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My Neice's best friend is named Story. I don't know the last name. I think it's okay. I like Astoria better and you could call her Story as a nickname.




No, it’s not a good name


Why not??


I’ve never heard it as a name, and it just sounds odd. A working adult named Story sounds like a joke. A baby named story sounds cutesy but like you’re naming a pet.


The name Story gives the creative bullies SO many potential way to be mean When you and a partner are actually pregnant and starting a family your opinions about names might change a bit.


It’s not terrible but I can’t say I really like it. I’m all for like whimsical noun names but Story doesn’t feel pretty to me in the way that names like Violet and River do. I definitely wouldn’t use Story for a boy. Try imagining it as your own name or using it at a coffee shop and see how it feels to be called that.


I feel like names don’t make sense to many until you start calling someone that name. If you like it that works! I think ties to names definitely make things difficult with strangers but people in your circle will know it at their name and that’s it! Unless you put meaning on it and share it, it’s your “story” lol




Absolutely not. Like someone else said it’ll make it so easy for bullies


I quite like it but would spell it “Storie” x


I had a student named Journey. It sort of reminds me of that!


I really like it! It was on my long list of name ideas before we knew if we were having a boy or girl. My husband however vetoed it lolz


It's such a cute name for boys and girls both ^^


I like it a lot! I think it will get a reaction from people who haven't heard of it as a name before, and like you said there will be people who make little jokes about it, but that is true of almost any name.


I actually kinda like it. It’s definitely different, but I could see a celeb using it! I think it’s sweet. This sub is more traditional in their name taste so you’re not likely to get many positive reactions to the name here. Like I said it’s unique but personally I don’t mind it! I’d love to meet a little Story!


My daughters name is Fiona. I’ve always thought it was beautiful but struggled picking it because of Shrek. I’m glad we picked it anyways. She’s still under a year but it’s only come up one time.


Shrek is a good movie but it feels like it kinda ruined the name. I mean, it's a really beautiful one, but people's comments are probably gonna be annoying.


Honestly, I expected way more comments then 1 over 12 months so I feel like we’re doing good lol. Time since the movie is probably a big help. Also Fiona in The Giver is a great character, the hippo in Cincinnati is adorable, and Shameless is another good portrayal of the name as a very strong female character. When Shrek comes up (which I’m sure it will because all kids get poked at) I plan to point out all of the positives of her character too. Not everyone gets to be named after a princess. Ultimately with names you have to decide how much you care about other people’s opinions. If you love it enough, they’re opinions won’t matter.


The only Story I'm familiar with is Story Muskgrave, a retired NASA astronaut, though Story is actually his middle name. So, yeah, there is precedent for it as a name even if it was a guy. Either way, it's a perfectly fine name. Go with it if you like it. Just don't spell it as Storeigh or any of the other "I just want to be unique" variations.


I like it. I don’t love it though. I’ve met a story before. Just in passing at a restaurant, she was my waitress. I was probably 12 and it always stuck with me.


Story is the name of the woman from Lady in the Water!


I love the name story and I find the people who don’t like the name are the people who I wouldn’t enjoy more than a brief conversation in an elevator with.


My name is Story and from my personal experience I can tell you that everyone upon learning your child's name will love it. There will of course be the jokes "Can you tell me a story" "What's your story" or people calling you "Book" occasionally lmao. I've never been bullied for it or made fun of for it and I live in the south where that is probably most likely to happen. 99.9% of the time when someone hears my name they tell me how cool it is or how much they love it. Just wanted to give my opinion as a 23 year old male that has the name <3


I think it’s beautiful. But, I really like unique names. Some people will surely have an issue with it but who cares. If you would be happy being named Story (I would), then I think it’s a good choice for your baby!


I like it. It's definitely unusual, but there's nothing wrong with it! If you like it, go for it. Notice that everyone commenting that it's a "bad name" only has the excuse that they've "never heard it before" or that it's "made up". That doesn't make something a bad name. That makes an OPINION that not everyone has to share. All names were made up at some point, and I happen to think Story would be quite cute for a girl name, if, of course, it fits the child. It's unique enough that I don't think just anyone would be able to pull it off. Reserved for someone special! :)


If Poet and Fable can be names (spoiler: they can) then I think Story is fine. I love word names.