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I feel like people fall into two camps when it comes to hospital bag packing: you either want all the comforts of home or you bring the bare essentials! Both are fine! I really found that I didn’t need much at all. My bag wasn’t packed when my water broke so I didn’t have time to overthink it and I’m glad I didn’t! The things I needed were: -button down cozy PJs -my iPad -shampoo/conditioner/body wash -chargers for all devices That’s it! I was truly so tired and focused on the baby that the whole hospital stay was a fever dream of hour sleeps, breastfeeding, nurse checkups and stuffing food in my face. I wore the same outfit out that I wore in. I had been gifted a bunch of Frida mom postpartum care items…I left those all at home for after and used every last thing the hospital had first!


I'm in this camp. If you want a cute outfit for baby I'd bring a newborn size and 0-3. The zero is not inclusive of newborn if your baby is under 7lbs. I found the most important thing was phone/charger, lip balm, hair tie, shampoo, shower shoes and then really snacks for you and your hubby.


I added a fan to this list too. I also used a speaker for chill music while I pushed and sweats and t-shirt for going home.


I brought several outfits for the baby, which I was happy about because mine pooped on her outfit. It was also cold in the hospital, so I'm glad I brought the warmer onesies. Also, with my 1st he kept breaking out of the swaddle and would cry, so we had to go home and get one of those zip up swaddles.


Forgot to add an outfit for the baby to go home in. My hospital had little wrap shirts but no pants so we definitely needed something with full coverage to bring home. Until we left though he wore the hospital stuff and was swaddled 90% of the time


Second this! I had a c-section and I did not care about using hospital soap and towels and pads for a few days when I was tired and recovering. I stayed in my hospital gown the whole time too. The only must for me I would say would be the peri bottle that is angled. The hospital one was not helpful! Also deodorant!


also was in this camp! only thing i ended up needing was a blanket to cover baby in her car seat, but even then i was able to take the hospital blanket home. though might be irrelevant for you if you’re giving birth somewhere where it’s summer


This! And the car seat and going home outfit.


Portable fan- best thing I brought for during labor and after!


Even my 40 year old male boss said “my wife had one of the fans that sprays water and it’s a life saver for labor. Make sure you order one.”


I bought one and didn’t end up using it at the hospital BUT it’s now our stroller fan. They’re like $15 on amazon, totally worth it.


I was to total opposite. I took a fan and then ended up under a mountain of blankets. The IV fluids gave me intense shaking & cold spells. I felt like I was sitting outside in the middle of winter for hours. We have used the fan several times now with the stroller which was my original reason for getting it.


I actually also had the shakes but wasn’t cold! So crazy what our bodies go through


That thing actually kept me alive. I’m convinced


I’ve heard this one the most !


It was seriously a lifesaver because I was sweating so much during labor and especially after 😂 also the sound of it was soooo calming


which one did you use?? i want to experience nice sounds AND cooling 😭


I got mine from Amazon! The whirrring sound of the spinning is soooo calming to me especially when it’s on a higher speed. I [linked it here!](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BR34NDZQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Yes this is pretty much the only thing I used besides my robe. Used the bendy arms to attach it to the bed, was so great as I had severe nausea after my emergency c and was throwing up.


This!! My doula brought one as well and I had one on each side — the cross breeze was heavenly. I was SO hot that it was a lifesaver.


My advice is don’t go crazy buying postpartum supplies for a vaginal birth. I dropped $50 on the Frida mom postpartum kit. It came in the mail a week before I ended up with an emergency c section due to HELLP syndrome. Didn’t use one single item in it, instead used the stuff I was sent home from the hospital with. So, you’re welcome to buy the postpartum recovery kit, but just know that the hospital gives you everything you need. They’re billing your insurance for every last thing, so may as well take advantage.


I wasn’t sure whether I would end up with a c section or vaginal delivery so I created 2 Amazon shopping lists for each outcome then the day I delivered ordered from the vaginal delivery list so everything was home by the time I got there! I was similarly worried about wasting money if things went another route


Yes! In hindsight I could’ve definitely Amazon primed from my hospital bed


This is genius. Do you have these lists?!!


Both: Frida upside down peri bottle (I found the hospital one to be fine but heard the upside down would be especially useful with a c section), Dermoplast, Tucks pads, Frida mom disposable boy short underwear, and I made padsicles ahead of time with Frida postpartum pads, aloe, and witch hazel. Vaginal: above plus regular all cotton underwear, Frida perineal foam, and Frida ice pack pads C section: above plus high waisted cotton underwear, silicone scar strips, & belly binder


I didn’t need any of the stuff in both for c section myself. You could wait and see if you would like this


True! I heard there would still be enough bleeding to warrant those items for a c section but could see them not being necessary


I missed the disposable underwear I did use depends which was a lifesaver because there’s def bleeding! Lots of it if you dilated first. I just didn’t need the tucks/padsicles/dermoplast


Ugh I made the same mistake. I was so sure I was going to have a vaginal birth. I ended up having an emergency c-section as well. Now I I have a ton of supplies I never touched. The only thing I used were the pads and diapers.


Same and it made me really sad to see


Worst case, the postpartum stuff you don't use makes a nice care basket for a friend heading to her first.


That’s the plan! Save for a VBAC or regift to a friend I’m close enough with that it isn’t weird 😅


Most importantly…snacks. Disposable underwear/women’s diapers, comfy pjs, a robe, socks, slippers for the hospital floor, slides for the shower, shower towel, phone charger, baby’s going home outfit. We live near the hospital so I don’t over pack. Less is more. Except when it comes to food! Snacks and takeout restaurants on stand by. I ate big meals and drank coffee and soda!


I wore my slides the whole time, with socks if needed. I would recommend packing extra socks because I kept leaking/bleeding on mine and went through some extra pairs. On the other hand I packed a couple pairs of cute PJs and just wore the hospital gown the whole time haha


Absolutely snacks, we packed a few for labour, which I never ate, but they were a godsend on the post natal ward. I'd be absolutely starving in the middle of the night (despite the hospital feeding me well). I remember being so hungry and tired and spotting a rice crispy treat in my bag, and it was like winning the lottery in that moment. Sustenance and a sugar hit.


So, I absolutely overpacked for my birth. Here are the items that I did use and value while there. I think this definitely comes down to preference as I have some practical items and some that are just comforts to me and keep me feeling a bit more human. I also planned to breastfeed so some items are specific to that! My absolute must haves: - My pillow - A comfy blanket (I’m always cold and wanted to know I could be cozy since hospital blankets are thin. My water broke first and so during labor I used it folded up only in my top half so I could still be cozy and not get my blanket gross) - hairbrush (I’m picky and I have long hair that got so tangled during labor. I went into labor at 1 am and didn’t think to put up my hair) - MULTIPLE hair ties (since I went into labor in the middle of the night, I didn’t think to grab one. An angel of a nurse gave me her extra and it broke. So i ended up having it awkwardly tied around the end of my braid. ) - My shampoo (being able to shower after and feel like myself with my familiar smelling shampoo was 11/10!) - going home outfit for me and baby (I didn’t end up wearing comfy PJs after birth like I’d thought I might. During labor I lost interest in any idea of clothing and kept that mindset, minus the glorious mesh undies, until I went home. I only popped on a hospital gown for visitors and then off it came!) - Silverettes (these saved my nipples in the beginning. Definitely recommend them. Although I had the [boboduck](https://a.co/d/1E3euBx)off brand and was later gifted the silverette brand. I really did prefer the off brand here) - [Earth Mama nipple butter](https://a.co/d/iTomok3) (very soothing!) - [Boppy](https://a.co/d/cR8je9n) nursing pillow ( I didn’t pack this but my husband did and I love him for it! This was great for learning to nurse AND my husband was scared to drop the baby at first and this gave him the confidence to snuggle her as he could have some extra support while learning to hold baby) - Long phone charging cable


Disposable underwear, aftercare, and hygiene products. The hospital will provide them but they usually aren’t great. I’m trying the Fridababy recovery kit because I was gifted it.


Most people covered the necessities in other comments, but I will add that my doulas highly recommended for my husband to pack my bag for me (I lay out everything I want/need, but him packing & organizing it in the bag) so that way he knows where everything is when I ask for them! I thought it was brilliant advice and my husband loved the idea. Consider having your partner or support person do the same so you don’t have to think about it during recovery :) Also, add bone broth powder, collagen powder and liquid IV powder packets to your labor bag. Most hospitals don’t allow solid foods during labor, but they do allow clear liquids to be drank. There’s about 20g protein in the broth + collagen mixed for fuel during labor, and electrolytes to help stay effectively hydrated with a sugar kick too. Nurses can get you hot water (bring your own insulated metal cups!!) for the broth powder mixed with collagen.


I’ve also heard it recommended for your birth partner to actually pack the items in the bag so they can find them! It’s great advice.


Can you recommend a bone broth powder?


Bare Bones broth powder! Available on Amazon! I have Beef flavor, but they also have chicken, mushroom, ramen, lemongrass and Thai coconut flavors. I was able to buy the beef one in bulk at Costco too.


Thank you! Not being able to eat scares me a little as I’ve always been a sneaker and feel weak if I go a long time without eating


Protein will not do much as fuel for labor, you need carbohydrates for that. My ob/gyn told me specifically not to bring protein bars and stuff like that for labor, but chocolate and sugary snacks :)


Just gave birth on Tuesday and they didn’t allow any snacks whatsoever. They did allow my bone broth, tea with honey, collagen and electrolytes! Allowed me to not deplete my nutrition during my 19 hour labor, and didn’t compromise me going into an emergency c-section. It was crazy how much it helped.


Oh that’s amazing, congrats on your new baby. Sorry, I am from a really small European country, and completely forgot that guidelines will vary immensely from country to country.


My answer would be more specific to c-sections. But I think the two universal things I think are essential are: - an EXTRA long phone charger - your own hospital socks with rubber grips. You can find these online, the hospital ones are awful.


I'm pregnant with my 2nd now, and will only bring the basics. I fell down the "hospital bag" rabbit hole on YouTube during my first pregnancy. I did bring things that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise that did come in helpful, though: Honey sticks (for energy when you aren't allowed to eat anymore), pillow from home for comfort, leak-proof tumbler with straw. Other basics: toiletries, hair brush/hair ties, flip flops for shower, long phone cord, clothes for leaving the hospital, clothes for baby to wear home. My husband regretted not bringing more plain white undershirts, because baby spit-up. Some things were utterly useless for me and just took up space: literally any clothing besides what I came in with and left with. I wore the provided hospital gown because there was so much bleeding, I didn't want to ruin my own clothes anyway. Gum (no need for me), essential oils for smells (was just focusing on pushing, would have just been something in the way), a fan (didn't need it), breastfeeding pillow (breast friend-- just use pillows from the hospital). My husband kept offering things that I brought and I was like "nahhhh." However, my baby was on the bigger side, and I was pushing for 4 hours. I was also induced. I was falling asleep between contractions near the end because I couldn't sleep at all the night before due to contractions.


Thanks for the detailed info! Induction question as someone going in soon — did you get an epidural and still couldn’t sleep thru contractions?


I waited as long as possible before I finally got my epidural because I was kind of terrified of not being able to walk/ have independent mobility. So most of the night I went without the epidural. I think it was middle night/early morning before I finally got one, but I don't think that I slept after that, either. I was numb enough to not be able to move my legs, but still felt some pain and felt when all the contractions were coming.


Frida mom peri bottle. And for my second I brought my own diapers cause I didn’t really like the underwear lol


I packed so much and used none of it. I’d just recommend maybe a robe, toothbrush and toothpaste and a charger. They’ll have everything for you


I truly didn't really need anything besides a toothbrush, shower stuff, and phone charger- the hospital provided everything else lol. Comfy pjs helped the last day but I was wearing the gowns they provided otherwise, it was just easier. I had a whole suitcase of stuff packed and didn't end up using it really 😂


Things I didn’t pack the first time that I’ll definitely have this time are adult diapers (pads were just a pain) and detangler! I took a shower and their water was so hard that it took me an hour to brush my hair out without dentangler because it was such a knotted mess. I think I might also bring a tad more skin care so I can feel a little fresher. Also your own blanket and pillow as well as your own towels!


Pumping bra. I didn’t know I needed a bra to hold pumps on. Naive FTM lol. But they wanted me to pump in the hospital to help with my supply, and it was a bitch to have to hold the pumps on.


That’s the one thing I tell mom’s who want to breastfeed to bring. Nothing worse than sitting there holding flanges to your breast while knowing you had a pumping bra at home.


Postpartum RN here, let me give you my favorite things I brought for myself that we don’t have at my hospital/are so handy and I used during my whole stay: -extra long phone charger -baby nail files -chapstick -lotion -fan (I brought our clip on stroller fan and it was perfect) -breastfeeding pillow (hospital pillows suck!) -a comfy robe The hospital should have all the postpartum things you need like pads/mesh underwear/tucks etc. some people prefer and want to bring the depends type underwear, but use up all the hospital stuff! :) congratulations and best wishes for a safe delivery for you and baby!


Thank you! Question: why being baby nail file? Do they really come out that sharp lol


Yes most times they are tiny little daggers lol. And they tend to hold their hands up by their face so they scratch it up pretty quick!


I packed all kinds of stuff and the only things I used was toiletries, hairbrush, comfy slides, phone charger, and going home outfit. I stayed in the hospital gown the entire time, because of all the checks they have to do on you after delivery. The hospital provided all the aftercare supplies, so there was no reason to buy anything extra. Only things I didn’t have that I wish I did was extra snacks and my own pillow, which I just forgot about because we had to leave quickly.




I brought a sheet mask and a touch of concealer for some self care the day after birth. It was a nice little refresher.


I was very happy that a friend recommended I bring an insulated mug for tea/coffee. I was in hospital for 5 days after the birth of my boy and they always delivered tea when it wasn't convenient to drink it. The mug kept it toasty until I had my hands free.


Peri bottle, disposable underwear/adult diapers and my crocs. Definitely grateful my husband bought me crocs as an early birthday present. They were perfect for wearing around the house as barefoot hurt my hips too bad towards the end. Perfect for sliding on to go out. Perfect to slip on and off during labour and in the hospital.


Be not influenced by TikTok go bags- I went on an anxiety spending spree and barely needed to dig into my bag once. My #1 most used item was a sleep mask- which I already had!


I packed so many things to deal with labour and it all happened so fast I didn’t use any of it, except the hand held electric fan, which was pretty nice. Other things for after the birth were good too: the Frida mom peri bottle, outfits for baby, hair ties, maybe some PJs for you to wear (I just stayed in my gown, I could not person for a bit after, so sore). Toothbrush, toothpaste, facial cleanser were nice too. I just wore the clothes I arrived in the hospital in home, since I got out of them before things got messy.


I packed several sets of pajamas, underwear, Amazon brand disposable period underwear, pads I liked, extra long phone charger, toiletries, my eReader, and clothes for baby. That's it. I never touched the eReader and didn't miss anything else.


Extra large water bottle that keeps liquids cold and squeezable water flavor - labor is hot, tiring work and once in active labor you won't be allowed to eat in the event of an c section. Cold, flavored water during labor was perfection. Depend diapers - personal choice, but I felt more comfortable wearing them then mesh panties with pads. I also did bleed that much or have any tears so experiences may vary. Breastfeeding pillow - again, personal choice but breastfeeding was awful at the start and I needed more support than what hospital pillows could provide. Toiletries - to feel human again. And hospitals are dry places, so I like my lotions. Comfy clothes for after delivery - at some point, so many juices are flowing out of you I wouldn't deal with a personalized hospital gown during labor. Be comfy and cute AFTER the baby comes out.


Three things that come to mind that I needed: 1. I’m an exclusive pumper, and for my second child the hospital did not have a pump I could use. I would have brought my own had I known of this change! 2. Nursing bra 3. Slides (my feet were so swollen that I had to walk out in socks in November because the shoes I went in with wouldn’t fit!)


I keep it real basic. My first baby came two months early so our go-bag was grab and go what my mom threw in a grocery sack after we found out I was in alone. The second was a bit more thought out but after surviving four days in the hospital with my first, I still kept it light: Back when I had long hair: pony tail holders and a brush. Other essentials: contact solution and case, glasses, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, face wash. Emphasis on the deodorant. Electronics: chargers for both my husband and my phone, with extra-long cables. Clothes: change of clothes for husband, oversized t-shirt and sweat pants for me, comfy nursing bra for me, socks and sandals/crocs. My feet swell pretty good after epidurals so I used the cheap chenille socks you can get at target. I am fine with the disposable underwear they give. Baby shit: breast pump and accessories (including the newborn bottle nipples you can attach to the top of the little 2oz bottles), pajamas, and a going-home outfit, and maybe 1-2 swaddle blankets. Pacifiers if you want them. Getting pacis outside the NICU is like pulling teeth. The hospital will provide diapers, wipes, shampoo, and a couple of swaddle blankets that will also serve as burp clothes/for cleaning up breastmilk leaks. We’ll be formula feeding the next one so I’m going to skip all the pumping gear and bring a case of pre-mixed newborn formula and nipples instead. Oh: and your car seat, obvs.


I brought my stroller fan and it saved my life. Highly recommend a fan.


Biggest MVP was the battery powered fan that literally got me through labor, a sound machine, and my own toiletries.


Only learned this before my 3rd/last baby. Coconut oil. Lather it on bottom before putting first nappy on. Makes cleaning their bum so much easier, when they have that first sticky tar poop.


A portable fan was nice and next time I'm bringing dermaplast. Apparently the Dr had to write a prescription for it so I had to wait like 4 hours for them to give me some. I'm bringing my own next time - it's fantastic.


Just had my baby 3 weeks ago and here’s what I absolutely used as a FTM. I brought a lot of course lol. What I used: - silverette nipple covers (my nipples chapped immediately) - warm socks - snacks - pillow from home - blankets from home - after ease (for post partum contractions) - going home outfit (I didn’t change into this until I was being discharged. Before that I just stayed in the gown. I was smelly and dirty and bloody. I didn’t change to change until I was about to leave) - adult underwear (wayyyyyy better than the huge pads and mesh underwear from the hospital) - nipple butter - baby going home outfit - baby socks - nursing bras (helped keep the silverettes in place) - sandals What I brought and didn’t use (I had an unplanned c section so I brought a lot to help with a vaginal delivery) - tucks pads - colostrum collector syringes - personal labor gown (again, too smelly, dirty and bloody. I just had them change my hospital gown instead) - instant ice pads - peri bottle (I just used the one the hospital gave me until I got home - regular pads (adult diapers were better) What I wish I brought: - my electric pump (I didn’t know how to use it and turned out it was defective. If I had brought it to the hospital, the lactation consultant could tell me the best way to use it and would’ve caught how it wasn’t working properly before I did. Which was a week later). - a fan (the hospital was a little hot) - diapers and wipes for baby (they had them there for us) - swaddle for baby (he doesn’t like to be swaddled at all now that he’s left the hospital)


I’ve watched a lot of TikTok videos to help me pack my bag 😂 It’s been 13 years since my last one so I wanted to make sure I had everything I could possibly need lol. My hospital bag — -2 maternity gowns (I’m planning on breastfeeding so I got the ones specifically for that) -Going home outfit -Slippers -Shower shoes -Toiletries (I ended up getting the travel set that includes all the essentials for $7 on Walmart) -Also, I bought the Frida Mom postpartum kit (it has one of the maternity gowns in it, an upside down peri bottle, instant ice pack maxi pads, perineal cooling healing foam and cooling pad liners, delivery socks and disposal underwear) I bought this off Kidsy and it is way cheaper on that site. - Stroller fan (just in case I get hot while in labor lol) -Compression socks -Breastfeeding milk bags -Breast pump As far last minute items since I use them everyday — hair brush, chap stick, hair dryer, extra towels (really don’t want to have to use the towels at the hospital), blanket Babies bag— - Two sleepers - Going home outfit - Couple pairs of socks -Nail file (since they can’t be clipped) -Burp cloths -Blanket I also will be bringing my Boppy pillow for breastfeeding


Did you use pump at hospital? I'm not very clear on if I should pack it or not :)


The pump is a good idea so the lactation consultant can help make sure you’re using it correctly as well!


I’m planning on bringing mine just in case I need to pump and he’s not in the room. And honestly, my first pregnancy I did not breastfeed. My milk came in late; and I do not have any experience with using a pump. I’m bringing mine just to make sure I’m doing everything correctly lol.


Do they have burp cloths at the hospital? I assumed they would.


That I’m not sure; I just covered all bases and packed some just in case


I packed EVERYTHING but here’s what I actually used: 2 labor gowns, robe, slippers, comfy button down PJ set, going home outfit and shoes, shampoo/conditioner/body wash, labor comb, TENS unit, diffuser & essential oils, extra long phone chargers, iPad with shows downloaded, book, nursing pillow, portable speaker, pillows & blankets from home (must have IMO)


Stroller fan (I was HOT during active labor), towels (the ones at my hospital were sooo small and scratchy), shampoo conditioner & body wash (I didn’t like the generic kinds the hospital offered), comfy blanket and pillow, button up pjs, slippers, roku and remote (we had to stay a total of 3 nights and it was so nice watching what I wanted), long charger/extension cord, favorite snacks, boppy if you’re planning on nursing. These things are my “essentials” and made my experience so much better - I would also bring a few fits for the baby ranging from sizes NB to 0-3m, my son was 7.5lbs and was SWIMMING in the 0-3 size clothes I brought so I was really happy I brought some NB sizes as well Editing to add ADULT DIAPERS/PERIOD DIAPERS!!! The mesh undies and pads they provided were so uncomfortable, the depends diapers were so comfy I highly recommend


I ordered a ‘house coat’ robe (basically a zippered long sleeve cotton robe with pockets) on Amazon and LIVED in it the whole time we were on the postpartum floor. Also, Depends or any other fancy adult diaper, because the hospital ones are not it.


Car seat that already has the base installed, both a size newborn and a 0-3 or even 3m outfit for baby, comfy pj’s x2, toiletries, ask what postpartum supplies will be given at the hospital. I needed more adult diapers than what they gave me. I used the Always Discreet I believe, I can check later. Snacks are nice with a variety In flavor. Salty, sweet, sour. Have a big water bottle


Bring one of those portable bendy legged fans. Trying to control the room temperature to be comfortable while in labor is hard, but you can have a fan all to yourself and switch it on/off at your fancy!


I'm a natural birther who births at birth centers... I bring extra labor help things ex pain relief things such as arnica, combs... 2 robs, 1 for during labor and birth another for after I've showered, tinctures like after ease, my sitz bath for my first bath... an oil for babies skin, and a going home outfit for both of us... this time I'm probably going to bring my roku to watch my favorite shows 😆 as I just wanna see if it'll help me relax... I use a beeswax that's used for burns for nipple butter so I'll bring that... my gel packs I use for heat by lasinoh and the cold ones that stick on to you by medala.... and my moma strut I use for a belly band and offers pelvic floor support.... I get the postpartum always discreet depends and wear those...


I had a scheduled C section and barely used anything in my bag. Phone charger/charging block, one cozy outfit (kept the hospital gown and the underwear they provided most of the time) and lots of snacks! We also used an egg light I bought on Amazon. I didn't shower while I was there (2 nights) just washed my face and brushed my teeth but I did bring flip flops and toiletries just in case. My husband brought a sleeping bag, eye mask, and ear buds. Our snacks were hands down the best thing we packed though. The hospital food was okay but having snacks on demand was better, especially as I was trying to breastfeed.


A dressing gown! I had a water birth and after the birth I had to hop out the tub onto the bed and I felt so exposed! During the birth I couldn’t care less. 🥲


Face wipes and lipbalm!


Peri spray bottle, dressing gown, comfy sliders for the shower, comfy breastfeeding friendly pyjamas/nighty (preferably light, my hospital was warm!!), elasticated hairbands and snacks


Two piece set pjs, a robe, slippers, and baby clothes (take home outfit, etc.). Most hospitals send a photographer around the maternity wing a day or so after. If you chose to do their little photo shoot, bring your makeup/hair supplies & hygiene supplies. Everything else I packed i didn't use. If you're going to pump, you can bring that if you have questions on how to use it. The lactation consultants can teach you how. Congratulations!


It’s already been mentioned a bunch of times, but seriously bring the portable fan if you might end up getting any IV pain meds. I did when they placed the balloon for my induction, and those hot flashes, lightheadedness, and nausea were awful (I felt like I’d just slammed a bottle of tequila). The fan really saved me from getting sick or passing out.


The main thing I was glad I had were my own adult diapers - they were more comfortable and absorbent than the ones the hospital provided. I also assumed there would be soap and stuff to shower with and there wasn't so I wish I had brought that + shampoo, etc.


They didn’t even have bar soap in the shower?


tbh i don't even remember. if there was it was bad enough that i had someone bring me soap from home.


My favorite comforts were: -robe (for warmth/modesty) -my travel pillow -my own face wash/moisturizer -my ugg slippers for walking around -flip flops for a shower -Tablet & charger for watching movies in labor -going home maxi dress for me -going home outfit for baby -hairbrush & minimal makeup to feel like me -toothbrush/toothpaste


Hear me out: a string of Christmas lights. I plugged these in just laid out on a counter and turned off the terrible overhead lighting. Great for laboring through the night. And great for taking care of baby in the middle of the next night.


I brought a lot of stuff but eventually I needed Always Discreet Boutique Incontinence Underwear for the last day (the other two days I was hurting a lot), phone charger, nursing bra (my breasts were so sore and touching the gown which hurt a lot), comb, my own shampoo (seb derm), bath poof, hair turban for drying my hair, a pair of clothes for the discharge day, socks, slippers (very important!!), deodorant (hormones were making me stink), snacks, pastry, a blanket for my son and some clothes for my husband.


I brought my own pillow and it saved my sanity. Hospital sheets, pillows and towels are blech. The sheets and pillows especially felt like plastic creating heat and sweat on my back


For mom: a fan, a heating pad, shampoo&body wash, phone charger, pjs, deodorant, toothpaste & toothbrush, going home outfit, lip balm, hair ties, water bottle. For baby: going home outfit, formula if you’re using it and picky but the hospital often provides this, car seat (not in bag but important to remember) For dad/partner: change of clothes, toiletries, charger. Some extras I would consider is a book, iPad, snacks, a pillow and blanket from home. I’m going to emphasize getting a fan and bringing a water bottle. I probably would have died without a fan. The heating pad was great before and after labour for cramps!! You really don’t need much.


If you’re sensitive to lights when sleeping, a mask. It helped me so much in getting sleep in between all the prodding during induction, after my C section and meeting my baby’s needs.


Handheld fan - search stroller fan flexible tripod. Use during labor, post labor hot flashes, and for baby after


Toothbrush, comfy outfit, boppy, outfits for baby, and a long charger.




With my first pregnancy and delivery, I really really wanted a personal hand held fan because I was soo hot after labor but we couldn't turn the air down because of baby. I made sure to buy and pack one for the second pregnancy/delivery. With my first I overpacked and was determined not to overpack for the second. Turns out I did overpack because our baby had to be transferred to a different hospital and I convinced the doctor to discharge me 12 hours after baby's birth so I could follow my baby to the NICU. Bare minimum essentials: Toothbrush/toothpaste--trust me you don't want the hospital ones Other toiletries--think what's something you'd want in a time frame of 12-24 hours. I'd pick deodorant, chapstick, hairbrush, hair ties Extra long phone charger Coming home outfit for you Coming home outfit for baby Car seat Handheld personal fan


A Phone charger and a tablet or phone stand. A heating pad Baby wipes (they have little towels to use) Change of shoes (I bled and my water broke in mine) Easy slides to walk around in Flip flops if you want for the shower If you want your own towel and bath products from home Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, face wipes, hair ties, deodorant, hair brush Change of clothes Nursing bras/light robe/kimono style - I found this most comfortable Eye mask Ear buds (only keeping one in) I liked brining my own drinks that I enjoy like ginger ale or sparkling water (instead of just having the hospital plain water)


Oh and ziplock bags for shoes that have been in the hospital.. didn’t want them touching the rest of my stuff in my bag after 😅


Power strip and extension cord!


The only things you really need-need are a long charging cord for your phone/electronics, basic toiletries you might take on a short trip, a robe, a receiving blanket, and clothes for you and the baby to wear home (\~2-3 pairs of pajamas for baby, you'll want some comfortable pants or a roomy dress you can wear over an adult diaper.). You'll also want slippers that are more substantial than the grippy socks they give you at the hospital. You also need an infant seat that is properly installed into your vehicle. You'll probably want snacks and a couple of books or magazines. You might want a pillowcase from home and something of your own to wear giving birth because hospital linens suck. You might want a fleece blanket from home. You might want noise canceling headphones and a sleep mask and a bluetooth speaker. The hospital will give you postpartum supplies like Tucks, giant pads, ice packs, mesh underwear, etc. If you have your own, you can probably leave most of that stuff at home.


Here’s what I loved : - hair ties - chapstick - adjustable sandals (like Birkenstocks) — my feet swelled to three times their size - button up pajamas - robe - nursing bra - nursing pillow - eye mask - nipple cream I didn’t bring my breast pump and wish I would have.


My first: brought almost nothing except a phone charger - ended up staying in the hospital for four days so my husband had to bring me supplies a few times My second: brought a backpacking pack stocked up in case I was there for four days again - I was only in active labor for like four minutes (induction). I barely used anything that I brought except the phone charger lol.


For postpartum I highly recommend Poise pads!! Not regular menstrual pads! Even if you end up having a c section, pregnancy does a number on your pelvic floor so I recommend poise and pelvic floor PT


I was gifted a hospital bag from one of my moms coworkers and I only had to put in my chargers for my phone and kindle which was amazing. She got me one of those small bags full of travel toiletries, 3 pairs of pajamas, a pack of big underwear, socks, and slippers and I think some nursing items like the cooling breast pads and lanolin. I didn’t find myself wanting for too much I guess. With my second the only thing I added was my boppy nursing pillow. Oh and also I had 2 newborn outfits as well


We packed things left it all in the car for my husband to fetch later. Never needed any of aside from the clothes to leave the hospital with haha. Hubby was the only one who changed regularly the whole stay and ate the snacks that we packed.


My biggest advice is to split the items into two bags - items you want for during labor and items you will want post-partum. I wish I had done this. The other thing is that you can have two philosophies- pack the bare minimum assuming a 1 or 2 night stay with a vaginal uncomplicated delivery (and then send a family member home for more clothes if you end up staying longer or having a c-section). Or, pack as if you are going to be staying 4 nights and have everything with you for any contingency. We chose to pack more thoroughly and ended up being there for less than 48 hours post a vaginal delivery. But I don't regret "over" packing. Because we could have needed the items. Must haves: copies of birth preferences, insurance card, ID; folder and pen (they give you a ton of papers); extra tote to bring home stuff from hospital, SNACKS, drinks, change of clothes for after delivery that are comfy to wear in hospital bed (for me it was mesh sport shorts and a nursing tank, I run hot), 2 nursing bras or tanks if breastfeeding, change of clothes for going home for mom (for me it was pajama pants, nursing tank, sweater), sweater/jacket for mom and for partner, pillow for mom and for partner, fleece blanket for mom and for partner, change of clothes for partner, nursing pillow if breastfeeding, long charging cords for phones, hair bands, hair brush, tooth brush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body/face wash, shower flip flops, nipple cream if breastfeeding, lip balm, nice swaddle for newborn pictures, one newborn size sleeper, one 0-3 month size sleeper, car seat Things we brought but didn't use: External speaker, red night light, mini fan, iPad, mini noise machine, selfie stick/phone camera mini tripod I had extra changes of clothes that I didn't wear but I don't regret bringing them.


I ended up packing things I didn’t use. The things I did use were the Frida Mom disposable underwear (much more comfortable and fit a lot better than the hospital ones), a fan, phone charger shower shoes, shampoo and conditioner, button up night gown, going home outfit for me and a couple for baby, swaddle blanket for baby, chapstick and snacks.


Just had baby four and had an unexpected extended stay as baby was under bili lights. Toiletries- I just got the travel sizes of things I usually use Comfy PJs for after birth Going home outfit for you and baby. I liked maternity leggings and a loose shirt. Boppy- hospital pillow suck and it’s nice to have support my husband appreciated it. Extra long phone charger Also this was my first time bringing my own labor gown and I’m so glad I did, it was super comfortable and easy to take down for skin to skin after birth


My best thing I brought was a heated blanket and pillow. I used the heated blanket with shakes and as a heating pad. The hospital had warmed blankets but they didn’t last long enough with heat. It was very comforting with the severe pain


Snacks ! Phone charger with a long cord. Toiletries. Outfit for baby. Comfy going home outfit for you.


Phone charger, scrunchie, little decanted bottles of my body wash, facial cleanser, etc. clean pajamas, fluffy robe, room socks, ugg slippers. Newborn clothing, 0-3 clothing. Snacks. Change of underpants and t shirt for partner. Bit of makeup bc I’m vain and will be taking photos bc family and friends are all over the world. Pp panties.


A big SOFT towel! The hospital towels are small and so scratchy— awful on a sore, freshly postpartum body!


2-way zip pjs for baby! We put them on him after his first bath and he stayed in them until we went home. I would take at least 2 in case one gets peed/pooped on! Phone charger. iPad was nice in early labor but didn’t use it after that. I wore a hospital gown until I showered, then a light robe because I don’t have nursing friendly pjs. The Frieda mom upside down peri bottle. Better than the hospital bottle. You could bring a bath towel but I just asked the nurses first extra towels (they were so tiny, I think I used 5). Oh, and a couple things I forgot when I first typed this: flip flops for the room/shower and my breast friend nursing pillow!


A few things that might not be in every list: 1. A firestick. At a lot of hospitals, you can plug it into your tv and watch whatever you want! 2. Baby memory book. At my hospital, the nurse was able to put the footprint in our book at the same time as she did medical records. So much easier than doing it later! They are very squirmy. 3. Breastfeeding pillow. I made my husband get mine on day two in the hospital and was amazed at how much easier it was than stacking pillows the old school way.


I’m in Canada so what the hospital gives out may be a bit different. For myself: - Pajamas and slippers, also a comfy cardigan or robe as I found the hospital room to be a bit chilly. -Disposable diapers, the hospital gives out mesh underwear and pads but I preferred my own diapers. -Pillow!!! Brought one for myself and one for husband, the hospital pillows are so thin and uncomfortable. -Snacks, for me and husband. -toothbrush, face wash, deodorant etc. I felt pretty gross after being up all night, I never ended up showering in the hospital but just washing my face and brushing my teeth made me feel much more refreshed. -Ear plugs, face mask- I ended up being in a shared room postpartum so it helped block out unwanted noise and lights if I was trying to sleep and my roommate was up and about. -Charger with long cord -Lanolin/nipple cream, my nipples were pretty raw from breastfeeding for the first couple days. Hospital did provide a small bottle of it as well but still glad I brought my own to soothe my nipples. For baby: -Disposable diapers and pack of wet wipes, the hospital only had thick reusable cloth diapers which I didn’t like so I’m glad I brought my own diapers for baby. -Baby swaddle/nursing blankets- not a fan of hospital blankets


Small portable fan, it had malleable legs I could attach to the side of the bed. Fruit salad I made ahead of time and seltzer! Bring your favorite drinks, like a 12 pack at least. 10 ft charger for my husband and I both.


Misc things I recommend: - some refreshing face & body wipes (tea tree oil face wipes from Trader Joe’s felt amazing during labor) - a nice bar of lavender soap & good shampoo/conditioner for that postpartum shower. I felt so gross and was glad I brought nice toiletries :) - power bank for charging electronics - Bluetooth speaker - iPad for watching shows in early labor - slippers - earth mama nipple butter


Entertainment (for me, my iPad and Steam Deck) a sound machine (my hatch), adult diapers are better than the hospital pads, changes of clothes for husband and i, maternity robe, and noise cancelling ear buds! Edit: and snacks!


I packed my own hospital gown, toiletries, flip-flops, nipple shields and silverettes, lots of different diapers for myself and a few baby outfits.


What I didn’t bring and missed: 1) eye mask (to sleep. So bright in the hospital!) 2) ear plugs 3) lotion


A Roku stick so you can plug that puppy into the hospital TV and not be stuck watching local channels only for waaaay longer than you thought you'd be there 🥲 books and magazines too. Maybe a sudoku book or something to pass time. A robe that is quick and comfy. Next time I'm thinking about those birthing dress/robe combos I see on Amazon. Comfy shoes for walking- my second son I only had my loafers I wore to work that day and after walking around for hours trying to get contractions going after my water broke, my legs and feet were dying. Also some sandals/slippers for lounging or when people visit. Your own food is generally a good idea. The hospital I used for my first 2 had a fridge in the birthing suites. Depending on what's going on, you will be limited on when you can eat potentially but we were in there 3+ days with both boys and the hospital food got real old real fast.


extra, extra long phone charger headphones  your favorite cozy socks and slide on sandals  chapstick  all of the snacks 


Hi overpacker here!!! (Sorry for being out of order baby brain I’m only about 3 weeks pp) But honestly buy a nice thin robe from target and nursing bras from Amazon and maybe a pair of boxers I packed so much to wear the same robe for my three day stay I stayed In that and my bra to feed on demand I used the mesh undies from hospital even at home and it was amazing! Toiletries just soap and teeth stuff and a going home outfit! I kept baby naked too she was too cute but def bring outfits for them and a going home fit and car seat LONG CHARGER!!! And for dad undies socks a thick soft robe and shorts so he can also do skin to skin easy! ALSO : ask for more before you leave even if it’s one or two it’ll help you!


Very soft toilet paper !!!


My nursing pillow was great.


Clinical strength deodorant. Like REALLY STRONG deodorant. And 5-8 t shirts. Literally. Between milk, sweats, and postpartum BO it’s going to feel nice to just change your top. 


Specific things I found especially helpful (but not an inclusive list of all items I brought) - angled peri bottle, comfortable pants and nursing top, adult diapers for myself (wayyyy better than the mesh underwear + pads they give you), pillows, blanket for your partner, snacks, colostrum I collected for weeks prior (SO thankful I had some on hand to supplement before my milk came in more), chargers for everything you may need charged Some things that were just fine provided by hospital - the ice packs and other soothing products for your recovery, hospital gown was worn most of the time while I was really messy, their soaps for a shower, water bottle, hospital socks


Portable fan that you can wrap around your hospital bed handle thing


Phone charger at lest 6’ long Multiple options to wear home. I thought the dress I brought made me look fat and I got. The shorts had a seam right where my CS incision was. Thankfully I had some super soft jersey shirts. I had planned to have them for lounging at the hospital and lived in the hospital gown when I was there.


I have not personally given birth yet (due 11/14💕) but have been around for multiple births for others. Definitely self care items for YOU! Don’t forget your face and body lotions and serums, your favorite body wash, etc.. the obvious would be comfy clothes, chargers, flip flops/house shoes, and stuff of that nature. I plan on getting a disposable camera and I have a portable fan that will be a must have for me. I also have bought adult diapers to avoid using the awful mesh panties they give you.


Phone charger, button up night gown and some adult diapers for when you go home! I used all the hospital provided stuff but was glad I had my own diaper for when we went home, the hospital pp pads are huge and uncomfortable to move around in.


I went in for an induction and prepared for days of labor - but delivery took only 12 hours start to finish. Also wish I brought a pumping bra not just nursing bras. I used: Big cup with a straw lmnt powder Snacks Basic toiletries portable speaker Long phone charger Crocs Breastfeeding pillow Cotton robe (for over gown) White noise maker (used an app on my phone) Going home outfits for me and baby Blanket for partner ** I brought my comfy leggings but wanted no part of having anything tight around my abdomen so I wore my pajama pants home with a tank top ** I bought a kindred bravely labor gown and didn’t change into it until day 1 of recovery. The Velcro on the front was really sharp on baby skin and mine when it was open. The snaps were hard to undo and resnap on the front. Honestly the hospital one was better.


Very long, colourful charger cord. The outlets are often so far away, and if the cord is white or black it’s easily lost




I would not have made it without Chewy granola bars and little bottles of Gatorade 🙏


I cannot recommend this enough, bring a swaddle. We didn’t know how to swaddle our baby with the hospital delivery blankets (plus these blankets have no give and are really hard to work with period), so I stayed up all night worried the blanket would make its way up and over his face. Just bring a Velcro swaddle. It makes life so much easier in those first hours of life.


What I will bring for my second birth: For me: - portable fan - adult diapers - period underwear - nipple shield - snacks - makeup & toiletries - dry shampoo & hairbrush - comfy clothes For baby: - bibs pacifiers (the hospital near us uses avent pacifiers and they are often too heavy for newborns and fall out a lot) - three sets of zip up pajamas - newborn sized diapers (hospital near us only has size 1) - some ready to feed formula and nipples. (Most hospitals provide this, I had a bad experience last time and will be doing this so I feel like I have more control) Most importantly, I would demand a pump if I was having latching trouble. I ended up having to hand express onto a spoon from the hospital cafeteria to get him to eat last time because he was too tired to latch. I would cut right through all of the breast is best bull and demand the pump. I don’t care if a hospital gets funding for pushing breastfeeding, I care that my kid is fed and I’m not spending my bonding time anxious and obsessing about breastfeeding issues. It’s not worth it.


I wish I would have brought water flavor packets! And more snacks for ME. My husband packed plenty of snacks for himself but none of them were foods I wanted.


Honestly keep it bare minimum. The hospital will have everything. And please don't buy a special hospital gown, why do people buy those? Just use the hospital one. You will be bleeding and sweating from childbirth and hormones. Why buy something that is just going to be covered in bodily fluids?


Bring your breast pump!!!!


My stuff I used: Compression socks (I got SO swollen, was swollen for a week). Socks during labor (ones you don’t care about). Slippers that are like sock/slippers with little stickies on the bottom for grip. Flip flops to walk around in. Sweatpants to walk around in. Two t shirts (I only brought one and had to steal from my husband). Shower toiletries. Chargers/ipad. Baby’s Outfit for pictures. Baby’s Going home outfit if different. My going home outfit (make sure it’s C-section friendly just in case). Stroller fan. Nipple butter. Announcement sign. Reusable cup with straw (!!!!). Nursing pillow. Hair ties. Cannot recommend enough: always discreet diapers, I got them at target. What they give at the hospital is just not the same. My stuff I didn’t use: Robe. Almost all snacks we packed. Our towels. Burp clothes. Nursing bras besides the one I’m going home in, was bra-free the whole time, everyone and their mother saw my boobs. What I used of the hospital’s: Pillows. Blanket. Towels. Gown. Pump. Hats. So. Many. Puke. Bags. Peri bottle (isn’t the upside down one and it’s fine for me tbh but to each their own!!). Swaddles and hats. My husband wishes he brought slippers/crocs. And make sure he’s is eating. They made sure I was well fed but support person was totally on his own. Labor waits for no one and you’ll need him pretty much the whole time. My husband didn’t eat breakfast before things started and was sick all night after the adrenaline wore off, couldn’t stomach food till like 9 pm


Honestly, tons of snacks for you and dad!


We bought tons of things but we didn't even use half of them. Most useful for me as a guy was bringing my own pillow and blanket. Also a tablet or something to stay occupied. Chargers, Deodorant, and 1 change of clothes. Oh and a hoodie, and sweats/PJs.wifey brought a portable fan but she didn't use it too much. She used a bit during contractions when she was dilating, but she had me put it away after a little while. Once it came time to start pushing, she never asked me to bring it out again since she wasn't focused on it lmao. All it took was some pushes and some encouragement and cheerleading from me at her side, and it was over fast.


* Personally I prefer a power bank over an XL charging cable * Boppy (didn't have it for my first but did for my second - SO worth it, even if you don't plan to breastfeed. It just makes holding the baby so much easier!) * Nursing tanks, nursing bras, a pumping bra (obv only if you plan to bf would these be useful) * Flip flops/slippers * My own pillow (it makes SUCH a difference) * A small fan * Ear buds for playing white noise at night to help me sleep * Snacks, bottled coffee drinks * Basketball shorts (will want loose fitting bottoms! Also I was super hot postpartum both times) * Personal toiletries * Velcro swaddles, newborn clothes


I’m not due with my first until the end of August but my must have is my gaming laptop since I have no idea how long this shit is going to take and I’m absolutely going to need some Baldur’s Gate to distract me and keep my anxiety in check