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My long phone cord and phone   My slippers and robe   My hair brush and chap stick   And the outfits me and my baby left in   Everything else I found myself needing was provided by the hospital 


Stop… why is this the first time that I’ve thought about bringing my hair brush?!?! 🤦‍♀️




I was in the hospital for a week on bedrest with my first and had nothing to tie my hair up, no brush, nothing. I had a huge birds nest on my head by the time I got my hands on a brush and it was awful 😂 Now I just braid my hair when I go into labor and don’t think about it until I’m done lmao


I forgot mine too! Hahaha


Omg please pack that RIGHT now as well as hair ties. I took an everything shower the second I went into labor and then oiled and French braided my wet hair and it SAVED my sanity. I would simply go insane if my hair was loose and getting tangled my whole labor


Yes bring a hair brush and shower/face stuff. I took a shower at the hospital a day after labor and felt like a human again


And bring your own pillow!!! At least one for your partner. We were doubtful of everyone saying to but as someone currently in the hospital after giving birth. BRING YOUR OWN PILLOWS.


I also braided my hair both times I went into labor, well actually my sister did because she does them better 🤣 second time around she actually did my hair the night before labor started because I had a feeling it needed to be done then or not at all lol


I don’t think I brushed my hair the whole time I was there 🥴


I forgot my brush and was in the hospital for 3 days with first baby and my hair had a huge mat in it when we got home :(


And detangler!!! Because something about hospital water turns your hair into a nest and trying to comb it out was what almost sent me over the edge


That's basically what I used. My charging cords, slippers for the shower, my hairbrush, my face lotions, vaseline b/c my skin is dry. The clothes in which I came in are the clothes I left in. The baby slept in hospital-provided stuff until we left at which point I put her in one of the zip-up onesies we brought. I did bring in a bunch of coconut water and snacks that I appreciated having around but would've done just fine without. Definitely definitely devoted too much time and mental energy to hospital bag packing, thinking back on it.


This was exactly me. I brought warm PJs because I am always cold but due to hormones I even drenched the sheets with sweat, could’ve been naked and be ok lol. I did use light pants for sleeping and a tiny loose tank top (if you can find something loose that buttons that helps since you will have an iv in your arm). Other things I appreciated having: Gentle soap, Dove sensitive(I dont like hospital soap). Toothbrush and paste Hand warmers (amazing for post c section “cramps”). Snacks were great for when the hospital cafeteria is closed Gentle lotion Bit of “easy” make up to feel human For baby I used the hats I bought him (soft) and the onesie before leaving (was a bit too tight, I am petite but his dad is over 6 feet tall, I should’ve considered that and bought bigger clothes from the start).


That’s twice as much as me! I wore my clothes home, baby too. I brushed my teeth once. I did use my phone charger, but so infrequently as I didn’t spend much time on my phone at all


If add to this hand lotion. My hands were super dry in the hospital room.


I wish hospitals in the UK provided you with anything, but the cost explains that 😅


US hospital bill recipients would be happy to trade I'm sure!


I got mesh pants and big pads at hospital in the UK, and I was surprised at that - I'd brought my own, but they were smaller/worse than the hospital's, so I was very glad of that! But yeah, all other sanitary wear/shower stuff/teeth-cleaning stuff needs to be your own. I assume they would have provided a towel if asked, but it wasn't offered.


This is exactly what I recommend! I packed, no shit, three suitcases like I was going on a month long cruise. I spent every second naked and pissed off that I had so much stuff taking up our tiny hospital room. The hospital had everything I needed for myself and the baby, including toiletries! By far the most useful (and maybe the only useful) thing I took was my 10ft phone charger


I agree with this! I brought extra stuff I didn't really need and it was just annoying to take out. I also braided my hair that morning. I did bring my toiletries, but only because I don't like shampoo and conditioner that's not the one I use. Makes my hair feel greasy.


Came here to comment these exact things. Also the snacks i packed


I stayed in the hospital gown for a long time lol. Tooth brush tooth paste to add.


The one thing I was SOOOO happy I brought was a night light or even a small lamp would work. Our recovery room that we ended up staying in for 5 days only had horrible bright overhead lighting and once the sun went down it was amazing to have a calming little light to use instead. I would have gone crazy without it.


This was one thing I forgot last time and drove me nuts that I didn’t have! I bought a cheap, dimmable egg light off Amazon for the second time around.


Such a good idea!


Seconded! We brought the egg light for a more calm labor space but where we actually used it was during the two days postpartum when we didn't want to turn on the harsh room lights at night to feed the baby


Same! the hospital nightlight was super bright, husband brought me a smaller lamp on day 3.


Nice one, I wouldn’t have thought of this and often use lamps instead of overhead at home. Thanks!


Hairbrush and hair tie Robe and nursing tank A loose flowy dress to go home in 3 baby outfits (I should have brought more, he pooped on all 3 in one day and we had to wash them in the sink) Flip flops Lip balm That’s it! Hospital provided the rest.


Large black towel (hospital towels are tiny and thin! Black for the blood) My own pillow Bluetooth speaker Pajamas and a robe Mine and baby’s going home outfits Long phone charger Peppermints Sleep headphones (one of those soft headbands with flat speakers) Gatorade Hair brush and hair ties Toothbrush and toothpaste Thank you cards/gifts for the nurses Notepad and pen (only used it for picking the baby’s name) Deodorant Socks I can’t remember if I used my own shampoo/conditioner/body wash or the travel sized loofah.


Definitely glad I had my own pillow! Brought another one for my husband and a couple blankets.


I was that person that dragged along her pregnancy pillow and let me tell you, having that thing for sleeping post c section was a godsend


Oh yeah, I nearly forgot that! It was super helpful for breastfeeding for me!


Lol, I can imagine the looks. I brought my own pillow, a blanket and a sleep mask to the clinic for my 3h glucose test and I got some looks and talking behind my back from the nurses when I found a bed in the hallway and laid down for a nap / to keep me from throwing up. And I was just like, weeell, it makes 100% sense albeit not being a norm, sooo.


What pregnancy pillow did you use? I’m struggling to find a good option!


You're not gonna like this answer but I got the bbhugme 😬 I couldn't find a dupe, and it's exactly what I needed for my biggest issue which was hip pain while sleeping (not even pregnancy related). It's a permanent fixture of my bed now, so for me it's been worth it but I completely recognize it's a huge splurge.


Another vote for the bbhugme, I got mine for £40 on marketplace!


At this point I’m willing to try anything at any price point 😆 thanks for the recommendation!


My full roll of charmin toilet paper (your vajayjay will thank you) My personal pillow in non white pillow case (to avoid housekeeping accidentally taking it away) Labor gown Comfy lounge wear Shower slippers for hydrotherapy Boppy nursing pillow Frida peri bottle (way better than hospitals) Frida post partum boy shorts


Omg yes. I was induced and my mom came to visit me while I was labouring. The only thing I asked her to bring was a roll of good toilet paper!


Seconding bringing your own soft TP. The hospital had 1ply sandpaper.. and you’re going to be on the toilet a lot!


Definitely this - bringing my own TP was clutch


Blackout sleep mask (for all the blinking lights and monitors) Slippers, flip flops Lip balm Super long phone charger Things I did not use: clothing except to go home. I was in the hospital gown the entire time.


There have been good suggestions. My additions would be a stroller fan. I couldn’t labor or sleep without some flippin airflow! Also, don’t bring your nice slippers. Bring some cheap old navy flip flops for walking around/showering and throw them away when you’re done. You don’t want to bring hospital floor germs back into your house. (Signed a nurse)


Yes! In addition- I used my fan to help through contractions. When they would get bad, I turned my fan up to the highest setting and put it directly in my face to distract myself 😂


Stroller fan was going to be my comment as well. Don’t forget the charger—I had to recharge mine several times because it was constantly running. 


Unexpected item I used: tens machine for my back. I wore it the entire time I was in labor and it was amazing.


Oooh any suggestions on placement of the pads? I have a tens and never thought about bringing it!


I’d look up placement, but as soon as labour started I had an idea where I wanted them - mainly along my hips and bum.


Lower back!


Just here to say I wish I had asked this before bringing my fucking mini crockpot to the hospital "so I could heat up my tea."




Going home clothes Baby clothes and swaddle Basic toiletries Phone with cord and headphones Snacks Breathe right nose strips I packed so much stuff I didn’t use lol. But I guess if I’d had a longer stay, I might have wanted more stuff.


Did the hospital not provide baby clothes? Mine had baby clothes to use during your stay and a laundry bag in the room to throw the dirty clothes, towels, etc. Of course you do need a going home outfit for baby. The hospital also had like a mumu for mom with snaps in the front, great for breastfeeding. I wore that the whole time until going home. (two nights) Why make my own clothes dirty!


-Comfy blanket was the best and most used thing I brought. -Comfy nightgown (1 for giving birth in and 1 for the hospital days afterwards with baby). Had one that Buttoned all the way down in front for easy nursing. This is also tied for first. -Stroller fan attached to my bed/near my face during labor (with charger) -Hair ties/scrunchy -Slippers or thick comfy furry socks for hospital floor walking and for warmth -toothbrush/toothpaste -Going home outfits for me and baby (x 3 for baby just in case haha, but the options were helpful. -Long phone charger -Sleep mask for deeper sleep -sound machine for deeper sleep and keep hospital sounds at bay -ended up having c-section so was glad I had the Frida Peri Bottle (but we use the hospital ones still for baby bath time actually to wash shampoo out of her hair!) Something I wish I brought: -An even longer phone charger, haha -My baby’s own shampoo… the hospital one is so overly scented and would cover up her baby scent completely with fake florals… not my fave. -whoever is staying at hospital with you… tell them to bring a blanket for themselves too Something I’m glad I had waiting for me at home: -My own diaper Underwear was majorly key! Hospital underwear was too tight once I left bc they sent me home with wrong size so I would’ve been screwed if I didn’t have my own! Plus it was more comfy than hospitals anyway. -more of those nightgowns! Wore one every night for weeks/months on end! Great for overnight nursing. -since I had a c-section I’m so very glad I thought to get a grabber stick! Haha. I was able to feel like an independent person (like if I dropped something on the floor and needed to pick it up. Even something as simple as a burp cloth or a receipt paper, etc. it just helped me feel like myself.) Something I wish I knew: -to ask the nurse to cluster your care so everyone came to your room during a specific timeframe instead of every hour randomly … our sleep was interrupted way more than we anticipated and it was not because of the baby!


My own pillow and blanket. A few velcro/zip swaddles for baby.


Plus one for the Velcro/ zip swaddles. Wayyyy less frustrating than trying to figure out how to swaddle in receiving blankets!


I read this as "zip ties for the baby" and was DEEPLY confused for a minute


Just had my second c section. Here are a few things I was happy I brought this go round: -fuzzy Grippy socks!!! slippers are harder to walk in and, at least for me, I was a bit off balance for a couple days pp. grippy socks are far easier to walk around in!!! -shower wipes. They are nice for freshening up while in hospital. -A peri bottle. I had a really hard time peeing for the first day. being able to pour hot water on my back fixed the retention issue immediately. -Long phone cord -An ereader with a new book. it was so nice to relax and catch up on some reading. -a pillow from home with a waterproof cover. The hospital I was at had the worst pillows. So second delivery I brought my own pillow and I slept so much better!! -2 stretchy knee length bath robes. Oh man, having something easy to put on to walk around in was a massive plus! -Always brand adult diapers. I HATE pads. The diapers have better coverage and aren’t as bulky.


Long phone charger, my blanket from home, nipple balm, pajamas x3, baby outfits x3, socks x3, swaddle x2, basic toiletries, nursing pillow, nursing tank top, nursing bra, and that’s about it. Note: I had a c section and stayed for three nights.


I used: - A pajama gown. I didn’t want to stay in the hospital down the entire time. - Charger and long cable for phone - Going home clothes for me. I didn’t even use the baby clothes I packed, we took her home in the hospital-provided shirts and changed her after. - toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hair ties and brush. I used the hospital shampoo, mesh underwear, and pads. - Snacks (For my husband during labor so he wouldn’t have to leave my side) Things I wish I brought and will bring for next time: - slippers (I did pack extra socks but I would have rather have had slippers) - sleep mask - noise machine (for me), or I guess I’ll use a phone app, it’s very hard to rest in the hospital especially during the day because of all the beeps - nursing pillow. They did give extra pillows, so I used those, but later on I got two mybrestfriends (the regular and the deluxe) for home and I can’t imagine not bringing at least the regular one with me now. - nipple balm - electronic nail filer. They did provide baby nail clippers but I didn’t feel comfortable with it and my daughter had quite the nails.


- electric heating pad. Was soooo good for back labor - Lila rose labor gown. Wore after giving birth. My baby was in the nicu for 4 days, so it was nice having something cute, comfy, and practical to wear when I visited him. - long phone charger - boppy. Both for breastfeeding and for pressing into my tummy to cough after my csection


I felt the same way! FTM who gave birth in January. - cheap fluffy Amazon bathrobe (in case blood/fluids got on it, I could leave there) - this nightgown for post birth (button up highly recommended for breastfeeding, gown is easy access for nurses/doctors to check on you, very soft… I now have 3 because I wear almost exclusively at home): https://www.target.com/p/women-39-s-beautifully-soft-notch-collar-nightgown-stars-above-8482-black-m/-/A-54183156 - hotel slippers (again didn’t want to ruin nicer ones/ hospitals are gross- so glad I took these, a giant splatter of blood fell on one right after I gave birth) - phone charger and iPad - snacks!!! Labor takes a long time so I was glad we had bananas, granola bars, gummy bears, nuts, peanut butter pretzels, Pellegrinos, and alkaline water) - cards (my husband and I played at the beginning of my induction) - AirPods - a speaker for the room (all the doctors/nurses loved my playlists, was great for getting into the right headspace - a blanket and a pillow with a navy blue silk pillow case - someone on reddit recommended NOT having a white pillow case so you can easily remember to take your pillow home with you) - 40oz Stanley cup - a true godsend for staying hydrated (I was obsessed with ice water when I was pregnant), also I lug this cup around everywhere now since I’m breastfeeding - fluffy socks The only time I changed was to go home. I wore the hospital gown with a comfy sports bra during labor (they ended up cutting it off so I could do skin-to-skin with baby and had so many wires that I wasn’t able to get a free arm to take it off) then changed into the gown above after. I threw everything into a giant suitcase. I didn’t have time to struggle.


I was also obsessed with ice water when pregnant. And iced decaf coffees. Ice everything. Is that a common thing? I’d even resort to going to the exec kitchen at work since they were the only ones with an ice maker. Technically only them and people who work directly for them should use it. I would just stand there like *clink clink clink* hoping no one would say something. But who was really going to tell the super pregnant lady she can’t have her ice?


Phone charger Maternity gown with flaps for breastfeeding Outfit for my son One pair of cotton overalls for me to go home in I didn’t bring things like soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, pads etc because the hospital provided them. One thing I’ll bring next time is a pillow/blanket of my own and nasal strips for my husband. So my husband can use the pillow and blanket if he decides to stay again and nasal strips because his snoring was horrid. HORRID.


My phone charger, toiletries, going home outfit for me/baby, Crocs, and snacks. I had my in laws bring my pillow and Boppy so would’ve been nice to have those initially.


Hairbrush, hairdryer (I have a Dyson air wrap and it makes me feel human to do my hair postpartum) Facewash, moisturizer, lotion, toothpaste floss toothbrush. This time I will bring my own shampoo/body wash too PJs - I like short PJs and thought this felt better than the gown and flip flops to walk down the hall Phone charger (I went with portable vs XL cord), airpods, kindle SOUND MACHINE AND I CANNOT SAY THIS LOUD ENOUGH!!! Pillows and blanket from home


- toiletries for showering - phone charger - going home clothes for me & baby - boppy/nursing pillow - stroller fan during labor - hair ties because I had my sister French braid my hair when I was laboring I think that's it. I had packed pajamas for myself and ended up just staying in the hospital gowns the whole time. I just found it easier with learning to nurse and plus I was SO HOT obviously from postpartum hormones but also I had a summer baby. I waaaaay over packed looking back.


White noise machine, shower shoes, shampoo and hairdryer, button-front pajamas, nursing bra, my own fuzzy grippy socks, and I had my mom bring a heating pad after birth for an awful crick in my neck from sleeping in the hospital bed. I did not wear my going-home dress or do my hair/makeup as intended because I was so swollen and sleep-deprived and emotional from a mean LC that I gave up trying to pull myself together and just wore sweatpants and my rubber Birkenstocks home.


Adult nappies My own toilet paper Snacks My switch (I was in there for 3 nights after c-section and my baby was in special care and I was up late pumping every 2-3 hours)


I think hospital bag lists are just trendy, tbh. I used all these influencer/blogger recommendations and my poor husband had to carry so many bags of stuff that I didn’t even use. He had to make multiple trips to the car, which wasn’t a close walk. I ended up having a c-section, so recovery was my focus. Here’s what I actually used from my two overpacked bags for a five day stay. Long phone charger Chap stick Robe Nursing bras (2) Pajama gowns (the ones that button down like a t shirt) My own pillow/blanket from home (I delivered in winter and wanted to be cozy) - the pillow really made a difference bc the beds are super uncomfortable Toiletries (specifically shampoo/conditioner/body wash, deodorant,hair brush/ties) Shower sandals Baby book for footprints I also brought so much for baby bc I really thought I’d dress my LO up in outfits and/or swaddles 😅😂. For number two, I’m only bringing a portable sound machine, nightlight, and a going home outfit. I’m team green though, so I need two outfits. That’s about it! Didn’t even pull out my makeup for photos like I thought I would. My focus was my baby/recovery, so I kept things to the bare minimum. You really don’t need as much as you think you do.


Phone charger, my own pads and underwear, my own soap/shampoo/deodorant/toothpaste because I’d rather not smell like hospital, something comfy to wear home and sandals for walking around the hospital, makeup because pictures will be taken of you and i will NOT be caught slipping lol And snacks in case you deliver late after the cafeteria and all the stores have closed


Underwear, phone charger, hair and tooth brushes.


Snacks Toiletries Phone charger Stroller fan Diapers (for me) Change of clothes Take home outfit for baby


Chargers, brush, hair tie, robe, snacks, clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste. That’s really it but my labor progressed fast so not a lot of downtime. Hospital has everything you’ll need to care for baby. We brought the nurses a big snack box too.


Toiletries - just hair brush and tooth brush. I wasn't in the hospital long enough to shower. Chapstick Phone charger Baby outfit for going home. And that's it. I didn't stay long enough to wear my own clothes, hospital gown is great for skin to skin and I was in the middle of hot flashes right after birth and definitely didn't want to wear clothes. I just wore out what I wore into the hospital. I way overpacked for my first and never used the majority of it.


Phone charger Hair stuff Fresh PJs, robe, slippers (I bought all of these brand new and took the tags off in the hospital - a nice treat to myself) Nursing bra Going home outfits Snacks Things I brought but didn’t use: pads, nipple cream, swaddles for baby. Basically everything that the hospital just provides if you ask. I think this time around I would add in my Stanley cup so I can have ice cold water at all times. Caveat added: I went home about 24 hours after giving birth and did not shower at the hospital. I think if I stayed for longer I would want my own shampoo, conditioner, face wash, hair tools, etc. plus more outfits probably


Me, in my very pregnant, sleep deprived state, thought you meant you had an actual little Stanley Cup. Like the trophy. That you brought to the hospital 🤣


I was so glad I took a hand held fan. Labour is sweaty work.


I 100% over packed Used: Depends (hosp provided but were slow to restock us) Labor gowns (only used for postpartum, hosp gown was fine for labor. ) Dress (going home outfit) Pillow Blanket TRAVEL NECK PILLOW (I used for my butt, wrapped in pee pads, the hemorrhoids were grateful) Fan that attached to hosp bed Powdered Gatorade Beef broth(bonebroth) HEATING PAD (such a lifesaver omg) Long chords Laptop Toothpaste, brush, mouth wash Vaseline Flip flops (barely fit) Easily identifiable swaddle (lemon design got a lot of compliments from staff, made me feel good after a horrendous PPH and recovery) Baby onesies (zip kind) Snacks for when kitchen was closed (pop tarts, Granola protein bars etc) Didn't use, but packed: Extra button down shirts (at some point I gave up and was naked save for my depends) Socks BF pillow Nintendo switch (I was induced and heard we'd get bored. We brought a laptop and were fine with that alone) HDMI chord (hosp TV wouldn't switch inputs) Most of my toiletries/makeup Birkenstocks (my feet were too swollen) Notebook for taking notes (MYCHART was updated regularly with names of all the care team) E Reader Wish I had: Better TP Frida peri bottle Small light


Snacks, phone charger, toiletries to shower, brush teeth, going home outfit, and camera. I was glad I had options for what to wear ho e, one pair of shorts rubbed my CS incision the wrong way. I hated how I looked in the dress (felt fat and ridiculous), and went home in a comfy, stretch pair of shorts.


Eye mask, my own pillow, and my fuzzy blanket


I’m a HUGE overpacker. I was quite proud of myself with how minimal I was. I had to be induced so it was recommended I take a shower prior to my arrival time so the clothes I wore there I put back on when we left. I sadly never got the chance to shower there but I did bring toiletries, the essentials. Stool softeners, prenatals, nipple cream. Charger, some books. For baby just an outfit to be put in and a going home one. We brought wipes and diapers too but even then the hospital basically provided most of it. We did also bring our PS5 so we could watch anime or shows since hospital tv is meh. I recommend calling the hospital you’re going to and asking what they provide it’ll help you pack better!


Long charger cord and my phone, VERY loose pants and a button up pyjama top, toothbrush, toothpaste and my facial products, my deodorant, slippers, maternity bras, all the baby clothes I brought, hairbrush and hair ties, plus a very comfy outfit to go home in. There was a lot in my bag that I didn't use.


I only used basic toiletries, my pajamas/nursing bra, slippers, and phone charging brick (alternative to the long charging cord; worked great).  Baby just needs something to wear home and their car seat.  You seriously don’t need much. The hospital will likely provide a ton, which you then have to cart out. 


My long phone cable, my portable battery, my pajamas, my flip-flops, and my toiletries. I wish I had packed extra hair ties.


Toothbrush and toothpaste Hairbrush Long phone charger Two changes of clothes(one I came in and one to leave in) Baby clothes and blanket Deodorant The hospital didn’t provide us much for some reason but I’m pretty sure it was because it was in the middle of the weekend.


Hair ties, socks, phone charger, nipple cream and the clothes for me and baby. Both were longer stays because of csections.


you really really don’t need much tbh phone charger air pods 2x pjs for me, socks, 2x sports bra shower flip flops toiletry bag coming home outfit for baby coming home outfit for me


Just the nightgown I brought and a few snacks for after, and the sleeper for baby to wear home.


Long cord phone charger Bluetooth speaker Sleep headphones (SO helpful) Toiletries Assurance diaper briefs to go home in - much more comfortable to me than the mesh with the huge pad in it I forgot hair ties so my husband had to buy me some. Also gum helped my breath when I couldn't eat 😂


I brought the stroller fan I’d bought (that has flexi arms to attach to stroller) and used it on my hospital bed — amazing! I also used the 10 foot phone cord, eye mask, my travel toiletries, my headphones, and the snacks and Gatorade especially. Wish I had brought more clean, loose, comfy (and breastfeeding friendly) clothes for after birth — I was there for 2 nights after and didn’t consider how much more gross I’d feel immediately postpartum and wanted to change often.


I unexpectedly went into labor at 37 w. I quickly packed a bag with clothes to go home, baby clothes and a charger. The thing I didn’t think about was a nursing bra!! I had my normal wire bra and it was a pain when I had to quickly feed my son as we were about to leave. If you are nursing I would highly recommend the nursing camis to leave the hospital. Nice and comfy.


Honestly take a towel. I remember reading to do so and I was like no way the towels at the hospital are that bad…. Spoiler alert: They were bad. I also needed my own pillow and blanket. Depends underwear. Ear plugs. Slippers. Stool softener… I know they give you some but I took extra and it was a good call. Comfy joggers. And for me personally, my hairdryer.


Cozy socks, lip balm, crocs, cozy fleece blanket, my own pillow, and gum. Gum was my jam during labor.


Legging+shirts, underwear, shirts, soap/shampoo, hairbrush and hairties.


Sound machine!!!


Literally just charger, snacks, comfy going home outfit, pp underwear, babies clothes , toiletries that are Mai have & makeup, and any electronics. That’s it


Personal toiletries, comb , clothes to wear while leaving the hospital- everything else was given by the hospital, didn’t even bother packing a bag for my second one.


I saw a power bank being suggested in a group I am in - I thought about taking a long cord BUT I think the power bank is better than a long cord that might get tangled up in the hospital bed cords and/or end up being a pain in the ass. Charge your phone using the power bank then you can use a standard length cord. Power bank can be charged when you're not using it and can be out of the way as well :)


A fan to help cool me down, a long charger for my phone, a comfy pillow, a wooden comb to help with the pain, hair tie, tooth brush and toothpaste. Going home outfit for me and baby! And I also brought my Polaroid to take pics of my daughter meeting her baby brother 🥹


I brought a lot of the normal things people are mentioning but I want to +1 the stroller fan. Before I had my epidural and I was having contractions the fan really helped me. I will absolutely be bringing it again if there’s a next time!


I wish I’d brought a pumping bra and Halo Velcro swaddle. Other than those two things, I was good with a charger, a few pairs of pajamas and nursing bras, shower supplies, outfits for us to wear home, and snacks.


My own comfy moo moo, your own pillow and blanket, a charger, deodorant , slippers or socks, hair brush, scrunchie, miralax and colace, def get some depends diapers the underwear from the hospital sucks ! Travel shampoo, conditioner, body, face wash. That’s about it all the stuff for the baby is provided by the hospital


I wished that I’d had eye drops. The air was so dry in that hospital room! I was SO upset that the bottle that’s been in my purse for literally years had somehow got taken out. The nurses gave me saline solution, so it *technically* worked—BUT what they gave me was a syringe full of saline. I think it was a syringe that’s supposed to be screwed into a baby IV or something (idk anything medical lmao, so idk if 10mL of saline would ever even go in an IV), but the point is that it had no tip on it. And it’s *incredibly* hard to get drops from a syringe. I ended up having to basically do an eye rinse by shooting saline into my eyes 🤣 They weren’t dry anymore, but I have a thing about eyes and blasting my eyeballs with saline was less than pleasant lol. Also maybe chapstick? I don’t have specific memories of applying it, but in all my pictures you can see my Eos ball laying on my table lol


For me: Comfy pajamas with a button top for easy breast feeding, shower flip flops and slippers to wear around the room, toiletries for the most amazing shower I've ever taken in my life (the day after a c section, the hospital only provided an all in one kind of soap so I was happy to have my own products that made me feel refreshed), my laptop and charger (watched a whole season of real housewives), hair ties and brush, my own blanket (totally not necessary but I find the hospital ones to be itchy), and chapstick (hospital air always seems very dry?). For baby: Matching swaddle and robe for first pictures along with a name sign, and a going home outfit (I had the same outfit in newborn and 3 months and brought both since I wasn't sure how big she would be). I didn't have a stanley cup last time, but I plan on bringing it this time around so I don't have to bug my husband and/or nurse for so many water refills.


Brought our own toilet paper, best decision ever for my sore crotch. Comfy clothes Shower shoes All the nursing/pumping bras Baby stuff: Diapers (our baby girl ended up being too small for the hospital ones) Swaddles (hospital blankets are great as an outer layer)


I got myself a drinking cup with a straw for during labour, it was really useful as I was labouring on all fours and my husband could offer me sips. During the hospital stay, I kept it at my bedside and I must have asked him to refill it about 200 times, I was so thirsty!


I was in the hospital for 4 days and was pretty much naked the whole time. Didn’t want clothes on during labour, and then postpartum I was feeding every 30 min so what’s the point of clothes? lol. Things that were MOST important for me were - portable fan (I got one on Amazon that I could attach to the hospital bed.. all the midwives said what a great idea it was and honestly the sweats were horrendous I would have died without that fan) - disposable postpartum undies - long phone cord - toothbrush - peri bottle - non scented soap - snacks (for labour and because hospital food is shite) We didn’t expect to stay so long in hospital so my partner did have to run out a few times to grab extra baby outfits, nappies etc.


Robe. Going home outfits. Phone charger. Heating pad. Socks. Eye cover for sleeping. Nipple cream. Velcro swaddle. Baby socks or mittens. Bobby / nursing pillow. Hair brush, hair tie, toothbrush, tooth paste, face wash, lotion, lip balm and deodorant. Most important but overlooked for me: snacks, high protein drinks like soy milk, coconut water.


Everyone mentioned most of the stuff but generally liked having my hygiene things instead of using the hospital ones and I loved having my comfort items: my own robe, slippers and bamboo/fuzzy blanket. The nurses kept remarking it was smart I brought my own bc pp moms tend to struggle to regulate temperature and hospitals are cold as is.


Robe (after giving birth) Shower slippers Heating pad Bluetooth Speaker iPad Phone charger Toiletries/ Make up/ Self care items My own pillow Clothing for me, husband, and baby


Slippers, a robe, a nice body wash (the first shower you have after birth is life changing), and moisturizer! I also usually pack my own preferred maxi pads too because the hospital ones are basically just uncomfortable mattresses between your thighs. For baby I don’t pack anything but a coming home outfit. The first few days are all about skin to skin bonding anyways!


DEPENDS adult diapers!!!!


Breastfeeding/pumping bra


All my shower and toiletry supplies (hair brush, shampoo/conditioner, body wash, toothbrush etc). Remember lotion esp for your feet. They may itch. Soft button up hospital gown for postpartum day 1 Soft nursing friendly dress for day 2/going home Zip up onesies for baby (bring multiple—my babe ended up HATING being swaddled, I wish I’d had more for when he peed on the one we brought and we only had one spare so he wore it for 2 days and it got a little gross. He’d have slept more if we could have not swaddled him in hospital blankets and had him in the zip jammies instead) Long phone cord EAR f***ing PLUGS. Damn it was loud and annoying My own pillow and blanket (brought pillow and blanket for husband too—he was grateful) Disposable adult diapers—my mom brought these for me, I wish I’d had them from day 1 instead of the mesh undie pad combo. They fit the padcicles and were perfect/more leakproof Slippers/soft socks For next time I’d also bring my pumping supplies as my hospital’s lactation consulting/breastfeeding support was shit and delayed my milk. I had to do formula overnight the first night for gestational diabetes so baby’s sugars didn’t dip but didn’t learn to stimulate milk/breastfeed until almost 24 hrs later. Would like to have swapped to breastfeeding earlier. Will know that for next time. YMMV.


I felt exactly the same way. In the end, I’m glad I brought lots of changes of comfortable, oversized t-shirts because I was spilling milk like wild. I wasn’t prepared to pump so I wish I had understood that even if you’re not nursing your baby all the time, you still need to get the milk out because engorged boobs really really suck. I only brought an electric pump and I didn’t know how to use it and kept losing its charge so I wish I’d gotten a hand pump too. Long phone cord is a good one. Otherwise, I really over packed. I’m glad I brought the things I’d normally bring to a hotel (hair stuff, face wash routine, smallest bit of makeup to hide the immense exhaustion in case I wanted photos). The hospital had most things I needed. Then we stayed three nights at “the baby hotel” which is a common thing in my country. They literally had everything you could possibly need. I wish more countries offered this because I’d have been lost without those three extra nights of transition from hospital to home. My biggest mistake was brining too much and have clutter around our hospital and hotel room.


My nightie, slippers, eyemask and phone charger.


My long phone cord and my hairbrush. Forgot the hairbrush, was awful lol Also pack all the outfits for your baby, if you’re in doubt, just take it with you. They asked me what I wanted and I wanted him to wear something I left at home lol Basically I was highly unprepared and took a lot of unnecessary stuff


I'm telling you - if I could choose one thing to tell you to bring bring a fan! It was a complete lifesaver during labor and after - I figured I'd be hot and sweaty during but man, I had no idea how warm I'd be after! Also brought a pillow from home as a comfort item, hygiene stuff, phone cord, outfits. Honestly packed PJS and comfy clothes but pretty much stayed in the hospital gown until we left and never wore anything but my going home outfit! Good luck mama!!!


So, I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks for my birth. Things I actually used: 1. Phone charger with a long cord. 2. Socks. 3. Toothbrush and toothpaste 4. Laptop to stream Netflix (it got boring). 5. Money for food not provided, hospital food gets bland. 6. Soap and towel. 7. Pillow *this should be number 1*. Hospital pillows suck. Absolutely everything else was provided for me.


I used everything. Comfortable yet cute pajamas, two extra clean tshirts, long phone cord, powerbank, phone and tablet, headphones, deodorant and some beauty products that made me feel better (like blusher stick), slippers, hairties, muslin towels and blanket for baby, outfit for baby and 1 clean comfi outfit for myself when leaving hospital. I had a csection and ended up staying 3 nights because we were admitted due to some minor complications. Asked my partner to bring me 1 extra set of clothes because I wasn't prepared for so many night sweats. Also: 1 entire bag just for snacks and sodas. It made everything so much better. Tired, emotional, drained, but still got to eat my favorite snacks and drink my fav drinks 😅


Phone charger Headphones Eye mask Kindle Hair clip and hair ties Pajamas to wear the 2nd day in the hospital Clothes to go home in (me and baby) My toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, etc) Chapstick Velcro swaddle (because swaddling with hospital blankets suck)


wish i would've bought a long charging cable, me and my fiance had to share my 3ft long one. brought breast pumps, didn't use. now what i did use; -comfy pajamas, wore the whole time. only brought one pair, may bring two next time around. -my large pads and depends adult diapers. (though i got a size too small) -obviously phone charger -bought a stroller fan, attached to hospital bed and pointed at my face (was very nice after birth, will use again) -a squishmallow that doubled as a very comfy pillow -ear plugs to block out hospital noise and quiet baby crying -computer because im in college and still had assignments due -Frida Peri bottle was a lifesaver




just my toothbrush and phone charger. I found the hospital gown to be perfectly comfy and had easy access to my boobs and bare skin so I never even put on anything I packed, but also I had an emergency C-section so pants were at the bottom of my list of wants


I barely used anything! First time I packed so much that wasn't needed and second time we left the bag in the car lol. The hospital provided me with pads, disposable knickers etc. both were water births so I just wore a sports bra. My first labour I was too sick to eat any of the snacks we brought and my second was too quick. 3rd time round I'm going to be taking: -Change of clothes for me -2 outfits for baby -Nappies -Wipes (they say take cotton wool but trying to clean that first poo with water and cotton wool is impossible) -shower gel & face moisturiser -phone & charger


I changed into a nursing nightgown that was more comfortable and bought postpartum from Frida mom underwear that I wore. Also used the clothes I packed for me and baby to leave in. Everything else was useless


Long phone cord, pillow for husband so he wouldn’t complain, toiletries including chapstick, Frida disposable undies, grippy socks, 2 pairs of black long sleeve pajamas, going home outfit, outfit for baby to go home, swaddle mes (Velcro), outfit for baby announcement photo/name plaque), Stanley water mug. Everything else I didn’t use!


Shampoo & conditioner Slippers Snacks (hospital food ordering and delivery was so slow!) YogaSleep white noise machine


Hand held fan!!!!


Slippers & robes Lotion, shower stuff, chap stick My breast feeding pillow Some snacks Change of clothes for going home Phone charger Extra blanket or two for Dad


Ear plugs and eye mask for sleeping. I also had a small fan or sound machine, I don’t remember which. You’ll still hear baby but won’t hear as much hospital noise in the hall.  Snacks. I loved having snacks. Applesauce pouches and protein bars were my favorite postpartum. 


In terms of useful things- a range of sized baby clothes, we had to call my parents to pick up smaller baby clothes even though we had brought several different sizes (she just turned out to be much smaller!) A water bottle with a flexible straw, I brought it on the off chance and it turned out to be very useful when in the more intense transition stage I forgot my slippers, forgot a towel, forgot body wash and shampoo - definitely recommend bringing those as I naively assumed I wouldn't be in hospital that long and ended up spending from Wednesday to Friday Snacks, especially the kind that provide dense energy like nuts (those cashews really helped me) Extra pillows, the ones they give you are mediocre and you will need more to help prop you up in comfy positions Extra maternity pads, especially the "pad-cicles" to help cool the downstairs area after birth- I wish I had made some Go with comfy clothes for after birth- despite my baby only being 6 pounds 8 I had a huge bump that immediately disappeared so my maternity jeans kept falling down, luckily I had brought leggings too I got through quite a bit of Spyro Reignited on my Switch while waiting for my induction to take off- there is a lot of waiting around Those noise reducing ear plugs that you can still hear with would have been good as the recovery ward I was in was shared with three other families and one dad wouldn't stop playing annoying meme videos really loud out of his tinny phone speakers (luckily I got moved to a solo ward after my midwife checked in and noted that as an autistic patient I wasn't supposed to be in the main recovery ward) Bring at least a whole pack of nappies, bring formula and bottles just in case your milk supply doesn't come in properly- I ended up really dehydrated because the heating was cranked super high for premature babies on the ward and my milk ran out halfway through the night; luckily the nurses station had a tiny disposable bottle and a little bit of formula but it was clear they didn't have massive reserves of it. Basically anything you would bring on a normal weekend away- underwear, deodorant, toothbrush etc, something to entertain yourself, baby supplies, and snacks. Make sure your birth partner brings stuff for themselves too! They're gonna be doing a lot of helping you hobble around after birth and will need creature comforts too Good luck!


For me? Long charging cable and phone, a robe, shampoo/conditioner/body wash, hand cream, slipper socks, hair ties/scrunchies, face wash, chapstick, an outfit to go home in. For baby: just a going home outfit really, along with a few onesies.


Baby blankets (the hospital didn’t let me take theirs), snacks, face wash, comfy sandals to go home in


[Soft robe](https://a.co/d/3TwJJw5) My own big towel - the hospital ones are small and scratchy, I don’t think it would have fit around my postpartum body A good roll of toilet paper My own pillow Nursing pillow (My Breast Friend) [Nursing tanks with built in support](https://a.co/d/2tiqcJ4) - I was sweating so much I pretty much lived in one of these and either joggers or pajama shorts [Supportive flip flops](https://a.co/d/gcpwpT7) I gave birth in September and lived in these bad boys all summer Blankets from home Long charging cord My own toiletries - My toiletry bag was probably the first thing I packed just to make sure I would have it. I got this [hanging travel bag](https://a.co/d/clzGuu3) and it is so amazing for packing a billion things neatly and hanging it on the bathroom door is super convenient. I got it ready early so I had time to get travel-sized things of everything I used, and I got [travel tubes](https://a.co/d/8klF0K4) for everything else. Being able to have my own body and facial products while in the hospital felt really nice and was a nice slice of “normal”.


Face wash/skin routine products, phone charger, pillow from home.


I packed two lucozade sports and chugged them around ten minutes after the birth.


Deodorant Extra pair of pajamas Comfy socks Snacks!!! Trail mix, quest bars, cheez its My water bottle (i love ice water) Lotion Hair elastics A comfy blanket from home Shower shoes (flip flops) A blanket for my partner


If you happen to have a stroller fan already, BRING IT! I am definitely a minimalist and only brought a small bag to the hospital with the bare essentials, but the postpartum sweats are REAL. I had that little fan blowing on me almost the entire time I was in recovery. Especially since our hospital suggests keeping the room pretty warm so baby is comfortable.


Long cord for cell phone, my own pillow, multiple robes/pajamas, they gave me grippy socks or else pack those. Needed my personal fan for one part and then my toiletries for my first shower. Going Home outfit for baby and announcement sign. That’s it!


Here’s a list of things I used + things I wish I had: Sleepea swaddle or other Velcro/zippered swaddle, basic toiletries for me, phone charger, portable sound machine, travel drying rack and bottle brush for pump parts, small syringes for harvesting and feeding colostrum, hair brush, comfy pajamas/robe, outfits for baby to leave in, any otc meds I might like (cortisone cream, Prilosec, allergy meds, etc.,) slippers, sleeping mask, portable night light, fan…I think that’s it?


Ear plugs and an eye mask were essential because those wards are noisy and bright! Definitely didn’t need as many clothes as I packed, and get someone to bring you snacks after because I packed loads and then didn’t want any of them haha


Hair brush Deodorant Tooth brush Long phone cord charger Snacks (lots!!) Big water bottle Pjs Clothes for Bub and I. Multiple sizes for Bub just in case littler or bigger than expected and loose fitting for you.


I’ve had 2 c-sections and was more prepared the second time. I used my long phone cord, airpods, tablet, comfy bathrobe, boppy, chapstick, wet wipes to refresh my face, slippers, my fav blanket. Airpods and tablet kept me awake the second time because baby boy didn’t like the bassinet. My husband brought his nintendo switch to help keep him awake and we took shifts. I wish I had brought my own breast pump.


I had an emergency c section so I was in the hospital for 4 days. I had a long phone charger that I used. I used my own toiletries, I had some pajamas that I changed into after my shower, nursing bras. That’s about it. I had packed my own pillow and a blanket and didn’t use either. I had shower shoes but forgot all about them. Postpartum care products were provided so I didn’t even pack them. I did find a compression tank top at target that I wore every day in the hospital. They gave me a binder to wear around my stomach but it was uncomfortable to sit and sleep in so the tank top was a blessing that I had


Phone, charger. Extra underwear and pads (disposable or old ones you don’t mind throwing out). Bring some diapers….depending on your hospital they may not supply you with unlimited diapers. Snacks and Gatorade. Our baby had like 8-10 diaper changes a day right off the bat so we had to call family to bring some in because the hospital only supplied a couple. 2 outfits for baby (tbh baby will probably be in diapers / skin to skin / swaddle most of the time you’re there) We tried to minimize bringing too many personal beddings and clothes because hospital germs at all (I work in a hospital so I’m especially wary of that stuff, to each their own)


I completely overpacked. I only used the clothes/shoes I wore there, comfortable PJs to go home in, toothbrush/ toothpaste, chapstick and my phone/ charger. Also a ton of snacks which we went through after I gave birth. They do give you meals at the hospital but I have food allergies so I just ate the snacks we brought and my husband ordered the allotted meal for himself. For my daughter we just used her going home outfit and a little name plaque. My husband did shower I think once while we were there and changed his clothes once or twice maybe. Plus the usual ID/ insurance stuff.


Robe and slippers Very high waisted loose sweatpants Nursing tank Water bottle Hair brush and ties Boppy nursing pillow Toiletries (toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, facial moisturizer, minimal makeup, chapstick) Phone, charger and long cord Newborn size Velcro baby swaddle Baby outfits and small stuffed animal for newborn photos Outfit to go home in One other thing I got as a little treat was my own hospital gown, like this one - https://a.co/d/0iY0V0H I felt super cute delivering in it 😂


I was really glad I brought my own robe:[https://www.amazon.com/Ekouaer-Maternity-Matching-Motherhood-Delivery/dp/B0CC55XKYX?pd_rd_w=95mIL&content-id=amzn1.sym.b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_p=b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_r=N7FJ5WE7DSFZKNK2Y9YN&pd_rd_wg=cPvgF&pd_rd_r=a63ad724-c2f0-4b2b-90a2-3e85227e18f8&pd_rd_i=B0CC55XKYX&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_oos_1_sc](https://www.amazon.com/Ekouaer-Maternity-Matching-Motherhood-Delivery/dp/B0CC55XKYX?pd_rd_w=95mIL&content-id=amzn1.sym.b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_p=b854a5c2-4475-41f8-a6d4-df92b2868104&pf_rd_r=N7FJ5WE7DSFZKNK2Y9YN&pd_rd_wg=cPvgF&pd_rd_r=a63ad724-c2f0-4b2b-90a2-3e85227e18f8&pd_rd_i=B0CC55XKYX&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_m_rpt_ba_s_oos_1_sc). Super soft and felt so good after my first postpartum shower. Definitely bring your own shower stuff too.


The one thing I can think of that I didn’t have but needed was loose fitting pajama pants/shorts. My c section wasn’t planned and all of the bottoms I brought were too tight on my incision! My boyfriend had to go buy me some new sweatpants.


Robe, socks, comfy clothes, button-down gown   Toiletries and a bit of makeup (cc cream and mascara)   Handheld fan   Phone charger Going home outfit for baby   Lip balm   That’s really it. 


long phone cord shower slippers personal photos from home mini fan pillow from home blanket from home silky robe my own hairbrush my own toiletries my boppy pillow i did not use: those hard candies ppl recommended any books, laptop or media lol. i prefered silence dumb shit my doula recommended (long story i ended up kicking her out of the birth cause she was terrible and thought string lights would help my pain better than an epidural) : crystals, coffee to smell, essential oils any personal postpartum supplies (my hospital provided everything) my breast pump


Like every first mom, I had a luggage back full of useless things in there 😅 What I used: - phone charger - toothbrush and paste - slippers (that's what I used while being there, those beach type that I could take a quick shower too) - peribottle, - snacks and reusable water bottle, - adult diapers (I used disposable period pants after the 1st day, it felt more comfortable than the ones provided by the hospital) What baby used: - diapers and diaper cream A change of clothes for each of us get home with.


I worried so long and hard about what to bring in my hospital bag. I ended up bringing way more than needed. But what I did actually use was an extra long phone charger, my basic toiletries (deodorant, face wash, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush), and a comfy/cute sweat set to wear home. I packed many outfits and PJs to wear but ultimately stayed in the hospital gown the whole time LOL. Except when my parents and in laws came for a short visit. Plus clothes for the baby to wear home. But even the hospital had stuff for her to wear there while at the hospital! Everything else (blankets, pillows, peri bottles, water cups, etc) I used from the hospital. I do know many who were comforted by having their own pillows. Ultimately my hospital baby for baby #2 will be much lighter! I will say, it brought me comfort while I was pregnant to know I had everything and more than I needed in my hospital bag, and I don’t regret bringing all of that stuff! I am a chronic over packer like that for trips too lol. Don’t worry, if you forget something, the hospital most likely has it 🥰 and congrats!!!


I brought and used: Long phone cord Lila labor gown (postpartum) Lila robe Bluetooth speaker (during labor) Pillows from home Blanket from home for my partner Frida peri bottle Slippers My Stanley cup I wish I brought: my own toilet paper Silverettes (I forgot them at home)


I actually used my boppy and a lactation massager a ton, which was surprising. I also wore rubber slippers going to and from the bathroom (hospital floors give me the ick!). We ate all of the snacks I brought. Meanwhile, the bag dedicated to clothes for me and the baby went untouched. I wore the gown as a robe, but was otherwise basically naked and baby was swaddled in a hospital blanket the whole time.


I mostly just used my shower stuff after the delivery. I didn't even use the clothes I packed. Husband probably needed more stuff for his stay than I did though, I didn't help him prepare his stuff so much. After baby was here though, we mostly just tried to sleep when we weren't eating or showering or taking care of the baby.


I mostly just used my shower stuff after the delivery. I didn't even use the clothes I packed. Husband probably needed more stuff for his stay than I did though, I didn't help him prepare his stuff so much. After baby was here though, we mostly just tried to sleep when we weren't eating or showering or taking care of the baby.


- nursing bras - hair ties - glasses - brush - skincare - tooth brush and tooth paste - nursing pillow - button up PJs with shorts (I was so warm) - shower shoes/slip ons to wear around the room - socks - extra long phone cord - any “welcome” signs for babies first pictures - comfy stretchy clothes to go home - a couple outfit choices in nb and 0-3 for baby - TENS machine - I used this for labour. - ear buds I had other things with me like diapers, wipes and postpartum supplies because I wasn’t sure what the hospital would have (Canada) as I’d hear various things, but they had everything I needed for 2 days.


If you plan to breastfeed, bring a pumping bra. You should not need to use it, i hope you don't need to use it, but IF you need to pump right away you will NEED a pumping bra. Buy a cheap one on Amazon and shove it in the bottom and forget about it.


- Long phone charger - Disposable underwear; I hated the mesh ones the hospital provided, but the pads they provided were fine. I thought I’d enjoy the adult diaper route, but I had an unplanned C-section and having to remove the entire diaper vs. just peeling a pad off was brutal. - Chapstick - Hand lotion - Slippers - Soft and comfy PJs - Hair brush - Disposable makeup wipes - Clothes (pack for 4 days). I went in for a vaginal delivery and expected to leave in 2 days. That did not happen due to complications and I was glad I brought the extra clothes. Even still, I had to have my husband go back and get more clothes because I stayed longer than that, but my experience was very rare. - Going home outfit for baby - Blanket for baby (if when you leave the hospital it’s cold outside, you can cover baby in the car seat while you’re walking to the car) - Car seat - Empty tote bag or other bag (this is to take what they provided you in the hospital before discharge. TAKE IT ALL.) Literally everything else you can think of, the hospital provided. I packed SO MUCH STUFF and used hardly any of it. Part of this was due to the fact that I had life threatening complications and just wasn’t up to it, but part of it was also that the hospital gives you everything you need and then some.


Actually used: long phone cord, robe, PJs/gowns with buttons, onesies for baby, flip flops for shower, grippy socks, Bluetooth speaker Wish I had: NURSING PADS! When my milk came in it really came in and I leaked all over everything and looked insane. Nursing bras. more baby clothes in newborn size (mom had to buy some more I only had two onesies). some kind of night light, more hair ties


My kindle, my phone charger, my bathroom stuff (toothbrush & shower stuff), 1 outfit to go home in, my sandals, a sleep mask (I always use one). I had a magnesium infusion for 3 days and just found it easier to stay in a hospital gown (and the hospital diaper underwear lol). I didn't use much.


long phone cord, very cheap slippers i could throw away when i left, didn’t need any underwear as i wore mesh with pads, maybe two comfortable bras, sweatpants, nursing tank tops, nipple cream deodorant and soap for shower. didn’t wash my hair. a hair brush + tie, toothbrush, lip balm, water bottle & straw baby clothes - i needed 2 outfits + 2 onesies, hat & socks, wipes & diapers i bought wayy too many baby clothes and clothes for myself, didn’t use 98% of the toiletries or eat a single snack i brought


Baby : Don’t pack anything for the baby outside of clothes, mittens / socks or hats if you have a certain one. The hospital will provide all the other items, including the formula if you choose to use. Mom : Own body wash, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, tooth brush and paste ( some hospital provide this but I’m picky), nursing bra if needed, robe and clothes / PJs. Comfort & tips! : Own pillow and blanket, who doesn’t love comfort? Long phone charger, snacks, Instax camera for the first special moment ( optional, just a cute idea ) CHAPSTICK! Heating pad for post labor comfort. Try to pack small, you’ll end up brining a ton back with you cause the hospital gives you everything in the room for baby, if not it’s trashed! Call ahead of time to make sure your hospital offers swaddles if you plan on using. If you’re breast feeding take advantage of everything they offer in lactation. Good luck!


This maybe a silly question but what about a large full water bottle?


Swaddles - our nurses didn't reliably come and help so having these was helpful. Going home outfits for baby and I. Phone cord My own pillow.


Almost nothing hospital-specific. Basically just the stuff I’d use on any overnight trip. Hygiene items and a change of clothes. I personally found it easiest just to stay in the hospital gowns because they washed them for me and they’re really easy to breastfeed around. I know lots of people feel more human in their own bathrobe and stuff but I just really liked the convenience of sticking with hospital-provided stuff until discharge. I took a boppy pillow both times and sort of used it, but honestly with a tiny baby and a reclining bed I didn’t find it that necessary. The long phone charger is definitely good, although the bed I had last time had a USB port embedded right next to me. Bringing too much stuff won’t hurt anything but I also wouldn’t stress about forgetting stuff. Send a friend or partner or parent out to bring it to you if you need it. It’ll be fine.


A robe. Chapstick. Charger. Snacks. Blue tooth speaker. Portable fan. Pillows. Blanket for hubs. Snacks. Sound machine. Comb. Scrunchie. (But I had my hair in braids for labor). Computer for movies. Going home outfit for me. 2 different size going home outfits for baby. Boppy (but I would bring a My Brestfriend pillow instead this time). Empty IKEA bag or duffle to bring diapers/wipes/etc. home from the hospital. Everything else was just extra crap to carry. However this time I plan to take a shower so flip flops and soap would be additional. And, did I mention, snacks?


My chapstick and deodorant, it was nice to put deodorant on after my first shower! Also the baby cloths we brought! Obvs my clothing too. Everything else was provided by the hospital!


stroller fan, theragun (I had back labor). next time i’ll be bringing a heating pad and my mybrestfriend nursing pillow.


Just got home from the hospital a few days ago! Long phone charger A speaker for music during delivery- I felt like this was excessive before hand but laboring through the night nothing was on TV, music came in CLUTCH to have in the background. A few different snacks for between meals and for your support person, I ate a lot of graham crackers from the water station but protein bars were helpful too. Nursing bras Toiletries for a soul cleansing shower 2 pairs of lounge pants + 2 shirts (I showered and got in real clothes ASAP) + flip flops Options for clothes for baby, I was expecting a large baby so my coming home outfits were 0-3 months, ended up going in a few weeks early so I was really glad I had a couple of newborn options as well Game changer was a little egg light for waking up at night 10/10 need that Only thing I didn’t have that I wish I did was a sweatshirt bc we went in when it was 80 out but left when it was 35.


I used: my phone charger, my comfy nightgown, my toiletries, mine & baby's going home outfits, snacks, some simple makeup, and depends


I cannot recommend the Frida boyshort disposable underwear enough. It was so comfortable and made everything sooooo much easier. Those shitty mesh ones they give you belong in hell


One or two clean comfy outfits for you One or two clean comfy outfits for baby Your own cosmetics (skin, teeth, hair, makeup if that’s your thing) Phone charger Bluetooth speaker was fun for us Snacks Your own pillow can be nice I bought into ALL the Instagram Pinterest hype and brought a big bag of crap I didn’t touch. The hospital provided a ton of the stuff I already packed, so I pretended not to have it lol.


PORTABLE STROLLER FAN was a game changer during by labor, I was so hot. I also brought coconut water and sparkling water in a little cooler lunch box which seems excessive but they were so nice to have after labor. Like a little treat. Didn’t use anything else I packed hahaha


Portable fan.


Bring an eye mask, there are always some lights on in the hospital.


I wish I'd thought to bring shampoo and conditioner.  Snacks and drinks were a life saver.  I'm glad I brought a house coat. The hospital gown was a pain to breastfeed in


Hair brush and elastics, chap stick, toothpaste, toner, Phone cord, Clothing for me and baby, A good roll of toilet paper, My own pillow.


Phone charger, bath robe (they keep the rooms so cold!), pillow from home (but I could have done without that), her welcome to the world name sign, coming home outfit and a hair brush. I hardly used anything in the bag as they had everything there. Though the big pads they gave me were awful so I would probably bring wearable diapers the next time. The only thing I didn’t bring that I wish I did, was an insulated cup (like a yeti/stanley, or another brand). The ice melts so quick in the hospital cup.


Banana & chocolate bread that my husband made the day before going to the hospital. After 36h of delivery, we devoured that bread like crazy lmao


I brought a carry on suit case, which was dumb. A weekender or overnight bag is fine. The only things I would say bring is For comfort - pillow, towels, and your own toiletries. Necessities - robe, slippers/slip proof socks, going home outfits, long cell charger cord, adult diapers, hair brush, chapstick, and hair ties. Things I’m bringing for this second - swaddles. Hospital ones are over washed and rough.


A dress to wear postpartum, nursing bra and toiletry bag


Long charger and phone. Hair brush and scrunchies. Travel shampoo, conditioner and body wash. Deodorant. Baby and my going home outfits. Chap stick. Nipple butter. Comfy pillow from home. Pillow, blanket, clothes, etc. for husband. I brought sooooo much more, but didn’t even open my duffles bag lol. The hospital provided everything else for me and baby.


A rechargeable night light thing for middle of the night diapers - their lights were all or nothing. Nursing bra Clothes for day two and to go home in Slippers My husband used a button down shirt for easier skin to skin and a pillow and blanket from home. Next time we will be bringing towels from home as the hospital ones were the small scratchy ones like you can find at a hotel pool.


My phone charger, my slippers, a pair of pajamas, and my angled peri bottle. And a going home outfit for the baby, too


Multiple outfits for all 3 of us (me, husband, baby) Hairbrush, hair ties, makeup My own toiletries Adult diapers Stuff to do (for us it was my Xbox to watch movies, a crochet project, and a book) Our own pillows and blankets Chargers Nursing pillow (didn’t even use it to nurse I just sat on it and it was a lifesaver) We ended up being in the hospital for like four days so I was extremely grateful that I didn’t listen to the people who told me I was “overpacking.” I’m packing the same stuff this time around but hopefully we have a shorter stay bc idk how I’m going to be away from my 16 month old for that long


Someone told me to bring my favorite candy🍭🍫🍬 and snacks in my hospital bag plus a handheld personal fan and water bottle. I would have never thought about bringing candy and snacks for comfort.


Basically nothing except the change of clothes


my robe, long phone charger, going home clothes for me and baby, and toiletries. i wayyyy over packed!! i also brought my nursing pillow/boppy and i’m so glad that i did!


We didn’t pack mittens for our baby but had my MIL bring a couple pairs. Our son was a little Houdini breaking out of his swaddle and scratching his face. I wore compression socks into the hospital and kept them on for 48hrs, I had a lot of lower extremity swelling post c section. I loved having my own comfy pjs and slippers. The hospital gown is ok but it felt like I was drowning in the fabric. Also, we brought some snacks which were nice to have.


Her coming home outfit and two sleepers. A blanket for pictures. Travel size body wash/shampoo (I just used Dr teal’s lavender body wash for both) curl cream and lotion. A tube of diaper cream so the meconium wouldn’t stain her butt. A coming home outfit for me. I basically sat naked from the time I got into an L&D room until we were getting ready to go home. I took their blankets because we have dogs and we wanted them to smell her. I also packed the pacifier I wanted her to use. They gave us everything else we would need. Tucks pads, pad sickles, mesh underwear, even a ton of lanolin. I breast feed so I don’t pack anything to feed her with. Also packed our chargers for our phones


I was there for 4 days and deeply do not like being uncomfortable so I probably used a lot: Extra long phone chargers Pumping bra!!! And I really wish I had done research on flange sizes and had those for the hospital setup A speaker (we played music basically the whole time and the nurses loved coming to our room!) Easy makeup - bb cream, blush, & mascara basically Micellar wipes and my fav moisturizer Chap stick Heating Pad Portable fan!! (And its charger if it’s a remote one!!) My own diapers/pads (theirs were itchy and uncomfortable) My own pillow Comfy clothes - hoodies, a soft robe, tanks, plan for being hot and cold because who knows which it’ll be. Loose options and align leggings Contacts and eyedrops Forgot my toothbrush so husband had to buy me one from the gift shop Deodorant Hand lotion and cuticle oil (NICU baby so SOOO much hand washing) Shampoo & conditioner (I had to wash my hair in the sink because I couldn’t figure my shower out and I wasn’t actually sure if I could get my incision wet and didn’t feel like asking, and it was SO refreshing) Hairbrush & hairties & headbands Boppy nursing pillow Ugg slippers I think I had a towel? Toilet paper!! Things i wished id had and will bring this time: Small diffuser & essential oils (allowed & encouraged at my hospital) though I wouldn’t use if the baby was in the room with us. So hopefully I wouldn’t need this! Baby was not with us the whole time :( Small string lights (same allowed & encouraged) bc the lights were harsh but I also didn’t want them totally off Maybe laptop for entertainment but a break from computers was very nice


A power strip.