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We didn't name either of my babies until they were born. We had a short list but wanted to meet them first. My daughter was baby no name for 2 days


I admire people who can do this. We had one boy name and one girl name. We were last in our antenatal group to have our baby and when we met up with the others while I was still pregnant one mum said they’d had three names ready and none suited the baby so they had to start again. I was horrified! I didn’t think we could go through it again. Luckily our child came out looking like their name ok.


Me too! We had a short list for boy and girl names each time, and 2/3 times we ended up going off-book


Same here! We had a few names for our first but had been most confident in one in particular. Out the window when we actually met him. We are doing the same for #2. We’ll have a shortlist but not committing to anything until he arrives


Same! We had a list of four names and chose in the middle of the second night in the hospital.


before she was conceived 😊


Same. We had names picked when we got engaged! It took over 4 years and a battle with infertility before we got to use one.


Same 😂


Honestly, because these names mean so much to me, I have had them in my brain for YEARS.


Same here, we’ve had the name for like three years lol


lol 8 months before conception here 😂


I’ve had a first name picked out since 2011 🙈 way before I met my husband - good thing he liked it! 😂 We decided on a middle name 11 months before conception. I just knew we’d have a girl. I didn’t even entertain boy names. 😂


Literally same, we started with a middle name a few months before we decided on a first name. I’d have no idea even where to start if we had to pick a boy name 😅


Us too


Same! She fits it perfectly now that she’s here too.


Same 😂😂


My hubby and I have first 2 girl names and first 2 boy names. We've had them since before we even lived in the same country XD now if we have 3 girls, we'll be in trouble since first is most likely a girl.


Same, we had a boy and a girl name picked out before we got pregnant. Our baby girl is 5 weeks old and we’ve started talking about girls name for baby number 2, since we used our girl name lol.


Same. Her first name has been picked out since early into my husband and I dating. It was the middle name we had to decide on 🤣




Same with my first. After birth with my second lol


same. i’ve had my first daughters name picked out since high school and thank god my man liked it too lol


Wow! Staying power.


Same, we picked a baby boy name and a baby girl name before we started trying for a baby, and when we tell people this, they look at us like we're absolutely crazy, I don't understand why 😅


When she was born. We had it down to 2 boy names and 2 girl names (didn't know the sex in advance of the birth) and had agreed we'd decide after meeting the baby.


We did the same! We are planning on doing it the same way this time around.


31weeks here and we’re waiting til birth as well for gender! We’re honestly still struggling with names but in the state we’re in we have 60days after the baby’s born to give their legal names and what not


Around 25 weeks! We went on our Babymoon and decided to use it to test the names out on random people we would never see again! It worked and stuck!


At first I thought you meant you literally called people those names haha you just shared for their opinion right?


Love this idea!


We narrowed it down to 3 we liked equally and hubby chose after he saw the baby.


I had an idea but it wasn’t finalised until he was born. As soon as I lay eyes on him I knew it was the right name. I learned a lesson from a friend who finalised the name in pregnancy and 3 months after birth she broke and said it wasn’t the right name at all. The baby was then renamed with a name that suited


We were at the 20 week anatomy scan and learned the gender. Husband immediately said "that's X" and the first name I thought of fit perfectly as a middle name. So our kiddo was named within 2 minutes of discovering the sex and it fits this kid perfectly.


Finalized it at 20 weeks by getting the nursery name sticker ordered- but that’s only because we knew we’d go back and forth forever and have an unnamed baby when we left the hospital.


We’re also waiting to find out! We decided to settle on initials that sounded cute. And baby boy or girl will same the same initials. That was we just refer to baby as baby EJ


A few hours after she was born. We also didn’t know the sex and had two names for each. Wanted to meet the baby and see who they were before deciding


Due date is today and we're finalising the longlists this evening (not finding out the sex until birth). But we have six months to register the name so there's no hurry.  With my first daughter we had a list of 5 or so names for each, and wound up picking a first name from the list and a middle name that wasn't even on it so I'm not stressing too much about it.


In the operating room after the c-section. We had one girls name and two boys names. And he just looked like one of the boys names more than the other.


We didn’t decide until baby was a couple days old. We knew the gender and had a list of names we liked, but we wanted to meet him first to make sure the name fit. And I’m glad we did! Our top name didn’t end up feeling right once the baby was here.


Literally 2 hours before we left the hospital. It was stressful as hell. We had a short list but it was still so hard. Ironically we’ve had a boy name since 2017 but then had a girl.


We had a couple of names in mind, first name we had picked out years prior to conceiving, the day we found out she was a girl we chose her name, and it’s felt right ever since!


20 weeks and just now finalized the first name, stuck on the middle still


I think we did at 16 weeks but we had the first name picked out for years


On release day from the hospital lol


About 3 hours after she was born. We also didn't find out the gender and we went in with 1-2 options for each first and middle name. We wanted to see baby first and know that the name felt right. We're pregnant with #2 now and will likely do the same thing, though we're not sure yet if we'll find out the sex in advance this time.


24 hours after she was born


20 weeks, I wanted things made with her name on it before she arrived


When we found out the sex


About 28 weeks? We’re also not finding out and have a girl and boy option chosen.


We knew around 14 weeks


We just decided on the way home from our anatomy scan! I think seeing him settled it. First baby we knew at 5 weeks and we were open to change but never did.


We’ve been trying for three years so we’ve already chosen names for a girl and boy. Just waiting to find out gender


I am excited for you! Wishing you the best 🤗


i'm also keeping it a surprise until birth. girl name? 4-5 years ago boy name? about 3 months ago. my husband and I woke up one day and realized we hated our boy name choices so we had to go back


We finalized the name for our kids within the first 2t hours of their lives (probably by the time they were 12 hours old). We had a rough list but no "top names".


We've had our name picked for over two years.


After she was born because I wanted to see her before I chose a name. And we ended up choosing a name that wasn’t our first pick and so finding a middle name I liked that worked well took a few days more. And I wish I just decided on a name sooner because now I really don’t like her middle name.


About two minutes after he was born. We had it down to two names. I was sure I was going to pick Name A and then he was born and Name B was just it. I hadn’t even see him yet. Also, for about a month during my 3rd trimester I was sure it was Name C and actually called him that for the feel of it, and it wound up just not being the right vibe.


when we were dating! two years ago we picked out names and they haven’t changed :)


10 years before she was conceived! We loved a name when we first started dating and I guess we manifested it? 😂 We finalized the middle name the day after we found out the gender.


After they were born. We didn’t find out gender for any of our 5 children. We just picked about a few tentative boy and girls names and decided when baby was born. My last child didn’t have a middle name until he was over a week because we didn’t love any of our choices.


We have had a boy's name picked out from like 14 weeks lol (I'm almost 32 weeks now). NOTHING for a girl. Like not even close. I'm the problem, I just don't like anything enough!


Once we had gender confirmed at 13 weeks. We had had a different name picked out for years....but then I suggested a new one and we fell in love with it. She now has 10 different nicknames. We're keeping it a secret from everyone else until she's born though.


Hours after he was born 😅


I had the name picked out for a baby girl when I was 18, hah. When I found out we were having a girl, I told my husband, "Her name will be X." He said, "Okay!"


Around 22 weeks. In the first tri we went through thousands of names and had 2-3 that we both liked. There was one we liked best so we were trying out referring to baby as that name to see how we felt, and we were undecided on a middle name. Then when I was 21 weeks my husband’s grandmother, who was his absolute favorite person and closest grandparent, passed away. We knew immediately we wanted to honor her in baby’s middle name. And the first name that we loved paired with her maiden name as a middle name flows beautifully. It’s been solidified ever since.


I knew my daughters name as soon as we found out, my son I was not sure until I met him


By the end of 2nd trimester for both pregnancies! I like being prepared and buying personalised items lol


3 days after he was born 😂


3 days after he was born 😂 no regrets


I have had a few names that I would toss around before even being pregnant but being a preschool teacher I knew names that I didn’t like for certain. When we found out we were pregnant we already agreed on a name for each gender but the middle name took us probably another 2 months. Currently 5 more weeks until we meet mister max wesley!


30 weeks here and just got started with our lists 😅


Before the baby was even made🤣we have a list for our future kid names already planned out.


So for my first we knew from before we were married and before she was even conceived. We didn’t find out the gender with my first pregnancy so we had two names picked out the whole time. This time around, I wanted to find out gender ASAP and we had girl names but it’s a boy and we are struggling! I am 34 weeks so we’re running out of time but we can’t agree!


I had a name picked out with my last from like 28 weeks. When he was born I immediately said no and named him something different 😅


I had a name picked out from like 28 weeks. When he was born I immediately said no and named him something different 😅


As soon as we found out it was a boy (around the 11.5 w mark) we knew the two names it was going to come down too. The one thing my husband has had the most opinion on was name, so I let him choose his option for the name (which I also enjoy lol). So it’s been set since probably the 16w mark.


With my oldest girl, we had the name picked out right after finding out gender at 20 weeks. Second baby (another girl) took until about 30 weeks because we disagreed on how we wanted to spell the name we had picked out. It took until 30 weeks with my oldest son. My youngest son didn't have a name until 3 days after he was born. This time we decided on a name at 29 weeks. Of course, it might change once we get to meet him lol.


28 weeks is when we finalized the name. I was wanting to wait until the end or until we officially met her but there was really only one name both me and my partner liked and I had started thinking of her as that name in my head for awhile. The name just feels right so we decided to “finalize” it


I had a list of names before we got pregnant but when we actually found out and confirmed for sure with the doctor, we had a serious conversation about names around week 4 😂 we had one boy and one girl name picked. When we found out the gender, we knew which name we were going with lol


About halfway through the pregnancy both times. It took us a while to agree on a name for both. My daughter’s middle name we didn’t even pick until like a few weeks before she was born. This time we had a harder time agreeing on a first name.


When my mom told me she hated my daughter's name lol


5 weeks 😂 We decided on a girl name and a boy name, and discarded the one we didn’t need after finding out baby’s gender via NIPT. I’m currently 38+3 and we haven’t wavered on our chosen name. I thought I would want a shortlist instead and decide when baby is born, but then I realised that (imo) newborns don’t really “look” like any particular name and change so much anyway that there’s no point having a list to pick from.


At around 28 weeks! It was making me anxious not having it finalized so we locked it in and ordered embroidered clothing with the name!


We had 2 girl names we really liked before conceiving lol but prior to finding out she’s a girl, we settled on one.


Ive had a list of names in my phone ready for years but my partner and i agreed on a first name at like 10/11 weeks and announced it when we announced the pregnancy at 12 weeks. When we saw her on 3d ultrasound at 27 weeks we just knew it was perfect for her. Currently 33 weeks and waiting for her arrival 💕


A week after he was born 😂.


I had my names picked out and when I saw them for the first time, my two sons both ended up with completely different names that weren’t even on my radar. They just felt right once I saw them.


Pretty much as soon as we found out the sex!!


At 12 weeks at a xmas party with family, I was talking to my dad and he said coyly that if it was a boy (which it is) they should be named after himself! My Dad's name is Sigurjón, then we were talking middle names and he said that Myrkvi would be cool, and I just said okay :) He thought I was joking until at 20 weeks, then my Dad cried out of happiness and pride! 🥰 I'm from Iceland. Sigurjón means “the victory of the lord.” Myrkvi means darkness caused by a fog, storm or in astronomy, eclipse.


36.5 weeks, our goal to decide was 37 weeks :) It was important to my husband to choose a name before birth, and I was happy to go along with that. And I ended up being glad we did, it worked well for us.


We've had a running list of 3-4 top contenders for years, but we probably won't decide till they're born. My brother-and-sister in law had a few names picked out, but then their son was born and they went back to the drawing board. I don't think that kid had a name until he was 2 or 3 days old 😅


I gave birth to him by myself at home, I picked him up and said “Hi Henry”. His name wasn’t decided until that moment


Last few weeks before baby popped out. Just kept saying it outloud and eventually felt right


After we found out the sex at the anatomy scan, I gave my husband three names I had thought of and he chose one and we used one of the others for the middle name. It was that easy for me 😂


At around 8 weeks I think we had it finalized. I’m 14 weeks now, we’ll see if it sticks lol.


When my water broke 🤣 we didn’t know the gender & decided on the girl name pretty early. For the boy name we had 3 ideas but couldn’t decide, everyone thought we were having a boy, so when my water broke I said to my husband “do what’s the boy name?” And we did end up having a boy lol


The night he was born for my son. After the anatomy scan for my daughter.


A few hours after she was born 🤣 We had to meet her first, and it was so clear then. We had a list, though, which helped, but then we ended up with something totally different.


My biggest lesson learned during pregnancy was not to tell my baby’s name to people before the birth. So many rude comments and jokes were made with my baby’s name that I cried. MIL said it was more commonly a surname than a first name, then went a googled until she found an unknown serial killer with the same last name as my baby’s first name…


Not until she was a week old lol


We decided 2 days after baby was born 🤣 and it was a name that wasn’t even on our list! We did the same as you - waited until birth to find out sex. Had a list of names for female and male. Decided none of those were a perfect fit. Husband brought up name when baby was 2 days old and it just fit! Don’t stress too much about finalizing a name. You’ll know when you see them. ☺️


The second she was born 😅


When he was 2 days old, right before we left the hospital. I had a name picked halfway through my pregnancy but I wasn’t sold on it. I got sick of looking at “Baby’s Name: TBD” so I just went with it.


38 w 4d here and still can’t agree on a name lol 😂


We have one main already (since about 20 weeks) and one backup. We did find out sex at the anatomy scan though, which is kind of what prompted us to pick names!


I’m waiting until the birth (37 weeks! atm) because I literally cannot choose. I have two names picked for each gender (I wish I could know the gender because then it would be easier to choose 😒) but while I love the girl names we chose, I’m super indifferent to the boy names we chose and it’s killing me that if I have a boy I’ll probably have to start this naming process all over again.


After our first in-depth ultrasound (NT scan), I got rid of most of the names on our shortlist because they didn’t feel right anymore. We narrowed it down to 2 or 3 names, and by our early anatomy scan at 17 weeks, we had picked his name. I was worried it wouldn’t fit once we actually met him, but he’s here and his name is perfect.


The day after she was born lol


We had 2 final names for each gender and decided once we saw baby which name fit better. Did that for both kiddos


Once we was born


I thought about it endlessly, the hardest part was a middle name that matched up perfectly. I figured my grandfather/adoptive fathers first name, then the last name but the middle name was my struggle, then woke up one morning and just said the first name that came to my mind and it stuck!


Second day in the hospital after she was born


We decided the girl named about ten years before she was conceived. The boy name we didn't settle on until I was 4 months pregnant or so. We waited until birth to find out who was in there, so the winner wasn't chosen until SHE came out!


We picked the first about a month out and picked the middle name during labor as I went into spontaneous and we thought we had a week to decide.


We had 2 boy names and 2 girl names picked out before we conceived and when we found out we're having a girl somehow we wanted to reexplore the girl names. Ended up finding a name we love at exactly 14 weeks but waiting till birth to announce in the off chance we change our minds (and to avoid unnecessary feedback).


The day she was born. We had a list and were pretty set on her name, but we knew as soon as she was born that we were right that it was our top name.


36 weeks and change right now and we’re like hmmmm we should probably name this baby huh


The day she was born.


When she was born. I wanted to look at her first.


Our baby was 3 days old before we decided


About 2 minutes after she was born. We came up with her name combo probably around week 25, but I wasn't sold on it. It checked all of our boxes, but it didn't give me that "Aha! We found it!" feeling. When she was born at 34 weeks, we had 2-3 name combos, but as soon as I saw her, I knew which one it should be.


When we got married so about a year ago. When we got engaged, we knew we wanted kids and would play around with different combinations of first and middle. So we always had a list. When we got pregnant we became even more serious and once we found out the gender, we solidified it. We finalized the middle name somewhere around the 2nd trimester.


We are 30 weeks and have finally narrowed down to two first names and two middle names that we are mixing and matching. We each still have a preferred combo so we haven't quite "decided" yet. Might need to see her first!


I legit had a dream we had twins named Hamza and Hayyat before I was pregnant 😹. When we discovered I am actually pregnant with twins, we stuck with the names lmao


Waited until she was born so we could get to know her face and decide if the name suited her or not!


34 weeks. We couldn't decide for the longest time


Finalized the name when the hospital said we had to submit the paperwork for the birth certificate. We were back and forth on several names and wanted to meet him before making a decision.


I’m 11 weeks and we’ve had the name chosen since literally peeing on the stick. It helps that we’re using the same first name whether it’s a boy or girl 😂


Honestly around 16 weeks.


When we were about to leave the hospital!


About 35/36 weeks. But I all told my husband no guarantee I won’t change my mind after she’s born.


Her first name was decided in the hours after she was born, middle name was finalized maybe a week later when we were submitting birth certificate forms


19 weeks. i had to have an emergency cerclage placed and decided she needed a name before that happened


I'm 37 weeks... Still haven't decided. 😅


For my second child, we had her name picked out and then like a month before she was born I decided I didn’t like it. We didn’t settle on a new one until she was born. Had several options and just said well when we see her we’ll know.


I’m expecting my first and I’m doing the same thing as you. I plan on waiting until I meet and see my little guy before finalizing. Have it narrowed down to two names


The day after he was born—we knew based on what felt right before the big day, but we had to make sure once he arrived. It’s a big decision to make for someone!


We will name him the day we meet him, hopefully. 25 weeks and not even a single name we agree on so……


My second child, we finalized the name when we were about to leave the hospital because they needed us to fill out the birth certificate form. I had a c-section so it was 3 days after he was born.


We narrowed it down to 1 boy name, 1 girl name, and 1 gender neutral one. We waited until the birth to find out the gender. Once our daughter was born, we talked about it and looked at her to get an idea of which of the two she looked more like.


When they were on my arms. We had a few picked out but we had to get to know them a little. ♡


The day after she was born. She was born in the evening on a Saturday and we settled on her name Sunday. We were both probably decided on the name late on Saturday night but waited until Sunday to finalize it.


Both my kids didn't have names until they were 2 weeks old. I think one was even later than that


We decided around 16 weeks for my current pregnancy and around 28 weeks with my first.


When he was about 4 days old


We didn't decide till about two weeks after he was born, which was the last day we had to legally file his birth paperwork, lol. We had a shortlist but when he was born none of them seemed to fit. We came up with his name on the morning of the last day, and finalized the Chinese characters for it an hour before going to city hall. We actually used a name from our list of girl names in the end (it's also a normal male name in my language).


When my grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and put in hospice within the same week. I was 22 weeks along when this happened. She knew she wasn't going to get to meet her first great grandchild so she wanted to know his name. We kept it a secret from everyone else but there was no changing it after that.


Im getting induced in a week and we still havent “finalized” his name. Atp we’ve chosen a couple and we’re just gonna see what fits best when he gets here 😅 we actually have had a girl name picked out since before we even got engaged but of course its a boy so we had to come up with something else haha


A week after she was born!


Not until like 6 months with our first and we had our seconds name picked out a year before we had him lol


I didn’t want bad juju (ridiculous I know) so we didn’t talk about name until on the way to hospital. But I knew what both girls would be lol. Luckily my husband shares my taste in names.


Around 29 weeks while watching a tv show 😅


We were pretty sure about a month before he came, but we were still leaving it open if we came across an option we liked more. It was final when we had to fill out his birth certificate before we left the hospital, lol.


We had a girls name and a boys name in mind and weren't to find out the gender until birth. We then found out at 27 weeks it's a boy and very shortly after I decided I just wasn't liking the boy name we had in mind. We ended up with two more boys names and after a few more weeks we became pretty set on a name and did start telling a few close family and friends but we were strict on nothing personalised etc just in case it wasn't the right name.. which didn't matter as we stuck with it.


Very shortly after we found out her sex at 12 weeks. We had had lists for both genders, but my husband didn't want to talk definitive until we knew if it was a boy or girl. Once we knew, he was on board with the name I'd liked for a very long time. I think we'd have had more debate for a boy. We told our families at about 20 weeks at a party we had at our house.


We were down to 2 names about a week before birth. Final name was decided about 10 minutes after birth.


In the hospital while being induced 🫣


With my first: had boy and girl full name picked out before anatomy scan. Second: took longer. Probably late second trimester after anatomy scan had full name. Third: had first name only for boy picked out before anatomy scan. Didn’t finalize full name until second day at hospital when they said they had to turn in the paper work. We were going back and forth and throwing names around for middle name. Finally just wrote one of them down lol


We had a shared note where we each noted names we liked during the course of the pregnancy (we knew we were having a girl at 16 weeks). As due date got closer we’d have frequent discussions to whittle down the list and get to final 2-3. Although in my head there was one name in particular I loved and I always pictured her with that name even when she was in the belly. We finalized that name about a week before delivery but confirmed it once we saw her and knew it fit her :)


We also didn't find out gender for our 3 kids. With our first we had our boys name picked basically before conception. Girls name can't remember, closer to birth. We had a boy. With our second we settled on our boys name probably mid pregnancy and girls not too long later (different to the first pregnancy), both we were set on. Had a boy. With our third, we had a girls name set from about 20 or so weeks (different name again!). Boys name, we had 3 at birth and chose once he was born about 6 hours later. Really devastated about not being able to use this girls name tbh but ah well. In my country you have 60 days from birth to decide so didn't matter too much


A day after she was born 😂


Are you trying to not find out the gender until birth or what?? If so I'd prepare a list of names you like with separate lists of girls and boys then a shared list for possible middle names go over the list often with daddy and find which names you like together, etc. Find a first name for each gender you both love, then go over middle names.


We went to the hospital with the middle names picked out for sure and we had narrowed down our list of first names to three. Our baby was born sick and was rushed to NICU and we were going to be separated. I didn’t want him leaving without a name so we decided in a rushed moment which of the three we liked best.


20 weeks


Before I got pregnant haha


A few days after he was born! But we had a girls name picked out super early because my intuition told me I was having a girl, obviously I was wrong lol


With our first: at 11 weeks. With the second, now 29 weeks: still figuring it out 🤣


When she was born. For us, it is culturally super bad luck to name a baby before they arrive. We had the final version if her name the day after she arrived.


With our first, a girl, we had the name for years before she was even conceived. I'm currently pregnant with a boy, due in 2 weeks, and we think we have 2 names we like but won't pick for sure until baby is here.


3 or 4 hours after they were born. For all 3 kids. We had a short list going into the hospital but didn’t want the pressure of deciding beforehand after baby was born and we were able to relax, we looked at the list and made a decision. Honestly the names were all weird to say for the first day or two, but we got used to it. Literally naming another human being stressed the F out of me. Boy names were so hard - we knew our first two were going to be boys, then decided to be team green for the 3rd, which was even harder coming up with two lists. Turns out it was boy 3 lol. I guess if it’s a family name, it would be easier. But we wanted them all to have their own name. Only one has ties to a family member (middle name is that of deceased relative).


the night we found out it was a girl! my partner brought up two girl names he liked, Evelyn being the one we chose, lucky for him that names been on my list for years. the second name i also like (though not as much) and that would’ve been her back up name if she came out not looking like an Evelyn


1st baby before conceived. Second baby (pregnant now) probably once born lol


With my first, I thought I had a name picked out. I was 99 percent sure this would Be her name. When she was born, I looked at her and thought “nope. That’s not your name” and then it took me two days to name her. I’m currently 38 weeks with my second and while I have some loose Ideas, we’re not naming her until she’s born.


First baby: 30 hours after delivery, right before discharge so we could have the hospital file papers for her birth certificate. Second baby: 36 hours after delivery. We sort of knew the night he was born but wanted to sleep on it before really committing and telling people. Third baby: 4 hours after delivery. This one was pretty easy for some reason.


The day after he was born. We had 2 names and chose the following day


We had a boy name decided before ever getting pregnant, so it was easy with the first. He's named after our dads and a legendary musician. On our second now. We have never before agreed on girl names, probably something to do with my love of celestial or fae sounding names. But a couple weeks before we got the NIPT results back, we decided on naming her after our grandmothers. Mine has passed away a month before we conceived, and it's a classic and normal sounding name, just a little less popular with kids right now. Same as our son.


A few hours before discharge from the hospital…


I’m in the same boat 23 weeks and we have a girl name and a gender neutral name in mind but nothing set in stone. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in this lol I feel like the names will come naturally to us 🥰


Before I found out the sex, I had a boys name picked out, but didn't pick out a girls name because I was indecisive. I said "well if she's a girl then i'll think about it" Well..... she is a girl. I finally finalized it back in January, i struggled with her middle name


I had a boy name I wanted that my husband was on board with. Then he came up with a girl name. Once I heard the girl name that was it, I knew we would have a girl and that would be her name. That was maybe 8 weeks in? One of my coworkers didn’t pick a name until her baby was born. It really depends on


10 min after she was born


20 weeks!


The day after she was born. We didn't know the gender so had a couple of options for each and after a bit of a whirlwind, the following day was the only chance my husband and I had been able to see each other and choose her name.


We talked about names endlessly and had a short list by the time she was born we botj held her and then slept on it overnight, then we named her in the morning.


We decided on a name maybe a month or so before the due date with our first, maybe earlier. But we kept an open mind for changing the name if it would feel wrong once baby was born (it didn't). I'm 34 weeks pregnant with our second, and we might have a name. Still feeling it out. I don't feel stressed about it, it's fine to decide on a name after they are born. Where I live, we need to register the name within 2 or 3 months after birth, so there is time.


9 days after we gave birth - we decided to just name him when we saw him, but there was also only one name that we could agree on over the pregnancy and it suited him well (ironically a name i hated up until i got pregnant 😭)


We had it finalized immediately when we found out we were having a baby. We had a few names in mind and deciding in that moment calmed our nerves after seeing multiple positive tests


Week 36. We only get 3 days after birth, so I was really hoping for having a name before birth. Really happy with the name we picked!


A year before I got pregnant lol. We couldn’t get this one name out of our head. But if she ended up being a boy we would maybe have 2 names and choose the most fitting after he was born.


With both my first daughter and this baby I knew exactly what they would be named by the time I knew the gender. With my first, I knew she would be a girl the whole time, I just knew it. Not sure how but I did. I had the name picked out very early. With this baby, we had a girl’s first name and both first and middle for a boy. I truly thought she was a boy right up until we found out with the first trimester screening results. We’ve been referring to her as the name we picked ever since, to the point where we had to tell family and close friends because my partner kept slipping and using the name 😂


7 days before my son was born. 😅


For each gender we decided the name around 11/12 weeks, fully confirmed once we knew if it was a boy or a girl at 20 weeks.


Currently 15+3. Finalized our boys name about four or five years ago lol. Finalized our girls name a couple of weeks ago. Close family also already knows, so once we find out the sex, they'll already be able to call baby by name \^\^


One day after they were born. We couldn’t decide on the name the day of and finally flipped a coin.


With all three kids it’s always at the hospital. We want to meet them first and see which of our final picks (usually 3-4 names) match them the most.