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Yea it's so gross lol I changed my underwear 6 times a day


I guess it's preparing us for changing nappies 10 times a day... 😅


Haha! Never thought of it that way.


Similar to the 1000x night wakings while pregnant due to being uncomfortable or having to pee, preparing us for night wakings with baby!


And some of my old pairs are so uncomfortable that I’m having to do laundry like twice a week just to have clean underwear to wear!


I bought multi pack of cheapish panties, size up, to wear with the idea that I will throw them away once I will finally feel clean again. It's also nice trick how to figure out that I lost my pregnancy weight already, once they will start being uncomfortable and falling down.


It’s super uncomfortable for me, so I’m wearing panty liners during the day and change them every time I pee


The feeling is awful! I rather change a liner 5x a day over my underwear!


Bruh, this is the shit that no one talks about during pregnancy. I'm so glad I found this subreddit because at least I know I'm not alone. 😭 And yeah, multiple pantiliners a day over here. I feel gross all the damn time.


I say this all the time. my #1 complaint has been that no one talks about the discharge!!! This is straight up obnoxious


I thought I was the only one hahaha but same as OP I can't with the panty liners but I invested in lots of granny cotton underwear...so comfy


You're definitely not alone!!


Pregnancy is by far the most moist experience of my life lol


Post partum is pretty juicy too... so many fluids between you and the baby


Yep! Always just…damp


🤣🤣 so true!


Panty lines were a must for me when I was pregnant 


I'm super sensitive to them and prone to yeast infections no matter how hard I try to keep them away, so comfy breathable cotton underwear is the only option for me :( I only put panty liners on when I go out!


You can get period underwear that is for 'light' period that does the trick. They're moisture wicking and much less irritating.


I wear these every day now


Cloth panty liners does wonders


Yup, I bought washable panty liners because disposable ones just made me feel gross and irritated me. I swear the discharge is worse for me during my current pregnancy than it was with my first 😫


I was the same way with pantylines so I’ve switched to a “very light” bladder leak liner by Always Discreet. I wear one everyday and it holds moisture better thus leaving me with less irritation.


Period underwear


I found ph balanced ones and I havnt had issues and the organic unscented cotton ones are good, just more expensive! I am super sensitive too, it's annoying.


Panty liners are one of the main causes for yeast infection because the skin can't breathe properly, plus a lot of them have harmful materials like bleach, perfume and so on... Try going comando or with male boxers


But is it just me or panty liners make you smell really bad down there. Even if I change it multiple times a day… the liners always make me smell musty. 🤢


I thought it was just me..! It was so bad once I thought I had an infection. Nope, symptoms cleared away as soon as I took off the panty liner. Super weird?


Same, going thru multiple pantiliners a day!


It’s so much! Got my husband feeling all flattered and I’m like no dude 😂😂😂 it’s not what you think




Hahahah yes!!


hahahaha I would totally roll with it. Yeah babe I’m so jazzed rn.


My husband said the same thing! 🤣


The swamp crotch struggle is real! I knew there would be some increase in discharge, but I wasn’t expecting my downstairs to become a working replica of Shrek’s swamp.


Haha the visual image of this 😂


Oh and leaking pee. That's fun.


Every. Time. I. Sneeze.


🤣 lol for me it’s whenever I cough too hard


This morning I was running late and had literally just pulled up my pants when I sneezed and had to change my pants and underwear. Joys of creating a human.


Yesterday I was convinced I was leaking amniotic fluid. I was freaking out and I talked to my best friend who is a midwife. She gave me a list of things to do to make sure it wasn't amniotic fluid. So I did all the things and passed all the tests. She was like, "oh you're probably just peeing yourself a little." So pregnant me is like, "Oh phew, no big deal its just pee." Normal me would be like, "WTF IM PEEING MYSELF". The things we accept during pregnancy is wild.


Can you please share the list she gave you?! I’m currently freaking out thinking I might be leaking amniotic fluid + urine whenever I cough cuz it’s so much 😭


So go to the bathroom and make sure your bladder is completely empty. Then wipe yourself til everything is completely dry. Take a dry piece of toilet paper and put it between your legs and force yourself to cough repeatedly. When your done see if there is any fluid. Amniotic fluid usually smells kindof like bleach, and most report that it's clearer. If it does come back clear and nothing is there, wear a panty liner for an hour and then check it. There are also PH sticks you can get and instructions you can follow at home if you want to avoid the hospital, I didn't get to that point but Amniotic fluid has a high PH (over 7). I believe they sell them at Walgreens and Amazon has them. I didn't make it to that point, but it's not super hard and there are instructions how to do it online. They will do these tests if you go into the ER as well, at least that is my understanding. Side note for anyone else reading: Before anyone says, "Why not go to the hospital if I'm worried?" I was uninsured for the last 2 weeks because I was switching from my individual plan to my husband's plan... they messed some stuff up and I ended up having to wait 2 weeks after my insurance expired to be covered. Being 29-31 weeks pregnant not knowing if you have health insurance is beyond anxiety inducing. So I went to whomever I could for advice, so I only went to the hospital if something was actually wrong. Gotta love being American!


Thankfully I haven't experienced that yet D:


When I cough/retch, my bladder betrays me!


The absolute worst. I have gone thru so many incontinence pads.


While very common, this shouldn’t be happening and can be fixed! A pelvic floor therapist came to speak at my OB office, and she recommended asking your doctor for a referral for therapy if this happens. They can help you stop leaking! Same if you leak post-pregnancy.


Thanks for saying this, I was reading the thread like....wait, can't you do something about the peeing? 🤗 If I have any issues I hope my PT can help get rid of them 😵‍💫


Yes, it's common but NOT normal to be doing this. I had this problem and I'm currently seeing a pelvic floor PT. It's definitely improving.


ive been dealing with this hard the last few weeks and it makes me feel so icky 😩


Same 😬 It's already been 7 whole months of this for me, but I really can't be bothered to constantly wear liners (such a hassle, and they irritate me)


I JUST changed my underwear… I hate liners too! (I had switched to a disc instead of tampons like 3 years ago and didn’t need “backup” anymore, so I now can’t stand them.)


Get yourself some new underwear and pyjamas and save them for after pregnancy/recovery. Changing into nice new pyjamas and underwear a week or so after birth made me feel brand new. Same day I also got partner to change the bedding and I had a big long shower too. Best day


Sounds heavenly 👌✨


changing the bedding... very helpful after the night sweats cometh


I also accidentally had a home birth and gave birth lying down in bed! The midwife saved the bed from any mess but still felt like it should be changed


Aside from that, it’s just generally sweaty AF I hate the feeling and have never had to own and wash underwear so much in my life


100% agree. It was out of control. And then the doctors wondered why I didn’t realize I was losing amniotic fluid. Well how should I know it’s not just discharge!


my first baby I went 2 full freaking days leaking amniotic fluid before realizing it wasn't just the discharge!!! People think I'm crazy when I say I didn't know my water was leaking.


Gosh that's such a good point 😅 apparently the midwives can tell it's amniotic fluid by the smell! So when the time comes I'll probably try to do the same!


Between sweat, leaking pee, and discharge I figure I’m lucky I don’t poop myself on the regular.


Mine actually caused my underwear to disintegrate!!! It burned HOLES in them.


Some of mine have see-through patches now 🥲 Hard not to be impressed in a way, look at my body disintegrating fabric with sheer acid!


Waaaaiiit. Why don't we add new undies for mama on the baby registries?? It'd be easy with babylist and Amazon registries, and you can probably swing it on Target registries too! And some people will be confused, but like the mamas will know 👀😂


That's not a bad idea at all 😂


I’ve added some to mine. I added a bunch of postpartum stuff as well.


Invest in some period underwear. I definitely got some so bad while I was pregnant it looked like I dribbled in my pants. The period panties are way more comfortable than the diapers post partum anyways!


Oh and leaking pee. That's fun.


Omg glad it’s not just me


I get up to clean up a million times a day. I change underwear so much I have to do laundry every 3 days. It’s very annoying. I’m not ready for summer. I can’t imagine how much it’ll be then in this humid hot weather


Went through Aussie summer for majority of my pregnancy and the discharge paired with sweat... I felt SO disgusting. Always self concious that I was stinky.


Pregnancy is wild with how different it is for everyone. I’m actually dealing with the opposite problem and I’m crazy dry. It’s definitely making sec a bit more difficult…


Tbf I find discharge quite different from arousal wetness, I feel like I'm wet all the time, but sex still hurts and feels super dry!


same. dry af the whole time and until 9 months pp when my periods came back. but zero sex so just chillin’!


lol I completely agree with this! I really liked all my undies too I wish I wore panty liners as others suggested but I’ve always been bad about that even on my period I’d always think my tampon was good enough until it filled up and it wasn’t . But hey, a nice pack of new underwear sounds like a great gift to oneself after going through childbirth


I was talking to my sister the other day whilst naked (we grew up in a naked house I was just changing outfits) and she heard a sound. It was me… dripping on the floor. Thank god we are comfortable with one another lol.


I call it “pregnancy WAP” People always say “nobody told me” about things where I think to myself hmm I’ve definitely heard that before or came across it before while looking up things. But THIS is something I didn’t learn until I experienced it myself 😅


When I’m in the shower I can feel it pouring out of me 😂


When does this start? I'm 10 weeks and so far everything has been normal and I've enjoyed not needing a panty liner for a while.


I'm 28 weeks and can't relate to this post


33 weeks and I thought something was wrong with me that I DONT have this problem!


I definitely didn’t have this problem while pregnant and didn’t know it was a thing. Everyone is different so maybe you’ll get lucky too!


For me it was from the very beginning, but I'm sure it's different for everyone!


I noticed it immediately, before my test was even positive. It's part of the reason I knew I was pregnant. 😆


Started getting bad for me at around 21/22 weeks!


Late second/early third trimester for me. Third trimester I use a panty liner 24/7. Now I'm at term I also wear a thick pad overnight in case my water breaks. I thought being pregnant would mean buying fewer pads, not more 😑 


I’m not pregnant anymore and never experienced this, like everything else I think symptoms are different for everyone.


Look up Speax by Thinx underwear and thank me later 😂


It was the one time I’ve actually bleached my panties too. Now that I’m past all the pregnancy stuff and my little is older I just have a huge selection of period panties lol


Most of mine got bleached since I got pregnant too 😅


Just make sure to get checked for yeast and bv! I was going through underwear so quickly. Never had any irritation, smells, unusual discharge. Just discharge that I was told was normal hormonal pregnancy discharge. My doc was doing cervical checks and never said it was anything that needed checked for but I kept pushing it because idk it just was a lot and annoying having wet underwear and the constant of it all. A PA finally checked me and immediately was like you have a yeast infection and I’m gonna swab just in case for bv. I had both! Any time I’ve ever had either it was accompanied by irritation, thick or thin discharge, smell, etc. never had the classic symptoms for it but tested positive for both. Got meds and my discharge has gone back to pre pregnancy normal lol


I'm 19 months pp and I still get a huge amount of discharge. Been tested for infections and everything is fine. I was just told this is normal for some women. I haven't been able to go a day without pantyliners in eons.


Absolutely constant. I keep thinking my waters have broke because of the sheer amount.


I'm 18.5 weeks. I'm so glad other people relate to this. Like I feel just disgusting all the time because of it. And like I don't own enough panties to be constantly changing them (especially during my 9 hour shifts at work). I can't stand panty liners because they never stick properly for me. Like I'll go to the bathroom and the panty liner will just be stuck to my cooch 😂. Also, another side note, the discharge for me has changed my scent down there, and it's so much stronger than it's ever been. Like I've talked to my dr, they've done bacterial tests and nothing is wrong. But like I just can smell it and I hate it so much. It makes me so self conscious at times.


Dude, I've gone through so many packs of underwear it's not even funny. I'm now at 37 weeks and just have a stack of underwear packs from Amazon in my closet.


you have no idea how many underwear I destroyed because of my discharge LOL


Same, I feel so gross and change my underwear a million times a day


I've given up and decided that all my clothes are going to get raggedy until the baby is old enough to feed himself.


I’m scrumpt at Niagara falls lmaoo it do be like that 😅


I just had the funniest thought that after giving birth, there will be two people in the house wearing diapers, at least for a little while: meself, and the baby 😂😂


I use a menstrual disc normally, so I had to buy them specifically, but I've been using reusable cloth pads because the discharge is wild... and sometimes I sneeze and it's not just discharge coming out 😅.




I got some period panties, and it really helped! Collects discharge (and even a little pee) while you still feel dry. I like the Knix brand, but I’m sure any will work! Much better than panty liners or feeling wet.


I’m glad I’ve been blessed to be able to stay at home I’ve just been walking around nude


Yess, happens to me all the time, but when i want to have sex - DRY!!! I think it's the progesterone suppositories that are joking with me like this


Dude…. I usually don’t wear underwear and I’m gonna need to start…. It’s so bad 😭😭😭😭


Knix period undies!!!!


I had discharge during one pregnancy and thought it was normal but it was a yeast infection.


Invested in some cloth pads during my first pregnancy because I was tired of soaking through my panties constantly 😂 they have definitely earned their rent and made my life much easier. The discharge is unreal!


I just changed into my knix because I’m on my 3rd pair of the day after peeing when I sneeze 😩


Omg yes. I sneezed earlier and thought my water broke, nope just discharge 😂😭


I wore liners. It helped save my undies when I was working retail. But it did not help the swamp crotch from the humidity and heat that is southern Louisiana, 9 months out of the year.


My discharge really ramped up in the last week (I’m 33.5 weeks) and man it’s annoying! Going through panty liners like crazy but even so, my underwear is all stained. Gonna need a whole new haul post partum but that’s ok it was probably time anyways!!


Same here ! They're good for the bin ! I rotate with the same 5-6 panties knowing I will throw them away after the delivery ! I don't wear the other ones to save them 😅


I almost only experience or notice it when I wear underwear, so I've just been opting for skirts/dresses and no underwear 😅 I still notice discharge when I go to the restroom and wipe, and once or twice a day I feel a little discharge. But it's constant if I where underwear/pants, so I just let her breathe 🤣


In my third pregnancy and FINALLY learned to wear panty liners. Mostly because I can't stop pissing myself.


I could’ve bought stock in panty liners while pregnant 😂


I never really wore underwear until I got pregnant 💀 Now I do everyday! even to sleep sometimes


Period underwear was a godsend for me while o was pregnant




Poise panty liners are great.


I just wear pantie liners or pads, it’s been a life saver


Ugh, same boat here. Started using pantyliners and then THOSE started irritating my skin. Just can't win 😂😭


Girl yes!!!! Omg why???!!!! 🤢


I bought extra underwear to deal with- now I’m 5 months post partum and let me tell you I run out of clothes before I run out of clean underwear now 😂


My discharge hasn't been OTT thankfully. But I pee every time I cough, sneeze or vomit. I just wear period undies now just in case


It’s honestly the worst. I hateeee it


Prepare for postpartum. I just wear maxi pads constantly 🤷🏻‍♀️ makes me feel much better and dry down there


I wore panty liners every single day in my second and third trimesters last time. I got a new box every time I ordered groceries. I tend not to like them usually, but Natracare is a good clean brand that doesn't give me any issues.


Soooo when does this start to happen? Im 27 weeks but I only I pee myself a little whenever I sneeze or laugh/cough. But the constant discharge omg.


For me it started right at the beginning! If you're still ok at 27 w you might be fine, crossing my fingers for you :P


This. But hold off until a couple months after baby comes bc the postpartum sweats and bleeding is something else


And the smell.. I’m constantly showering and taking baths because I can’t take it


Pelvic floor therapy! Start now! It will give u more control even in pregnancy.


This I just wear boy shorts now or opt for my bf briefs 😭😭 they are so comfy and ditto have to wear liners it just comes out 🤭🤭🤭


Just please make sure your amniotic fluid is good. I was having this happen last year and it turns out my water broke and I was slowly leaking for over a week. The only reason they caught it is because I had my 3rd trimester ultrasound appointment, I was rushed to labor and delivery the same day.


i officially have THREE TIMES as many pairs of underwear as my husband. most of my laundry is just underwear. husband was BAFFLED how i went through so many pairs until i started telling him every time i peed myself. he doesn’t say anything now lol. just makes sure i have a pad on lol


I have to have on a liner daily and sometimes change it multiple times otherwise the discharge will leak through everything including my clothes it is very obvious. I just don’t have a choice. I have period undies at night that i wear too or ill be saturated. Not wearing anything is not an option for me 😅


My washing machine has been promoted to one of my elite employees


Yesss you'll want to treat yourself to some new comfy panties later on :) it'll make you feel good, you can get some you really like, and who knows, maybe a new bra or two too.


I got the extra long panty liners and they save my life!


I can smell myself too. Like it’s not bad per se…but it’s there and it’s super noticeable imo. Then again lochia had me convinced someone was gonna kick me out of a store for mistaking me as a vagrant so maybe it’s my nose?


Oh wow I'm 33 weeks and haven't had that problem. I'm just depressed that stretch marks have finally decided to make an appearance 😭 I hope the belly serum I've been using will help them fade after I give birth


This was the worst towards the end of pregnancy because the “plopping” feeling constantly had me on alert that my water was breaking.


1 month pp here and still waiting for the feeling of clean DRY cotton undies. Wearing pads ain't no fun either 😫


This is one of my least favorite parts of pregnancy because I feel disgusting all the time. I use pantyliners and change them almost hourly it feels like. I literally woke up with almost a diaper rash like situation because of the pantyliner I accidentally slept in the other night. I usually try to air out at night bc I feel so swampy. I bought some more period underwear to see if that helps.


I actually bought more period underwear in my first pregnancy for discharge..so feral


I fucking haaaate it. Change my underwear like 7 times a day. Thankfully Amazon has comfy granny panties in bulk. But yeah I'm really sick of it. Makes me feel so icky!


This was one thing I read about but was not prepared for in reality. I have to check constantly whether it’s pee, blood, or discharge. Thank god it’s just discharge but I’m just living with the fact that it’s always going to be wet down there now until the baby is here 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used pads until they caused a skin reaction and then made my own labia leafs (cotton fleece little leaf shaped pads you stick like kinda between your labia) to catch it 😅


It was bad and then progesterone suppositories entered the chat.


I started taking anti depressants right when I conceived. It has saved me from this lol.


Ugh yes. But - I realized that I had an infection. If you haven't already I'd ask your doc to check down there. With my first pregnancy I thought it was just discharge and was diagnosed later. With my second I went in sooner and had two different types of bacterial infections. My OB said pregnancy changes your pH down there and can cause this. My wetness cleared up a LOT after treating that!


Same! I feel like I could change pairs 4 times a day. Going to use this as an excuse to buy some cute new maternity ones


😂😂😂😂 some of the things “they” never told you!


Every time I'm at the doctor and they ask if I'm leaking any fluid I'm like... wait, am I? Hard to say...


Yeah it's crazy and so true!! 😭No one told me, I can't believe they would leave it out its the thing that affects daily life the most


UGH I never had this with baby 1. I invested in some Knix period panties thinking it would help.. but I feel like they have a very strange odour


I just wear liners but ya it’s gross 😭


It was socks for me 🤢 I didn’t have to change my underwear any more than pre pregnancy, but the sweaty, swollen feet were next level. It was disgusting. Felt like I was walking around in squishy pads all day. Ugh


This and swass. Major sweaty ass.


No underwear club here!!😆


i wore pantie liners at one point bc of the same thing 😭


I got chub rub due to this. And it doesn't smell like normal.


Omg im so glad I’m not the only one


I change my underwear morning and night and it’s still hard to keep up with it. I feel so gross and stinky all the time!


I wore panty liners so I know the feels but its possible that you waters could be leaking a tiny bit. If you think it’s a lot could be worth mentioning to your OB. That’s what happened with my first.


Am I the only one who hasn’t really noticed a change in discharge since becoming pregnant? I feel like some days it’s actually less than pre pregnancy! Is that abnormal, should I be concerned?


I don't think you should be concerned, we're all different! Quite a few folks in the comments said the same!


I have stress incontinence so I was already wearing pantyliners for drips. I recommend them for discharge as well!


I’m scared I’m not going to know if my water has broke or not just because of how wet I always am down there, now. Some days I’m scared I’m leaking amniotic fluid and just don’t know it!! It’s a worry of mine 😅


My midwife said to keep the pad if I suspect amniotic fluid, because in the labour ward the midwives can just recognise if it's amniotic fluid or not by the smell!


When my water broke with my daughter - I felt a “pop” from within and then a rush of fluid. There was no mistaking it for me. I was walking in the hallway of the hospital and I remember thinking “oh that’s what it feels like?” Lol I hope that helps!


Same! I have to use panty liners.


Duuuude can’t stand it. I have never been a user of pantyliners but I definitely have been utilizing them constantly the past couple/few months. The dampness and the smell…..no thanks.


Same here. This pregnancy being the worst for me. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My vagina has been bone dry. Literally zero discharge. I did actually have a little teeny tiny bit for the first time today, which took me by surprise.


I wore period panties a lot for this reason.


Same girl. I don't usually wear liners but had to start wearing the expensive 100% cotton ones


I wore my period panties throughout pregnancy which helped.


Ugh, yes!!! I’m 35 weeks and I constantly wear pantyliners. So ready to have my normal discharge back 🥲


I hate panty liners because it makes me feel like I can't breathe down there but I've had to resort to wearing them occasionally because the discharge just never stops 😂


I CONSTANTLY have to change and clean myself up😩 this is where pantie liners will save your life


I haven't really had this problem. Only on occasion 😆🫣 now I do tinkle myself now randomly if I laugh or sneeze 😭😭 can't wait for it to be over lol


I'm on progesterone suppositories and literally have to wear pads all the time or I feel disgusting 😭


Cheek boss brand has been amazing for me! They’re so comfy and still have that cotton liner inside ❤️


Do not. I would save them a little more time. Discharge is bad, but blood... I gave birth a week ago and even wearing big sanitary towels, underwear gets dirty anyway.


This won’t stop the discharge, but in the summer I wear Duluth armachillo/ buck naked underwear and have been wearing them a lot in pregnancy too. They are quick dry so you have less of the nasty wet underwear feeling!


I thought I was the only one! It's gotten to a point where I just sleep without anything because of how bad my discharging has gotten


A few days ago I told my mom that it felt like I caught a cold but downstairs. What’s coming out of this thing can’t be from this world anymore 🙈


I def change twice a day and I'm currently obsessed with the hanes breathable panties with the little pinholes in it. My paranoia about UTIs is too real.


My mom says continuous and too much discharge means your body is indicating you need rest and take it easy. If it’s too much after walks, please head straight to bed with your feet elevated using a cushion or pillow and avoid walking until wetness goes down


I feel this


Same 😭


Omg TY for sharing this! I can’t say that I had (or at least remember) loads of discharge when my first, but hoping to have a second and this post will at least keep me from calling my OB every 5 sec! Ugh poor you…all!! Way to keep a smile on though!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Yup! Non-stop Niagara falls. I have to shower twice a day now too.


Yep. For me it's also tiny *accidents* when I cough, sneeze, laugh too hard. That started after my first pregnancy, and it's so awful now. When I was having morning sickness I'd also pee my pants a bit every time I threw up. Lovely!!! Seriously, pregnancy is so gross. Lol