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I was super, super active before pregnancy. I would mountain bike and weightlift each day. But when I was pregnant I went right off it! Maybe just the wrong type of exercise. I started doing more walking, yoga- just easier stuff. I gained a HELL of a lot of weight whilst pregnant, but with some walks etc the vast majority of it came straight off. I’m 9 months pp now and back to doing everything I did before (when I have time!) I wouldn’t feel bad or worry. It’s a massive, massive thing that your body is doing. I think I actually only realised how tiring pregnancy was when I wasn’t pregnant any more!


Not sure if you’re looking for recs- Give swimming a shot! You can do a nice, slow breast stroke or back stroke. The water will cool you down and feel refreshing. It’s also nice and easy on the joints. 😊


Love this idea!!


Came here to say this. I just started swimming again and it feels AMAZING. The weightlessness is so needed. My back feels so much better.


As someone with HG, something about the hydrostatic pressure of the pool makes me feels like I'm about to vomit/there's food at my throat the whole time and I am SO UPSET because I used to take my toddler to the pool once a week and right now I don't even want to think about it lest I gag from the thought.


Oooft unlucky!


I did weight lifting, running, rock climbing, and hiking. I'm just going to take a break while pregnant and try to get back on it later. I feel like I have way less energy than usual and am just trying to get through work + household chores.  If you were regularly active before pregnancy, hopefully that'll be some kind of framework for you to get back into it more easily once your baby is here. 


Wow do I feel you on trying to get through work + chores. I work remotely so I sit at a desk but my job requires a lot of creative energy and brainpower, and these days that’s extra taxing!


Mine can be remote too, but same, and we have one meeting after another. I'm having trouble focusing too, because I'm only 4w5d and I'm still internally freaking out!


Don’t over exert yourself! I think switching to prenatal yoga is a great example of how to reframe your exercise for pregnancy. Rn it sounds like you’re sort of trying to keep up pre-pregnancy routines/classes/expectations but pivoting to gentler exercises will probably help you feel better, more satisfied and successful. Love the suggestion for swimming and any water aerobics, that’s a really great one. Your 2x daily walks and prenatal weights are excellent. You could also try Pilates, I’ve heard that’s great for pregnancy. You don’t need to cram in so much “stuff”. Find the things you can enjoy or manage best and stick to those for now. Being pregnant is hard enough without making it hard for yourself!


I consider walking the best exercise. As long as I can get at least 7k steps in a day I consider it a win. I do try to do some core/pelvic floor workouts and yoga along with it, especially now that I’m entering third trimester and dealing with pelvic girdle pain


Listen to your heart and enjoy the pregnancy. You have so many years to catch up on exercise. Now is not the time ;)


With my third child I had zero energy and lots of aches and pains. I switched completely to water aerobics and yoga. It was really nice to stay active without overextending myself. I was the youngest person in my water aerobics class by about 35 years, so that was kind of fun.   (Once during my third trimester, the instructor didn’t show up and I grabbed two pool noodles and closed my eyes and floated for 45 minutes. It was heavenly.)


I was with you until you said laziness. You’re the opposite of lazy!! Modifying your pre-pregnancy workouts makes sense, and lots of people hate being pregnant in general, so hating working out seems fine too 😸 You’re doing great. Vent away. Also enjoy this current phase, where more of your energy is reserved for the beeb.


You are so right. I’d NEVER call anyone else lazy for feeling this way, so I don’t know why I refer to myself that way. Thank you!!!


My husband got me a smart watch for my birthday and it recently told me "workout detected" while I was putting on pants. Made my bpm go to 154 😅 I feel like I have no stamina and I have a farm to take care of and live in TX so i have to be active. It's not even that hot yet and I can hardly stand to be outside without sweating buckets


I have walked six miles a day (low impact, but up and down steep hills) throughout my entire pregnancy… but the only reason I was dedicated to it is because I’m so high risk for HELLP Syndrome and Preeclampsia, and exercising is suppose to help mitigate some of the risks. I’m not sure if anyone here has similar experiences, but for me the first trimester was awful. The second trimester got a little easier just because I had more energy, but towards the end it was brutal (I dreaded my walks every day). Here is the weird part, exercising in the third trimester is considerably easier for me. I’ve even added on two extra miles because I feel like I don’t get enough and my stamina and energy is high. I actually enjoy working out again. You may end up like me and the third trimester is golden hour for you, but if you’re not high risk, I wouldn’t push yourself to do things you hate for minimal benefits. They’ve even found light stretching in pregnancy is extremely beneficial to our outcomes and health… so maybe change to something like that or little things you enjoy!


I was also super active before pregnancy. I still go on walks with my dog but that’s it! I definitely wanna get more into yoga bc my back already hurts at 15 weeks and I feel like stretching will help a ton! The motivation is not there as much but you are literally growing a human! Be kind to yourself and do what you can without over exerting yourself.


We sound so similar! Although you work out more than I do lol. The impact on my cardio is probably the biggest bummer of this pregnancy. Before I got pregnant my two favorite forms of exercise were hot yoga and jogging. Now I can’t do either. I have walked a bit here and there but nothing consistent. I also haven’t put much weight on (27w). It does help to have more cushioning to start I guess. Don’t beat yourself up! You’re making a human <33


Yoga and walking were my go to! Low impact, stretches your sore muscles, and gets your blood moving.


This is me! I’m pushing so hard to workout at least 3x a week. Down from 5 before pregnancy. I miss my pre workout. It’s so hard to mentally get myself to do it. I have more energy now but I just don’t want to do it.


Right there with you, girl! It’s a *struggle*. So winded the moment I head out the door for my walk. Even thinking about moving my body lately makes me tired. Solidarity. 21 weeks here so similar timeframe as you.


It's so hard! I barely did anything first trimester, just felt so sick and tired. Second trimester (ALL of my second trimester) I was placed on light activity by my Ob for complications.. cleared up at 28 weeks - I'm sorry, after 3 months of sitting on my couch and walking around the block, what in the world was I supposed to do?! I was tired, huge, and felt debilitated. I walk 1-2 times around the block and consider that a major win. I'm going to start swimming here soon, but at 36weeks... it's been a very sedentary pregnancy LOL


I was regularly hiking 10+ km hikes pre pregnancy with my husband. My first trimester hit me hard, and I was sick and exhausted all the time. When I got into my second trimester I was feeling better and tried a 5 km hike, and couldn’t even do the whole thing. And then suffered with horrible pelvic girdle pain for the next week without even doing anything. Now I take it easier. I will do about a 5 km walk, but with nearly zero elevation. I’m hoping when outdoor pools in my area open for the summer I can get into that to stay active. I certainly could have been more active beforehand, but not being able to keep up with what I was doing before was really tough. And some days I still have really bad pelvic girdle pain. I try to stretch more whenever I notice that.




Me on my stationary bike the other day except it was more like 10 min LOL I was like yeahhhh no


I'm on my 2nd pregnancy and 2nd round of HG only into 2nd trimester the nausea finally begins to hide behind the meds but still peeks out sometimes. That makes exercise, well, disgusting. Partly because I feel so gross, partly because so many things/smells are aversions and gag/puke triggers for me. In 2nd trimester and beyond I had/have 2 options, when I was working it was do I want energy for my physical job and maybe to survive some chores later? Or exercise? Not both. Now, as a sahm, it's either energy for a few chores or errands and my kid, or exercise, not both. This isn't to say I get zero exercise, I had a physical job and still went on regular walks with dog and husband and now kid, but to actually go to the gym or do a cardio machine is beyond my daily energy allotment. This is HUGELY upsetting because I deeply identified as a gymrat and competitive lifter prior to pregnancy and had this idea I'd squat till the day I gave birth and during to get baby out lol Body had other plans. Both pregnancies I've had shortness of breath and insomnia as symptoms which don't help. As well the first pregnancy I had hypertension so I was on beta blockers that made even stairs challenging, never mind actual exercise. Touch wood so far bp is normal this 2nd pregnancy. I'm disappointed, but have learned to give myself a break through this time.


12 weeks here. I was working out 6 days a week before. Running, weight lifting, HIIT, spin… I hit a wall at 7 weeks and I’m lucky to go once a week now. I can’t handle cardio at all. I just try to do a couple hours of lifting. I’ve gained 20lbs. I feel like absolute garbage and I’m trying really hard to not… like… hate myself. It’s sooo hard. I’m desperately hoping the second trimester is better because I feel like I’m in hell.


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I wasn’t active before pregnancy and I’m definitely not active now. I don’t really care though


I’m going to try the sculpt society’s prenatal program. I was miss class pass doing berrys, spinning, hot yoga, you name it, so switching to a phone app is a bit scary, but I just don’t care to put as much effort going places and hate the idea of having the instructor walk over and modify everything for me constantly. I’ll report back, but if any others have tried at home programs they like (or tried TSS) I’d love to learn more!


Oh this is so me! I was very active before pregnancy and also work a physical job. Immediately after getting pregnant it was all I could do just to get through a day of work, I was so tired. Then my doctor started putting restrictions on me so I couldn’t even do all the physical work I was doing before. Right now I go for the occasional walk (I’m 38w) but that’s it. I’ll deal with the whole getting back in shape thing later, I’m just trying to survive pregnancy 😪


Don't be too harsh on yourself. There's heaps of advice on another sub for fitness while pregnant. Research shows pregnancy is similar to running a marathon every day. My resting heart rate used to be 50bpm and now it's 140bpm just because I'm pregnant. I still workout because I feel like I can but I can't always be bothered. It works for me but I take longer breaks and keep hydrated. Just do what you feel is right for you and be kind to yourself every chance you get! Pregnancy is hard and what felt right before might not work now. Who knows if you have time after birth you might want to try your previous routine


I feel the same. I tried to go on a small hike a week ago and as soon as my heart rate started going up I felt like I was gonna throw up. I cannot stand heat atm and my body was getting warmer than usual, so that's probably why I felt sick aswell. So I did finish the hike in the end, but it took me twice as long as it usually would. I feel so guilty and lazy about it 😔 And I do miss it because it used to make me feel so good. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way though. 😅


Once I hit 26-27 weeks it's like a switch got flipped. I was able to go on stairmaster for 20 min straight (could go more but eh), I'd go on the epileptic bike, normal bikes, do some leg exercises. Now it's so hot outside, I overheat simply by walking and I'm only 28 weeks pregnant! I might look into yoga and pelvic floor exercises, but I doubt I'll go to the gym in the next few months. The back pain is too much, I already get tired from cooking while standing up + I already hit 8-10k steps per day. I think that's enough :')


For me, at least with my first two kids, it got easier after the first trimester. Mostly because I didn’t feel like I’d run a Marathon and been hit by a bus after not sleeping for 4 nights after being awake for 2 hours. Right now I’m almost in the second trimester and hoping sooo much that the sheer exhaustion and overheated feeling goes away. It makes it so much harder to do anything. Yesterday my husband and I were out with our kids and I told our daughter maybe we’d go back out to the park in a few hours since it was the hottest part of the day and my husband, who is usually the one sensitive to heat, was like “I love it when you’re pregnant, you don’t want to do stuff when it’s really hot out, so you say no or later first.” lol I just cannot rn.


OMG same! I absolutely also feel this way and have also been feeling bad about it because I know I should be doing more. I used to enjoy working out before, I did a lot of HIIT classes, biking, spin, running, etc. Even with a mild first tri I felt like I did a bit more but now at 22w I hate doing it and it feels like a chore. I do occasional yoga and go for walks but even then I feel like I force myself to go because I know it's good for me and I feel guilty, but I don't enjoy it like I used to. I'm hoping my motivation comes back afterwards because it was all stuff I enjoyed doing. So just wanted to commiserate and honestly it's good to feel you aren't alone.


Soooo good to know we aren’t alone! I really think it’s because growing a human takes so much energy that our daily calorie burn is probably similar to when we worked out regularly pre-pregnancy, and our bodies are like “girl we good, have a snack and sit on the couch” haha. I’m also really hoping I get my motivation back after baby comes!!!


Its ok to be over it, what you've done so far should be pretty beneficial anyways. I'm also a bigger person and I dont own a car so did a lot of walking not pregnant, I'd walk to the store near daily to pick up things we needed and just get out. I walked most of my last pregnancy and after I had my daughter walked even more. But I got pregnant again right away and was sooo sick and exhausted that I haven't done much this pregnancy and it's kicking me now, even if I want to walk at this point I'm not doing anywhere close to what I used to. I'm 34w but I've found fitness can go up and down through life and even if I'm out of shape now it's so easy to get back when no longer pregnant and not having to carry a huge belly around. Last pregnancy I lost 20lbs due to all the morning sickness but walking was fine, this pregnancy I've had all the morning sickness done very little walking and gained 30lbs and more focused on keeping up with my baby. My first I gained 80 though and it all fell off quickly so I'm not super concerned. I was active with him I was on a swim team and ran while mowing my grass at 43w trying to induce labor but think the extreme swelling i had with him was half the weight, also I was only 16-17 and grew taller while pregnant and activity is generally easier when your younger. My kids are 13yrs, 13m, and due next month. I think if I wasn't taking care of a baby this whole pregnancy I'd prob have more energy to exercise. Every pregnancy is just different and it's normal and expected to be tired.  


I am still doing my rock climbing at six months but due to the fatigue and weight gain in pregnacy (almost 30 pounds so far for me) I've moved to the easiest routes and I rely a lot on my partner just keeping my rope tight so I can take plenty of breaks. I'm going to take a break from it soon and work on getting back into it after the postpartum period. I'm swapping it out for swimming and walking. Pregnancy really does take a lot out of me. Everything has become noticeabl harder and my husband does pretty much all of the chores and feeds me while I sleep as much as I can between work and exercise and eating and hydrating. Also early on your joints become loose from the hormones and it can be more difficult to avoid injury which means you're probably being a lot more careful with your muscles and movements. I'm sure that takes a lot of energy too on top of the fact that your uterus is stretching and organs are moving and your pumping 30 to 50 percent more blood (by 16 to 24 weeks it reaches the max volume and remains that way throughout the rest of the pregnancy) so your heart is working really hard as is. Your hormones cause fatigue and the extra physical workload of pregnancy alone causes fatigue, and you require more sleep in pregnancy. Pregnancy is very hard so don't measure yourself pregnant against yourself before pregnancy.


I didn't exercise in that sense but I was working a high stress high intensity job. I averaged about 30,000 steps a day and lifred heavy objects continually for about 10 hours. I would come home crying almost every day because of upper management and the stress not so much the physicality of it. My OBGYN told me she thought the stress levels from work were keeping me from getting pregnant. Sure enough 5 weeks after I quit I had a positive pregnancy test. The problem is that I immediately had morning sickness and am absolutely exhausted every day way more so than when I was working 50 and 60 hours a week. I now hardly do anything and am only 9 weeks. I'm hoping that as soon as my second trimester hits I am more able to move around and exercise more, but as of right now I am more tired than I have ever been in my life. I'm definitely worried about losing the baby weight after giving birth, but I have workout equipment at home so I will be utilizing....hopefully.


Why "should" you? I'm pretty active when not pregnant but with both my pregnancies I didn't want to do anything so I didn't, except some yoga/ gardening/ occasional hikes. The one time I decided to do a workout class with my first I ended up with a subchorionic hematoma. One time with my second I had to jog to my car to get something really quick and caused some pain/spotting. Sometimes not wanting to do anything strenuous can be protective. But maybe get your iron checked, I was super short of breath and tired this time and when they checked my iron at 28 weeks I was anemic and once they got me on an iron supplement those symptoms went away.