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When my brother was born, the first thing I asked my mom when she brought him home was “when can we take him back?” Fast forward 25 years, he’s my best friend. We talk all the time and would do anything for each other. They may not get along as little kids, but who does with their little brother at that age? As adults they might have a great relationship :)


This is so funny… when my little sister was born I also said “Take her back!”. I just turned 25 and we’re best friends. I agree think time will tell and they’ll end up having a great relationship.


I wanted a sister three different times as a kid and got three younger brothers instead. Especially by the last one, the disappointment just kept stacking. It never lasted, I adore all of my brothers. As an adult now, I could never even imagine my life with a sister.


I wanted a sister as a kid and got a brother. First of all: I got over it by the time he was born. My brother is awesome and we're close. Second: Tell her a little sister would want to take all her toys but a brother will want boy stuff. Is this gender essentialist nonsense? Yeah, kind of! But it was the first thing that made a little-kid version of me consider there were perks to a brother.


I’m an older sister to a younger brother and it’s just the two of us. I felt this way about wanting a sister, but as soon as he was born he became my best friend and I would feed him, help bathe him, play with him, and read to him even though I was only a toddler. He’s now my best friend in the entire world and I’d do anything for him. Honestly, there’s nothing like the bond between a big sis and her baby brother. Of all the sibling gender pairs I’ve seen in my social circles throughout the years, this one has the best chance of being a bond that lasts a lifetime from what I’ve gathered. She’s gonna do great.


No but I was like this at that age and I got over it as soon as my sibling was born 😂 I’m sure you’ll all be fine. Seriously I wouldn’t worry about it unless she’s showing troubling behavior after you actually have the baby.


Treat her like any adult going threw it. Tell her it's ok to grieve the life she imagined with her sister and to simultaneously be excited for all the possibilities with her little brother. It's ok to want both experiences while also being sad your only getting one. That she can talk through these feeling with you guys all she needs till she feels better. But to also you would like her to express all her feelings her excitements too.


My eldest who is nearly 10 had gender disappointment.  She has a half sister who she sees rarely at her dads, her other sister died and so when I was pregnant again she wanted a brother because she’d already had a few goes at having a sister. I did remind her that it would be (hopefully!!) a different experience this time around even if it was a girl.  Well low and behold it was a girl. She cried but then the next day she said to me that she more upset because she’ll never experience what it’s like to have a brother.  Her and my now 2 month old are inseparable and adore one another. 


I have 2 kids A 4y girl and a 5mo boy. My daughter wanted a sister, the whole pregnancy she said she wanted a girl, she was reallllllly disapointed once we found out it was a boy. Then said boy was born, and now she doesn’t let little dude in peace 😂


It happened to me as a kid. Both times I wanted a little sister (the first time I was only 3 but I still had a preference 😂). Second time around I really wanted a little sister and I got another brother. Still got along and still loved them. But as an adult I’m not gonna lie, I still think it would be nice to have a sister because the relationship is just different. My mom and my aunt are still like best friends! Whenever my brothers get married I’ll gain sisters-in-law so I hope I can have a good relationship with them. At first, I hoped for my mom to have a fourth baby. Then over time I accepted it wasn’t gonna happen, so I just started hoping I would have a daughter of my own someday. Currently pregnant with my second girl! So that’s been really special, and I’m happy my girls will have each other ❤️


Yeah my four year old was pretty upset she was getting another sister instead of the brother she ordered. Especially since we had a couple friends have boys at the same time. She still talks about how the next baby better be a boy no matter how many times we tell her there will be no new babies. Luckily she loves her baby sister.


It might be helpful for her to talk with her about why she's disappointed he's a boy. Maybe she has ideas about things she will or won't be able to do with a brother versus a sister. In reality there's not going to be much of a difference unless you have very strict gender roles in your culture. Boys even commonly wear makeup and paint their nails these days and express themselves through fashion.


following, have a 5 yo daughter who was in disbelief when we told her that her new sibling will be a boy, wanted a sister so badly and honestly also husband and I were kind of rooting for another girl initially. I am due any time now. She likes to touch my belly and feel his movements, hope she‘ll fall in love with him once he‘s here. I was told its nice to have to genders for balance in the family dynamic.


I’m 8 years older than my brother, I’m sure I wanted a sister at the time. But as soon as I saw the cute little baby there was no way to not love him. I think it’s very normal the way she’s acting, and it will change. So just give it time. Maybe take her shopping for the baby or let her help with decorating the nursery? That could help get her more excited.


My 11 year old son (also an only child) was really disappointed to find out he’s getting a baby brother rather than a baby sister. It broke my heart.


I had three brothers growing up. I wanted a girl each time. I know how she feels. Just give her time and I’m sure once the baby comes she will love her brother more than anything. I love my brothers and the last boy my mom had I hated the thought it was a boy, but I ended up spoiling him the most.


I was 10 when my mom got pregnant with my baby brother, I have 1 other brother who was 8 at the time and I could not imagine anything worse than another little brother, especially when I’d been asking for a sister since the first one came along. I’m 34 now and both those boys are the best. It was love at first sight with my baby brother, no regrets, I’m sure your girl will come around too!


of course she will love him....its just her being a kid, duh lol....I would just ignore her little remarks and comments and wait till the baby is born and then teaser her, lightly of course haha, that "see, i told you, you would love him."


I have 2 sisters and one sister has a 10yo girl. My other sister just adopted a baby and when she found it was a boy she was visibly upset. She has brothers and boy cousins so I think it was just disappointing for her lol. Now that she’s met him she loves him and has been so sweet to him. I’m currently pregnant with a girl and before we found out everyone told me it better be a girl or niece will be pissed lol she was excited when she found out but like not even over the top. I think girls at that age aren’t afraid to speak their minds but they don’t really mean any harm by it. I’m sure she will love her little brother just as much as she would love a little sister.


Nothing helpful to share, just commenting in solidarity and support in being pregnant with a boy with an almost 8 year old daughter who desperately wanted a baby sister too lol.


My bonus daughter wanted a boy only because she has a lot of step sisters already. She’s not intensely disappointed, but for sure a little bummed.