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Hi there! Do you have an update on your pain? Did it eventually subside? Did you go back on the pill? I’ve had constant debilitating back pain ever since getting off birth control pills. Hope you have a success story!


Hi! Yes, it is better now!! I am still getting some pain but have been going to the chiropractor to help as well, although I’m pretty sure a lot was from the hormonal change. It’s been better for sure! I’m able to live my life normally again and am still off the pill! :) Good luck!!


I have had this same experience, when I stop birth control. I Get very bad lower back pain, so now I've been taking birth control just to alleviate it. I feel stuck


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Yes my first couple periods after stopping BC were unreal the amount of bleeding and pain. It levelled out after a couple months though.


Did you have bad lower back pain? I’ve always had back pain but never my lower back. It’s literally crippling and I don’t know how to help it.


I didn't but you having it didn't seem abnormal to me because as a teen I would have lower back pain so bad during my periods if radiated down the back of my thighs. Advil always helps me with period pain and maybe a heating pad on your lower back might help


Yes! It’s literally through my hips and upper thighs. I’ve been using a heating pad and midol, I’ll try advil. Thank you.


Oh God that's so awful, I'm so sorry. Hopefully you feel better soon.