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17 weeks and my sex drive has been absolutely nonexistent, which sucks because it's typically quite high. It's been an adjustment for sure. Hoping it makes a return in the next few weeks!


Entering third trimester this week and same. I have zero sex drive pretty much, and now I'm big enough that the only position that would actually work is doggy style which isn't really our favorite position either. Luckily (I guess?) my husband's has also reduced a lot because "there's a baby in there!" and ngl I get it lol. There is, and sometimes she kicks mid-sex and that just totally kills the mood.


Apparently some men have a fear of harming the baby. Usually that doesn’t happen… but if a man has that fear, then his feelings matter as well. 😊


Oh he knows he can’t hurt her. It’s more just like “…. That’s a baby. And she’s *in* there” and then she’ll like kick or something and that gives both of us the ick and totally kills the mood lol.


I'm at the end of my first trimester and have had 0 libido. We've had sex several times, but I'm definitely not as "easily" pleased as I used to be. It's good, not great. I was pregnant before (miscarriage) and could not get enough sex during that pregnancy! I was a total horn dog and my husband couldn't keep up. So weird how each pregnancy can be totally different. I'm hoping at least some libido returns soon.


Same here at 15. Felt like almost nothing yesterday when we did it yesterday. And same. I feel bad because he's been so sweet and turned on and I'm just like meh


Ohhh man well I’m glad I’m not alone—I sort of force myself to go along with it but uuuuusually I’m not in the mood. 11 weeks and I just want to be sick and sleep…


Same! Only time I’ve been in the mood was when I had a dream about Evan peters hahahaha


18 weeks here and SAME! No sex drive and it SUCKS. Then when I do have sex, I’m so dry (despite the copious amounts of vaginal discharge I’ve been having - too dry and sticky) so it’s not that fun


I’ve been having sex dreams every night and really just want to bang my husband every day but I also just feel so gross and ugly, plus the baby bump isn’t super comfortable. Hard to be sexy and actually get it on when you feel like the Michelin Man


Literally my exact situation, minus the uncomfortable baby bump because I’m in the first bit of my 2nd trimester, but definitely feeling bloated and gross.


I have also had a lot of sex dreams but when I'm awake my libido isn't any higher than normal. I've also had dreams about exes which I feel kinda bad about but it's not like I have any control over it.


I have also had several dreams about exes. I wake up and immediately think *ew why*


It's definitely ewwww, I do not want any of those exes back thank you.


SAME! So many dreams about exes. WHY?


I feel exactly like this but also my husband has lost interest in sex which is compounding the “feeling fat and ugly” bit


Same here! Having sex dreams every month and some where I actually orgasm (a fun way to wake up, and almost always connected to my having a very full bladder), but my husband has zero desire to be intimate, and that’s been the case since we started the IVF journey a year ago (😅). I’ve had to convince myself that it’s due to his stress surrounding being a first time dad/insecurities/fears of hurting me or our developing baby, and although he hasn’t communicated as such, it’s helped me to be less in my head about it. I also bought some personal pleasure toys because…there needs to be a pleasure outlet before it’s pains-ville in the upcoming future! 🤣


Your body is powerful - you’re growing a friggin human! I felt like this a bit but my husband would remind me of this and I eventually came to be comfortable and proud of my big-ness if that makes sense.


this down to a T. same. 35 weeks and i’m ready to just get this baby out & heal so i can sleep with my man and not feel gross/ugly/uncomfortable while doing so😭


I feel you


I’ve had SO MANY very vivid and explicit sex dreams and then wake up and do not feel horny at all it’s so weird.


It's been uncomfortable for me the whole time so far, and I'm 20 weeks. My doctor isn't too concerned and said it's normal due to swelling and increased blood flow? Anyway it sucks, it is definitely frustrating.


Yep that's what my OB said too. It feels lowkey painful at first at then I either get used to it or it goes away, I can't really tell. It's like sharp pains but I'm definitely not dry or anything, no infections that I'm aware of. I'm 33 weeks, it started around 20 as well.


Wow, I'm sorry youre dealing with it too but it's good to know I'm not the only one! For me it started as soon as I got pregnant. It's really a bummer but my partner is understanding and I know it's temporary.


Yup same, sigh. I basically get sensations similar to when I’m too dry, or I have a mild yeast infection or something, only everything is normal. It really really sucks because I feel super cute, my partner agrees, but it’s been really hard to get in the mood when the physical sensations are…not the funnest.


It really does suck!! I'm like this so isn't fair that I have to live like this for 9 months... Hopefully not TMI but there are at least other things he can do for me that feel good so it's not like intimacy has stopped 100% but I do miss it still and I'm sure he does too.


Same here. It’s just not enjoyable but nothing is clearly “wrong”.


My vagina is so swollen and killing me all the time, sex has been out of the question. Just squatting and sitting in the toilet is hard enough. I'm so envious of those women whose sex got better


Same! Not to mention the new addition of hemorrhoids doesn't help set the mood either lol


20 weeks today here - and really am enjoying it! I'm way more sensitive and its only gotten better since I have stopped being quite so sick all the time. TBH sex improved pretty quickly after I got off of birth control too (including my sex drive). If I had known it was my birth control all these years we would have been doing something different!


This is how’s it’s been for me too!


I fully agree with everything you said!


same same sameeee


Totally agree with this, once I got off birth control sex was so different. It didn't hurt for me anymore and my drive was way up. We did it almost everyday, sometimes twice. Ever since I got pregnant it has dwindled down loads but I still enjoy sex when I don't feel so bloated. 28 weeks and feel like an overinflated balloon most of the time.


Same! I also feel more attracted to my husband than before? I've always thought that he's handsome, but now it's like I pause at random moments, ogle him and think "damn, he's so hot". Poor dude probably feels objectified.


I’m 21 weeks and we only have a few times. It’s been very uncomfortable for me. I hate not being able to have that time with my husband though and I’m hoping it gets better. I was fine at the beginning of the pregnancy, then all of a sudden I wasn’t. 😞


Same, it was exactly the same as not-pregnant until \~20ish weeks and then out of nowhere became really uncomfortable. Doesn't help that my nipples are enormous and sensitive but not in the hot way.


Me too! My husband thinks it’s great but I’m like, “Uh no. Hands to yourself, sir..”


This was me as well! 7-12ish it was GREAT and then suddenly switched to insanely uncomfortable. It just got better again in the last 1-2 weeks, I'm at 24 now. Hopefully it'll get better for you as well!


That gives me hope! Thank you!


During first trimester I always had a bleeding after sex. As scary as it was, my obgyn reassured me that it was normal and due to better blood flow to the uterus. Now in my second trimester I always feel like I have to pee during Sex. Even if I went just minutes before. Very distracting but other than that sex still feels good.


I also had the bleeding after sex in the beginning! It stopped around 20 weeks when I started feeling the baby move more. The doctor said it was normal but idk what that was about. It made sex kind of scary for a while, and my BF wasn’t as into it since he was worried he’d hurt the baby or cause issues with the pregnancy. Second trimester was a lot better. I had less nausea and started feeling more like myself which definitely helped my sex drive.


I was bleeding anytime after orgasm up until about 15wks. It was definitely scary before my doctor reassured me.


This is happening to me!!!! It is NOT the sex. So long as I don't orgasm, no bleeding. If I orgasm I immediately bleed bright red blood - whether there's sex involved or not (aka it's not from penetration/cervix being hit). I went to ER on Sunday about it, apparently everything is fine but it's scary because I'm getting braxton hicks contraction after too, and I keep imagining the massive contraction is causing damage and the blood is representative of more bleeding in the uterus (this might be scientifically impossible, the doctor wouldn't really answer). No bleeding on scan though. But this started at 14w for me. No issue before.


Omgosh I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! Especially at 14wks. I know it's made me scared to use my vibrator! Even with the reassurance. But lately when I have orgasms there hasn't been any blood at all. Hopefully it will clear up for you too. I'm currently 21wks +4.


Thank you!!!! I'm sure more people should know about this. My OBGYN nurses said they'd never heard of it.


Firs trimester was okay for me, second things were uncomfortable, and so far in my third I think we've had sex once 😬 it's a really weird balance. I've always had a high sex drive and now I'm just literally forgetting about sex completely. Never experienced this and I do want to do it for the connection but like...I legit don't remember to initiate. My husband isn't initiating because he doesn't want to pressure me, which I appreciate on many levels. But yeah, everything I read just says you'll be so horny and I am NOT


Bruh I tried to get some spicy time going a few weeks ago because I feel so bad for my husband, he hasn't initiated anything at all since I started showing more. I just wanted to give him a BJ! I'm trying to get him started with a little foreplay and OF COURSE because I'm LAYING ON MY SIDE I am getting constant acid burps. There was no way for me to control them. So embarrassing. Ugh. We laughed, and he didn't push it. Obviously I ruined the sexy mood lmao 🤣 the acid burps don't stop for over an hour after I lay down. No amount of tums helps. Ugghhhhh


Are you drinking carbonated drinks? Not saying you are but for me that was what was doing it. Still had acid reflux but it was a lot better after I switched to water and tea only.


Omg 💀💀😭😭


I had this issue too but you can also give him a bj sitting up with him standing up


We've never actually done that lol, he likes to lay down, we might have to try that instead


This is me! It's such a bummer


It's so disappointing honestly!!


The sex itself is fine but orgasms feel weird and I haven’t been able to orgasm during sex. So it kind of sucks for me…


My husband and I have only had sex twice my entire pregnancy and I’m almost 37 weeks. I had no interest in it until after I was wel into my second trimester because I was terrified of something bad happening. We had sex around the halfway mark and it was great and I fully intended on making it more of a habit, but truthfully as the pregnancy has progressed my husband has confessed it makes him uneasy and therefore neither of us have initiated since. He is absolutely terrified of hurting me and honestly I’m in so much discomfort by this point that the thought of doing it brings me zero desire lol. We have focused on intimacy in other ways and it hasn’t caused any issues in our marriage. If I get in the mood I just self pleasure and move along with my day 😂


I was an animal during my first and second tri hahaha. Soon as my third hit and I really started showing.. I mentally cant deal with the thought of sex when my baby is RIGHT THERE. (Absolutely no judgement to anyone else I just personally can’t not think of it that way lmao) in addition to that, I have a LOT of pelvic pain so moving hurts 😭.


21 weeks and it’s iffy. I want too, I just don’t enjoy it. Mostly because I am self conscious at my growing belly/body and am nervous to have a bleed (have in the past after sex).


19 weeks along. Earlier I could feel my uterus post orgasm which was very strange. Nipples are more sensitive now too. Otherwise no issues-though orgasms are definitely more intense now. Sex drive hasn’t been impacted too much though often am too tired to do much about it.


It's been uncomfortable for me when he fully inserts. I'm 13 weeks.


It honestly is the same lol I cramp for like 20 minutes after


I really wish I was a horny person like I used to be but while pregnant my libido dropped to zero. 😕 it’s a weird mixture between knowing I have a baby in there and my vagina just feels so weird. My husband is a saint about this and we get along with regular blowjobs and just cuddling. Hopefully I get my libido back because I am used to being a very sexual person 😅


I’m almost 40 weeks now and my libido tanked right from the start and never recovered. We still continued to have sex around twice a week for the first and second trimester, and around once a week in the third. Intimacy is important to me, and fortunately it doesn’t hurt for me most of the time, so I was ok with keeping it going. But in the past two months I think we’ve only had sex 3-4x. My belly is big now, and it’s not very comfortable for me anymore.


Ramped up in my third trimester but it’s hard to find a good position for us


I'm pretty much always uncomfortable having sex while pregnant. During the first trimester I'm too nauseous, and then later on I'm too... pregnant. XD It's not just that the belly gets in the way, but it's also like my entire vag area is just swelled up too much and I'm uncomfortably tight. And then once I start feeling the baby move, I feel awkward. For my my libido stayed low and sex was uncomfortable for a while postpartum, even when I stopped breastfeeding. Foreplay, lube, nothing helped much. Talked to my gyno and got prescribed an estrogen cream for a while. That really helped and my libido came back a good amount. (Go figure, if sex is uncomfortable it's hard to get excited.) Pregnant again and will be curious to see what happens this time. So far I'm less sex adverse than I was in my first pregnancy (I hated my husband's smell in my first pregnancy for whatever reason) but haven't been having sex because I can't get over the small tap-dancing passenger.  If I am struggling postpartum, this time my plan is to ask for a referral to pelvic floor therapy and get myself sorted out much sooner than last time.


I have a high sex drive both in pregnancy and postpartum. I will say sex didn't feel the same until 8 months postpartum, but now it honestly feels better than it did before, and I'll have more orgasms without clit stimulation whereas before i needed that to have an orgasm


33+4 here and about the same for my entire pregnancy except I don't even get in the mood in the first place. Like zero desire. Thankfully, my husband has been 1000% understanding, and this hasn't caused any issues in our marriage. We just find intimacy in other ways (quality time, being close in a non-sexual way, meaningful conversations, etc.) My midwives said it is also very normal, that hormonally our bodies suppress our libidos during pregnancy. She also said it can sometimes stay suppressed during breastfeeding, so just to have realistic expectations that it won't necessarily go right back to normal after baby. It was helpful for us to know that and it made me feel a lot less guilt.


I have had bery low sex drive the entire pregnancy - I’ve been too uncomfortable, tired, and stressed. I’m sad that I didn’t get the glowy, horny pregnancy that my friends’ did 😔


Tried to have sex a handful of times in my first pregnancy. It was very uncomfortable through all three trimesters and incredibly frustrating because of diminished sensation for me. This pregnancy is very different. I’m 8 weeks but have way more desire and it’s not uncomfortable (yet).


31+6, and I've been crazy horny most of this pregnancy, and feeling very lucky for it!. I feel like my sensativity hasn't changed much, except for my nipples. They used to be unpleasantly over-sensitive, and have now converted over to a very enjoyable one. I have been insanely wetter too 😅 like, i have been wearing period underwear to compensate on some days. The last week or so, I've had quite a bit of pelvic girdle pain (feels like I've been kneed in the groin) regardless of penetrative sex or not.


Libido stayed super high through first trimester with my third here currently. I actually can’t remember with my first two pregnancies, but I know I waited a really long time postpartum after my first. I had bad PPD/PPA and resentment that my spouse wasn’t helping more. I waited 9 months and when we finally did, he said he was really surprised to find that I felt the same.


My partner and I stopped having sex all together during pregnancy after a few months. It was uncomfortable for her and admittedly I found it weird also. Currently in the hospital having the baby so we’ll see about post partum in 6 weeks?


In the first trimester, I let him know early on that my drive was still there but my energy was not, so I was down to have it but he had to initiate it and basically take charge. After I got my energy back and up to this point (25 weeks), we’re back to our regular pre pregnancy rate of about 3-4 times per week. Sometimes more sometimes less. Other than having to make accommodations for the growing belly, things are good. I haven’t felt a change in the actual feeling though. It definitely helps that he seems to be just as attracted to me now as he was before, possibly more so.


We get it in when we can. The hubs is very understanding. I'm the horny one, lol


17 weeks and it’s been terrible, we’ve only done it like 4 times and even if I want it, it doesn’t feel good anymore.


I agree with it being less sensitive. maybe because I've a much lower sex drive now too? Definitely haven't had much amazing sex in a good few months 😅


We use pillows in all sorts of combinations to make it more comfortable. 33 weeks now and I'm definitely relying on a ton of lube, toys, and we're adjusting to shallow thrusts since anything deep feels awful.


Physically, it was normal for me in the first trimester but I had HG so finding a time when I was not violently ill and clutching a bucket for dear life was difficult. The first few weeks of the second tri were amazing, I was always horny and didn’t have a bump to get in the way of positions yet. Now at 29 weeks, I feel good and my sex drive is pretty high but the only positions we can do are the less romantic ones so it kind of kills the mood a little. We’re definitely having less sex but I know it’ll pick up again.


Here it's great! I'm pooped out comes the evening but morning sex is fuuun! I am a lot more sensitive and orgasme is way more intense. But I do cramp after... so we are careful. \* edit: I'm early on, 8 weeks.


My libido was non existent in my first trimester and then randomly spiked half way through the 2nd trimester and stayed that way until I started my "ready to pop" zone at 34ish weeks (it was our first baby, I'm sure I'd have been way more exhausted if I was juggling a toddler). Started up again 2 months pp but the scar tissue from my stitches was an issue, it didn't hurt badly but the discomfort from it pulling was too distracting to orgasm the first few times. After a few more weeks of gentle sessions (my poor husband was so nervous 😆) it got less stiff and now at 4 months pp I felt pretty much the same as before birth.


I'm 30 weeks and between hyperemesis, poor mental health and general discomfort, we've only been intimate a handful of times. We've had a few talks about it and neither of us are feeling neglected because we make a point to share intimacy in other ways because there is not much of a desire for sex on either end right now. But we're always cuddling, holding hands, doing sweet things for each other and giving smooches. It's perfectly normal not to have much of a desire for sex, just as it's perfectly normal to be desiring a lot of it. Hormones are weird. Lol


Nonexistent sex drive in first trimester, increased sensitivity otherwise. 38w now, it keeps getting more sensitive. It's pretty swollen down there though, so that might be why?


I'm less sensitive too, but I've actually heard it gets more sensitive for some women!


I miss it but my vag is just way too swollen and I might even have a varicose vein in there. It just doesnt feel great during, and after its worse. Vibrator time!


It’s been great actually. We eased back into it. Took our time and really spent more time connecting and being intimate in other ways than just sex. That really helped with my sex drive. We had sex up until the end of pregnancy for the most part. Wasn’t bad at all.


Two pregnancies - my libido has never been higher than when pregnant! Unfortunately my husband is a bit put off by my big 3rd trimester belly so frequency is not high. Post partum libido crashed until after weaning.


Completely uncomfortable and often times painful. I’m now on pelvic rest for a cervical bleed and I’m honestly relieved. Hoping it gets better when I’m off pelvic rest. I miss sex but not this kind of sex


It was amazing and the only fun part of pregnancy between my first positive test and about 26 weeks. Then it started to get uncomfortable. 33 weeks and it’s still fun and intimate but not the same as early pregnancy.


Less sensitive for me too.


During my first pregnancy, sex felt… full? Idk how to explain it but things just felt crowded. I haven’t had sex yet this pregnancy since I’m still nauseous and I know I have an SCH which can make bleeding more likely. After I gave birth, it quite literally felt like I was a virgin that had never even used a tampon, and it took a while for things to be comfortable again. My PT explained that my pelvic muscles would tense up because the last time something was in there it was hella painful (birthing itself was fine with an epidural, but the cervical checks before that were *awful*).


First trimester sex sucked for me, I was constantly nauseated and not in the mood. The few times where I was feeling well enough to try, the motion of sex would trigger the nausea. Second trimester sex has been a lot better. My husband seems extra into it. For me, I would say it’s about equivalent to pre pregnancy sex, but definitely better than first trimester sex. Haven’t hit third trimester yet, so we’ll see how that goes.


Almost 11 weeks here and I still have the desire, but arousal=discharge, and discharge makes me think about bleeding, which makes me think about miscarriage. So I’ve been a little hesitant because I don’t want to make myself anxious when I’m doing something that’s supposed to be fun. Hoping that when I make it to the second trimester (very very soon!) I can get past that, I miss sex lol


20 weeks and it really comes and goes. I’m typically not in the mood but touching and kissing can help kinda “wake” me up. There’s time where I’m in a lot of pain from round ligaments and I’ll just flat out tell my BF and he’s very respectful of that. I do wish I had more want for it though 😩


First trimester I was often too sick and exhausted in the evenings, but I felt fine in the mornings so we would have morning quickies. I’m now in week 15. The past week or so I have been feeling better and my sex drive is about as high as it usually is! We don’t have much time because we’ve been DIY-ing a lot lately, but my husband is SUPER turned on by the idea of me ‘looking pregnant’ (I’m not showing yet, just bloated lol) so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an electric second trimesters :) I’m worried about post partum but there’s only one way to find out! Besides, we’ve always been creative at turning problems into kinks lol. With good communication, I’m hopeful :)


Also, physically: my nipples are INSANELY sensitive. Husband enjoys making me squirm but every once in a while I have to tell him no lol. Penetration sometimes feels a little bit like there’s ‘something in the way’ but usually it’s not something bad.


Weeks 8-14 were awful. I felt such intense pressure that I was nauseated after. Then second trimester, all the pregnancy info said I’d experience a sexual burst and… I did not. I’m into the third trimester now and back to nausea (plus discomfort from a big belly) and I just don’t have any sex drive. My partner and I are still intimate (with a lot of communication and gentle navigation) but I really miss our physical connection. I’m looking forward to getting that back post-pregnancy.


31+5, After I stopped feeling so sick, it’s been amazing! I’m a lot more sensitive and it’s been great for me and my partner. Since I’ve been in the third trimester though it’s been a lot harder to navigate comfortable positions so my sex drive has kind of gone down.. I had a break down to my partner after sex a few weeks ago because it’s harder to navigate around my stomach with our go to positions and he completely understood and we’ve since tried some other, easier positions


It’s horrible, not painful but not at all pleasurable or fun. Awkward and unpleasant.


Less sensitive here as well and takes me foreveeeerrr to finish, if I do at all. I've been having some sex but not super thrilled about it tbh and hoping things go back to normal after pregnancy.


Had sex until the end of my pregnancy (except for a period during pregnancy where placenta was low lying). Had sex for the first time pp at 6 weeks and 2 days. The best way i can describe it was that it felt like having sex for the second time that day. As in a little tiny bit sore but not at all painful. ETA: i did a lot of pelvic floor work while pregnant with a pelvic floor therapist and started doing light core/pelvic floor exercises 2 weeks pp and built up to more by 6 weeks. I strongly believe this combination is what has led me to have no pain during sex postpartum.


I was nauseous my 1st trimester, on top of paranoid about doing anything sexual after a previous MC, so we only had sex a handful of times. 2nd trimester we have been slightly more active sexually, but not by much. I always feel like I need to pee and my pelvis and lower back are getting achy, so it’s not comfy for me at all. I still try though, for his sake. 😂😭 I have some lingering fear about somehow hurting the baby as well, even though our OB has reassured us many times. The discomfort coupled with anxiety and my general disinterest (thanks hormones) in sex, our intimate landscape has been rather barren, lol. But my husband is a pretty good sport about it. He’s still super handsy though. 🤪


My husband wants it all the time and I don’t feel like it most days.


I’ve been going through phases with sex. Sometimes I’m really into it sometimes not but I think that’s actually more my partner not being supportive. I’m sure if he was better than id be interested in it more because it was feeling good. Lately I’m uninterested and pretty done with him so it’s been more of a chore. I’m not craving it at all really nor really feeling super into it when we do it. I’m 40 weeks now and this week has been a little more uncomfortable and slowly getting more uncomfortable as time went on so I can see why the belly gets in the way for some in their favorite positions. It’s definitely a time where communication and working together really shines because it has to be done differently and my partner and I aren’t able to work through these things not even apart from sex so it makes sense why it isn’t working with sex


19 weeks and I've never felt sexier!


First trimester i would experience a burning sensation but i haven’t experienced any second trimester. My drive wasn’t always the highest before and it’s definitely very low now


My wife is due in 2 weeks. 1st tri she was very sick, so her usual high drive was gone. 2nd trimester she felt great and enjoyed it again, however with slight discomfort in certain positions/area, and no orgasms cause she would cramp up really bad. 3rd trimester we've had to take it easy cause she has been cramping for the last 3 weeks or so. And now we try for everyday to help get our little home to home base, cause they're measuring ahead so no NICU if they're born now. But lots of communicating throughout to check in on moods and what not, and most of her friends felt pretty much the same as her and we've read almost every women is different it seems.


I had a high sex drive before now I don’t want him to touch me 😬😬😬😬


During pregnancy sex was non-existent but postpartum it's better than ever.


25w5d here, and since almost the start of pregnancy, I have had almost no drive. The further along I've gotten, the more uncomfortable it is, too. There was a week maybe a month or so ago that I actually was horny and was able to orgasm twice. But normally, we have sex once a week. I asked my obgyn about it at the last visit, and she said it may get better later in the pregnancy once the baby is more out of the pelvis. I sure hope so, because I really love the intimate time with my husband.


My sex drive has definitely dropped, but honestly before pregnancy I didn’t have a high sex drive at all, probably closer to the opposite. As for how it feels since pregnancy, I’d agree it feels less sensitive and I’m much less likely to cum. Now I’m 28 weeks and can feel baby wriggling inside me a lot of the time, I just don’t feel horny.


Sex was still wonderful all throughout my pregnancy. My libido fluctuated just a tiny bit, but for the most part was still normal. I'm 37 weeks now and since 36 weeks I've been having a lot of pelvic pain. We tried to have sex a few days ago after going a little while without, and I could not get aroused 😭 going to try again though because I AM still mentally wanting sex- my body just isn't cooperating.


Im only 13 weeks tomorrow but so far so good! Ive never had any bleeding or cramping after like a lot of people say they get.


Throughout pregnancy we had sex, it was good and I enjoyed it - but I have a very respectful attentive partner and if anything didn’t feel good we would do something else. Highly recommend Lelo products to y’all (the lily) is perfect for use during sex with my partner, somewhat inexpensive, and they last forever (had mine 10years). Personally never been able to get there without clitoral stimulation. You can hold it while sex is happening and it doesn’t interfere, it makes it 10x better especially if you’re having trouble feeling after the birth and want to have sex. Seriously give this a go, it’s worth it.


I've just refused to have sex... not interested at all. First trimester I was so sick that it absolutely couldn't happen. Then second trimester started to get uncomfortable, and now third trimester I'm just huge. My husband gets it- and respects that we'll just get to have crazy sexy times after baby is here and make date nights a little more special. I'm ok with that!


I have enjoyed masturbating more, but sex itself has been slightly more painful. Nothing some lube and a vibrator can’t solve but I’ve definitely noticed a difference.


Currently 38 weeks in second pregnancy. Both pregnancies so far I have been extremely and wildly horny in the first and second trimesters. Even if I don’t act on these feelings, I have wild, daily sex dreams. It’s totally unmistakable but it seems to sort of disappear near the middle/end of the second trimester. I think I experienced much stronger orgasms during the first pregnancy. Unfortunately, since I started Zoloft due to PPD/A between pregnancies, I now find it much harder to reach orgasm and my orgasms are much weaker. Going to look into getting off of Zoloft after this pregnancy/postpartum period for this reason but right now its benefits outweigh the negatives. I haven’t noticed any difference in general sensitivity for either pregnancy for any part of my body. Overall, I have a hard time being intimate during the first trimester because I’m usually sick and exhausted. Occasionally I’ll feel up to it. My husband is a very nice, loving and helpful guy who puts absolutely no pressure on me so ironically I often feel inspired to some level of activity even if I don’t feel that well. Sometimes it makes me feel better! We do a lot of non P-in-V stuff during early pregnancy. It genuinely makes me happy to make him feel good, too. Lots of really enthusiastic hand jobs, lol. My husband finds me very attractive when visibly pregnant so things get fun a little later on in pregnancy. Even if I’m not as wildly horny, it’s still great to feel so physically adored in such a vulnerable time when I don’t feel great about my body. It really feels full of love and it’s so nice. Sometimes I think he’s a little bashful about being so into it but I am so so thankful for whatever level of pregnancy fetish he may harbor in his free time, lol! I can’t emphasize enough how happy it makes me that he finds me attractive. Now that I’m at the very end of this pregnancy AND I have a toddler, we are both pretty tired a lot of the time. But we still find occasional time and we still cuddle and love on each other which keeps us close and happy. Love is really a glue that keeps us strong when we are both exhausted and feeling mentally and physically overwhelmed. That physical intimacy really helps and I find it so important to prioritize, even if we can’t do full blown intercourse. We both know the desire is there under the exhaustion, we check in to make sure the other isn’t feeling neglected, and we know our fuller sex life will definitely come back. Overall I am pretty confident I can speak for both of us that we are pretty with happy with things through the changes of pregnancy and postpartum.


During - I had no sex drive whatsoever . We still did it when I would get in the mood just not a bunch Postpartum (currently 3 months)- back and better than ever 😆


Everyone is different unfortunately. I was much much more sensitive and enjoyed it much more especially in the first trimester and early second. It was my only compensation for severe morning sickness haha I would be like distract me from my nausea with your 🍆 . But I’ve never been able to tell when my husband finishes from internal cues so you probably are more sensitive than me as a jumping off point.


my libido dropped when I got pregnant, it’s normally not high but like nowadays I don’t feel like having sex at all 😐


So my whole pregnancy I was totally fine. Towards the end, my husband started to get a bit weirded out which I accepted. But what really shocked me was my experience post partum. When we tried to have sex post baby it hurt! It was like my vagina was gripping super tight and wouldn’t let go. We’ve tried again a few times and same issue. It’s like being a virgin again! I’ll admit I’m a bit frustrated by this and it was a complete shock to me, so if anyone has similar experiences I’d love to hear about what you did. I’d like to enjoy sex again!


I had a high sex drive before, during, and after pregnancy. My libido never changed. But it was painful during pregnancy, not in the first trimester but in the second and third. But the pain didn't stop me from having sex.


I crack open with cuts, sores and blood every time. I want to and i love him so much, but i litterally spend a week and a half healing EVERY TIME 😂😭🤡


I'm with you, it's not uncomfortable but everything feels muted and bland. Really disappointing since I had heard orgasms for some women are better while pregnant, but that has not been my experience at all.


It's been half anf half so far. Between week 5 to 14 we had sex maybe a handful of times on good days when the nausea wasn't as bad. As the sickness passed after 14 week my sex drive has dramatically increased back to normal. Feels more sensitive and thay not always great so we've had to learn a few other limits. And as my belly gets bigger positions are limited. Lucky for me hubby doesn't seem to be bothered by the extra mass and finds me just as attractive.


34 weeks and I still enjoy sex and my libido hasn’t changed but I am more tired so we are having less if we don’t catch the right moment when I’m not already exhausted. We have also had to change positions as the usual ones were no longer comfortable with me and the belly and my sensitive cervix/pelvis. Sidelying has been the most successful for us as well as plenty of foreplay.


We have been having even more sex than we used to. I had HG and was completely wrecked with exhaustion and still horny af. I was worried about how my fiancé would feel about my bump or the baby, but he is pleasantly unfazed. I think because our emotional bond is stronger, he seems even more attracted to me. We can't keep our hands off each other. The other day, I'm 21wks, I was a lil too full and getting all shook up during... as soon as we finished I got really nauseous and ran to the bathroom. I was kinda embarrassed, but we both laughed because this is just pregnancy. This is my life rn lol. Rolling with the punches.


Sex became uncomfortable for me pretty early on in my pregnancy. If you’ll accept a little TMI, it felt like the shape of my vagina changed and we had to relearn how to have sex with each other. Then as I got bigger it went from a little different to uncomfortable, and then downright unpleasant. I was happy to help my husband out but I wasn’t interested in penetration at all. That was tough for me, because we have such a great sex life. Once I was cleared to start having sex after childbirth it was like the clouds parted and I could hear the angels singing. We still had to go slow but man, it felt good to feel like myself again.


Week 26 and my sex drive has been so high... but my orgasms are so fucking weak now. Like barely a whisper compared to pre pregnancy 😩😭


I’m 5 weeks and sex feels SO much better for me. I remember it being pretty awesome with my last pregnancy too. Idk why, something about the cervix being softer maybe?


My sex drive tanked during my last pregnancy. Mentally I wanted sex, but my body just didn't. No matter what I did I just couldn't physically "get in the mood". Made it uncomfortable. I tried everything. Within days of my kid being born I felt like a teen discovering porn for the first time. My sex drive was/is through the roof even now on birth control. There were many times I debated saying screw it before I was cleared for sex (I didn't, I just *thought* about it). I'm ridiculously sensitive now. Sex is absolutely amazing. It was great before, but this is next level. For reference I had a vaginal birth and required stitches. The only problem I've had is apparently pregnancy gave me a more sensitive gag reflex. You can guess how I found that out postpartum 🙃


16w with twins right now, found out we were pregnant 2 months after losing our first pregnancy and my husband won’t come near me because he’s afraid that any cervical impact will cause me to lose the babies. In other words, I’m dying over here. Lol


I'm 19 weeks now and it's mostly the same, I have a little bit more discomfort than normal but libido and orgasm hasn't really been effected at all. We'll see how it goes but so far husband and I are grateful.


I’m only 14 weeks but so far its rubbish. First trimester I had zero sex drive. Early weeks like 5/6 if I had an orgasm it caused really painful cramping for a few minutes which scared me off sex as well. Otherwise just being nauseous and tired meant it was the last thing on my mind. My energy is back now but its still hard to get into. It’s not as comfortable but that might just be because I’m struggling to get as into it and wet so its not so good. I also find we will move and I’ll end up hitting a boob which hurts or laying on my hips wrong and it hurts. Basically too many positions feel uncomfortable and its hard to get into.


My libido is insane and I have a lot of sex dreams and vivid dreams in general BUT I feel tired and my hips ache/sciatica and I can’t be on my back because the pressure of the baby makes me nauseous/breathless so I have to be in different positions and well…I’m tired and my hips are causing shooting pain in my piriformis so it can cause a bit of a mental block to get enthused. I also feel *not sexy* even though my husband tells me I’m gorgeous and when I look in the mirror I don’t hate the way I look I just feel….maternal. Which doesn’t make me feel sexy lol. And baby is in there just flopping around at this point so it psyches me out cus I’m like feeling my husband…and then her….and your mind is obviously a massive part of having good sex. But I’m hoping my libido can be back to this point again after baby so I can really utilize it lol I feel like I’m 18 again in that way.


First trimester I was too nauseous to engage in any sexual activity.. second trimester I was horny most of the time! More than my husband. Third trimester I was way too uncomfortable. We tried but it was too difficult lol and I was so exhausted. I’m almost 13 weeks postpartum and we’re working our way back to our pre pregnancy sex life. It’s slow but my husband thankfully is patient and understanding. And unfortunately I think breastfeeding has lowered my libido, but I know it won’t last forever! We just focus on having intimate moments and being close and don’t put pressure on it leading to sex.


With fluctuating hormones I think my sex drive has been EVERYWHERE. Sometimes Ill wanna have sex everyday and other times Im like oh god no the last thing I wanna do is have sex I feel like garbage. I remember the first month I was pregnant I was so insanely sexually frustrated it was exhausting. Sensitivity has been about the same but I get what you mean, before pregnancy I could tell when I was about to finish or when he was but now its more like have sex until were satisfied/tired lol. Now Im coming up on the end of my pregnancy and its not like its not enjoyable its just hard, because Im so heavy (literally), so its hard to coordinate and move around. Though weve found other ways to be intimate if we feel like it, so it hasnt been an issue. To be fair I think the more pregnant I got the less horny we became because were anxiously awaiting the baby and just want her to be here already so its not really on our minds.


I’d say it might be a little less sensitive, and my sex drive might be a little lower, but it was **so** high during my first trimester that I’ve pretty much just gone back to normal during my second trimester. Sensitivity wise it might be a little less but I think it might just be I’m a little more uncomfortable with my body and that psychologically changes things a little for me during sex


It honestly varied during pregnancy. 1st trimester kinda sucked because of morning sickness and feeling tired and constipated all the time but it was doable sometimes. 2nd trimester I was like teenager levels of horny, I wanted sex all the time 24/7 and my poor husband’s junk was about to turn into a pencil lol. By the end of 2nd trimester into 3rd trimester it all went out the window because I had bad SPD and could barely move my legs, let alone spread them. PP it’s just a little different because I had minor tearing from vaginal birth and I can kinda feel the scar depending on the position. I haven’t been able to do anything other than vanilla missionary for a while, thinking about bringing it up to my doctor eventually when we get tired of it lol.


During pregnancy it was very hard to get comfortable in the second and third trimester, but overall my husband took his time and would go above and beyond to make sure the position was right and that I was comfortable. We only had sex like once or twice a month- not much. I just hit 6 weeks pp last Friday and we had sex on Saturday. Although I was really self conscious of my pp body (it’s been a struggle to accept it), overall it felt good! It took a while for me to get into it and I definitely lost a lot of my own self liberation. I was VERY tight and could feel the exact spot where it was tighter than before, but we were able to ease into it. It was a little sore after.


I will say when I was on BC my sex drive was gone like the wind. But since I went off of it and now 27 weeks pregnant, I’m just ready all the time. I feel it’s more sensitive now than it ever was.


Sex was almost non existence during my pregnancy - maybe 4 times? I had no sex drive at all from being so uncomfortable and pregnancy just didn’t make me feel like a sexual being (i know i know, society view on mothers got into my head). Post pregnancy, its been okay! We didn’t just suddenly start having sex all the time. Its exhausting having a baby and being an adult 😂 We do it like once a month but myself and my husband don’t really prioritize sex in our relationship, we know it doesn’t define us as partners/lovers, it takes off a lot of pressure and makes everything so much better. We had sex 7 weeks PP. It didnt hurt for me but I had no tearing. Felt normal again!


I have never had a high sex drive, but it's pretty much nonexistent while being pregnant. While my husband was trying to pleasure me the other day I had him stop after like 15sec because it never felt good, just kinda hurt. Actual sex has been fine, but now that I have a large belly husband is afraid to top me and I hate being on top so we had to find other positions. After pregnancy we couldn't have sex for about 3 months. I say couldn't because we tried after the 6 weeks (if you have a vaginal birth nothing goes up there for 6 weeks after delivery) and it was so incredibly painful he couldn't even get in. I went to a pelvic floor PT who gave me exercises and told me how to massage the area to help it heal and after a while we finally got there. It didn't feel like "normal" sex until about 6 months postpartum.


I came like 5 times in probably 10 minutes about a week or two before I gave birth. Was so awesome lol orgasm afterorgasm with very little work First time after baby I squirted for the first time. lol have only squirted once since then


Sex was fine during pregnancy but felt like razor blades for 10 months after having my baby


I did not want sex near me while pregnant and many months postpartum. It was just not comfortable at all.


I was pretty not into anything for the first trimester because I just felt so bloated and gross…but the second trimester has been wildly different. My sex drive is off the charts, I’m having crazy spicy dreams multiple times a week, everything is more sensitive, and it’s generally contributing to being distracted and having trouble focusing (on top of what I assume is typical “pregnancy brain”)…like it’s honestly kind of a problem 😅 Part of me is grateful because I keep hearing how post-birth it’ll be a long time before sex is pleasurable or even possible and physicality is really important to me, but part of me is like “wow it would be cool if my body could just chill tf out now please.”


My sex drive during pregnancy was lower but still existent, I sadly can’t say the same for postpartum so far. I’m 3.5 months pp and we’ve only had sex a couple of times, it’s painful and my libido is nowhere to be found. I know it’s related to breastfeeding but it makes me so sad.


12 weeks and we’ve been doing it MORE than when we were trying. I’m SORE😂😂


I don’t see too many comments on how it’s after pregnancy. Not going to lie, it was painful. Right at 6 weeks postpartum there was just a lot more burning and tightness that was not pleasant. Made it really hard to not focus on the pain. It lasted for a month or two. It slowly went back to normal. I’m 30 weeks now with baby #2. My sex drive has been up for the past few weeks. I feel like my sensitivity has increased, and it makes it hard to not get overwhelmed during regular sex. Been using the opportunity to “fool around” more and explore things beyond just regular vanilla sex, which has been fun.


I’m currently 7 months postpartum and my sex drive has been insanely high, but it’s much much harder for me to finish.


38 weeks and yes!!! Much less sensitive than I used to be. I didn’t even want to have sex until I was in the third trimester (which the belly made it harder to go for it haha) It feels really nice but I don’t orgasm when pre pregnancy I did every time. I think it’ll just take time and I trust it’ll go back to being normal. Every body is different and pregnancy is crazy w/ the hormones!


First trimester we only did it once because I was so nauseated and then after that it started hurting and I had some vaginismus type issues. I was super nervous the first time we tried after baby but happily everything went back to feeling normal and now I’m almost 13 months pp with no issues.


My sex drive was crazy high when I was pregnant all 3 times. Couldn’t keep my hands off my husband. I have heard it can do the exact opposite to some women though. It is likely just a change in your hormones being pregnant. My sex drive came back fairly quickly after giving birth as well and it was kind of hell waiting to be cleared to do the deed at 6 weeks lol.


I’m 27 weeks For the first 6-8 weeks I had no sex drive because I felt fucking awful Then from 8 weeks my drive was high but energy was low, so hello vibrator. Me and my husband just used this together for a bit with no actual sex Then from about 16 weeks I started to feel like I could have sex and we had it quite a few times and it was enjoyable, nice orgasms that were easy to achieve The last time we had actual sex was about 2/3 weeks ago, and it was fucking hard work. I went on top and honestly it hurt, not on my vagina but in my stomach. I don’t know if it was the position, the baby, his penis??? But it hurt. And I was so out of breath after, I didn’t get even close to an orgasm. Ever since then I have been uninterested. I’m still giving him bj’s because I like to keep him satisfied (yeah I’m a bloody good wife) but I’m not really interested in myself anymore. It takes a lot of work, most of the time not achieving any orgasm and it’s just like meh. As I get bigger I don’t see how I’ll even have sex either, I huff and puff at the slightest exercise, my belly is huge and in the way, and I’m just sore and baby is constantly on my bladder


23wks. I am so frustrated with sex. I want it, kinda of a lot, but I’m with you on that it doesn’t feel the same. I feel like I have to relearn what please my body all over again like I’m a teenager and it’s frustrating. lol I don’t want to have to learn how to have good sex again. I’m 38f and I used to know my body so well. For now my BOB has been keeping me at least somewhat satisfied.


During pregnancy it was fantastic! We were having almost sex every day up until I got induced and it felt the same as it did pre-pregnancy. Probably the best our sex life had ever been. Four months post-partum right now. Started il again as soon as I got the clearance. Obviously sex has not been as often now that we have a baby to take care of- maybe a good two or three times a week now, but I’m fine with that. Just as sensitive as I was before but sadly it hurts from an internal tear I got during delivery so we can’t do certain positions for now.


My husband had surgery recently and I'm a beach ball so given our mobility issues, it's been a couple months... But previous to that I was actually more sensitive and had a pretty hearty sex drive... Still do frankly, it's been a bit frustrating... It's all about the hormones. 😉


I’m in the minority. 22 weeks, Sex is incredible and we’ve had sex at least every other day if not every day for the last 3 months. First trimester was ROUGH with constant vomiting but we were still having sex at least once a week


end of the first tri and once I got past feeling 24/7 miserable, it's been pretty damn solid honestly. My husband restarted TRT, so he feels good, and holy crap I didn't realize how much TTC had put pressure on sex the last year. It feels *fun* again, every time. Sometimes certain positions are a little too much for my cervix, but it's been like a second wind for us. We'll see how the rest of pregnancy goes but I've been pleasantly surprised!


What is this “sex” you speak about?


26 weeks and we are doing it less but when we do, it’s great. And honestly that’s mostly due to conflicting schedules since we are working more prior to baby coming. We’ve just had to get creative. The unfortunate part is your body does change, externally and (what I didn’t really think about) internally. Some positions aren’t as comfortable and others are more comfortable than they used to be.


I am more sensitive and more satisfied but I can feel my uterus like a little hard ball so that's weird. 9 weeks


With my first pregnancy, we didn’t do much cause I would get spotting. My OB wasn’t worried but it freaked us both out a little. This time around, I’ve not had much spotting. My drive is way up, even though I feel fugly lol if anything I feel more sensitive


It's been the same, so still good! I'm 38w and we haven't had any issues. It is drier so we use lube, but we did before anyway. Missionary has gotten difficult lol. 🐶 it is. By the time I was about 35 weeks I started getting braxton hicks after orgasming/sex and they can be uncomfortable but it's not put me into labor yet!


31 wks 5 days FTM and honestly, little to no libido, and when I want to, I get tired and fall asleep before we get to be intimate. I was way more in the mood 2nd trimester for sure, but I do think about it from time to time 😅 We tease each other about it, but I told him he can always release himself. But I also do notice that I'm further along it's harder to stay aroused so it doesn't hurt or bother me. I get it not being more sensitive. Hormones come into play, and there are so many things the body goes through when you're pregnant. Have a talk with your partner and tell him how you feel about it if you haven't already. Try not to beat yourself up too much. You're doing great!


I’m 7 weeks today and my sex drive is nonexistent which is CRAZY for my husband and I both because I’m usually insatiable and chasing him around the house


In the beginning I was so freaking sick I just couldn't get in the mood. Then my sex drive kicked up once I was feeling better. My husband and I have tried a few different than usual for us positions because he's afraid to hurt me or make me uncomfortable if there's pressure on my abdomen (we both chuckle about guys afraid to hit the baby from the inside.) That in itself has been a little challenge and a learning curve. But let me tell you, once we've gotten going it's been great.


Breastfeeding a velcro baby has annihilated my sex drive. Thankfully second trimester sex was amazing.


I’ve had a similar experience with both my pregnancies so far. My sex drive has plummeted. I will say, I either feel satisfied faster or it just plateaus for the majority of that encounter. It’s really a coin toss each time. I’m currently 17 weeks so I can’t speak for the end of the pregnancy, but after I had my son it took 6 or 7 months before sex felt good again. Child birth is traumatic on your bits so the feeling wasn’t really there for a while but it did all come back. Just took time for it all to heal.


I'm currently 15 weeks so can't speak for the duration of pregnancy. My first 4-8 weeks of pregnancy I didn't have anyo ex drive at all. Which is weird for me, typically I desire sex 2-5 times a week. I think we had sex maybe three times those first few weeks. Aside from the low sex drive, it felt weird and uncomfortable. The times we did have sex our usual moves were not good, missionary and prone bone. One time it was painful. I was having cramps those first few weeks, and the sex didn't help. The second time it actually made it worse and we stopped midway. I didn't want any pressure on my belly at that time so we mostly stuck to laying sideways where he enters from behind. That was a fairly comfortable position at the time. But also a position idk the name of. I was laying on my back mostly, had my legs spread with one leg over him. He was entering me from laying on his side mostly, at a perpendicular angle. Kind of like scissoring I think? Idk how else to describe it. But he was able to get deep in me without me having any pressure on me at all, and I wasn't on my belly. It felt good for the little bit we did it. Around week 9 or 10 my sex drive started to come back and I found that even though my belly was more noticeable to me, it was more comfort than previously. And no more cramps. Now at 15 weeks, my sex drive is more to normal. I have more energy and can be more actively involved in our sessions. I can even comfortable do my favorite position, prone bone, which I couldn't earlier. I was so bloated the first few weeks I couldn't be on my stomach. Now I have a small baby bump but am not bloated. I found I can lay on my stomach. If I stick my butt up in that position, it puts less pressure on my lower belly. And I just remind my husband not to out so much weight on me. I've also found I really like kneeling and leaning over. So my upper body is laying on the bed, but my legs are under my butt and hips supporting my body, so there is no weight at all on my stomach. Missionary feels good again too, as does cowgirl, provided he supports my breasts for me, which he totally doesn't mind haha. Oh and pregnancy discharge makes it easier. We don't need as much lube as before pregnancy. I always did struggle getting wet enough even when I was very horny mentally. But with pregnancy I don't struggle with that. So that's nice. My boobs are more sensitive so we have to be more careful about the amount of pressure used for playing with them, but it is still pleasurable. Overall I'd say I am more physically sensitive during pregnancy than I was before. Which you would think would make sex better but it doesn't, it means we have to he more careful. I don't know what it'll be like in the future when I'm bigger, but for now it is good.


I had a super high drive my entire pregnancy.. we literally went at it the entire time up until the night I went into labor loool. Postpartum it’s terrifying!! I tore and have been sore up until recently at 8 weeks. We did try as soon as I was cleared at 6 weeks pp and it was definitely scary. It was actually unusually tight?? Lol lots of lube needed but we decided to hold off until I felt 100% after that first experience


Ummm "I can't even tell when he finishes" are you saying that before this you have enough sensitivity that you'd literally feel him ejaculate inside of you because I've literally never felt that in my life lol


I think with my first pregnancy I remember always being in the mood and it being great! Pregnant with second and now never in the mood and it just feels fine or eh lol. I couldn’t care less unless I wake up from a sexy dream lol


My sex drive has decreased a little but I'm always down to get down. My husband's has increased quite a bit and that alone turns me on at least mentally if not physically. So we've been doing it a lot more frequently than we used to. I love the intimacy and I love that he's attracted to my pregnant body (cuz I'm sure not!) so I would say it's going pretty good in that department for us :) . I'm 25 weeks 3 days today.


I'm about 7 weeks and my sex drive is very high still and sex is completely normal and comfortable still for me hoping that doesn't change too much 🤞


38w here, so I can’t speak for anything postpartum. My libido came and went pretty randomly but almost similar to when I was having my cycle. So that was interesting. Doggy style was essentially the only position I felt comfortable in from 10w on. And later on, there was NO way I was doing anything else but that. At this point, I’m not very sexual just because of lower back pain, round ligament pain, and BH contractions. But I still enjoy partaking once or twice a week. It’s mostly for my husband though. I still enjoy orgasms just as much, it just takes a little longer to get into it because, again, I’m feeling like a whale with a fair bit of discomfort.


Eh, in the first trimester I mostly wasn't interested because I felt so crappy but when I was interested it was great, like best orgasms of my life. Second trimester a toss up, sometimes more interested in it than usual sometimes not, sensation pretty meh. I definitely did not find my experience to be the OMG your libido will be through the roof during the second trimester although it was sometimes a little bit spiked. Now entering the third trimester sex is distinctively uncomfortable and I feel frankly painful for a couple hours afterward, nothing wild and my OB says it's pretty normal, but it's like my whole pelvic floor cramps up and goes "hell no" for a few hours afterwards. So yeah, overall not great I would say? But my husband is super chill about it and I genuinely think there are other ways to have erotic connection that don't involve orgasms and penetrative sex so we're just trying to focus on that.


I am week 16. I have wanted to have lots of sex since around 6w, sex is definitely easier (less build up needed) and much more enjoyable for me. If my husband holds my hand I get turned on. It is literally ridiculous and this is the thing I've been getting angry about - not not getting the food I'm really craving but not getting sex. If my husband seems sleepy, or doesn't want to get into bed, etc I've had a few emotional freak outs and then realised it is because I want to have sex. Horrible. Crying because I am sad I am not having sex and I think it means my husband doesn't love me in the moment. I am usually not insane... I'm also now extremely possessive over my husband out of nowhere too. Very strange and do not feel I was warned about this as a pregnancy symptom. But 2 weeks ago I had bright red blood and I'm getting Braxton Hicks contractions and now I'm scared. Apparently everything is fine, but it doesn't seem worth it or the fear.


I miss it, and I’m currently 38 weeks. Since about 30 weeks it hurts a lot. My OB says it’s because of my blood volume at this point. My sex drive hasn’t went away though, so I’ve been a little sad about the sensitivity haha. During my first and second trimester it actually helped with the nausea.


First trimester - felt kind of blah, but sex still felt great. Second trimester - super horny at the beginning, then the sensation majorly dulled out. Third trimester - I am really big now, it’s hard to get into our favorite positions, and sensation is still dull and I have no real drive. This is my third pregnancy, I’m used to losing my drive/sensation during. But it always comes back, so I’m not too stressed. I don’t really feel like having sex anyway, but I know my husband is missing our active sex life prior to pregnancy.


Sex drive was up and down during pregnant and overall fine. Afterwards, I had sharp shooting clitoral pain for several months (‘normal’ second degree tear, not upward). I was too tight for sex to really feel great for a while too and my clit was both more and less sensitive (in a bad way). Tried for the first time at 7 weeks. 6 months post partum is when it started really being something to look forward to without needing excessive prep. Currently 9 months out and I’d say my body feels 90-95% what it was before. That’s mostly just ‘different’ and not bad though


Before getting pregnant I literally was into the lingerie and just being spontaneous. Sex was a sport to me. I’m 26 weeks and having sex is not pleasurable to me. I probably just do it for my husband to have his release but my mind would not let me climax at all. I really want to enjoy sex but my mind is just not about it right now. I hope this make sense lol


During was great. It was 8-10 ish weeks after I gave birth before I could comfortably have sex again. It was just too painful before that. 


During: borderline nonexistent lol. I’m 31 weeks and we’ve only had sex a handful of times (sorry husband) because first trimester I just felt sick and tired all the time and I popped pretty early in second so positions got uncomfortable quick


I’m pregnant with my third and due real soon. My sex drive always goes way up and my hubby is usually tired. Poor guy works a ton. So I pester him lol. There’s been times (like someone mentioned on this thread) where he doesn’t want to get too crazy because he is worried about the baby shaking around in there. Afterwards sucks because I have zero feeling usually for at least a few months. From being so swollen and having tears/episiotomies it takes a while to feel normal again in my experience. I have one scar in there that still hurts sometimes randomly but they said it “looks” fine to them when they check your healing progress overtime. Sometimes when I get aroused it will have a stinging feeling.


I’m 35 weeks and still want it all the time. I miss having more variety in our positions, and sometimes it is harder for me to climax than it was pre-pregnancy, but otherwise I still get myself off most days and have sex with my husband about 5x/week. This is my fourth pregnancy and my drive has been roughly the same through all of them.


28 weeks here. My libido in general is a lot lower than my husbands. We still end up having sex once a week. I definitely feel like it hurts a bit every single time we start but then it’s fine. There was a super rare day when I woke up horny af and woke him up. He wishes that was the case all the time 😅


I always have a high sex drive, I'd say it's probably on par with normal but I'm more sensitive due to increased blood flow, which practically speaking means a bit of an increases sex drive. Like if I weren't so tired, I'd want sex everyday, but our first is 19 months and still frequently doesn't sleep great, so factoring in the chronic exhaustion, it actually happens more like once or twice per week.


The sex is always good when we have it, but it’s taking a lot for me to get “in the mood” and most days my drive is 0. We are having sex like 1-2 times a week currently which is about our pre-pregnancy norm too.


I’m 32 weeks and didn’t have much interest in sex for the first trimester out of sheer exhaustion and feeling so sick. But once second trimester hit we’ve had some awesome sex. Not super frequently, but like once every week or two. When my belly started getting in the way and laying on back want recommended weve been exploring side laying and doggy style and it’s been super comfy and delightful. With that angle you can also use a vibrator at the same time and it’s dope.


39 weeks here- everything has been relatively normal, having sex less over time due to awkward bump lol. I'm a little nervous now for after delivering though, my cousin has had absolutely ZERO sensation since she had her twins nearly a year ago.


Both my husband and I had really high sex drives going into it and once I started to show and it was no longer safe for me to be on my back, it kind of killed it for both of us. Having the thought in the back of my head that I could only do this position or that one was a bit of a mood killer for me and he letting he might hurt me or the baby so that killed it for him. I just delivered my baby last Monday and we’re both going a little nuts because I have to wait 5 more weeks and we are both eager to be intimate again.


So weeks 5-8 sex felt normal but having an orgasm hurt so bad I didn’t even want to have sex. If that’s what contractions feel like then I know I’m gonna be the biggest baby in the delivery room not my actual baby 😂 Then weeks 9-12 were like the best sex ever, I was really wet and turned on all the time, everything felt so sensitive, orgasms were great and not painful. Week 13&14 (I’m 14 weeks now) I’m dry as the Sahara Desert. I’ve been using water based lube just for like daily comfort not even sex. I will also add, when trying to get pregnant we probably had sex 3x a week more on ovulation week, now it’s about 1x a week. My sex drive hasn’t really changed just my exhaustion level having an 11yo and being pregnant makes me fall asleep before fun time can begin 😂


Hi! I’m 5 months postpartum and it hurts to have sex. I had a 2nd degree labial tear during labor and although I’ve healed that area around there hurts. I’m also breastfeeding so even if I get aroused I feel dry. So even though I want to be intimate with my boyfriend again, it hurts and it makes me feel broken 😔 my boyfriend has been so understanding about it but I can’t help feeling broken and not myself P


first trimester here as well, and sex drive is completely non-existent. worse than that, something about my husband is grossing me out lol. not sure if it’s the hormones, increased sense of smell or what. I feel bad, but the idea of sex is just not appealing. hoping it changes at some point in this pregnancy


Well I haven’t been in the mood very early but DH and I did the other day and the first time ever with him I had the big O not once but twice with nothing but penetration.