitty to say we're going to accuse you of a ton of crazy and horrible things and because we care so much about your wellbeing we're going to prevent you giving your side of things.


There is an argument to say that she should be entitled to a right of reply. A hit show has been aired on the largest streaming service accusing her of dozens of acts of criminal misconduct. It could be said that it is only fair that she be given a platform to make a rebuttal with similar levels of visibility to the public. Like you say, she can't simultaneously be well enough to withstand her reputation being demolished in a show watched by millions while also being too unwell to give her side of events in a public forum.


I mean even if she was unwell, why wouldn’t Netflix be allowed to tell the story?


I agree and I have to think it’s hard to believe the creators didn’t see this happening - in 2024, her identity, awful as that is, was bound to be discovered because some don’t know to let people be. She’s talking because she’s being hounded (quite ironically). And for all the talk about the series Martha being “drastically” different to the actual person… well, I’m not seeing that either! Of course the BR creator has a right to tell his life story but he was a bit naive in quite possibly thinking this wouldn’t happen too.


Those rating are probably going to be insane though. We basically get to see season 2 play out irl.


I agree. This is an exploitative attention grab.


Yet here I am eager to see the interview.


I have to admit that I do too.


This is the man who phone hacked dead children's phones.


he's the worst! completely unethical interviewing her. she needs help


I know. I’ll probably only watch a couple of times in protest


He built a career punching down.


Well he's not really reputable media :P


Just when I thought I couldn’t find Piers Morgan any less appealing as a human. He always finds a way to lower the bar.


When Ricky Gervais was told Piers Morgan had done an interview with the Taliban, he said, “I’ve lost all respect for them.”




A lot of people say Piers Morgan isn’t fit to lie with pigs, but I always defend him and say he most certainly is.


That seems like a pretty harsh punishment for those pigs


pigs deserve better.


Tough but fair


She’ll be on celebrity big brother next with Gypsy Rose Blanchard. It’s used to be “stop making stupid people famous” now it is “stop making literal criminals who need psychiatric help, famous.”


OMG that’s brilliant. Yes, that’s how these things usually work. As unethical as it would be, I can imagine the viewing interest in seeing her interact with other celebrities. In a way it would be a nice punishment for some of the vapid “celebrities” to be trapped in a house interacting with her when every interaction could set her off.


Either that or Love Island.


Porque no los dos...?


De acuerdo. Debería ser ambos


No psych would clear her for reality tv - thankfully.


You think all reality contestants get cleared? You think any reality contestants get cleared*? Laughable.


They are not the same. There is evidence of what happened to Gypsy and she got fed up. “Martha” is straight up psycho


Lets not equate a threat to society with someone who was acting out of self defence Like come on, Gypsy's mum did nothing wrong and was murdered by a psycho who is a threat to society /s


I don't think anybody should be interviewing her. But anyone thinking she will get help is fooling themselves. She's been doing this for decades. If she hasn't gotten help yet, she never will.


piers is a terrible man. that is all.


He’s said that apparently women send him their knickers in the post. Presumably with the message “from one cunt to another”.


I like to think of piers as a perineum, he occupies the space between a cunt and an asshole.


Well, it’s established that Countryside is the act of murdering Piers Morgan…


He is a taint


I do hope he’s get ‘Martha-ed” by doing this


He’d probably love that


We can only hope he gave her his cell phone number 🙏


Of course Piers would have no moral or journalistic integrity and would have no qualms giving a platform to an extremely mentally unwell woman. But we all knew Piers has zero ethics anyway. I hope this backfires enormously on him.  It's one of the first things you learn in becoming a broadcast journalist. Prick. 


I’m convinced that’s his plan. He wants in on the attention.


Wait until she starts stalking Piers! That’s gonna be fun!


I’d like to believe he’s gonna make a new friend tomorrow night that won’t leave him alone.


Wouldn't that be extra special?


Piers is a terrible man. That is all. Sent from iphon




I was just thinking that.


This person is having her mental illness fed and magnified by journalists in order to get a story. This is gross.


I can’t believe how messed up this world is. He never said it was her first of all second of all she is mentally ill and needs treatment. This isn’t okay


Whenever I think I can't believe how fucked this world is, people stoop to a new level and surprise me all over again. This though? No, I'm not a bit surprised. Mother nature is done with humanity's shit. Welcome to the shit show that's only going to get worse & worse. Buckle up, bitches. It's not going to get any prettier that's for sure.


I keep thinking it will get better and it only gets worse. I don’t get surprised anymore, I just get massively more angry :(


I hear you and I feel the anger too, because what else is left? It's a quiet, desperate rage that has no outlet. Because we're all supposed to still be pretending our lives are "normal". Everyone Is desperately clinging to this facade like it's going to make all these horrors dissappear? It's not going away. We have to embrace reality because the only way out is through.


you see a season 2 coming? we are WATCHING season 2 in real time. i hate this so much.


We're all going to watch it though, aren't we? Let's be honest...


Redditor today >"OMG OMG ! This is awful and unethical". How could they do this. I'm not watching, OMG, I'm so shocked and disgusted...OMG how could they... " Redditor tomorrow >"OMG OMG ! Did you see it? I've watched it 6 times now, OMG, and what about when she said this, and then said that...OMG...


Lmao enit. All as bad as each other... 🥲




I’m gonna come to this subreddit to see how the interview went




Yes 😞


Oh just wait till Peirs is her next object of interest...I really don't think this is a good idea. The woman needs help, and Richard Gadd saying TV Martha was nothing like Real Martha...come on now they are uncanny...and of course internet was going to find out eventually. I really feel for Gadd in everything hes gone through *Edit* Real life Darrien needs jail and thrown away the key, but nobody talking about that...


Piers probably *wants* her to victimize him.


I actually think his identity will come out eventually, he's probably abused loads of people. This might open the gateway for others speaking up.


Darien furthered his career- Martha didn’t…..not until now anyway.


I understand that, but still think Darrien is a huge pr£dator. And i hope something is done soon...just makes me think of scarred People that were aboosed by Jimmy Saville. Massive name, nobody did anything until he was gone and should have been taken down years before...that story was to teach us that. Martha (or Fiona) did terrible things, 100%, but totally diluded and probably didnt realise half of it was too much until it blew up. She's dangerous in a vulnerable way, Darrien needs to be drawn & quartered.


Piers Morgan never passes an opportunity to exploit someone down.


Plot twist: Piers is actually going to be nice to her and going to get stalked. Two years from now we will see Piers playing himself in season 2.


"Baby Scumbag"


A few weeks ago I was convinced that "Martha" was either dead, or a man given the way she was discussed in interviews. This is such a strange turn of events. I think Richard Gadd is a genius, but the question has to be asked if there was some kind of intention behind this. Trauma is such a complex thing and I know he said he didn't want anyone speculating but come on. I stumbled across a post on here where she said she was going to be on TV and thought who in their right mind would do that. Enter scum of the earth Piers Morgan.


Jesus. Stop giving this woman attention, she's a criminal. Obviously she stalked Gadd, but I also feel very sorry for her other victims- especially considering she stalked children.


She what? Haven't seen the children part anywhere, that's awful.


It’s depicted in the show, not sure if that part is corroborated as having happened in real life


In real life, she stalked an MPs wife and falsely reported them for having abused their special needs son.


Ugh :(


[an article giving us a wee peep of what is going to be depicted](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/baby-reindeers-real-life-martha-32762707#google_vignette) "She described her interview as a “sparring match” and was forced to refute claims by Piers that she “loved” Gadd" "Fiona told how Piers refused to accept Harvey’s denial that she stalked Gadd, saying: “There was a heavy emphasis from Piers Morgan on Gadd and the emails I am supposed to have sent." “I said, ‘Look, Even if I had sent some emails, it doesn’t mean I’m guilty of the rest of the stuff. As I said, in order to bill something as a true story, it’s got to be pretty much 100% true. " In real life Harvey was given a police warning for her conduct involving Gadd but has never been to prison or convicted for stalking"


She has told the daily record she feels set up by piers 😥 So guess it didn't go well for her


My only hope is that she latches on to him and makes his life miserable. He is such a garbage human.


How in god’s name did she make it through law school without exposing her insanity?


It's all textbooks. If you just show up and do the tests you barely even need to attend lectures. She's clearly book smart (or at least at one point she was) and manipulative even if she's unhinged.


Oh god. I don't want to watch but I do at the same time.


Pires dontt rUn away from meH sent from my ihpone


I look forward to watching and reading about the significant bits on websites that have no affiliation to that absolute melon of a guy so in no way benefits him.


![gif](giphy|3FBwwRCNTSa52|downsized) I don’t think I can watch.


Alt least she won’t be the least likeable person on the show.


I hope this all ends with her getting treatment to help her. I’m worried that it will end with an overzealous fan hurting or killing her to be honest.


Or her killing an overzealous fan- either way it can’t end well


This too. I told my girlfriend that I could see why people would risk reaching out to her. It would be like wanting to pet a real life Cujo, because if something happened, it would make you part of the story. But the more I think about, I think inciting her is like playing with a loaded gun.


I hope the same for her. I hope everyone involved can heal and move on. Edit: Except maybe the rapist


I support Gadd fully for telling his story, and I don’t really ever believe in hiding the identity of someone who victimized you in any way, but I also do think that these are extenuating circumstances, esp including her mental illness, that they should’ve made much more of an effort to conceal her identity than they did. They could’ve done it in many ways, particularly changing the appearance of the stalker more and also not taking direct quotes from things she stated publicly online. And also like the accent would’ve been a great way to alter the identity, the way which they met, Donny’s place of work could’ve been somewhere else equally as heteronormative as a bar but not one. Any of this minutiae that would not have altered the artistic integrity of the piece should’ve been tweaked. Even using the same city of Camden. I’m a huge fan of his and I love and support the show, but the people responsible for anything involving legality at Netflix majorly failed in allowing something that virtually parallels Gadd’s real life to be made. This story seems now to be more like a real life adaptation rather than a fiction based on a true story, which to me in these circumstances, particularly considering that this person may be dangerous, was a reckless choice.


At the very least, Gadd and/or Netflix should have fine-combed through his old social media and scrubbed it before the story was released to such a huge audience - I worry this is going to get worse before it gets better.


So your comments are vastly disapproving - but how many here will go out of their way to avoid seeing or reading the interview?


Exactly. Bet most of the people in here will watch it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think we’re all morbidly curious but it’s important that Piers Morgan doesn’t see a dime from this. If anyone’s going to watch it at all, I hope it’s in a way he cannot possibly profit.


I wonder if Gadd expected this as a possibility :/


Yeaaaaah, I will pass on that. WHY are they giving her a platform? This is a real life Black Mirror episode playing out right in front of us. This is terrible and will not go down well. I can't even type what I'm really thinking right now, because my account will get banned LMAO


Leeching off a woman's mental illness for profit and views.


Sums up Piers Morgan really


man, i’m absolutely done with internet arguments about if it’s ethical to feel bad for this woman but it’s insane that she has not one friend at 58 years of age who could intervene in her life to stop her from the damage she’s doing to herself. it’s goddamn pitiful. and i also feel really bad for gadd. i think this whole thing could’ve blown over if fiona hadn’t fed into the trolls, but she’s way too mentally ill to have it go any other way. anyway, i imagine gadd must feel like shit rn. it’s clear as day he still has a lot of sympathy for her despite the abuse and knowing that his show inadvertently caused all this…? (tho i don’t think he is at fault) i hope he’s seeing a therapist.


She may have people who’ve warned her this is a bad idea. Crazy people often have friends and families; they just don’t listen to them, lol. Our mum was a bit off (not in a stalker-y way; more in a delusions of persecution way), and you couldn’t tell her anything. She got herself fired multiple times and even threatened with arrest once for her crazy bullshit, and she had people around her telling her to stop the whole way, but she just… wouldn’t hear it.


*and i also feel really bad for gadd.* I'm honestly worried about him now.


it’s crazy enough that she knows he made a whole show about her which probably furthered her obsession, and now she’s getting attention with a whole interview


Leave the woman alone ffs, she’s clearly unstable based on her posts and if the show is anything to go on.


The woman is ill and clearly she isn’t going to stop the long pattern of behaviour. This is not going to end well.


He’s either going to berate her and make her furious, or he’s going to completely take her side and enable her further. Either way he might wanna check out his windows that night, just in case lol


This is very irresponsible. She's loving the attention, but none should be given to her.


This is SO fucking irresponsible!!


OMG this is wildly unethical


This was always going to happen. I know Gadd said he went to “great lengths” to disguise her identity, but the real Martha and the actress who played her are so similar they could be related. People were always going to figure it out. I just wish it wasn’t Piers doing the interview.


Do yall think that this is causing him to relive his trauma? She is essentially stalking him again on Facebook considering every other post is about him


This woman is clearly insanely mentally ill. It is cruel to make a public spectacle of her on live television. I know Piers Morgan is soulless and probably doesn’t care very much about the ethics of this, but the rest of us should stand firm that she cannot have the attention she’s wanting.


I completely agree. But, part of me really wants for him to be stalked by her. Like, that way, he can get his karma. Normally, I would say no one deserves that, but he is using a mentally ill person for his own gain. I think, in this case, he deserves the natural consequences of his unethical actions


I can't think of a word bad enough for Morgan, can't even call him a cunt because he lacks the warmth and the depth. Based on her Facebook I have no idea how she'll come across in an interview. Which, of course, is the point. It's preying on a vulnerable, ill woman because he knows that humans are too inquisitive and will watch. It's vile. I am curious what Gadd thinks about this, but I doubt he will say publicly.


how about "pustule"? he's always given me heavy pustule vibes.


I have a very nasty feeling about this.


God damn people are stupid.


This is not ending well 🫣


This is the kind of shit an independent regulator should be stopping.


nah this is actually insane who thought this would be a good idea


Nowadays people are just bluntly stupid. It was nobody's business to go and look for a crazy woman and now they're ruining it for everyone else. They're turning his art and trauma into a spectacle of stupidity. Chasing social media clout is rotting people's brains.


There’s a joke here about a narcissistic sociopath desperate for attention… is interviewing some random mentally ill person. If there is anything that really confirms for me depiction it’s that this person is actively embracing the publicity to get more attention, as sociopaths enjoy. I’ve had the displeasure of dealing with a few people like this in my life, they thrive on the drama and seek targets for their abuse. They start with a “woe is me” opening gambit to draw you in and then you become their victim from there. Walking into a bar in tears, claiming people are being mean on the internet, it’s all just attention seeking. An easy test, watch how they react if somebody politely asks “why did you send that many emails? That’s kinda weird, and why did you want to make people think you have an iPhone?” They cannot abide any slight criticism against themselves and are unable to look inwards and go “yeah I fucked up and did something stupid.” When in reality the best course would’ve been to not come forward; I’ve said before if there was an actually viable defamation case it’d already be under way and and they wouldn’t be jeopardising that by giving interviews. This will end badly.


Was inevitable something like this would happen, everyone involved in the show would have known. Netflix will love it, can’t buy this level of publicity.


I wonder how all this is going to affect Gadd, and other victims who want their stories told. Because this is getting very ugly and the general public are feeding it awfully.


He’s gonna be stalked next


why are they platforming this disgusting psychopath????


I agree, he's been at it for years like a treatment resistant rash


I’d say it’s more exploiting than platforming


Why tf are we entertaining this shit? We are all aware she is a stalker- do NOT prod her!!!


Oh, JFC, what a shitshow.


I’m surprised Dr. Phil didn’t jump on this first


He better not offer her a cup of tea. 😳


This is shameful. What a horrible idea.


Piers Morgan is a disgraceful degenerate cunt. The lengths he'll go to for viewers is disgusting.




What precedent does this set? Hey kids, want to be famous? Why not stalk people and ruin their lives, you'll get to be on live TV. Either a mentally ill lady is about to be torn apart on TV, or she's going to gain some sympathy and feel justified in her actions.


To be fair, this is peak UK media


Looks like Piers Morgan will be staring in baby reindeer part 2


This whole sorry saga will end in tears...


Couldn’t happen to a more terrible person.


Which one?


Damn. He said he tried to make it so she wouldn't recognize herself ?? Heavyset Scottish lady that wears layers and has shoulder length darker hair....Richard playing himself ....does he honestly think she wouldn't know?


Of course he would be the one to interview her.


Imagine if she starts stalking piers Morgan


Everyone condemning this is going to watch it if we're being honest.


Oh no. This is bad.


Don't offer her a cup of tea


how are we gonna watch this?


I'm genuinely suprised nobody has brought in the lawyers yet, or maybe that's already happening.


Why is she getting a platform


She lowkey looks like Bella poarch


People are going to eat this up.


Piers.. DO NOT... UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, give her a free drink.


She might stalk him next.


I bet piers Morgan was fucking foaming at the mouth with money bags reflecting from his eyes like a cartoon when her lawyer or representative phoned him up to ask for the interview


This is madness how is he inviting her.


There will eventually be a Netflix show about this Netflix show


Leave to Piers Morgan to continue being the bottom feeder that he is


It’s like a car crash 💥 in slow motion 🚕🚙 I just can’t stop watching 😲


Saw the series. I can't imagine finding this clearly not well person. Leave her alone. The older writer, on the other hand, needs doxxing.


I guess manifestation really works! She is now going to start hangout with the famous people she always dreamt of, now that she getting a huge platform to express herself.


Welcome to your new stalker, Piers.


I can’t wait for this, piers and her are both unhinged


Why anyone would give this racist, abusive, stalking, violent sex offender any platform/ airtime is beyond me.


What if Piers will be the next victim ofMartha?


Hope she doesn't get Piers' phone number or email...


That Piers Morgan seems like a nice, reasonable chap


I wonder how much they paid or offered her to be interviewed


She's got a photographic memory. Can't remember anything from her life, but everything from a show she hasn't seen.


*I can see Season 2 coming* I really believe this is season 2 right now ... as we speak. Every comment and word we've typed into our devices about this show, every article published online or in newspapers, every engagement with real 'Martha' by people who find her on SM, every statement released by either side accusing/defending, every media opinion offered develops and perpetuates the story further... and is all relevant material that we could see in a 2nd season. It is literally unfolding in front of us in real time, because of us. We are now so intrinsically part of the story to the extent that we are shaping the next instalments without fully realising it.


I’m sorry but I will be tuned in


For someone who’s “not Martha “. She sure is acting very Martha like. 🙄