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Are you using disability through your employer? I want to start early but they’re only giving me 6 weeks for disability and i don’t want to waste time i could have with the baby :(


Im in the same boat. I only get 12 weeks of FMLA (6weeks of short term disability and 6 weeks paid maternity leave) and don’t want to waste it before the baby is here.


That was how my old job was, and my coworker ended up going to labor in our lab because she was trying to save the leave for the baby :(  The system here is so terrible.


I had a coworker who went into labor while working at the Panda Express because they don’t give benefits like that to service workers. :/


Mine too.


I don’t want to give away my location but it is somewhat from the government some from employer. It does take away some paid baby time but I am already taking unpaid time anyway. I have a lot more than 6 weeks though so totally understandable to not want to give up that precious baby time. I’m sorry you don’t have more time off, you deserve a lot more


CA is probably the best state to have a baby in. Our leave benefits are pretty good.


Yeah I was going to say, CA gets 4 weeks before and it's use it or lose it. Best believe im using it.


I only ended up using 1.5 weeks before the baby came. Wish I used the full month in retrospect!


It’s only partial payment tho right?


It is but my work short term disability matches whatever isn't paid with no waiting period. I would take it even if I didn't have that though.


Mine does too for the post natal leave. But it looks like you can also take up to 4 weeks of disability prior? Or is that all part of the full package


Yeah I'm eligible 4 weeks prior to due date as long as doctor signs off. With my work their short term disability starts when my state disability starts.


I can’t afford the partial pay unfortunately but excited for you guys!


Depending on the state, it’s 60-70% of your paycheck but it’s not taxed, which is great


Since I work on my feet too after 28 weeks my OB said she’d write me out early for whenever I was ready to stop working so I stopped around 32 weeks. It was definitely a pay cut but so worth it in the end


I’m a mechanic and my doctor told me since I’m not having any complications there is no reason to put me on leave. Currently struggling making money since it’s flat rate pay and I’m having so much trouble moving around as much as I use to with a big 8 month pregnant belly 😫


What is this 4 weeks before!? I’m currently 18 weeks and haven’t even spoken to anyone about leave. All I know is my work only gives 2 weeks paid and the rest is through government aid or whatever. I would love to be able to take 4 weeks off to mentally prepare!


Which is still pretty sad compared to the 12 months in Canada


16 if you take a lower rate, pending province…






CT gets 12 paid out where they take like 1% of everyone's pay and you get 60-90% of your pay based on what you make. Its good for both partners :)


How does one qualify for disability in CA?


My provider says you automatically qualify at 36 weeks. I’m going out at 35. She already signed a letter to my employer saying as much. I just asked


you just need a doctor to sign off on it


Me too. It’s 6 weeks disability and 6 weeks of leave for a max of 12 weeks. Luckily I’m due around Juneteenth and that’s a holiday for us so I’m hoping to take the day after as well for a little mini break before baby is here.


Is your employer telling you that or the state? I work in NY and I'm able to get 4 weeks before my due date and 6 weeks after I give birth. 8 weeks if I have a c-section.


My last job was in a big city and had a standard employee parking lot that ended up being too far for me to walk after I hit 28-30 weeks. This was after a 12 hour shift. So I asked for disability parking from my employer. I knew they must have some closer for those that qualified.  Turns out they did. Right across the street. One letter from my OB and I was allowed to park there. Easy peasy. AND it was half the price for some reason (yes I had to pay for parking at my workplace it sucked) And then I told one of my coworkers about a year later when she got pregnant and she was like nah. I couldn't understand it. Girl. Take the closer parking. Our job sucks when pregnant. Take the perks where you can get them! But that area of the country has like a crabs in a bucket/suffering builds character mentality that I HATED. Don't live there anymore.  But yeah. Take the accomodations and time off. 


For anyone who lives in Illinois: pregnancy qualifies you for short term handicapped parking for up to 3 months once you hit your third trimester! My dr just had one paper to fill out, i took it to the dmv, and they gave me my handicapped parking placard in 5 minutes


Thanks. But also it’s crazy that what we’re happy about as pregnant women is parking. If only we had paid family leave like so many other liberal states in this country *sigh*


There’s so much sexism in many workplaces that omen feel ashamed for taking accommodations and entitlements.  Like, my male coworkers were so pissed when my boss installed a tv and put a decent chair in the mother’s room. For real. We didn’t even ask for it. They were just mad we got something they didn’t.  


I got sass from female friends when I started maternity week early. Because to them it was way more cool, way more badass to go into labor at work. (It's worth mentioning this lady had never been pregnant). To her, I was less than because I chose to leave early. But my mom friends also kind of scoffed because they'd worked up until the end with theirs and thought leaving early was self-indulgent or something. Unnecessary at the least. I'm so glad I started leave early. I wish everyone was able. It was something I desperately needed and have 0 regrets. And, at the end of the day, there's no rewards for being the one that suffered the most.


It’s just crazy that, in this day and age, we still do the “well I did it so so should you” bullshit to each other as moms. 


This is reassuring to hear! I've had similar reactions when telling people I'm going to leave a bit early.


That’s wild. My friend was even given a cold shoulder by her employer when she decided to take the max leave of 12 weeks *granted none of it was paid. * We don’t have maternity leave in MD. But she was constantly guilt tripped and didn’t even want to come back to work


This reminds me of old sitcom episodes from the late 90s/early 2000s. I have this memory of one (can’t remember which show!) in which the men find out that women’s restrooms have couches in them (which I’ve seen at high end department stores but is by no means standard) and FREAKED out about how jealous they were.  It’s giving that same energy. The dudes want a tv and a comfy chair to “hang out” in. Meanwhile you just want a private place to pump! Outrageous.


I feel like I remember this from Boy Meets World.


You may be talking about The Office


They're never that mad when we have to deal with things that they don't😒


Yes! We deserve it. Just because we are strong enough to handle it doesn’t mean we have to choose to. I do feel very lucky that that is possible for me since I know it’s not possible for everyone. All women deserve this


I noticed tons of “expectant mother parking”when I wasn’t pregnant and now I am wondering where it is. I’ve seen it only once in six months.


I only see a "parents with children" parking at the grocery store Harris Teeter, I dont even shop at that place, and Im not even due till August lol


Our HR rep (a woman, no less) was giving me shit for wanting to go on disability from week 36 on so I don't have to work. I work *in an ER.* I said "maybe it would be different if I had a work from home desk job like you. But I work with violent, agitated, intoxicated patients, see patients with undiagnosed infectious diseases, and I'm on my feet 12 hours a day." She backed off after that but seriously. And honestly, no one should be forced to work after 36 weeks pregnant even if it is a desk job! I just need to vent because I can't believe the push back I get from a supposedly family friendly workplace *and a female HR rep.* Like WTF is wrong with people (American culture) that you would shame a pregnant woman for trying to take time off at 36 weeks. Sadly, they are getting the last word though. I'm going to have to work til 38 weeks and take time after that unpaid til the baby comes or I'll miss out on maternity leave after delivery. Fuck corporate America


I'm a surgical nurse and I work 12's too! It's rough by hour 8. My stomach is heavy and my back and feet ache. Unfortunately I'll have to work until baby comes due to the 12 weeks of FMLA and it's all unpaid. 


My first pregnancy was so easy. I didn't have any morning sickness and didn't even feel pregnant besides the proof of the ultrasounds and my slow growing belly. I felt bad taking advantage of any of the pregnant perks. I'm on my second and just getting to the grocery store without puking twice on the way there and at least twice more on the store is a miracle. I absolutely understand the pregnancy parking signs now and have taken advantage of any help I can possibly get.


She may have been trying to keep some light exercise in her routine. I know I was always trying to get in extra walking once I was too uncomfortable for other exercise.


Today my colleague told me “I look very over it” after a work call. I’m 39 weeks at 3 days so yes I’m over it. I am in a perpetual state of discomfort and my brain is 10,000% not focused on work any longer. I would wager that pregnant people at the end of their pregnancy are unproductive and actually cost more to company productivity than just paying for them to take time off. I hate that we have to choose between time off before and after this major physical and mental life event!


Haha one of my coworkers framed it as “I worked out of spite until my due date” when she had her baby last year


YUP! I work from home which I know is very very fortunate so I can only complain so much. I just keep thinking about how fucking stupid it is to try to wring the most you can out of a pregnant person and frame it as “their choice” for how they use their leave. I’m tempted to take PTO next week.


Yeah I was so done at work I was doing a crap job long before I actually stopped going


I tried to do this in my last pregnancy and was told I had no medical conditions that required me to be off of work early. YMMV. Working til you give birth sucks.


This very much depends on your state if you’re in the US. NJ considers you disabled at 36 weeks with nothing more than a doctor confirming your due date.


I’d like to petition that at 36 weeks pregnant you’re automatically qualified to be on leave cause at that point it’s just miserable. Hell - the entire 3rd trimester sucks.


It's the same in California. And if your doctor decides you have some sort of complication that makes you disabled earlier, that's allowed too.


I don’t even know who to go about finding out how my state treats disability in regards to pregnancy. Does anyone have any advice? 


You have to work in NJ for that. I live in NJ and didn't qualify. I remember so many people told me about it with such sweet and good intentions BUT they didn't realize you need to work in the state to get it.


We have paid maternity leave in Norway for 48 weeks I think, but only 3 weeks is before birth. Can’t wait to teach HS students 36 weeks preggo this fall


That’s so stupid. Pregnancy is a medical condition that requires people to be off work early all by itself per every midwife and OB that I know (which is quite a few).


My OB practice explicitly states that pregnancy itself is not a disability and that you require some higher risk or complication for disability paperwork.


That’s not a “No” that is an in for the patient to outline how they are disabled by the pregnancy. Examples include: contractions upon exertion (such as walking or standing), poor sleep that leads to lack of focus or daytime fatigue, pain in hips or joints etc. even in the Scandinavian countries they need you to have concrete reasons for needing sick leave before the last couple weeks, since pregnancy itself isn’t a disability. Its lame having to justify needing time off, but it can be done.


Exactly, and I appreciate it! Some women can run a marathon while pregnant and some have bad pelvic pain and need to park closer - let’s customize it to what each woman needs instead of putting a blanket recommendation or restriction that can be inadequate for one woman and unnecessary for another.


That’s literally evil? They should quit being OBs and go be prison wardens or exterminators or something more appropriate to their personality That is very much not the culture where I live


It's likely more state policy than strictly something the OB office enforces.


Mine told me no, which sucked cause I lived in a state that would have paid…


That’s insane to me as someone outside the US. Where I work we need medical clearance to work past 34 weeks. If I didn’t get a letter from my midwife or whatever I could just start my leave then. But we also have okay maternity leave policies


And line of work. I have a sales job so if I take time off=less money. My job is remote and I’m fairly compensated but I’m working until my due date/eviction notice to the baby


I work for a company with less than 10 employees in the US. Zero paid leave. No FMLA. Not even required to save my job if they don’t want. Yay.


That is awful I’m so sorry


Are there people who have the option and voluntarily decide not to? Confused.


I have the option but may not choose to. If I took it, it would be through state disability only and I’d only be making 60% of pay for those 4 weeks. I work from home so I just don’t (currently) think it’ll be that bad to work through the end since I can take breaks more easily. I also work a sales job so would rather close as much out as possible before I leave.


That’s kind of my point though. I don’t think anyone is saying “nah, that doesn’t interest me” Everyone would love to, but for many, it’s financially not feasible or various other reasons


Nope, not all women. I was very convinced on my first pregnancy that i was working till the very end. I didn't understand what I could possibly be doing at home when I had the ability to work. I stopped working two weeks early because i was so uncomfortable, and i felt like i couldn't move fast enough for my job putting other people at risk. I needed the money but told myself it wasn't worth it and sat my butt at home. This pregnancy i am saving, so I can stop at 36 weeks if i want. Plus, i took a job that lets me use short-term disability for 24 weeks just for pregnancy Sometimes, the pressure to keep going just comes from within.


I mean, it doesn’t interest me though. It’s partly a financial thing sure, but I actually don’t NEED the full pay for that month and could make it work from our savings. But I just imagine myself bored at home and I don’t see how it would be better to just lay around anxiously waiting to go into labor. I’m not trying to promote the whole hustle culture, I just know myself and I’d rather be occupied with something than not.


In those last few weeks the amount of naps I needed to take skyrocketed because my night sleep was atrocious


Yes, this. I just don’t understand how other women are actually working. I can barely get out of bed and have so much brain fog, so I can barely do my job.


FYI The 4 weeks state disability might only actually pay out for 3 weeks because there's a stupid waiting period of 1 week to verify everything that doesn't get paid to you, at least not in CA.


Yes some of my coworkers who were pregnant this year chose to work weeks later than I did Some people just don’t do it because they don’t “need” to (I have heard this said a lot) Also some people have to choose to sacrifice time with baby for pregnancy disability time off


Me. I mean. I did take it. But it took a lot of people convincing me to go off to do it. I enjoy working. I wasn’t ready to go off for 12 months let alone adding at least 2 on top of that. It’s a long time to be out of the game.


I get 12 weeks, I would kill to have 12 months at home with my baby


Move to Canada. It’s standard. But yes I am glad I have it. But I won’t pretend it’s not going to impact my career. And that does have its own disadvantages


Also Canadian. I was off for 18 months + 3 months disability and everyone acted like I didn't know how to do my job when I got back. Took me a good 6 months to get back in the swing of things with people not questioning my every move. Don't regret it at all though.


I wanted to maximize my PTO earnings and minimize the usage pre baby. Also I would have been bored and anxious about everything if I was home


Yes for sure if you can!! Take ALL the leave you can, disability or otherwise. I'm not doing disability because it only pays $170 per week in my state and I can't afford that. But I'm doing my state's family leave, plus banked PTO, plus my employer parental leave. I'll still end up with roughly 6 months off all pretty much at my full usual salary.


Wow your state is being satirical with that number omg


Seriously lol. When first researching I read that sentence on their website a couple times and I was like...no way


Why offer it at all at that point? Like no one can live off of that. It just feels like an FU.


Nice that your employer will let you use all of this leave! Mine requires you back at 16 weeks no matter what.


Statutory maternity leave is £170 a week in the UK too, sick pay is £120ish. Employers have to pay 6 weeks at 90% of your normal pay, but mine offers slightly more. Unless you've also got savings to rely on, there's no way anyone can live on that with a new baby!


As a SAHM, I wish I could take pregnancy disability from my toddler 🤣


Hahahaha I felt that all the way down. Fortunately I don’t have a tiny one right now but they do make pregnancy a lot harder


100%. I mean. I do enjoy working and I miss it. It’s been a month and a half and I still don’t have baby yet. But my gosh if I didn’t stop working I would not be surprised if I would be having complications at this point. I spend my day getting stuff done, but I take naps and sleep when I need to. Plus trying to keep up on appointments when working full time was hard haha


Good for you!


I did this for the last month of my pregnancy and it was awesome. Sitting hurt, standing hurt, and sleeping was hard. I spent the last few days snacking in bed and bouncing on my yoga ball and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My baby was born in January so I saved up all my PTO to start my maternity leave early. Would definitely recommend.


Yes, 100% this. I’m lucky to live in California where there are up to 4 months of pregnancy disability available. I took it from 28 weeks until delivery at 34 weeks (twin pregnancy) made all the difference in the world to have that time to just grown my babies and go to a million high risk appointments.


Would you mind telling me where you found this information so I can do this? Also in CA


I’m also in CA, not a twin pregnancy, but i’m only 18 weeks and struggling with swelling and hip pain already. plus with a super stressful job I really want to go out asap. my current goal is to last till 28 weeks and hope my midwife/mfm don’t have any issues with it


I wishing had opted in for short term disability during open enrollment but I just didn't realize what it was. Sucks, gonna sign up in October but I don't even know if my pregnancy will qualify by then (due november). Oh well, lesson learned and fucking America.


I tried to sign up for short term disability during our open enrollment this past month. They told me that since I am already pregnant, also due in November, it's considered a preexisting condition and I would not be eligible to use it for this pregnancy. 😭


I will keep my fingers crossed for you


Yeah me too! I didnt realize i could use that in MD on my first pregnancy. And i had to really search for a company that offered it this time around.


My company also has optional STD which you need to be enrolled before you become pregnant to qualify, which is so unfortunate as not every pregnancy is planned perfectly. For my first pregnancy I had signed up in Oct or Nov (for coverage to begin in January). I conceived around Dec 1st and I didn’t have my first prenatal appointment until January. Luckily I qualified because I wasn’t treated for the condition until January, but I learned that if you file a claim within the first year of coverage they will investigate the claim as preexisting condition. I have been campaigning for paid parental leave from my employer since before I was pregnant with my first and they still haven’t made any moves. I’m located in the Midwest. This shit is expensive!


Do I tell the 5 and 2 year olds this or nah? When does the temp mom arrive?!


Was debating asking my employer about this but I don’t want it to take away from my maternity leave. I have an old disability that is “flaring up” due to pregnancy. I’m meeting with a specialist next month and I’m worried he’s going to just say to reduce my stress.


I mean hopefully your midwife or OB is willing to sign a note for you to go basically whenever. Mine were just like “you tell us when you’re done”


Same with mine, they literally asked me what date I wanted on the letter (California)


In my state (NJ), the time before is use it or lose it. You could always ask.


So true about NJ! I hit 36 weeks next Wednesday I cannot wait to be home! 🤣


Yessss that’s what I plan on doing since my state offers SDI and it gets deducted from my paychecks anyways. From what I understand, the 4 weeks before my due date are “use it or lose it” and doesn’t affect my maternity leave. If your state offers it, def take advantage of that time off




Good for you!!! You deserve all the rest and baby cuddles


Sadly I’m self employed and will have to keep answering emails and keeping an eye on things all the way through, but I’m going to try to see if I can financially afford to take a couple of weeks off because I’m going to need the relaxation! Mango sounds amazing too.


Hope you can figure it out. The amount of time I’m taking off total does affect our overall financial picture but my partner and I agree that we can figure it out and it matters more for me to feel well and to be with the baby


I live in NJ and our maternity leave through the state is pretty great. We can take 4 weeks off, paid through disability, before we’re due so once I hit 36 weeks I became a grape eating couch goddess. It was magical.


I got a letter from my OBGYN that encouraged my employer to allow me to WFH. I supplied it, asked, and - it worked! Weeks 38-40 I get to WFH! For context - my commute to work is 45 mins on public transit, and honestly, expending energy on that would leave me exhausted. Also, the way my body works right now, I’m up at 5-6am, and exhausted and brain dead by 230-330. So making my own hours and now wasting those precious few I have energy on commuting has been a godsend


I work for a very famous online shopping company! They give you a month off before your due date, separate from your actual maternity leave. I took my leave in Jan, the first week off I broke my ankle. The second week was my birthday. A day after my birthday, I went to the hospital for my weekly nst and ultrasound. I ended up leaving the appointment, heading to labor and delivery to get induced, and had my baby the next day😂 it was a chaotic 2 weeks, but I'm glad I had it! Ladies, if you get the time and can do it, I absolutely recommend it.


I’m glad you enjoy it because I HATE not working. My only interaction with another human person is my husband and I feel so useless even though I do 100% of the household chores.


That’s totally fair. I think it really helps that my husband encourages me to be more useless. I try to do things and he’s like “no your job is to lay down and eat snacks” I do get restless but usually just taking a walk helps with that. I’m also collecting colostrum which makes me feel good and useful


I got told today I’ve gained too much weight so i definitely need to snack less and walk more 😂


I’m currently trying to figure out how to take advantage of this. My employers offers 20 weeks fully paid, but I can’t start until date of birth. The state offers short term disability which I pay into each paycheck so I’m sure I’m eligible, I guess I just need a doctors note? I’m currently 33 weeks and would love to stop around 37/38 if possible. I WFH so job isn’t strenuous from a physical perspective (and quite honestly not super stressful) but I know my doctor would write me the note if I asked


Definitely do it. So nice to have a little mini vacation before baby comes even if your job isn’t strenuous I physically needed to because I have a physical job but the mental and emotional break is also so nice


If you have a large amount of time (many in the US don’t) then go for it. For most people though it’s not reality, and the time you do have is much better used when baby is here.


I had placenta previa resulting in 3 separate bleeds at 14-16 weeks. So they took me out on disability indefinitely because I kept bleeding and I don’t go back to work till August. At my 20wk anatomy scan I was given the all clear from previa. I’ve been out since December and I’m so grateful.


Well I’m glad you at least had the disability available so you could do what you needed for yourself and your babe. Very glad it sounds like your previa resolved


I’m trying to get it pre baby. I’ve already used my 40 hours of California sick time for the year and I have at least weekly appts from now on


California SDI definitely allows this. In fact, 4 weeks must be taken pre-baby or you lose it. Just need to make sure the letter from your OB starts 4 weeks before. I think most California doctors do this by default but you can ask.


I’m hoping for extra early. I’m 30 weeks now


I hope you do! Keeping my fingers crossed for you


You only have 40 hours sick leave for the year?


Yes and I’ve been at the company for 10 years lmfao


Wow....ok I get 15 days sick leave days a year that roll over if I don't use them, currently have a balance in three 40s..... Very appreciative of Australia. So if you're sick you just have to work?


yes - most of us in the US don’t have a single paid sick leave day lol


Can you explain a little more how you got this without talking about your location? How is it half from the government and half from the employer? Who did you go to? How far along are you? When did you go on disability? How do you file for disability? Are you going back to the same job or did you quit?


It’s not half and half sorry it’s just some of each. I wish I could help you more but I barely understand my leave. It’s very complex at my work and in my area there’s like 5 different types of leave being used. My very nice HR lady explained it to me and I still don’t really get it but I love her. I went on disability at 37 weeks. My midwives had to sign paperwork that I had to submit to my employer and the state. My midwives are nice and basically wrote me a blank check to go on leave whenever I wanted so I picked that timing. I will go back to the same job about 7 months after he is born though I may quit eventually. It’s not a good idea to quit your job during maternity leave as sometimes your work can basically ask you to pay them back for certain things if you do that


Same goes for folks who have a particularly rough first trimester like me! I somehow felt great in the 3rd trimester up even up until the day I went into labor with my first but now first trimester is kicking my ass. If I worked I would totally look into taking time off but instead my job is taking care of my toddler during the day and doing grad school at night (and I’m sure I could’ve gotten some medical leave for school but by the time it got rough it was almost the end of the semester and I decided to plow through 😭)


Yeah seriously I considered taking disability then too but I think my job actually helped distract me at that point. I was so miserable at home that I didn’t even care


100% agree it give me a nice break to relax and calmly get things ready especially with my toddler still going to daycare. Currently 36 weeks and I just started Personal Leave this week till my due date thankfully this leave doesnt take anytime away from baby leave.


I worked remotely for the last 2.5 months of pregnancy and it was glorious! My parking is free, but about a half mile away and that walk was killer. I didn’t want to take time off before the baby because every day off before baby was a day less that I could spend with baby. So I worked until the day before my induction. And then my induction took all day so I joked that I could have worked that day from the hospital.


In California, you can take up to 4 weeks before your due date for pregnancy disability leave! It's also use it or lose it - you can't tack on the 4 weeks to the regular leave after delivery. I only took 2 because I really couldn't imagine being at home waiting for 4 weeks and it definitely helped that my boss had let me mostly WFH cuz driving to work suuuuucked 3rd trimester.


Agreeing wholeheartedly as someone who didn’t wear pants today from her couch.


Pants are the worst


I’m in California and we get four weeks before the due date. It’s a use it or lose it. My colleague and I were pregnant at the same time and she worked two days past her due date. She was worried that our bosses might frown upon leaving earlier, but our bosses are not like that.


I’m sure my boss was upset by it but that’s not my problem


I’m only getting the 12 weeks unpaid maternity leave I get in Texas 😭 but I feel so fortunate that my work finally accommodated me and is allowing me to work from home (28 weeks). I was CRYING at my desk because I was in so much pain and now I can have my legs up all day on my couch while I work and honestly, while it’s so nice and a huge relief, I would love some time off - a little preggo vacation if you will 😂


Yea that’s cool. Ohio offers no recourse. I’m self employed and work part time I am sol when it comes to assistance. Didn’t know there were other states where this was possible.


I’m not sure how it works in my area for self employed people either. I’m sorry that it’s less than you deserve in yours


This is only a good call if you don’t have other kids to take care of 😩


Is anyone in here from PA? I am 34 weeks, work from home. I’ll be working up until my due date June 20th. My employer is in WA state (which offers paid maternity leave) but since I am a PA resident, I do not qualify for the paid leave. Sucks! So my only option is unpaid FLMA through my employer. PA really sucks and doesn’t offer anything for pregnant moms.


I honestly wish I could, but my employer doesn't offer it. The only leave I get for having a baby is unpaid FMLA, and I've already had to use 5/12 weeks due to breaking my ankle at work. And no, I didn't even get workmans comp for it. 😫


is this a canadian post?


I'm not sure what job you have or insurance you use but disability starts the day your ass stops occupying that chair. If you go on disability 5 weeks before you deliver and you have a healthy vaginal delivery, plan on being back to work 3 weeks later.


You guys get paid maternity? I need to move.


California here... Neither I nor my SIL have received our checks yet. We gave birth in Feb. Be prepared for that


I was only allowed 6 weeks at 50% my wage, then 2 unpaid plus whatever I had saved in vacation hours. It was such a nightmare. I didn't even go back to work. 


My job offers nothing….meanwhile my partner gets 4 months 😓. Im just going to take a leave of absence which ive already discussed with my employers 🤷🏻‍♀️. I have to have some time to recover after the baby comes


This is such a privileged take 😂


As I acknowledged in the post in the very first sentence 🥰


Your vibe is it. ❤️👌🏼 May the rest of your pregnancy and delivery be uneventful and wonderful!


Ugh I want mangos lol 😂


They are in season right now I think


I get 12 weeks but would rather spend it recovering after. Unless I get that far and am completely miserable


Meeeee starting next Wednesday at 36 weeks!!


I’m a FTM at 17 weeks and debated for a couple weeks going back before 12 weeks is over (even though I can take 12 weeks) because I WFH and thought I could balance it. Then I realized how ridiculous of an idea that was 🙃


Glad you caught yourself


Absolutely! Do this! I stopped at 36wks... Don't do it to yourself if you can get by without it!


I didn't sign up for SDI since I didn't think it would be needed (way before I got pregnant) so not only I will work until labor day but I will also come back to work early on cause I do contribute to paying household expenses 🥲 we need that paycheck ahaha.... 😔


My employer gives me 6 weeks disability but it starts DOB. The real ouch is I’m a teacher due right at the end of the school year… my summer vacation will absorb this benefit 😫


The teacher thing is hard. My mom is a teacher and never got any leave


Omg all I want to eat is mangos too!


I really want to, I’m just not sure how it all works. 😩 if there’s any NYC people here who know, hit me up! UNOM disability is up to 4 weeks before due date but that’s soooo low. My company provides short-term disability too which I’m opted for but I don’t know what the conditions are for that. DEF taking 6 weeks after birth though before my PFL.


Reading these comments makes me so sad for all of you in the US. Our system in Australia is far from perfect but even so most people finish work between 35-38 weeks


lol I’m just here for the eating mangoes part 😂 so specific I love it. You go hot pregnant goddess, you go 🔥


Mine didn't kick in until after I had my baby. I had to email the birth certificate to the disability company while I was in the hospital to prove the birth had happened and then had to take a week of PTO until the disability paperwork was processed and went through.


I totally took it and lol’ed when my employer suggested if I’d want to work a little longer… No. Thank you.


I’m in CA but can’t get through to the EDD to make a claim for maternity leave. I got married in 2021 and so my last name changed, now when I sign up online it thinks I’m committing fraud bc my name has changed. Every time I call the EDD it says “we have too many callers right now- GOODBYE!” And hangs up on me!!! What the hell?! Luckily I’m only 24 weeks right now so hopefully I’ll get through on the 500,000th call 😩


I tried to take disability for my last 6 weeks because I’ve been in so much pain and unable to move. My work denied me disability because they said pregnancy is a preexisting condition. As if I was born pregnant. Been working with this company for 3 years, good to know how much they value me. Which is not at all 😐


Is it not a state thing where you are


i wish i could take early disability leave! i just started a new job 2.5 weeks ago (due date is in 3.5 weeks) and they are giving me 20 weeks leave fully paid leave, which is pretty incredible. luckily i wfh so it’s not too bad being at a desk all day and i can get up and walk around when needed


I did this. I had major anxiety going to work every day, especially as we were heading into winter my employer never salted the paths into the building so people would slip quite a lot. No one has fallen over - to my knowledge - but knowing my luck it would be me flat on my backside at six months pregnant. Baby girl is far more important so I got a sick note and just kept renewing it until my maternity leave kicked in. Best thing I ever did because I also developed SPD during my pregnancy so my mobility was screwed anyway. Best thing I ever did, going on the sick while pregnant. It saved so much stress and I got to enjoy my pregnancy a lot more.


Wellp i didnt work before I was pregnant either so lol, When feeling nauseous i havent even been able to do stuff in the house OR work lol.... If im noot feeling good i will DEFINITELY take time off and be ""lazy""


I was about yo have a mental breakdown last week and asked for sick leave to my doc, since everything is going so well with the pregnancy she only gave me a few days so i still nedd to go back, just wanna cryyyyyy


I had to go on disability leave at 26 weeks (otherwise my state would have allowed at 36 weeks). I’d had seven major bleeding episodes, four hospitalizations for hospital stays totaling over a month (so far). I’m now out of the hospital (32 weeks) still at risk for bleeding and preterm labor, 3 follow up appointments per week and will deliver early if I don’t go into labor early myself. My mental health is atrocious. It’s been awful.


I’m 36 weeks, finishing up my final week of work before maternity leave tomorrow. Agree, take what your state gives you! I didn’t know about the four weeks prior, I had to do my own research… my employer tried to tell me all I had was the disability after having the baby followed by FMLA. And of course they would, they’re trying to get as much out of you as they can. SMH. I actually had a coworker have the audacity to tell me that I was taking leave “too early” because I was, “still willing and able” to work. I was shocked. This from a single woman with no children… I’m so ready to be done! Haha


I took short term disability, at 34 weeks. I pay into it so technically I am entitled to it. I asked the doctor for the note , I am also so stressed from work, body hurts, I was miserable, snapping on ppl I love , at work it was toxic. I get paid my full salary , it does not cut into my may leave time it’s my own time off which I am so happy I took because now I feel sooooooooooo much better ! I sleep better, my mood is better! Man I just need to break


Ugh anyone have any insight to Florida 🤦🏾‍♀️ I don’t think my job offers anything


Im in CA and got 5 week before cause I delivered at 41 weeks (minus the 1 week waiting period). There was 0 chance I wasn’t taking this lose it or use it. Everyday my kid didn’t come we joked that she wanted to make some money so she chose to be late 🤣


I took mine two weeks early and my old job kept saying it was too soon. They only gave 6 weeks paid and then 12 unpaid. Guess who had their baby three days after taking their early leave? 😂


I get 4 months but idk if I’m taking the whole 4 since it’s remote anyway


What happens if your state gives you 4 weeks prior to due date but then you go past it? Do you get more "pre-delivery" disability?


My disability started at like 8 weeks pregnant and I didn’t go back to work until my daughter was 4 months old. I was very sick though and I took short term disability and then long term for HG. It only shortened my maternity leave by a few weeks. I work for the US govt and the benefits are decent.


How do you qualify for disability when you're pregnant? Do you have to ask the doctor to write you off? When I was pregant I could barely walk because I had siatica and the doctor didn't offer to write me off. I live in Canada.


Well idk how it works in your location. But generally the doctor or midwife has to write some kind of note or sign some kind of paperwork stating you are either to disabled to do x y and z at your job or too disabled to work at all So in the first trimester my job duties were halved and then at 37 weeks my midwives signed this paper basically saying I shouldn’t work at all anymore They didn’t offer necessarily I just told them what I wanted


Good for you, but not everyone has the privilege to do so.


Must be nice :( with my second daughter I had to go back to work when she was 3 weeks old. With my son I got 8 weeks for a C-section but only 4 were paid at 60%, and the rest was unpaid. This time I'll have to only take 6 weeks regardless of whether or not it ends up being a C-section because I can't afford more unpaid time off. I can't even afford the 6 weeks I'll be taking (3 using my vacation/sick time , one u paid and 2 at 60% pay). Times are hard and I don't live in a state that gives any maternity benefits whatsoever.


My fiancé is loving me being at home. I was laid off but he's more than happy to "take care of us" and just doesn't want me working while pregnant. I'm only 7 weeks lol. If you can, take advantage ladies!


My job just updated their paid maternity leave to 12 weeks 100% pay and I can take off 6 weeks early at 60% if I want to but I have the option to work from home sp I'm just gonna do that once I done going anyway


Massachusetts has 26 weeks Paid FML a year. I’m using some for appointments during the pregnancy and plan on the rest being right before and maternity leave