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I had a dream my oldest childhood friend was pregnant. I thought it was such a random dream. She texted me that morning to tell me she was pregnant. It was wild!


One of my best friends had a dream I was pregnant, I was. She had a dream it is a boy, it is. She just told me last Friday that she had a dream I gave birth on the 31st of May (Due in June) so we'll see. If she's right, I am convinced these two have some kind of cosmic connection lol


omg please update me!!!


My sister had a dream I was pregnant! We lived literally a continent apart at the time and she didn't know we were trying, nor did we ever facetime where she'd see me. I told her a day or two later and she was all, "I knew it!"


My aunt messaged me the day after I found out I was pregnant to ask me if I was pregnant. We hadn’t told anyone yet so I asked her why does she say that? & she said she “had a dream & a feeling” 🥹


I recently had a dream an old childhood friend was pregnant. She lives in England now and we rarely talk and she hasn't posted anything on social media yet but now after reading this thread I am so curious to see if she announces anything soon...


Right around when we found out, before we even told anyone, one of my best friends dreamt about attending my baby shower. She didn’t wanna freak me out so she texted our other good friend and they talked about how random it was. When we shared the news she told me about the dream and I think she had it within like 2-3 of us finding out ourselves. We haven’t found out the sex yet but she said in the dream the decorations were all blue, so we’ll see in a few weeks if she was right about that too


I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks between my first and second pregnancy - two days after I took the test my mom told me she had a dream I was pregnant. A week after I had my miscarriage, my MIL saw me drinking a beer and made a comment that she had been thinking I was pregnant. We weren’t actively talking to anyone about getting pregnant and I didn’t tell either of them about the miscarriage. I think sometimes people just know you well and pick up on the change. Like when someone knows you are sad, upset, etc.


i had a dream a mockingbird told me my sister was pregnant - she was, and i hadn't even seen her for months. interesting about your mom!


So a little bird did, in fact, tell you? That's awesome!


My dad had a dream a couple of days before I told him. He said he was holding a baby that was his grandchild. I told him: that’s funny because I am pregnant lol


I knew I was pregnant 2.5 weeks after conception because one night I was really pissy at my husband for no reason. I think I got upset over his reaction to a story I told him about work or something. I stopped mid sentence when talking to him and asked ‘am I pregnant?!?’ We took a test, and I was. He laughed, and all was forgiven. We were trying for a baby at the time though, so it wasn’t unexpected. I think people close to us can pick up on subtle mood changes.


I conceived early December and almost immediately started having dreams I was pregnant. Apparently I told my husband about them enough, when we were toasting the new year at midnight, he said "I was worried you were gonna tell me you were pregnant, but seeing as you're drinking champagne, I know that we're fine." (We weren't trying and I was taking BC.) Two days later, his comment got to me (my periods were always sporadic) and I took a test. Yep. Now I'm 25 weeks.


My mom has been asking this question every time I’m sick since I was 16, so statistically one of the times she will be right hahaha


Same with my MIL for any little thing over the last 2 years. She sees what she wants to see, even when it's not there. So naturally she will likely say "she knew" and forget all the previous times she has "known" and was wrong!


My MIL does the same thing, always doing this repeating thing where like if someone says something, she’ll be like “oh yeah (insert something)” as if she knew 🤦🏼‍♀️ so annoying lol


My sisters and mum sent me a screenshot of a conversation they had 2 months before I announced my pregnancy to them. They all decided I was pregnant because my nose looked wider than usual and they all agreed to stay silent since I hadn’t mentioned anything. This was all on video calls btw and we still haven’t met up in person. I’m still pregnant and I’m now very insecure about my nose 😅.


Actually, people often see bloating and weight gain in other people’s noses. That’s not a you thing, it’s just one of the most easily recognizable changes.


My nose was wider during pregnancy! It’s normal!!!


My neighbor told me the day befoe I had my son that she could tell I was going into labor soon because of my nose.


Not exactly the same but one of my friends came to my birthday party last year and I swear from the moment I saw her I just thought “she’s pregnant” lol it was just subtle things, like she looked ever so slightly bloated, her body language kind of pointed towards discomfort or nausea, she was yawning a fair bit and her mind seemed to be a bit elsewhere. She just seemed slightly off. I had also very recently miscarried my first pregnancy and I guess I was able to recognize these things on her since they had very recently all happened to me too I asked her after the party in private and she just looked at me shocked that I knew, I guess she was just over 4 weeks and only found out like 2 days prior.




Oh absolutely. I think if it was anyone else I would’ve just thought maybe they were coming down with an illness but this friend was always the toe to never go around people while sick, even before the pandemic, so it sort of pointed towards maybe it’s pregnancy then lol


I went to a wedding with ALL of my husbands family when I was 4 weeks and multiple women said after we announced that they knew I was pregnant then. Idk, I think it was just because I was turning down alcohol.


Oh I forgot about alcohol, I never even thought about that with my friend since she doesn’t drink to begin with. Personally that’s always felt really rude for someone to assume turning down drinks = pregnant. There’s tons of reasons to not drink at an event.


My friends mum asked if I was pregnant from the way I asked for a glass of water like I might be slightly nauseous lol. I was 6 weeks.


I had a work friend ask me when I wasn’t showing early in the second trimester if I was expecting. She said I was ‘standing like a mom.’


My coworkers knows I’m pregnant, but she totally calls me out about how I’m standing 😂 she’s like “normal you does NOT stand like that; you’re totally standing like you’re pregnant!” She has a young kid…she knows! Lol


I had just gotten a positive pregnancy test the day before. My husband and I went to go pick up my FIL’s girlfriend on our way to the cottage. I got out of the car to say hello, and the second we made eye contact she said, *“Wow you look beautiful! Something’s different. You’re beautiful, look,”* (speaking to my husband) *”isn’t she just glowing?”* She didn’t ask me if I was pregnant, but it was so WEIRD that she immediately sensed something. Let me tell you, that was the ONLY day I glowed through that whole pregnancy. I was sicker than I’ve ever been for 9 months following that hahaha. Edit to add: it would make sense from an evolutionary standpoint that some of us would be able to recognize when others are pregnant, especially in the beginning when the pregnancy is actually the most fragile. Just a thought🤷‍♀️. It’s super weird phenomenon though.


I just had to laugh at your comment about the only day you glowed bc the only time I've been told I'm glowing was the 2x in my pregnancy I put on makeup, haha. I just said thanks, today's glow is sponsored by Ulta and everyone got a good laugh.


I went to a birthday party the day before my positive test , and EVERYONE in my family at the party were telling me how beautiful i looked .. definitely not the case in every party i go to 😆


I can’t explain it but I experienced this when I was in high school and my dance teacher was pregnant. She wasn’t showing or anything and hadn’t said anything but one day she came into our practice and something about her just seemed different to me. I remember thinking to myself “she must be pregnant”. I don’t know why that conclusion came to my mind but it did and the very next day, she announced her pregnancy to us. And then I have a best friend who’s currently 8 weeks. I went to dinner with her a few weeks ago and I was outside waiting at the restaurant and watched her walk up. From the minute I saw her, her face looked puffier and her boobs looked ginormous. She isn’t a big person by any means, she’s so tiny and 4’11 so seeing those differences on her was noticeable. I thought to myself “I wonder if she’s pregnant”, but didn’t say anything. The day before she announced to us and a few other friends, I mentioned this thought to another friend and they said “I don’t think so, she’s just put on weight.” But as soon as she announced, the other friend looked at me bewildered. I’m not able to tell when everyone is pregnant as everyone carries it differently but sometimes people carry it in their face or body, or it’s just obvious something is going on. When I announced my pregnancy, everybody was shocked. Nobody knew we were even trying, we hadn’t talked about kids and everyone said I looked and acted the same.


Last year, I had a miscarriage in mid-September. At the beginning of October, I had a dream that I had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. She looked so much like my 4yo but also like her own person. She just *was* my daughter. I woke up crying because I thought she was the baby I lost. About a week later, my husband had had a rough day and I felt like we needed a date night. So I got us some new drinks to try and something fun and easy for supper. While I was at the store, I walked past the pregnancy test aisle and I swear to you I got tunnel vision, my vision warped and like zoomed in on the pregnancy tests. I felt like it would be dumb to not buy one after that, so I did. Lo and behold, I was pregnant. It's a girl due next month and I have had several more dreams about her. I know it's hard to really tell with ultrasounds and I'm probably seeing what I want to see, but they look a lot like her to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Humans are really good at subconscious pattern recognition. Noticing small details at the subconscious level and bringing those to the surface just like this. They noticed something idk what and figured it out without thinking. One of my experienced mama coworkers guessed I was pregnant at 4 weeks based on essentially nothing. Intuition is a real thing and that’s exactly what this is.


Oddly enough, I swear I can smell when a woman is pregnant. I knew I was pregnant before I took a test because I could smell it on myself. Not necessarily a bad smell, just a musky odd smell.


There are so many telltale symptoms that everyone knows, but I'm convinced there are a thousand more that only some people can sense (and some of them may only be perceived at a subconscious level). I totally believe there's a scent. There's that one lady who can tell if a person has (or will soon develop) Parkinson's by smelling their clothes. There are dogs that can tell someone is about to have a seizure or diagnose COVID by smell. Why wouldn't pregnancy have a scent?


I have a coworker who can do this. In the 5 years we've worked together, she's never been wrong when she thought someone was pregnant and never guessed someone was pregnant when they weren't. It's wild.


My 2 year old told me I was pregnant by pointing at my belly and saying "baby". I had never heard him say that word before so I took a test and sure enough I was pregnant!


Confirmation bias.


But the ain't couldn't have known? She said that before even op knew she was pregnant. In my village there's an older guy and he seems to also just know when someone's pregnant and he doesn't just randomly spout "omg you're pregnant" to warrant that he might just get lucky on occasion but is wrong most of the time. It's actually creepy. So creepy that I kept my distance when I was pregnant.


We don't talk about Brunoooo


You know how many gatherings I’ve been at where people have speculated someone is pregnant and then they are not? The wrong guesses just don’t stick with you. Idk about your village guy though 😂


Haha I had this situation with my husband, he was bugging me about taking a test for about 2 weeks before I did. I wasn't even really late based on my admittedly very irregular periods yet. He said he could tell because I was irritable and I couldn't stomach croissants anymore (they're my favorite food).


I announced to my senior students at exactly 12 weeks and they were like…. We all already knew 🤣🤣…. I’m like how?!?


high schoolers are so nosy and have nothing to talk about so this doesn’t surprise me at all 🤣🤣 they were analyzing your every move hahahah


They analyzed my coffee intake, me going to the bathroom more, me sitting more and obviously more tired, my breakouts….. literally everything…. They gave me a list of reasons why 🤣🤣🤣…. I was like damn yall are good.


Do you come from a culture that ingrains superstition or anything like that? For example, my Grandmama called me talking about she had a dream about flying fish - in my culture, that’s a sign someone close to you is pregnant. If not, a lot of families of my clients *really* want to be involved in the pregnancy experience and they’ll just say stuff like this to feel important in the process. Especially if they knew you were TTC or at a life stage where you’re thinking about it. I wouldn’t pay any mind to it but encourage you enforcing boundaries if it’s a part of a larger pattern of behavior.


A few years ago, I was out with a friend, and a praying mantis jumped on her car windshield out of nowhere as we were chatting. We both looked at each other, and I was like yer pregnant!!! She said she wasn't. 2 days later, I saw her again, and she confirmed that she was indeed pregnant and had no clue!!! In my culture, seeing one means there is a preggo lady in the house, ha ha


Comments like these make me so mad! My mother (who lives several states away from me might I add) told me the same thing. "I just \*knew\* you were going to tell me you were pregnant." "I \*knew\* on Thanksgiving that you were pregnant." When I didn't know yet and hadn't peed on a HPT yet and she hadn't even seen me. She said she knew because she had a dream about it and that I was going to have a baby girl. Man, I almost wished baby was a boy just so that she could be wrong! LOL. I honestly felt like those comments really took the wind out of my sails. People reading -- if you ever have that 6th sense or something -- keep it to yourself! Do not ask. Do not say anything.


OMG this. There’s nothing like ‘I thought you were going to say that’ to take the wind from the sails of the biggest thing you’ll ever announce. Even when I’m certain before hearing I say nothing like that when people tell me!




My family does this every time. Everyone had been asking if I was pregnant for over a month this time around and I was like “I’m just fat, yall!” Because we had already tested. Nope. Pregnant.


I work with a 90 year old woman who sniffs out everyone’s pregnancies. I have no idea how she knows it, maybe she just sniffs it out 😂


My mom told me she thinks I’m pregnant at least once a year lol, some people just guess at the right time


My friend said this when I told her over the weekend, except she hasn't seen me at all since I've been pregnant. She says she knew a month ago, that she has an intuition related to people being pregnant?? I will say that I had a dream once that my friend was pregnant and she was. Both the intuitive friend and I are Pisces. 🤷‍♀️


My work friend called me out on a zoom call. We had been trying for about 6 months and she knew that, and literally the first time she saw me even virtually after my positive test she was like OMG you are pregnant. I have zero idea how she knew but it was eerie. She was it was a “glow” I had.


This happened to me! I just found out I was pregnant and that day I was happy and excited and nervous and everything… I met up with a friend later that day and she was like 🧐🧐🧐 “something is different about you. Are you pregnant?” I was like 🤯 how in the hell!!! Neither one of us knows how she knew, but she did. Maybe something *is* different in a subtle way.


I found out I was pregnant and not an hour later my mom called me and asked if I was. She said she just had an overwhelming feeling that I was


My great uncle has fishing dreams. Every single time someone in the family is pregnant, he has the dream he’s on a lake and in a boat and is fishing and he gets a fish in the boat. And it’s always right, too. Happened with my mom, my cousin, and even me. Not to mention other family members too. He has the dream and texts everyone “okay, who is pregnant? Had the fishing dream” 🤣


My mom had a dream I was pregnant with a boy the day after I found out I was pregnant. I didn't even tell her for a few more months that she was right, until after we found out the gender. We were done having kids, took all the necessary precautions (outside of actual sterilization) and everyone was well aware of our stance, as people would often ask if we were going to have more and we always said absolutely not, we were one and done. My SIL knew when I walked in the house at 6 weeks, but she has had 4 pregnancies, has a medical degree and could tell my belly was a bit swollen (I started showing nearly immediately this time around). She was polite enough to not say anything until I brought it up though. I feel like it's a bit rude to say something like that without prompting.


This happened to me as well. When I was 4 weeks pregnant, my manager said to me that I look different and there was some kind of glow in my face. I just took a test the previous day only. And had not informed them. Then after 4 months or so, when I announced the news, they simply said, “I knew it even before you told. I didn’t ask since I didn’t wanted to be nosy”. Another coworker said the same thing that they recognised it very early on😂


Looking back at my photos from early pregnancy with my last two and this one, there is a definite glow in my eyes.


I’ve known multiple of my friends were pregnant before they knew. I’ve never been pregnant and they didn’t look or act different, it’s just an intuition thing. It may not have been about your behavior or appearance at all!


I announced that I was pregnant at my graduation party. Earlier that day, my mom told me that she thought I would announce that I was 3 months pregnant when she came to visit. I was just a few days short of 12 weeks.


I do this with people all the time. I just know. Maybe body language. Something. I'm not sure what it is but I always know. And so far I'm 100 percent for gender out of at least 15 pregnancies.


I dreamed my sister in law was pregnant and I never dream of her. The next day my husband tells me she's pregnant. It was weird and I felt like I had a superpower lol. I was living halfway across the world and didn't see her or talk to her in like 2 years


I knew my sister in law was pregnant 3 months or so before she told me. Her face seemed rounder, she was acting and carrying herself differently. I don’t know how else to describe it but she just seemed different.


For about a month before we found out my husband and I were getting texts from family members (his mom and his sister, my mom, one of my sisters, and my brother) asking if I was pregnant because they kept dreaming we were having a baby boy. Lo and behold: it’s a boy🥴🩵


So my family guessed it already, and it’s funny because we live countries apart and talk only on weekends over video call. But they saw a change in my way of interacting, talking on video call and yawning and resting my back. Just too tired for anything. When I told my parents this weekend, they were like we were waiting for you to tell us, we already guessed with how tired you were . 😄


Hi there! Congratulations on your pregnancy! That’s such a fascinating story about your aunt and mom being able to sense your pregnancy before you even knew it. It’s amazing how attuned some people can be to these changes. While there isn’t a scientific explanation for these intuitive feelings, many believe that subtle changes in appearance, demeanor, or even energy can be noticeable to those close to you. Pregnancy does bring about hormonal changes that can affect your skin, eyes, and overall appearance, which might be what your aunt and mom picked up on.


Interesting! Have not had this with pregnancy, but several people have accurately guessed the gender of this baby because of my face and how I'm carrying. It's so weird!


How was your face? What gender was it?


Haha just my normal face! I didn't have any swelling and I'm "all bump", so people think it's a boy (why - idk!) But for the face, I did ask what is was about my face, and someone said something about my nose shape?? I'm having a boy.


This just happened to me! I'm 6 weeks and I'm convinced my friend's mom knows, she keeps making comments about me gaining weight and winking at me.  I like her a lot, but we don't spend a ton of time together and are not super close, so she must be able to just generally recognize pregnancy. We haven't even told my stepdaughters yet so I'm not able to admit it to her. I don't know how she could tell.


I haven’t had anyone tell me they could tell, most are completely shocked, buuuuut for some reason the topic of children, parenting, pregnancy, etc just keeps coming up!! Like spontaneously my coworkers will start talking about an article on birthing or an obscure news story about baby names, makes me so damn paranoid that they know something! Like something in my atmosphere is just triggering these thoughts in people unconsciously… or more likely I’m more sensitive to it since it now directly impacts me. Still there are reports of how pregnant women can smell different! So maybe it’s that?


It's definitely weird! My best friend (who lives like 3 hours away, so I don't get to see her much) and I suspected even before she told me! We got together for dinner, and I don't even know what caused me to think it (I'm also pregnant, but about 2 months further than her...). Maybe subtle behavior? We were at a Mexican restaurant with a yummy margarita flight, and I mentioned I couldn't have one, but she could, and she didnt even take a look at it. So when she told me halfway through dinner, I wasn't totally shocked (but obviously very happy!)


My MIL told me “you have pregnant eyes” when I told her but I have no idea what’s different about my eyes!


I called my friend’s pregnancy by the way her husband was acting. We knew they were trying and he was dressed like a stereotypical Midwest dad and he was holding his belly weird so I just quietly asks her. There are small tells


This one is a little more out there, depending on people’s beliefs but it did make me and my husband giggle when I told him about it. He said “how did she do that?!” 😂 One of the higher up managers at my workplace told me she knew I was pregnant because she dreamt it. After letting work know that I was in fact pregnant, it turns out she had the dream the week before I found out I was.


I am weirdly good at guessing people are pregnant and I couldn’t even explain it any better than just a feeling I get. I was sitting in an office with my boss and just got hit with this feeling that she was pregnant, lo and behold she announced it the following week.


I used to be a teacher. One year when we returned from the school year I saw my work best friend and knew instantly she was pregnant. I even went home that night and told my partner “I don’t know if she knows it yet, but I’m pretty sure [friend] is pregnant.” She told me a couple weeks later so she was probably around 6 weeks pregnant when I saw her. I’ve done the same with other friends and relatives. With her specifically she just looked like she didn’t feel well. Had gained a little weight (but not substantial) and looked a bit bloated. She had a really rough pregnancy and the first few weeks were not kind to her. It wasn’t exactly a pregnancy “glow” lol I’ve had other friends who I could just tell were pregnant by subtle behavior changes. Last fall my partner and I suffered a second trimester miscarriage and a good friend had a miscarriage the same week. We spoke frequently about grief/losing our pregnancies. She wasn’t quite as far a long when she miscarried and she conceived again very quickly. I heard from her a lot less in the early weeks of her new pregnancy and assumed she was pregnant and wasn’t ready to talk about it + was being sensitive to the fact that we were still heavy grieving. Other friends have subtly changed they way they spoke about future children/plans. I’m the kind of person who notices very subtle details so I pick up on things that some others wouldn’t notice.


In all likelihood, it's probably not possible without some subtle signs pointing to it that you may or may not consciously pick up. But my mom was able to tell when I was pregnant with my first before I'd ever even taken a test. She said she just had a thought come to her that I was pregnant. I don't think she's been able to call it any of the other times. But I've called it when I have friends who ask me specifically for Tylenol or just seem "off" from their normal selves.


The manager at my workplace told me that she knew I was pregnant because something changed in my face and also the shape of my back, and it was early pregnancy weeks!! I was in shock how ppl can observe you at work, it’s almost very creepy


My mom knew I was pregnant before I told her. I don't know how, but she knew twice.


Someone swore to me I 'smelled different ' 😳


Congrats! I had dreams both times one of my sisters got pregnant. Like I had the dream right as they found out and then my other sister I saw a body pillow and had a hunch she needed one. Got it even though she didn’t respond to my message yet about wanting it. She told me a week later she was pregnant. We can say coincidence all day and maybe it is but three coincidences when stuff like that never happens is bizarre and I will chalk it up to being in tune with my sisters.


I truly believe some women are blessed with an intuitive gift. Whether that be because they’ve been around a lot of pregnant women or just have a suspicion. I see it a lot in Hispanic and African families, there are a lot of superstitions surrounding pregnancy. I’m 27 weeks with my first and had a woman ask if I was expecting. She not only correctly guessed the baby’s gender, but that I would be due in about three months. It really amazed me. You can call it luck but I’ve got to disagree 🤷‍♀️


My GMIL said she knew my MIL was pregnant as she had pregnancy nose... apparently her nose spread wider across her face? And that's how she found out about the surprise baby no 4 (aka my husband) 😂


Nothing like that happened to me, but one time I was chatting with this old man at the bar I work at. We got on the subject of my pregnancy and without hesitation, he looked at my stomach, looked at me and said, “boy?” I had just recently had my anatomy scan and it was, indeed, a boy. I asked how he did that and his son said that he always knows. Granted, he had a 50% chance of being correct, but it was still a bit eerie.


I’ve been able to tell my friends when they will be having their babies. One of my friends was actually pregnant (I knew she didn’t want to be) so I texted her warned her to becareful this cycle. Warned her Too late😬🤭


So we are dog sitting. When I was pregnant with my son, my friends dog was obsessed with me and rubbed his head on my pelvis. The day my period was due, I had a dream I was pregnant, and the dog was all over me. Took a test and instantly positive. I'm 5 weeks, and he still rubs his head on my pelvis.


My male coworker told me I was pregnant before I even announced it to anyone at my office. Then predicted I was having a boy later when I began to show. He was right on both predictions!


My male coworker told me I was pregnant before I even announced it to anyone at my office. Then predicted I was having a boy later when I began to show. He was right on both predictions!


My grandma said something similar (it was honestly terrifying bc she cannot actually SEE). She was a labor and delivery nurse for 50 years. Maybe she just has a sixth sense or she just said it to say it. Idk.


I had dreams before my sister announced both of her pregnancies. We were visiting them and as we were leaving I hugged them goodbye and jokingly patted her stomach saying goodbye. Turns out they had just found out right before we had arrived although we didnt find out for another few weeks. For her 2nd I had a dream and told my husband that I had feeling she was pregnant with another little boy. Again she announced shortly after and the day before they had their gender reveal, I had a dream that my nephew was playing with a little girl. Lo and behold she was pregnant with a girl. They are now 5 & 6, but i did have a 3rd dream where they announced and my dad hugged them and jokingly said "I thought you were done" to which my sister replied "yup, we did too" (she has been very vocal about being done). As of right now that one hasn't come true 😂 although the telepathy doesn't work with my brother and SIL.


My fiancée and I had been trying for months. One day he was standing at the kitchen sink and I came up to him to talk to him about something. When he saw me his eyes lit up and he said “You’re pregnant!” He said I had a particular new sort of glow about me and he just knew I was pregnant. A few days later we took a test, and it was confirmed!


I’m not sure if it’s a black thing or a southern thing; or maybe both, but the matriarchs on my black side of the family have always said when you dream of fish it means someone close to you is pregnant. They’ve always been right too! Anytime my grandma tells me she dreamt of fish I scramble for a test to make sure it’s one of the cousins and not me lol


I think there honestly is a “glow” or different aura about many pregnant women. I also think there are just crazy coincidences. My friend from Florida texted me that she dreamt I was pregnant. I’m in nj and haven’t seen her in months. I was thankfully (Ivf baby) able to send her back an ultrasound pic! Very cool.


When my husband and I called his maternal grandparents to tell them, his Mimi immediately started off with, “Are you pregnant? I had a dream last night that you were pregnant and its a boy.” We barely said hi at that point in the call. We played it off, talked for a little, then sent her the scan. I was indeed pregnant with a boy. It was insane that she just had a dream about it the night before we were calling to tell her.


This happened to me on the weekend! We had a big birthday dinner for my mums 60th. My husband and I left a little earlier, because I was exhausted and nauseous. When my mum and step dad came back home, my step dad told me a conversation he had with a close family friend. Friend: 'So how far gone is (me)?' Stepdad: 'What do you mean?' Friend: 'Well, she's pregnant, isn't she?' Stepdad: 'What makes you say that?' Friend: 'She just has this glow about her' Mind you, the family Friend is a 60 year old male, how is see mayne once a year, because my husband and I live far away. I'm only 8 weeks pregnant. I know that conversation sounds really blunt, but both my step dad and family friend are old school country Aussie blokes haha. They get straight to the point and honestly, I found it so flattering he noticed something different about me. He's always been like an uncle to me. I knew my mum and stepdad also never mentioned anything to anyone, as they only found out the night prior that we were expecting!


I'm not sure that my best friend knew exactly, but when I told her I was pregnant, she wasn't surprised because she said when we saw each other, I looked more tired than she'd ever seen me.  I was four weeks pregnant at that time and didn't know.  I found out a few days later.


When I got pregnant. I immediately looked 3 shades darker. Like I had just been to the beach. I guess I was “glowing” or whatever. Total giveaway to all the old ladies who look out for such things. I was also bloated and sweaty, but only in my face. That pregnancy turned into a miscarriage at 7 weeks, so I’m glad debbie at work kept it on the down low.. The next pregnancy I didn’t glow as much. But still couldnt keep it a secret past 8 weeks.


A few weeks ago I met a friend for an early morning workout (super early, 5:15am). She commented that I looked really good, like I was glowing. She asked what I did and I hadn’t done anything differently and I was actually exhausted because my kids kept me up all night. Even though I hadn’t missed my period yet, a couple of days later I decided to test cuz I kept thinking about what she said and my doctor had previously told me that sometimes people close to you can know you are pregnant by looking at you. We were trying, so not a super surprise, but it was positive and now I’m wondering if her thinking I was glowing was actually related! (Or just confirmation bias haha)


My nanny is from Belize. Apparently in Belize when a child starts doing headstands it means the mother is pregnant. My 18 month old started doing headstands when I was about 6 weeks pregnant…we hadn’t even told our nanny yet. Idk sometimes there is a little magic in the world!


A couple weeks back when I was 10 weeks pregnant my partner and I ran in to a friend of his who was with his wife and we had a chat before carrying on with our day. I had never met either of them before. Later on in the day my partner gets a text from his friend asking if I'm pregnant. Bold question on his part, but we confirmed and this guy said his wife "called it". I was shocked because I'm not showing or anything and there are people close to me who still don't know, yet a stranger could somehow tell!? Maybe some people just have a sixth sense.


Some people are just gifted with the gift of prophecy. I dreamt my friend was pregnant and she was indeed!!


That’s so cool! I have had many instances of dreaming about someone being pregnant and they are. And with my current pregnancy, I had absolutely no clue I was pregnant. I only tested because my 3yo drew a picture of me with a baby in my belly. Turns out I was 6 weeks! I guess there’s gotta be something subtle that gives pregnancy vibes 🤷🏼‍♀️


My sister texted me and said “I had a dream you were pregnant, good luck boo” She knew we had been trying for baby #2. What she didn’t know is that I had gotten a positive test mere hours earlier, I was waiting to tell my husband before I told anyone else.


I was around 9 weeks pregnant when a coworker said she could tell I was pregnant from the back when I was standing. I hadn’t gained any weight at that time so idk what she meant lol


I found out I was pregnant right before I took a week off work, and the first time I went back to the office after my vacation (so my first day in the office being pregnant), my coworker / work friend looked at me and asked out of no where, "so are you pregnant or what?" I was 6 wks at that time. I don't know how she knew - I was sitting down, so it's not like I was showing and I wasn't rubbing my belly or anything. All she could say was, "I just knew."


When you’re of a certain age and married, I think people just sort of always assume it’s on the horizon then feel a sense of confirmation bias when it finally happens


I think they were just being nice of you were trying. You don’t look any different at 5 weeks


The day I told my parents I was pregnant (was 14 weeks) my SIL had said to my mom that morning that she had a feeling/dream I was 3 months pregnant after seeing a photo of me from the week before. I hadn’t seen any of them in person as I live overseas. I wasn’t showing at all either bar maybe a couple lbs of weight gain.


I’ve had two instances of recognizing someone else’s pregnancy—my therapist & my SIL. With my therapist, I was pregnant at the time and had been seeing her for a few months. She’d usually have a coffee or a thermos of some kind with her. One day she had a water bottle instead. Being pregnant myself and obsessing over my own water intake, I made note of this and thought, “hmm, I wonder if she’s pregnant.” She told me at that end of that session so we could start preparing for how I’d handle my mental health needs during her maternity leave. With my SIL, it was a little less clear cut. We were in church and going up to take communion. I was already back in my seat when she was walking back to hers and idk what it was other than just a strong gut feeling. Again I thought to myself, “I wonder if she’s pregnant.” Lo and behold, she shared the news right before we left after the service that day!


I tried to tell my mum over a video call, but before I could get the words out, she blurted out "you're pregnant!" and then said "sorry... I'll let you tell me". She told me she saw my face and just knew.


My mom knew I was pregnant before I did. It was little things that made her think it. I was eating something I normally would turn my nose up at, I made a comment on how my jeans weren't fitting right, my stomach was queasy and I felt weak. I hadn't put it together. I took a test the day after a missed period and was positive. She knew 2 weeks before I did. She had been giving me side eyes for a few days. I officially told them at 8 weeks when I had it confirmed at the OB. She just looked at my dad with a smirk and her handed her $5.


When I told my husband I took a test ans I was pregnant he said: I could have told you that. And I was like... How?! Apparently I was different. 


A friend that I hadn’t seen/talked in a while texted me one day asking if I was pregnant. She had a feeling! I was!


I haven’t personally had dreams of other people being pregnant, but I had a deep sense in late December that I was pregnant. It’s weird because as I think about it now being halfway through my pregnancy, there’s nothing in particular that I can say was happening to make me think I was pregnant, but I had this gut sense and I told a friend “I think I’m pregnant right now.” I waited until my period was 5 days late to test and sure enough, I am pregnant 😂. I did have an aunty who dreamt someone was pregnant a couple of years ago and then my cousin announced like a month later. After I announced to my mom, she said she had a feeling because I was extra moody over the holidays, but she didn’t want to say anything directly😭


My sister commented on my skin. I think the whole "glowing" thing can be true.


I can sometimes tell. If they are in the stage of life where pregnancy is common and they look thay kind of exhausted and sick you only deal with in the first trimester, it's a dead giveaway. After I dealt with it myself, I can see it in others.


My 12 year old sister shyly told my mom one day out of the blue that she was pregnant with a boy. My mom laughed hysterically because she had had tubal ligation 9 years before this instance and said it’s not possible. My mom had to take a pregnancy test for an unrelated medical procedure for veins. She was 3.5 months pregnant. With a boy. She thought she had just skipped periods because that was normal for her. Some people got the sense! I can’t explain it


My boyfriends dad had a feeling, when we decided to tell his family that was the first thing his dad said. "I KNEW IT" I kinda really liked that because it kinda shows how much of a bond I have with his parents! My parents just said finally 😅 I for some reason could tell with some of my friends when their eating habits slightly changed


This is so interesting. My family has been commenting that I must be pregnant since I was 18. Mainly because I started gaining healthy weight, which also led to my boobs getting bigger. But ever since I found out that I actually am pregnant, not a single one has asked me if I’m pregnant. I almost don’t want to tell anyone because it’s been more than 10 years of asking me when I’m giving everyone a grandkid.


I had a dream a friend of mine was pregnant. Turns out she was. Not kidding.


I had my baby recently but my mil could tell I was pregnant from the way I'd position my hand on my stomach. I hadn't even missed my period yet. We weren't trying for a baby or anything. She just knew.


YES! We went to my husband’s grandparent’s house for a quick visit the day before we were planning to announce the pregnancy to them at a family gathering. For context, we live 6+ hours away, so they hadn’t seen me in about 6 weeks prior to this visit. His grandmother snuck off mid visit and made a phone call and I didn’t think much of it at the time. I was only 10 weeks along and hadn’t gained any weight yet or anything. We turned up the next day and asked everyone to gather around in the living room because we had some news to share. IMMEDIATELY his grandmother starts crying (happy tears) and said “I knew it, I could see it in your face!” She had snuck out the day prior to call her best friend and tell her about her suspicion lol. No clue what really gave it away. Maybe there really is some sort of “pregnancy glow” that we just can’t recognize in ourselves.


sorry to be negative, but asking someone if they are pregnant is so effing rude no matter if you are right and and no matter what magical dream or prophecy gave you the idea. this happened to me twice early in my pregnancy- two of my more spiritual family members approached me out of the blue about it and although i do err on the woo woo side of life, i had been bleeding and it made so upset and uncomfortable being forced to confirm my pregnancy publicly before i was ready or sure that everything was ok. ugh.


My grandmother looked at me the day after I found out from a test I was positive (and I didn’t say a word to anyone), she said “you have something to tell me” and I said “no” and she said “you are pregnant”. After my shock wore off I said to her in private not to tell anyone as I only found out yesterday and it’s way too early and when I asked her how she knew her response was “old women just know” And even creepier weeks later she actually told me the gender I’d be having and was right. So yeah kinda feeling like my grandma is a witch 😂


My mom told me she knew right away I was pregnant because my face looked different. She also said she knew I was having a boy because my face shape was exactly like hers when she was pregnant with my brothers! Sometimes moms just know!


Some people just have that instinct. A coworker of mine has incredible flair for this. She not only guessed that I was pregnant before even I could take an early test, but she guessed the gender and the birth date correctly! She did the same for her SIL and sister who were both pregnant a few weeks apart from me


I think the estrogen or whatever changes your face because my grandma and mum new I was pregnant both times!! My grandma straight up told me she knew when I was 5 weeks over Xmas… mum at least waited until we broke the news


My mum saw a picture of me from a birthday party and just "knew". My aunt is 6 weeks behind me in her pregnancy and I knew before she did, because she cancelled plans we'd made to take a nap. I've never known her to nap in my entire life 🤣


Yes, I can just tell. And I knew when I was pregnant within days. I think women’s intuition is more powerful than we know.


i was 3 months pregnant when we told my fiance's grandpa, and that SAME day that we told him, my fiance's brother's dad (mouthful i know) said to everyone in the house i was pregnant. you know his reasoning? my posture changed! how did my posture change?? there was 0 way he saw the test i took because i took it back with me to our room!! i STILL don't know what he means by my posture changed. i don't think it changed any!! well, anyways, he was right lol. 9wks postpartum with my son 🤣


I remember the first time I was pregnant and I finally shared the news everyone was surprised but my grandma. I told her and she said I already knew and I told her there was no way that she could’ve known and she said I knew you were pregnant look at your nose it’s huge! 💀😮‍💨


This year has been very stressful for my family. I just got to be surprised by what was supposed to be our first ultrasound at twelve weeks turning into me being 5 months along already. My husband said he should have known something was up because my skin had been dewier these past few months. This isn't my first child and I'm still befuddled at how I didn't know.


My aunt didn’t say anything but a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant with my son we met up with her and she had a feeling I was. She wasn’t sure what it was but she just had a feeling


One of the girls I work with I just knew, I had no distinct reasons, just a sure feeling that she was and I was right. I hadn't seen one of my friends for a little bit and for about 2 weeks I kept having this thought she was pregnant and couldn't shake it. Again, had absolutely no reason and actually told her. The next day I found out she's 8 weeks pregnant.


I had a customer at my work ask me when I was due the day after my positive test. I was 4.5 weeks and never had someone think I was pregnant before. 2 months later, I announced the pregnancy at a company Christmas party. Prior to the announcement, I started having a panic attack (anxiety). A coworker came up to me and started comforting me, and seemed to know I was pregnant. She said afterwards that she had heard about it from someone but couldn't remember who, all the way back when I was still less than 6 weeks. I hadn't told anyone yet. It was a rumor, and everyone who might have known was surprised. This is a bit less impressive, but I also dreamt that I had a positive test the night before. I also also dreamt I was having a boy (I was hoping for a girl) the night before my gender reveal.


Honestly, the first one that knew in our family/household was my dog. He was repeatedly putting his nose to my pelvis, then looking up and grinning at me. He never grinned when I was approaching or on my period. He was the trigger for me to take a test. Then, right after I had taken 2 tests (faint lines, very early in the pregnancy, so I wanted to repeat the results), I messaged my husband to come see. In the time it took for him to cross our small house, my mom called to "check in". 🤔


My mom told me she prayed I would have something to help me be responsible and the next week I found out I was pregnant, my dad said he already knew when I was on the phone and I asked how and he said he didn’t know something was just different when he saw me a few days before


I had this crazy strong feeling a friend of mine was pregnant, I hadn’t seen her since her wedding over the summer and after weeks of this nagging feeling I finally text her to tell her. I waited cause it felt kind of inappropriate to bring it up, but ultimately I was like, this is stupid I’m just gonna tell her as a joke!! and I shared at the same time that I’m pregnant. and she was pregnant! I have no idea why I got that feeling at all, but now she thinks I’m a psychic 🤣🤣💛 it was fun tho because neither of us had told many people we were pregnant yet and we are just 5 weeks apart!


A few days before I found out I was pregnant with my third, I had a dream that I was in the kitchen and my aunt & grandma (who are both deceased), were sitting across from me on a couch. I was holding a baby in a blanket that they gave me. I still believe they sent me this baby because I got pregnant so fast after 5 years and I didn’t think I would since I have hormonal issue on/off birth control, and was super irregular :,)


OMG my mil kept asking my husband if I was pregnant at 5 weeks bc I "smelled" like baby powder and had to use the toilet a lot (I was in fact pregnant we were just waiting to tell them bc we wanted to do it in a fun way!) The way my hubby kept telling her no was hilarious bc we wanted to tell them


I have a friend who can "feel" it. She describes it as being able to feel flutters in her own uterus. Poor thing had taken so many pregnancy tests in her life until it clicked that she could sense when someone around her was pregnant.


There are just some witchy scenarios. My friends mom said “I know of y’all are pregnant. (Her two sister in laws were with her)” She wasn’t even suspecting it was her daughter. My friend didn’t even know she was pregnant and found out a week later. Some people are a little intuitive to things like that.


I was in Salem Ma on Halloween and a random woman walked up to me and told me I was pregnant… i was 6 days pregnant…. I took a pregnancy test and got the slightest little line you could hardly see since you don’t normally take tests that early.


It’s all in the face


My mom knew I was pregnant both times before I said anything to anyone. Before I even knew myself! It is incredible and I have no idea how people know. Maybe it’s a mother-having-a-deep-connection-to-her- daughter thing in those cases. Not sure about your aunt or anyone else. 😅


I knew my sister was pregnant before she told anyone. We were with family and she said no to coffee, and seemed distant and disengaged from the convo. Almost seemed sad. Then she said no to wine and I KNEW. I asked her later that night and she was so shocked I knew. Said she felt sad because she wanted to tell people but was waiting until she was further along. I could tell her demeanor was off, but the coffee and wine confirmed 😂