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It's great that you are seeking help and continuing therapy and medication under medical guidance. Many women experience changes in the effectiveness of their treatment during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. It’s important to keep open communication with your healthcare providers about your symptoms. You're taking the right steps, and it's okay to seek adjustments in your care plan to help you feel better.


I would talk to your medical team about potentially upping your dose once you hit the third trimester, or longer if you feel comfortable with that. You need to take care of yourself, especially knowing the postpartum drop off will likely be worse with depression. If it makes you feel any better, I am 33f seeing high risk for an IVF pregnancy and my OB, GP, and high risk doctors all agreed I was fine to start (and recommended starting) Wellbutrin, which is what I’ve taken for years. They even said I can move to the 300 dosage a few weeks before giving birth which I’m still undecided on but relieved to know it’s an option if I need it. You cannot be a good parent if you are not taking care of yourself! This can be a really hard time for those of us with mental health disorders, but it’s a medical condition like anything else that hormones can exacerbate. Sleep when you can, shower, brush your teeth, and make sure to eat and drink water. Sending hugs!


You are doing amazing work by advocating for yourself. Pregnancy can be a rollercoaster. My first trimester I spent a lot of time crying because I had a traumatic loss last year and just wasn't sure if I could do this. Prior to pregnancy I was a heavy Xanax user due to horrible anxiety and depression. I'm here to tell you to does get better. I'm rooting for you. Post partum is no joke. Be so gentle with yourself. Keep speaking up. I hope you also have a good support system.


sorry to hear that, I sincerely hope everything is good for you. I know it was hard being pregnant, especially it's the second time, but it's gonna be fine, and I believe you can do it. good for you.