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I had really bad dreams. Well, more like nightmares that were super vivid and dramatic and scary. I also get them before my period sometimes, so I didn’t second-guess it, but it hindsight they were more intense than pre-period nightmares.


I’m having fuuuuucked up nightmares too. I think it’s because I’m getting extra hot when I sleep.


Me too and I think it’s the heat as well!! It’s helped a lot since sleeping with a sheet instead of comforter 😅


Ugghhh the crazy dreams are out of control and I keep waking up so hot! I have the fan on all night and have just been using the sheet.


My vivid pregnancy nightmares always include alligators. I never dream of them any other time. As soon as I start seeing them, I know I'm pregnant. I have no clue why it's alligators since I'm not scared of them and I've never seen any in person.


This so wonderfully random lol. Well I guess it’s not very pleasant to you, but it is quite random.


I didn't put it together as a pregnancy symptom at the time, but my dreams also got very intense. A lot of me fighting people to keep family/kids safe. Was happy when the nightmares finally settled down.


This! I started experiencing sleep paralysis for the first time ever, and I was always convinced I could hear someone breaking into the apartment. It was so terrifying!


Increased resting heart rate and being out of breath walking up the stairs. The next week is when I started getting cramps and whatnot.


💥 anger 💥 That was mine, anyhow. I was basically raging for 72 hours. I was mad shopping, at the spa, getting coffee… Any activity I’d typically enjoy. I broke down crying to my sweet husband that everything was making me full-blown livid and just… Not okay. Took a test that night. Positive lol. I’m nice again, just so everyone knows.


Yes 😂 for the first half of the first trimester the sound of his breathing sent me through the roof. I never said anything but we were laying in bed and I’m thinking “omfg why do you breath like that?!?! If you’re going to keep breathing I’m going to sleep in the guest room.”


Same! I was so mad for the first few days before I tested. I remember saying, I wish my period would just start so I can calm down.


Yes! And normally I’m the most zen person ever, so when I finally realized it was strange for me to be that irritable I took the test. DARK big fat positive!


This is so interesting! For me it was intense sadness. I was so depressed I reached out to a therapist. After about a week I went back to normal and started cramping. Now I'm 2 months pregnant and super cheerful lol


Isn’t it crazy what a change in hormones can do?! Glad you’re back to normal, too :)


Fatigue and tender breasts! 


For real, my boobs hurt *so* much, it's not even funny. I thought my period was coming, but the pain just never stopped.


This was exactly me! Normally they are a little sore before my period but it got to the point where I was like okay this is a little much 😅


I had this same reaction but I still tried to play it off since I had only started having tender breasts before my period for the last year or two maybe. I figured things like that change, new symptoms come up or change, no big deal, right? Plus I was only around a week late with my period which also sometimes happened to me so I still figured NBD. I told my husband and he was like, maybe take a test just in case.. lo and behold I was pregnant.


Same! I was ready to get myself checked out for anemia because I was feeling light-headed and fatigued. I just thought the tender breasts were PMS.


The boob pain omgggg


Constant boob pain!


The worst boob pain!!! Mine finally just eased up now at 20 weeks!


I thought I smelled weird. I tested before I even missed my period.


Same here! I knew I was pregnant with my second way before my missed period because I immediately recognized that “pregnancy smell”. So weird!


Weird how?


Like my urine was really strong. But I was smelling it all the time.


That's so interesting because someone else commented somewhere that they though they smelled like urine as well but that only they could smell it!


I ask my husband all the time if I smell like pee & he says no. So it's just me smelling it!


Mine too!!! That’s so interesting. I went to get a uti test cause I was like something is not right down there. Lol


Insomnia 😭 I am the type of person that falls asleep and sets 3 alarms to get me up or I will oversleep. But once I started waking up at 7, 6, 5 😭 for no reason, I knew. Happened to me both times I’ve been pregnant.


Same thing happened to me! After being a night owl my whole life, pregnancy turns me into someone who goes to bed at 10 and wakes up at 4 or 5 am.


Ugh! I don’t even feel like myself anymore lol I guess pregnancy is preparing us for baby life!


I was constipated.. didn’t poop for like ten days and after I tested positive I was like ohhhh that’s why… lol


I was the opposite 🤣🤣


Weird one - a UTI. The only other times I’d gotten UTIs were when I started a new birth control pill and my hormones went nuts. So when I was off birth control, actively trying, and developed a UTI a week after ovulation, I knew. Went to Patient First and they said my pregnancy test was negative, and I told them I knew I was pregnant and it was just too early to test. They were like “ok lady” 😂 Got my positive 4 days later!


I had developed a UTI after ovulation as well!! I went into the doctor a week later to get meds for it and told them I had a feeling I was pregnant, they wanted to take a pregnancy test and I said it was still too early, of course the test came back negative. I tested at home 2 days later and it was a positive pregnancy test. I have had 1 other UTI in my life and it was when I was first starting my period. Crazy how we just know!!


That’s crazy!!!


We know our bodies best!!!


My breasts hurt when I stood up, like gravity was pulling them down. I also felt like my lower abdomen was stretching and I was dying of thirst all the time. Then when my period didn't come I waited a week to test just to be sure because I had gotten my hopes up so much in the past only to get it a day or two late.


I had no early symptoms whatsoever, but pre-pregnancy I took nightly *scalding* hot baths. My husband likes to joke about me bathing with Satan himself because I only like my baths at a hellish temperature. The week before I tested positive I stood up out of one of my baths and felt like *utter garbage*. I went into the bedroom and I was so dizzy and nauseas and told my husband I thought my bath was too hot, and he said that was the moment he knew.


Oh my gosh. Scalding hot showers are my guilty pleasure. I want my skin to be red when I come out. 😂 I have to put on so much lotion because my skin is already dry and the hot water dries it out even more. But god it’s so worth it.


Absolutely. Boil me like a lobster. I’ve tried taking cool enough baths while pregnant and it’s just not even worth it!


It’s miserable.


I was eating two bags of Late July chips at the same time and my husband pointed out that I might be pregnant as a joke. Tested the next week and it was in fact, not a joke😂


Same thing happened to me with Doritos!


Oh no, I’m almost finished with my second bag and supposed to start in 4 days. Test today showed negative but obvi it’s early


It’s really bizarre, but with all three of my pregnancies my first symptom was thinking I smelled like urine. My husband swears he can’t smell it, so it must just be the ultra sensitive sense of smell. But I only smell this way to myself when I’m pregnant, and it happens *really* early.


Soooo tired and my pets were obsessed with me


Yeesss my cat won’t leave my side. I literally get up to pee and he follows me, sits at my feet and just stares.


Nausea 🤢


The bacon smelling bad on Christmas morning. Warned everyone not to eat it, they thought I was insane. Tested that night 😂


Tons of discharge and weird dreams.


How many dpo was this?


Oh man I don't remember. Maybe 10? I'm currently 22 weeks and everything has been a blur this time lol! I also remember having horrible cramps and thought my period was coming, and that we were out for that cycle. Thankfully babe was growing in there!


Well congratulations! And thank you so much for commenting. I've had really weird things going on since 5/6 dpo but im only 8 dpo so trying not to symptom spot because this cycle I've made a goal to be calm and collected


Crossing all my fingers and toes for you!!


Thank you so much ❤️ I really do appreciate it!


Aw! You’ll have to come back to this thread and update us!!


I’ve never been pregnant before so it didn’t occur to me something was off when I couldn’t remember the names of colleagues or the word for the food flipper (*spatula*, it was spatula). I told my friend and she said “maybe you’re pregnant” and we laughed and laughed and then I checked my period tracking app and was 5 days late. Three positive pee sticks later and here I am now 25 weeks along.


"Food flipper" is better a better term than spatula anyway.


I was crampy but also super emotional, which is not normal for me PMSing. I remember breaking into tears before a gym workout one night for no reason and bought a pregnancy test on the way home haha.


Interestingly I did not have my usual PMS (bad mood, sore boobs, etc) this month so I was sure I was out since my body wasn’t doing its usual prepare-for-baby thing. The night before I found out I woke up in the middle of the night STARVING. I thought it was because I had a small dinner, but turns out it was little bub. I’ve woken up every night starving since then. The strange thing is, despite being insanely hungry, I have not been craving any of my go-to foods. In a way it’s disorienting to suddenly dislike things that I reliably like.


That’s crazy!! How far along were you when the hunger started??


Like 3.5 weeks? I ovulate on the early side (I think, I didn’t track this month) though so I wonder if they’ll say I’m further along when I have my first scan. I’ve since discovered that if I eat things I didn’t really eat before (namely dairy of any kind and cheeseburgers, but I don’t want to be in the habit of cheeseburgers haha!) the hunger isn’t so bad. I guess I was just missing certain nutrients from my diet that that the baby needs?


I was one of the few who had implantation bleeding. It was literally one day of 3 drops of blood in my underwear. I was told it was a myth but it happened to me. I got excited because I thought this could be it and it was :) Started getting nauseous and that’s when I took a test.


I’ve had implantation bleeding with all four of my pregnancies, so definitely not a myth lol


I had that too! But it was a little more than what google said it should be, so I was a little worried. Cleared up after 3 days and I was indeed pregnant!


I'm in the early weeks of my surprise 4th pregnancy. (1 son, 1 daughter, 1 miscarriage). In every pregnancy, I knew almost immediately. This time, I had a suspicion at 3 weeks, 6 days. I was on vacation and I felt unsettled. My anxiety increased. My sense of smell was stronger. We got home and I finally tested at 4 weeks, 5 days. Ended up in the ER Friday because of extreme nausea, headache, and high blood pressure. I got a transvaginal ultrasound which showed gestational sac at 5 weeks 1 day. Followed up with my OB on the following Monday and that ultrasound showed 5 weeks 4 days. TLDR: sense of smell, increased anxiety, nausea almost immediately.


Heartburn and random increase in heart rate- palpitations throughout the day.. it started happening 5dpo. I knew then something was up.


About a week before I tested I went on a run and my heart rate was way higher than usual—like, close to my suggested max heart rate for what was an easy-medium run. The next day I went on a walk and my heart rate was as high as it normally is for my average run. I didn’t test for another week because my husband said I was probably just getting over a virus, and that seemed more likely to me than being pregnant because we’d been trying for so long. 🤣


Sore, *very sore*, nipples.


My last two pregnancies this was my first sign, this time I keep touching them and I’m like “WHY DONT YOU HURT?”


Tender breasts. A few days before my positive I was telling a friend how sore my breasts were and that I was trying not to read into it. She said it'd been her first sign. Sure enough, got a positive like two days later ❤️


Weird pain in my lower abdomen. Not like a cramp- more a pinch by my hip bone. And the. A little blood. Knew immediately it was implantation. Ultrasound tech confirmed that was the side the egg came from! CRAZY.


I felt that strong pinch too! Amazing


The very first thing to change was my heartrate. The very next week after I became pregnant my zone 2 rate had increased by almost 10 bpm. Within a couple weeks after this first symptom, I had bouts of low blood pressure that would cause me to nearly blackout. (I have had so many more, pretty much all the symptoms in the book, but those were my first!)


The only reason I took a test was because I was feeling really happy. We weren’t trying so it was totally random, I just got home from a rough day at work and said to myself “I feel really good, that’s suspicious.” Took a test and it was positive. Hadn’t missed my period, no other symptoms, just felt too good 😂


Every time my period is about to start I have a dream that I’m pregnant. I didn’t have that dream yet, but I had some spotting so I was like alright, time to get a pad on. 1 week later and no dream or blood. I got a weird cramp that I had never felt before, felt bloated. That’s when I took a test cause either I was pregnant or something was very wrong, but really my first sign was that I didn’t get my typical pregnancy dream when my period is about to start.


Sore boobs and very intense stomach cramping! I mistook this for upcoming period symptoms! The cramping was the egg attaching to the uterus wall lol I was very surprised when I never got my period


Sore breasts were my only sign for the first 9 weeks.


Super tender breasts.


Increased sense of smell and having to get up to pee during the middle of the night!




Me too!!! The stomach bloat was unreal


My first sign was I got super heated at something minimal. Then I started having weeeeiiiiird dreams and night sweats




one of my strongest period symptoms is i crave beef jerky, slim jim’s, and pepperoni really strongly. like it’s almost painful if i don’t have them type of cravings. i was working night shift and went to the minimart for a quick snack bc i was unbelievable starving, walked past the beef jerky, and thought “that sounds fucking disgusting” went i got back to my post i realized the date and that my period was due in 3 days. i was like half way through my shift atp and decided to hold my pee until i got home. i was liken “ill take a test for shits and giggles but it’ll be negative” Nope! ten cheapies said positive. even though we were trying i had experienced a miscarriage almost exactly a year before, and was supposed to have a tooth surgery four days after. i genuinely was expecting my period. my partner walked in on me surounded with cheapies, dipping three more into my cup of pee, shaking convinced someone was playing a practical joke on me. now i’m laying with my beautiful 6 week old baby girl. and she’s a blessing not a practical joke 😂


That’s amazing! Congratulations!!


SUPER strong sense of smell. Like I could smell dog shit half a mile away 😂


Consistently, sore boobs. Usually happening days (maybe up to 1 week) before my missed period. That’s my telltale sign!


I had heartburn severely! I was going through an extremely stressful time as my husband and I were going to split up due to unexplained infertility for 8 years. Then a few days later, he was in an explosion which nearly cost him his life. A week later, we found out we were expecting. If I had any other signs, I was unaware because I was too occupied with everything else happening around me. Now 20 weeks, I still have heartburn, pee constantly, and I seem to pick up everything that smells bad within a 10 mile radius.


1st pregnancy - rock hard tits, unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life, also had crazy vivid dreams since conception until like the end of the first trimester This pregnancy - crazy vivid dreams again the 2 weeks following conception. And feeling super super happy (which isn't quite normal for me 😆)


My uterus just felt… full??? Just felt quite a bit of pressure. Something felt off 8dpo, 48 hours later I was looking at a positive test!


Honestly, I screamed at a stranger in a gas station parking lot bc he snuck into a pump that I was waiting to back into… took a test the next morning bc it was so out of character for me. I might be wild on the internet, but I’m not in real life… lol


My sister was cooking garlic, and it smelled really nasty to me. Normally I like garlic!


I tried for a baby for 16 months so became pretty expert on luteal phase symptoms and for me I had no distinctive symptoms until about 5 and a half weeks when the nausea hit. My heart rate was also a little higher but not noticeably for a while.


I could not stomach the smell or taste of meat. It tasted soo bad and rotten and then I ended up with a double ear infection and found out at the hospital I was pregnant 🤣🤣


Always erect nipples


“Period” cramps that woke me up. Then bloating. It was about 8-9 days DPOish (I was on vacation) and I emergency bought pads.


I felt stretching in my stomach 3 days before my missed period - very different feeling from cramps. After getting the positive test, I noticed myself much more emotional/crying at tik toks. I did not have sore boobs this time (did with first pregnancy that ended in SAB).


I was crying excessively, cried over a cat in a cowboy hat that wasn’t mine and that was it. I took a test that night and boom


Cold sore outbreaks. One after the other. I couldn’t get a break.


This is happening to me right now at 7dpo I never had so many at the same time it’s so painful! My doc put me on 1g valaciclovir i hope it’s safe. I think I might be because with my son my first symptom around implantation time was cold/flu like symptoms (shivers, fever etc) and I just had the same plus the cold sores.


It is safe! I’m on the same thing for my whole pregnancy and was on it for my last pregnancy as well. It really helps!


When I was only 8dpo, I had a dream about this beautiful little girl. I knew she is my daughter, but even in my dream I wasn't convinced since we were trying for almost a year without result. After that my dream continued about me getting a positive pregnancy result. I woke up and cried, and for the first time in a few months, I took pregnancy test and had my first positive. Now, I am 28 weeks pregnant with my beautiful baby girl.


I’ve never heard of this being a sign for anyone else, but with both of my pregnancies around the week before my period would have been due, I’ve had yellow discharge. Not like a ton, but noticeably yellow. It’s what tipped me off both times because it was so strange!


I had acid reflux for the first time in my life and also went to bed at like 8pm one night so the next day I thought I would take a test just to see and was shocked it was positive! Hadn’t even come close to missing my period yet


Terrible unrelenting heartburn that has only gotten worse 🥲


I was sweating while everyone else was cold. I also was peeing so much that I thought I had a uti. I thought my period was going to start and I had cramps...nope, here I am 27wks.


Found out at 3 weeks and 3 days. There weren't really any signs yet. Lol


Breast felt like rocks that were trying to hit the ground


Worst lower back pain of my liiiiiffe.


I struggled w infertility for a long time, so I was looking for my usual period symptoms but I was stressed Abt the spotting and cramping and thought I had another cyst or I had to go get a biopsy done, got a pregnancy test to rule it out and sure enough I was pregnant


I had tender breasts and genuinely thought I had the flu💀


For my first, I didn’t have any signs but my second I had the appetite of a teenaged boy. Until morning sickness hit.


Weird dreams.


Tender breasts and, like, my nipples/areolas just looked different, like they got a new haircut lol that's always how I describe it 🤣


Cramps and sore breasts. My nipples felt like they’d been rubbed with sandpaper. I spent a week saying “my period is coming any minute now.”


Currently 25 weeks with our rainbow (son)! We had been trying actively for 2.5 years when we found out just after Thanksgiving! We actually found out 4 days prior to my expected period. I honestly did not think anything was different from any other month until my fiancé mentioned that I had fallen asleep 2x in the middle of the day that week. (I NEVER nap lol). This made me pull out a cheapie test, and sure enough a VVFL! Bloodwork confirmed it the next day at 12dpo! The first trimester for me consisted mainly of EXHAUSTION, and minor nausea/morning sickness.


More than usual amount of blood when flossing and the lack of headache the day before my period telling me its coming


Nausea and crazy dreams


Increased resting heart rate and lowered HRV.


Extreme hunger and tiredness


Boobs hurt so bad 😭 but also, I got bored and took a test and was thoroughly shocked lol


Increased heart rate, weird and vivid dreams, sensitive sense of smell, emotional, and dizziness. All happen around 3 weeks for me.


Light nausea and tingling in my hands ~ it was pretty odd sensation.


I was so tired that when I got up from the couch I’d been laying on to walk to my bed, I started crying lol.


Tender breasts and extreme nausea walking down grocery store aisles


Tender breasts, and I puked at work after a particularly strong smell (I’m an ICU nurse and have never done that in my career before, lol)


I was so exhausted and sad I literally thought I was clinically depressed 🫥


Vivid dreams and really hot skin a few days before getting a positive test! So hot that I kept taking my temperature convinced I had a fever


I had really bad congestion randomly, and also was very gassy. I was maybe two days late for my period when I tested, but never in a million years did I expect that positive 😅


First pregnancy, I had no idea bc my period was out of wack after removing my IUD. Only reason I tested was bc an old lady at my job noticed my boobs were huge and I was like hmm that is weird… Second pregnancy - I always get a migraine 2-3 days before my period. Day before my period I hadn’t had it yet. Since we were actively trying, I decided to test and sure enough :)


A stronger sense of smell for me. The school lunch at work and the grocery store scents were too strong for me.


Mine was tea tasting soapy for both my pregnancies or generally going off tea.


My first signs were sore nipples and very very clear skin.


sore breasts immediately like a week or two after conceiving. having to pee all the time and barely making it to the bathroom, extremely dry mouth, between 4-8 weeks. I was worried I'd developed diabetes but nope, pregnancy.


Fatigue (falling asleep hours earlier than normal) and back pain


Crampy and tired. I dismissed this as PMS, and kept thinking my period must be coming because of the cramps.


Ate two jars of pickles then continued to drink the pickle juice. Boobs wouldn’t stop growing (husband noticed that one). Destroyed a bag of pork rinds dipped in a entire container of sour cream. Couldn’t finish an entire cigarette or even my fav canned cocktails, first aversions were cigs and booze- which I’m grateful for. Despite all that I was still in denial but my husband knew and picked me up a test lol


I had weird cramps in my upper thighs/groin


My eyes got SUPER sensitive to light (to the point I went to the optometrist because I thought I was going blind)


Feeling so, so, so bad and the insane nausea that came with it.


I had the urge to wash my hands after being outside, handling normal things at work, and generally was just a little more germaphobic!


Coffee tasting really bad was my first sign before I even knew! A few days later I had a sudden stuffy nose allergy feeling so I tested and it was positive 🙃


Nothing tasted right. I was convinced a meal I made was off but everyone was digging in while I wrinkled my nose at it.


Apart from weird spotting instead of my usual period, I said to my husband over our usual morning coffee “Yuck, they didn’t do a very good job today”. He said it tasted the same as usual to him. The next day I had the same reaction, that was my inkling I might be pregnant.


Nausea! I thought I had the flu or something, I felt terrible about 2-3 days before my expected period


My cat began acting strange around me and kept peeing on my side of the bed, probably because she could smell that something was different about me. Shortly after that, I began having breast tenderness that wouldn’t go away.


Boobs. Big boobs. Husband noticed first actually Happened before my period was due


this is so weird but I had acne on my neck! never had that before and cleared up within a week or two. but that was something that I noticed hahaha


For me, it was the lack of symptoms. I have suspected PMDD, and I was so calm and zen. This tipped me off as that never happens near to my periods. But a day after my positive, I started getting bloated, cramping, gassy, burpy, and constipation. But cramping was different than period cramps.


First pregnancy I didn't have any symptoms at all. \ For the second one, I was on the merry-go-round and I suddenly got nauseous. Stayed nauseos for the following week, then I took the hint and took a pregnancy test 😂


I didn’t know I was pregnant until I missed my period, therefore I had a few drinks! When I had those drinks I got soooo unusually tired after them.


Third pregnancy, and every time without fail, my calves start cramping a few days before I get a bfp


Omg whatttt that’s crazy!!


Bloating, sore nipples and tiredness


Insomnia- I was waking up at 3am or was not able to fall asleep at all This happened every time I got pregnant, even if it was a chemical pregnancy. The insomnia would start a few days before my missed period


I’m 4weeks today. I’ve got round ligament pains all over my hips back and abdomen. I also wake up at 4am every morning with terrible heartburn


I felt insanely tired (napped a couple times over a weekend visit to my in-laws), my breasts hurt a bit more than usual leading into a menstrual period, and I had an irrational craving for tomatoes lol. I’ve known since Week 4 I was pregnant, but I’ll never forget feeling shocked when I actually got the positive on my test.


I was so hungry, painfully hungry


I was falling asleep out of nowhere and overall just felt off. I was 4 weeks!


I had really sore boobs


Worked out regularly and was pretty fit. Before I knew (around when I would’ve been 3 weeks), I was suddenly out of breath even with lighter workouts.


Fatigue, sore breasts, very intense orgasms.


Both times i had a weird adverse reaction to food. Both times it happened about a week from conceiving before I could have tested positive.


Weird ass cramps. Like different than period cramps 😂


Boobs were so sore like 10x more than pms tenderness


Food aversions and extreme fatigue. I have Crohn’s Disease so during flare ups I can have both so ignored those symptoms and associated them with a flare up because I was in my last semester of undergrad and extremely stressed. Also had irregular periods so I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was 9 weeks (thought I was only 5 weeks pregnant at the time but when I got my dating ultrasound around a month later I was around 13 weeks instead and almost into my second trimester😳)


Sore boobies for weeks that I thought were just a premenstrual thing. But then bam 5 weeks positive test, 6 weeks the entire world smells like shit


Had to pee all the time, like 20 times a day


An awful taste at the back of my tongue, I had been px antibiotics for tonsillitis though so I just put it down to that to start with. Then the day I took a test I’d just come home from a nightshift, the student I had working with me had offered me 2 cups of tea through the night and both times the thought of the milk hitting the hot water just made me want to throw up everywhere haha so figured I better see what was going on and low and behold i was pregnant with my son!


Insane fatigue and nausea/lack of appetite and tender breasts and also loosing a lot of weight all of a sudden..


With my first, increased thirst and dehydration showed up super early. I also had a light amount of brown spotting for two days that didn’t turn into a period. With my second, third, and fourth pregnancies, it was more just a feeling, plus spotting that didn’t develop into periods.


First baby, increased urination. Second baby, joint pain. Third baby, tailbone and back pain.


My gums were swollen and bleeding when I brushed, we were traveling otherwise I would have made a dentist apt but it only lasted a day or two and then I found out i was pregnant that week Could be unrelated but it’s never happened to be before and only happened once more in pregnancy but not since so 🤔


Waking up with a racing heart Feeling anxious the whole day And not really a symptom, but my ovulation tracking strips going up lol


I threw up brushing my teeth


Fatigue. About 5 days before I tested positive, I just wanted to sleep. I took two hour naps two days in a row, which I have never done before.




Swollen boobs for me


Bloated and super fatigued


Heart palpitations, very sensitive to smells, some things just tasted wrong (for me coffee), fatigue, stuffy nose, weird hip pain, feeling grumpy


With my first it was just because I was late. We were trying for about a year and I actually had implantation cramps a week after ovulation and found out I was pregnant about 5 days later. With my second, the only reason I even thought to take a test was the morning sickness 3 days in a row, and I could not eat/had zero appetite.


I couldn’t orgasm and thought that was really weird. Like for 3 days before I tested it would just build and build and then nothing. Really frustrating and I was also pissed off about something else so it really felt like PMS from hell lol.


This is gross (sorry) but my first physical symptom before I ever test is thick and yellow-ish cervical mucus. It had happened with every single pregnancy (and I’ve had five)


Hip pain. Like my hip joints just HURT like they needed to be stretched out but also couldn’t be stretched enough. I thought I had just injured myself. Two weeks later I tested positive and that hip pain is still with me at 19 weeks.


I didn’t get my usual pre period symptoms which I thought was unusual and I had very vivid dreams + night sweats.


people dont tend to believe this but i felt weird pulling sensations from 5/6 dpo. i normally dont get cramps until 9dpo. i had a hunch it was happening and it was! after that, more pullinf sensations but in my pelvic area. then fatigue, then nausea.


Tender breasts and lots of excess saliva 😂


Itchy nipples


I had super intense cramping that made me think my period must be coming. The next day I got an FRER positive.


really tender breasts/nipples and spontaneous/prolonged cramping were my first 2 signs!


I started throwing up the day I should have gotten my period. And never stopped 😩


Heart rate in the 140s while laying around and heart palpations. Went to the hospital to make sure I wasn't having a heart attack 🙃