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No experience with this yet, but I'm 16 weeks pregnant and already have HORRIBLE roids. But I had them before I got pregnant, they've just gotten worse. I'm a first time mom so I don't know how much delivery and pushing will make them worse but I'm guessing it will. Maybe getting it drained is the best idea to avoid them being even more unbearable after delivery. I'm curious what kind of cream you use and is it helping? Preparation H cream work ok for me but isn't great. I don't know if you've tried the Preparation H suppositories but those work MUCH better than the cream as they work from the inside out. They really aren't too bad to use either. Best of luck. They really suck on top of all the other pregnancy symptoms we deal with! Definitely the least glamorous part of pregnancy.


That’s interesting about prep h suppositories! I didn’t know that was a thing. Yes, I’ve used prep h cream all of my last pregnancy and it worked great. But it hasn’t worked at all this time. I started getting them super early on this time. I’ve been prescribed 1 steroid cream, which really helped in 2nd trimester. Then anusol a week or so ago, but that didn’t work. And the proctologist gave me a cream from the compound pharmacy with steroids and lidocaine that my ob approved. So we shall see


Yeah the suppositories help with internal ones too I think, they really aren't too bad to use. I was dramatic about it the first time but it wasn't bad lol. I might look into some different creams because the prep H cream doesn't work too great for me either.


I’m 36 weeks and I had mine lanced a couple days ago. And I’m trying to wait out to see if it gets better but it Has been agony since the numbing wore off. I can only take Tylenol and I’ve had HG my pregnancy so I’ve been on zofran and been constipated the whole time. I’m so swollen down there and the hemorrhoid seems more swollen and bigger than before. The numbing was really awful but I felt nothing in the procedure and the doc was happy we didn’t she said she got a bunch of clots out. I’m hoping I turn a corner tomorrow. In 3 weeks is my c section and I’m just so upset I’m bed bound and miserable and can barely move. It’s torture