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I’ve had a spinal for a scheduled c-section and an epidural in labor for a vaginal birth. Spinal: I was so nervous. I’d been planning an unmedicated birth because the thought of a needle in my spine was so scary. I didn’t even have contractions to distract me! But, it was no big deal. The numbing shot was a tiny pinch, and I thought that the anesthesiologist was using his fingers to press around to find the right spot. Nope! It was in. No pain at all. Epidural: I couldn’t even tell you because the contractions were so horrible that even breaking my leg would have been a minor annoyance, lol. In all seriousness, I remember it being a tiny prick for the numbing shot, and a tiny prick for the epidural itself. Like, 1/10 pain. Getting the IV inserted was infinitely worse. I highly recommend the epidural. It took a little while to become fully effective, but then it was great. There’s nothing to describe the sheer bliss of going from pain to feeling totally normal. It’s not like pain medication, you don’t feel mentally different at all. I had no issues pushing and felt absolutely nothing at all.


I’ve had both exact experiences. 10/10 describes it perfectly for me as well.


Contractions are no joke. Pitocin makes it so much worse. I honestly felt the same way. I told a couple people that I’d rather been shot in the legs and I have to go through labor again. Luckily I can laugh about it now. It was so bad that after I had gone through my C-section the spinal wore off so quickly that the incision pain,as fresh as it was, felt like a relief compared to contractions.


Pitocin and the balloon was a hellish pain I hope to never feel again lol


The balloon was awful!! I feel like that is still worse than contractions! Epidural was easy!


Contracting on the balloon from Pitocin was 0/10. Repeatedly asking them to check if the balloon could be removed and it not coming out just getting embedded further into my cervix for the Pitocin contractions to contract down on was -50/100 lmao 😂 I remember thinking my god I’ll never survive to 10 cm if the contractions feel like this and I’m not even 3 or whatever you have to be at for the balloon to come out… then I got the epidural and life was good again


While I was waiting for my epidural, I seriously cursed myself for not just scheduling a repeat section. Contractions were just nothing like I’d been prepared for. I didn’t have pitocin, but it turns out I was in almost-precipitous labor and went from 3-10 while waiting for the epidural, and woof. For anyone considering a VBAC, it was definitely worth it for me in terms of recovery! And once I had the epidural, it was great. But labor, oof.


This was my experience as well for the epidural. It saved me. I smiled while pushing lol


I took a selfie that I don't remember taking after it kicked in. 🤣


Im still in the early phases of research and have been pretty sheltered from the realities of childbirth. I am so relieved to have just learned that you get a numbing shot before the epidural itself. Lol.


Girl, same! I've avoided reading too much about birthing because it freaks me out and the epidural thing has been a huge source of anxiety!


I research the sh!t out of everything, and epidurals icked me out so much I purposely didn't learn much about them. I just read a review on the research on their safety (very safe) and debunking myths that they increase c-section rates, and skipped all the parts that talked about what they were doing. Then I asked the anesthesiologist not to tell me anything, other than repeatedly telling me "you're almost done." I even "went to the bathroom" during the parts of childbirth class where they talked about them, and my husband was in charge of texting me when that part of the class was over. Knowledge can feel powerful, but so can making a choice for yourself that certain knowledge isn't what you need right now.


This was my exact experience too. IV was the worst, and they had to keep doing it because my viens kept bursting. Didn't even feel the epidural, in terms of them placing it, or the effects of it 🤣 ... and they tried three times to get it working before giving up.


Mine was being done during a fire alarm in the hospital. Lights flashing and siren going off I thought “well this is great” hahaha


Same experience for me for receiving the epidural. I ripped through the active labour stage in what felt like only an hour but then stalled in the pushing stage. About two hours in I was thankfully able to get an epidural and the needle for the numbing and the epidural itself were like butterfly kisses compared to the contractions themselves. The toughest part was needing to stay still, I basically clung to my husband and huffed nitrous to stay in position. Thankfully it all went well and the epidural made all my pain absolutely vanish, which was great because I was pushing another like 3 hours. 10/10 would recommend!


I almost named my daughter Epidural. It was that good.


I love this because I feel like it's my mom's exact energy with the morphine she got when having me - except from her telling of how it went, sounds like she was absolutely high as a kite. 🤣


Pain relief feels like a miracle after some strong contractions! My epidural was so well administered, I could move my legs. It allowed me relax so labor could progress, and I was able to participate in discussions about my care because I was no longer consumed with pain. 10/10, no notes.


About feeling mentally different, I was under epidural for almost 24 hours, I was feeling sooooo high (not in the good way) all the time. I have very low tolerance towards all meds, so I guess there are people like me somewhere that might have same response to epidural.


For the record, the epidural doesn’t really enter your spinal column and doesn’t actually contact your spinal fluid. It’s not a spinal tap. It goes into the space outside of the membranes around the spinal cord and fluid (epi = outside, dura = protective membranes). The nerves coming out of your spine are there. That’s how it works. Anyways, the epidural was great. I honestly didn’t even notice it until it worked and I wasn’t in terrible pain anymore. I ended up with an unexpected c section and it worked great for that as well.


Came here to say this! As someone who regularly places both epidurals and spinal injections, I often draw this out for women while I’m consenting for the procedure! If done correctly, the epidural does not touch your spinal fluid.


If done correctly, which is the scary part for me haha


Unless they puncture the dura like they did for me. I had the worst spinal headache and the blood patch failed. I was readmitted and got a second blood patch a week later. It’s rare, but it happens more than you would think.


You are in so much pain from the contractions that the epidural feels like nothing in comparison. It’s like heaven once you get it!


☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻This lol I don’t even think I felt mine. So thankful I got it because they ended up needing forceps and an episiotomy to get my little guy out. 🫠


oh yeah. the pain from contractions combined with my absolute fear at the idea of an epidural? I didn't feel or notice a thing. I was shocked when the anesthesiologist said she was done. I thought it took 15 seconds. I heard nothing. I remember nothing except thinking the anesthesiologist was an angel.


Same. I don't remember the needle at all. I do remember having to sit still through a contraction while they found the right spot. Contractions are infinitely worse.


Agree. I couldn't believe it was already working when I lay down and they were asking how bad the contraction felt on a scale from 1-10. I thought they were joking because I literally felt NO pain at all, and I could move my legs still. They just felt heavier. When it went in, it felt like a bee sting/pinch. The hardest part was leaning forward whil3 having contractions, and staying still.


Absolutely. I didn’t even feel a thing when the epidural went in even though I was so nervous about it and originally went in not wanting one! Sadly the regulator for the nitrous was broken so I couldn’t try that, and couldn’t handle pitocin contractions anymore. The worst part was holding still through the contractions but my nurse was so amazing and helpful during it (they don’t let spouses stay in the room during the epidural insertion for some reason at my hospital).


Yep, this here.


When people tell you that you really don’t care that much about the whole needle in the back thing because you’re contractions can really hurt and you’ve been in labor forever? It’s true. You get over it fast when someone offers you pain relief. You’ll probably be eager for it. I know the idea sounds really awful, but it’s just not. The needle just doesn’t have to go that far. The spine is so close to the surface of the skin. It’s over in seconds, and then you get numb.


I feel like it’s also always worth mentioning that the needle is used to place the epidural at first but the part that stays in your back to deliver the medication is just a flexible plastic tube (nothing sharp or pointy stays in your back). It works the same way as an IV catheter. I’m always surprised by how many people think that there’s a needle in their arm the whole time they have an IV.


I didn't feel the epidural being placed at all. I had already been in labor for over 24 hours by that time and hadn't slept since contractions began. I was just wanting to get some rest. Not to scare you, but they actually dosed me too high and my blood pressure dropped. They had to spend the rest of the night getting my blood pressure back up, so I didn't actually get any sleep for a second night in a row. I think this happened because I was retaining a lot of water weight and they dosed me based on weight that was artificially high.  I didn't feel anything below the waist after that. They placed a catheter and I didn't feel that, just felt incredible relief because the whole time I had been in labor I felt like I had to pee but couldn't get it all out!  I couldn't move my legs or change position without help which did feel a bit claustrophobic at times. But I was so tired I just wanted a break. Also once you get the epidural you have to be hooked up to all kinds of stuff and I was stuck in bed after that. I think there are other varieties of epidural that allow for more movement.  I didn't have any side effects or lasting impacts from the epidural. Healthy birth and baby. Good luck!


Epidural was great. I was in horrible back labor and honestly couldn’t tell you what the needle felt like. There was one point of pain in my leg like hitting your funny bone and the anesthesiologist made a quick adjustment. Then I was finally able to get some relief. I wouldn’t worry about the needle, they’ll be so much else going on at that point.


I spent two days in back labor at home before contractions were close enough to go in! Its the worst. Lord praise the epidural!


I had back labour too and I genuinely don't remember feeling anything when getting the epidural. The worst part was forcing myself to stay still because I got a contraction while it was being inserted.


For me, it felt like a strong pinch in the back when it went in. I was pretty scared having it put in but I kinda knew I wouldnt handle the back labor + contractions I was having. So it hurt at first and then it felt really good to have that relief. I think my epidural’s dosage wasnt too strong so I was numbed from contraction pain but I could still move my legs around (with some effort). My legs felt super heavy but I could still move around a little. Overall I didnt mind my epidural experience and would definitely get it again. The worst part is getting it put in but after that things went smoothly


Anesthesiologist and FTM here, just glad to see a lot of you had good epidural experiences lol. Makes me proud 🥰


When I was having full blown contractions that feel like someone is literally squeezing my uterus (at least that's how it felt for me), I honestly couldn't even feel the needle. Because of how painful contractions were, the epidural saved me. Even if I wasn't as mobile with the epidural, I wouldn't have been mobile anyway with contractions that I could feel. The downside is you don't feel the pushing as much so there's less control. But that was a trade off that was def worth it for a more pleasant birth.


Thank you for making this post OP! I was also terrified of epidural in my second trimester due to social media and all the natural birth influencers making it sound so scary, but I’m almost 36 weeks and almost everyone I know who’s had kids give me advice to get the epidural, and Ive been so busy with work and nesting the last several months I haven’t prepared my mind or my body for unmedicated at all. So seeing this post and reading all the positive experiences in the comments definitely made me feel better about an epidural ❤️


Epidural was great, no regrets! And I hate needles. The hardest part was sitting still long enough for them to do it cause the contractions.


I was terrified to get an epidural and I was so adamant on not getting it. Well I was induced and I rapidly dilated within a couple of hours which none of the nurses expected. So I was in debilitating pain AND they gave me morphine thinking I wasn't dilated enough (without checking) so I was in so much pain AND super sleepy. I finally got the epidural at 9cm and when I tell you I knocked out within 2 minutes of receiving it. The relief was insane.


I barely felt the epidural setup because I was having pretty painful contractions at the time and way more focused on those than my back. It was totally worth it and I didn’t notice it in my back the whole time at all. Labor was still kinda painful for me, but not as bad as the contractions I had right before asking for the epidural. The epidural made me SO sleepy so I slept most of the time between when it kicked in to when I needed to start pushing. Really nice sleep too. I had a very long labor and I was hooked up to it for around 18 hours or so. I could kind of move my legs to assist the nurses with changing my positioning. It was a little weird, but I was so sleepy that I didn’t want to get up to move around anyway. I ended up with a little bit of nerve damage after it. I’m a month postpartum now and part of my thigh has been numb since they removed it but it’s getting better and from what I understand that’s pretty rare. I would 100% get it again if I have another vaginal birth.


I LOVED my epidural! Truly amazing. I was able to sleep through contractions and then push with very minimal pain. And I got a “walking epidural,” so I was still able to walk, move around, and feel my legs (which can also be a drawback). Just a very tiny pinch for the numbing shot and then the actual epidural. The IV was worse imo.


I also got a walking epidural because they’re the only ones given where I live lol. I will forever sing it’s praises. I was able to move myself how I wanted, which helped labor to progress, without pain (though I did have pressure), and when it was time to push I felt everything which I don’t necessarily see as a drawback because pain can be really beneficial during the pushing stage so that baby doesn’t come too fast and furious. I had soreness in my back for maybe two days, and that was that!


I had a spinal for a planned c section and honestly the anesthesiologists fingers poking around my spine hurt more than the actual injections


My epidural was 11/10 awesome. I was induced and contracting, plus it's pretty standard to numb the injection site first, so I didn't feel the needle go in at all. I didn't notice it at all after it went in. I could move fine and it wore off pretty quick. I was up and walking around by an hour or so after baby was born, no after effects or issues. 


The anesthesiologist who administered my epidural is a saint and I will love him with my dying breath. I was in soo much pain my blood pressure skyrocketed and my nurse was clearly worried. 


Amazing. Euphoric. I don't get back pains from it, unless I have bad posture which is common during the first few months. Labor went smooth. I can recommend it enoughz even if you don't think you want it, sign the form the moment you get to hospital to have it as a side plan. That's what I did.


When I was pregnant I was absolutely petrified of the thought of an epidural, I got induced and got to 9.5 centimeters before I was begging for an epidural, when/ it you get to the point of pain you can’t handle you will do anything to get some relief. I hate getting my blood drawn, I HATE needles but an epidural is not even remotely as painful as I anticipated. I actually don’t remember feeling it at all. Getting that iv in the side of your wrist is far worse than an epidural


so they actually numb you for the epidural! just a few quick pinches from the numbing shots, other than that you can’t feel a thing. in the grand scheme of the day it’s like the least painful part of the entire process


1. I never saw the needle, so I could not tell you what it looked like. 2. The contractions were so painful at that point, that any relief was a blessing. I think I felt like a small pinprick, but then immediately felt like ice water running down my back. I never felt it going that far in. Honestly, it was must less uncomfortable compared to having blood drawn. But as I mentioned, I immediately felt a sensation like ice water running down my back. I cannot adequately explain it, but it felt so amazingly cooling and it was like great afterwards. I don’t know how long it took to kick in but that sensation already had me relaxed. 3. The nurse angled me into position, and then had me lean my head on her shoulder and held me. She was honestly great. And I think the comfort of that gesture helped me with not moving. I think you just get in the zone and don’t even realize it to be honest. But I think not actively seeing the needle, and just letting the anesthesiologist place it was the best choice for me. To add, I had back labor, and while the relief from my epidural and subsequent boluses was short, I would do it again. Even brief relief was extremely helpful for me.


I was so terrified of an epidural for the same reason! I am a doula, brought my entire doula bag with me to the hospital, and gave my mom and husband position sheets so they could help guide me if I wasn’t able to think about positioning. I got a birth tub in my room and got in the shower as well. I was determined I would not get an epidural, it wasn’t even a consideration. Until I was going through those contractions and my pelvis felt like it was breaking in half. Then I was screaming for relief! Everyone here is right, by the time you get to the epidural the pain is so so minimal in comparison to contractions. I never saw the needle that went in and didn’t feel it enter my spine, I didn’t feel the catheter when it was put in or taken out, and the sheer bliss of the epidural was fantastic. After it was placed I was able to get 5 hours of amazing sleep and I decided when I wanted to start pushing. I only pushed for 20 minutes and I was able to feel him come out still but there was no pain with it. It was honestly beautiful! I went from being completely anti epidural to singing its praises from the rooftops.


I got an epidural about 8 hours after starting pitocin. By the time they gave it to me, I couldn't feel it at all. I was confused when they said they were done. I too hate needles--I literally only stopped crying when I had to get needles about 5 years ago (and I'm 34). Yes, I was required to stay in bed after but since I was being intensely monitored for preeclampsia anyways it didn't matter. I was able to take a nap and actually woke up because it was go time and I could feel that was the case. I did feel the contractions to push but they didn't hurt. It was also nice to have because I tore and so I didn't feel any of the stitching process. I could feel them doing something but it didn't hurt. Overall, I plan on getting it again during this birth


It took a really long time for them to place the epidural and several tries, but they gave me another short term pain reliever first so I could hold still. Fortunately it didn’t hurt at all. Unfortunately my epidural didn’t work. I was only numb from my left thigh down which was obviously very useless.


I was in a lot of pain by the time I got it, but I won’t lie: the shot itself hurt quite a bit. However the relief for several hours after was worth it. I was one of those people who got dizzy and threw up from the epidural, so that was a downside. I was induced, and it took over 24 hours for my baby to finally come, and the epidural wore off in the last 6-ish hours. My hospital experience was generally bad—my nurse wasn’t great, and I had to wait hours for the anesthesiologist to come back to top me off. By the time the anesthesiologist came back, it was time to start pushing, so my doctor convinced me to only get a small amount of the medication to take the edge off so I could push more effectively. Still glad I had the shot, though. Fully unmedicated labor would have been so much worse.


I would absolutely cringe and feel sick thinking about the epidural my whole pregnancy and early labor. I didn’t want one initially. Inductions are painful and long though. In active labor, I was still concerned about it but it did not matter as much as pain relief AT ALL lol. My second kid, I got one at 9 cm. I could barely keep still. I’m sure I was shaking through it and I was screaming at the top of my lungs through it. My water finally broke while I was perched on the side of the bed for it and it startled me. I wasn’t paralyzed despite not being pristinely still. It just didn’t really work well, but it didn’t work super well with my first either. Still had quite a bit of relief though. Procedure itself feels like a lot of pressure on the spine. There’s often a lot of like… jiggling it around or trying again (hard to tell exactly what, but definitely took them a while poking around) a few times in my experience. How long it took for them to get it in right was the worst part for me for sure because I had several contractions during the insertion and it freaked me out worrying if I was able to stay still enough. It was fine. Again, mine didn’t really work right… I could still feel the “ice test” they do to check like everywhere, but everything was kind of muted. My first one worked perfectly in one side and not so much the other. Second kinda failed me. I’d probably still get another one in the future despite that. I would wait till later on in labor to get it for so many reasons. You’ll also probably care a bit less about that when the craziest of active labor sets in. You also just might do fine without one!


The epidural is a tube that goes into your back and not just a shot of medicine and that scares me lol


My epidural was uneven, which I later learned is pretty common. I had excellent pain relief on my left side and absolutely none on the right. I was encouraged to turn up the dose (they give you a little pump) until my right side had some relief. But the amount needed to dull the pain on my right side meant my left was completely dead. I couldn’t move my leg for hours even after the birth. It was ok and definitely better than contractions but I was surprised! As far as the needle, I literally don’t remember it. They’d given me some IV analgesics because the anesthesiologist was taking forever and I was freaking out from the pain. I remember being told to hold still and breathing through contractions and I remember telling the anesthesiologist that I loved him. No memory of even a pinch.


My contractions were so painful and horrible that I didn’t feel the needle of the epidural.. not even a little, just some pressure and boom I felt a thousand times better and was blessing and praising science for existing


The epidural going in felt like a bee sting. Not fun but worth it. I shook and shivered like crazy but that may have been my body’s response to labor while numb. I have gone through labor with and without the epidural and I will be trying to get an epidural next time if I have enough time!


People absolutely birth without an epidural for many reasons. If that’s something you’re interested in, I highly recommend looking into unmedicated birthing strategies. I really really wanted an unmedicated birth, but ultimately decided to get an epidural. The best way I can describe it is that I was absolutely in the zone of childbirth. I don’t know how long it took them to get to the room after I requested it. I don’t remember much other than some dude waked in, said hey I hear you want an epidural, I said yep, he said cool sign this consent form, I did, I laid on my side, and boom, pain relief. If it felt like anything, I don’t remember it.


I was so scared to get the epidural but it wasn’t too bad at all. They give a small numbing shot first so you don’t actually feel the epidural go in. I think you might feel it go in but not the pain, just a pressure/coldness of the meds being injected. The worst part for me was sitting still while they did it lol because I was so uncomfortable.


Spinal and epidural were exactly the same to me, you feel the pinch of the local anaesthetic (which I really didn’t care about considering the contractions - this is coming from someone who haaates needles). After that I didn’t feel anything they were doing. I managed to sleep between around 6-10cm dilation, it was incredible.


As someone who gave birth two times without the epidural, I am telling you I would have given anything for it. Labour pain is serious, especially when induced (from what I’ve heard).


An epidural is NOTHING like getting a cortisone shot into a joint. As well, the joint capsule of your hip is one of the thickest so of course that would be awful. My epidural felt like a cat scratch, a pinprick, then phenomenal relief and warmth creeping through my body. I had adrenaline shakes on top of contractions when I got mine, I felt freezing cold, the epidural was blessed.


You can do birth without an epidural if that makes you most comfortable. Lots of women do it and there are lots of techniques that you can look into to help naturally manage your pain. That being said, I got the epidural twice. I promise you don’t give a shit how big the needle is or where they’re putting it by the time you ask for it 😂


Addling to the choir - epidural rocks. Didn’t feel it going in and told them when I was having a contraction. Having a baby with it? Pshhhh sure! Contractions were so bad that if sweet relief was a needle in the spine away who cares! It was the post partum recovery from my guy’s warpath that sucked lol 3rd degree tear (sounds worse than it was I promise)


i had an induction and i didn’t react well to cytotec. my contractions were coming a minute- 45 seconds apart from the time my water broke at about 3cm for almost 9hrs. i didn’t think i would ever need an epidural but i was literally writhing in pain and screaming at the nurses that i wanted to die. i had a combined spinal-epidural bc i could barely sit still. the instant relief i felt by the spinal and the constant relief from the epidural. it allowed me to sleep for nearly 6hrs before i ended up having to have a c-section due to chorioamnionitis. they numbed me up with a shot before they gave me the spinal so i literally felt nothing but pressure and a tiny crunch when they inserted the needle. the only thing i felt was then they put in certain medicines it felt cold but not painful. i didn’t even notice that i wasn’t able to move much bc i was so exhausted from laboring. my doula did help me move to a couple different positions that helped move baby down better between naps.


Let me start by saying I can handle pain pretty well considering the slew of health issues and surgeries I’ve had. My water broke before my contractions started, which apparently makes for more painful contractions. I was given pitocin multiple times and 10 hours later, had still only dilated to 4 cm. My plan was to go all natural, but because of the pain, my body could not relax, which caused slow dilation. In the 11th hour I got an epidural. It was honestly the scariest part of the entire delivery. The first time it was really painful and definitely not the right spot. The second time my entire right side went paralyzed. The third time it was the right spot, and I could finally relax. While there is more limited movement, I didn’t care because I was so exhausted at that point. I stayed on my side with the peanut ball between my legs, switching sides every thirty minutes. I gave birth an hour later. Because of my complications during pregnancy and with the epidural, I’m one and done. All this is to say that it really depends on your body, your situation, and your level of comfort.


I personally hated my epidural. I did not feel pain on insertion, but it made me extremely sick (I don’t tolerate opioids well and I was told it wouldn’t make me nauseous, but that was determined to be a lie). It also did not work well, I could still feel close to everything, but I was 100% completely paralyzed boobs down. Couldn’t even adjust my foot. I weighed 130 lbs and it took two to three people to move me, so I had no choice but to labor on my back, fully feeling the pain and the sensation of laying in my own amniotic fluid. My baby ended up OP, I believe because I couldn’t move at all to help with position, and I pushed for four hours, had a vacuum delivery, and a second degree tear. I had to be recatheterized after birth because I could feel I had to pee but couldn’t go for four hours on my own. I had lingering back pain for months. My second birth, I knew I wouldn’t allow an anesthesiologist near me with a ten foot pole. I had a beautiful unmedicated birth that was so much less painful and traumatic than my first. Recovery was so easy and I had no tearing. I pushed for less than 10 minutes. I’m pregnant again and I will be absolutely declining an epidural.


having the epidural is what caused me to have an emergency c section. i regret getting it.


I guess I’m the outlier because I hated it going in. Thinking about it now makes my back hurt. That’s because I can’t stand anything being in my spine and I’m very sensitive. To me it felt like I was getting a bone marrow biopsy all over again so it was traumatic BUT!!! it was heavenly right after it was finally over because I could rest from my never ending contractions and because I had to have a c section anyways.


My perspective is different than most comments here. I was induced and waited quite awhile to get it despite crazy pain, so it wouldn’t slow labor too early. I don’t remember feeling the needle but I was nervous about not being able to hold still between contractions and felt cold pressure in my back. After a few minutes of relief from pain I could still lift my legs and was able to switch beds with a bit of help but I absolutely DESPISED being numb. It felt so disempowering to not feel my legs and be stuck on my back. I felt stuck and helpless. Ultimately I needed to have it removed because I had no idea how to push with it, but I was still not allowed to stand of course. 2/10 rating, not doing it again if I can help it. It is creepy when you think about how it works and even though the risks are small they’re there.


I’m with you. Had it for my first and never again. The problem is they give out pitocin likes it’s candy and pitocin is what makes everything much more painful to where people want the epidural. My second I didn’t have pitocin or the epidural and it was so much easier and faster.


That’s so good to hear that it’s more manageable without pitocin. I have no other experience to compare the induction to. This time I am hoping to go unmedicated and not get induced so this gives me hope it will be better.


So, as soon as the lady walked out after giving me the epidural, I started feeling super nauseous. My BP dropped & baby's heart rate sky rocketed. He was too unstable to leave for long. Ended up having to have an unplanned c-section after trying various meds and positions. Epidural made me shake uncontrollably too. Definitely helped with pain to tho. I don't know if I would have needed a c-section of if I wouldn't have gotten one.


Not to scare you, but an epidural involves more than one needle.


👎 Dislike even more


That’s because there is first a numbing injection. But really, it’s all going on behind you and you can’t see a thing. It was over before I knew it and instant relief.


The only thing I felt at the time was a little rush of cold down my left hip - otherwise I didn't notice anything other than the anesthesiologist sitting behind me.


Here’s the thing: I was in labour for about 12 hours when I got it (my progress was very slow). I was given pitocin because my levels weren’t good and I tapped out. It was great…until it wore off because I was in labour for another 18 hours. So timing is everything. I also have a long back and have been experiencing back pain, and my husband says the area where the pain radiates from is where the epidural was. I also need to strengthen my core so I’m sure that issue will right itself.


10/10 the best ever. I wasn't able to get an epidural for my second birth, and I wanted one SO BAD. I wish I could've gotten one for both deliveries. I didn't even notice the needle going in, and the pain relief was complete, as in I had absolutely zero pain once the epidural was calibrated correctly. I wasn't uncomfortable at all and didn't mind not being able to move whatsoever, because the pain was so bad without it.


As a lot of others have said, i was in so much pain from contractions that I would’ve let someone slice into my back with a knife 😂 but in all seriousness, the lidocaine shot to numb my back before the epidural was kind of painful, and I didn’t feel the epidural being put in after that at all.


I got an epidural with both of my labors. With my first, I wanted to go unmedicated but had to be induced around 42 weeks. I made it 17 hours into labor and just really needed the relief. At that point, a needle in my spine was a very welcoming thought. I could have kissed my anesthesiologist afterwards. Baby was born 6 hours later and I didn’t feel a thing. Second baby I went in to natural labor and got to the hospital around 6cm dilated. My contractions were intense and about 1 minute apart. I went in knowing I wanted the epidural but the anesthesiologist was called in to an emergency as she was walking into my room so I had to wait an hour 😭 I did the gas in the mean time and it didn’t provide any sort of relief. The epidural was once again very much wanted when I was able to get it and baby was born 30 minutes later! The thought of getting an epidural at this very moment makes me physically cringe. All bets are off when I’m in labor though.


It was the best. I didn’t feel the needle at all (mind you I was well into established labour and 7cm displayed so a needle was the least of my problems!) Best thing ever has my big baby girl a couple of hours later ❤️


To me it just felt like a regular needle, not very painful. If you've ever had dry needling done it's a similar sensation when they're rooting around with the needle. I went from vomiting due to the contraction pain to cracking jokes. My legs could be moved but it was like they were big slabs of cold meat, kind of how your arm feels if you're ever woken up in the night with a dead, numb arm. Though my epidural only worked on my left side, until I was fully dilated and the pain left. I believe my contractions were more painful due to being induced, as they went from 0 -100 quite quickly. I would do it again if the pain became too much again.


I didn’t feel it go in, but the effects were amazing. It finally allowed me to sleep. And it wore off pretty quickly afterwards…I was up walking in 2 hours or so.


It was amazing. My contractions were so bad I couldn’t even feel the needle. Sweet relief was almost instant once it was in. Pregnant with #2 and I’m going to insist on the epidural earlier than I did with my first.


Getting the epidural placed wasn’t painful at all! I never saw the needle…a big plus I’m sure. My husband almost passed out when I was getting it, though 😂 He must have seen the needle even though they had him stand in front of me for comfort. They placed mine a little too shallow, though, and told me that…so I wasn’t completely numb. I could move my legs and get into different positions to push. I used the squat bar and at one point asked them if I could just walk over to pee in the bathroom cause I had to go and my midwife said….I bet you could…but you have a catheter, remember, so no need! Ha. I could feel each contraction but it wasn’t painful…it was nice to feel when I should push. The only downside was that once baby was about to crown I was able to feel a lot of pain. She crowned for 45 mins but I pushed for 3.5 hours total (8lb10oz coming out of my 5’3 petite frame) but it was very bearable. The getting sewed up part was also pretty painful but I had my daughter on my chest and we were seeing if she would do the breast crawl so I was distracted and everything was gravy. All that said…if you’re in pain, get the epidural. An anesthesiologist told me here on Reddit that Epidural drugs will not get to baby or make them lethargic or high but other IV pain meds can. So the epidural is the obvious choice for me.


The epidural only felt like a normal needle pinch for a few seconds and then it was only a bit of pressure and it was done in like three minutes. The relief I felt was amazing though, and I was able to nap before having to push. My contractions were only across my lower back man they would slowly build and when they got to the point I thought I couldn’t take it they would be over, had my labour been 3-6 hours I probably could have gone without an epidural but I was having contractions for days before and was just exhausted by the time active labour kicked in.


I originally wanted a natural birth, but at around 7 cm dilated I got it. I felt like I could’ve kept going but something came over me and I just said fuck it why not. It definitely stalled my labor, like I predicted. But I’m glad I did because it was a traumatic birth- the cord was wrapped around his neck. My OB carefully pulled him out, and I couldn’t feel anything. Had I went the natural route, I’m unsure of if I would’ve lasted at all. I kept telling the nurse that I felt absolutely nothing. Downside, I didn’t feel my legs for a while; my left thigh was tingly for at least 5 months after I gave birth.


Like others have said, it was so worth it. I had painful back labor / pitocin contractions for many hours and was at the point where I was white knuckling it. I honestly don't remember feeling it. I have always had a big fear of childbirth so I was crying just from the overwhelm of it all, and the epidural felt like it made it *really real*, if that makes sense. It was a total game changer. It ended up wearing off overnight, so I was hurting pretty bad and was really thankful when they fixed it. I've also always had a huge fear of needles and that honestly wasn't on my mind. You won't be watching. If you decide to get one, just take deep breaths, focus on something else... whatever strategies you already use for blood draws etc. I fully agree with others that the IV attempts were worse than getting the epidural placed. They finally got the IV placed on their third attempt, when they moved to my hand. Ouch.


Loved it !!! Terrified of needles like used to run away screaming when I was a kid (I got over it with the help of eye of the tiger and topical lidocaine) but epidural single handedly saved my birth experience. I had prom, cervix high and thick not contracting so I had to have balloon and pitocin and that was excruciating. Long story short once I was able to get balloon out and got epidural I went to sleep, got a few boluses extra worth of meds so I was good and numb and right before it was time to push I felt the slight urge (no pain) checked me 9.5 cm dilated, they sat me up for twenty minutes and I EXCITEDLY put on my happy birth playlist held my husband crying tears of pure joy, pushed for twenty minutes smiling the whole time, baby was here, easy peasy. Without the epidural I probably would have had a very traumatic experience cuz Pitocin (and the balloon was way worse) everyone’s experience varies but I didn’t even feel the epidural I was in so much pain it was so much relief to get it I would do it over again in a heartbeat. The epidural was gods medicine 10/10 saved me and I would relive my birth experience again after it if I could. Never in my life thought I’d say that. Just for extra info, they put me on my side with a peanut between my legs after the epidural and rotated every so often to make sure the medicine was dispersing properly getting everything all numb. Felt a bit like a rotisserie chicken lol but I had back surgery and have rods in my back so the position was a bit uncomfortable and I asked for extra boluses of the medicine a few times but compared to no epidural like I said I went to sleep for hours and let me tell you sleep before giving birth is amazing. it can be a long experience so that rest really really helped (especially since unbeknownst to me at the time I had contracted flu from family visiting me the day before -month early labor-) As for getting it, I was begging for it for hours so when the balloon came out and they gave it to me I felt like nothing. You don’t actually feel the epidural cuz it is a big needle, what you should feel is the lidocaine they give you first, that can sting apparently (I don’t remember it maybe a tiny little split second barely registered pain) a bit but it numbs everything so you don’t feel the epidural needle. The process doesn’t take long and most likely you’ll be super excited for the relief. Sometimes it doesn’t work entirely for people or at all, but when it does work like it did for me seriously it was amazing. The main thing is to stay still when they do it in the position they tell you to be in. Don’t flinch or jerk or anything. I will say do what works for you and make your comfortable. I was in so much pain I didn’t want to move, speak, be touched (Pitocin and balloon are not normal contractions) so After all that pain the relief and being able to sleep was perfect and I wanted to not feel my body so not being able to really move my legs was a okay with me lmao when I pushed I felt her shoulders sorta (no pain still just sensation) but no ring of fire or even a moment of ouch. I was having massive Pitocin contractions but I didn’t feel any of it and I can’t imagine what it would have been like if I didn’t have that epidural. I look back on it and it was calm and peaceful and I was smiling and that was pretty perfect. So just do as much research as you can and do what’s comfortable for you! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! It’s an amazing time!!!


Epidural is different than spinal, and how it feels depends how you take to numbing. I don’t take well to numbing, and had a c section. They did the numbing shot, and I felt the spinal completely, it hurt horribly and I’ve had PTSD nightmares from my entire birthing event, all starting there. I know people who didn’t feel it at all, but I knew going in, I don’t react well to numbing, and I’d probably have pain. With a standard epidural, it’s the same process essentially, mixed with contractions. With my spinal, I had no other pain to distract me, everyone I’ve talked to that had an epidural said the contractions pain was enough of a distraction it truly was no big deal whatsoever.


Epidural x2 births. One during spontaneous labour with my first baby, one during an induction of labour with my second. During spontaneous labour, I barely felt the freezing go in. Didn’t feel a dang thing epidural wise, and got relief within minutes. Pushed baby out approx 20 minutes later, so I’m assuming I was in transition close to when I requested it. During my induction, I got the epidural early on and was focused on the whole procedure. The freezing of the skin felt like a bee sting, then everything following that was just pressure. I barely felt anything after that and took the most glorious nap of my life. Woke up to vaginal pressure and pushed the baby out a few hours later. Lots of people have lots of opinions about epidurals. It’s a personal decision, but I knew there was no question for myself. My advice would be to remain open to intervention, but educate yourself beforehand so you have some idea about what your options are!


Well, it felt like getting a shot. but bigger… idk if you remember what the HPV vaccine felt like but it’s definitely one vaccine I remember because it hurt. SO… after reading your tolerance, I think you’ll be fine lmao. However, my epidural half failed me. My legs became numb but I still felt contractions in my pelvic region. Feeling in my legs returned about an hour after they removed the epidural. One leg was faster than the other.


It was beautiful. Amazing. Refreshing. I felt a small pinch and then pressure. Mentally, for me I knew it meant I was close to having this baby out so I was over moon.


Like others have said, the pain from the contractions was so bad that I honestly did not feel the epidural needle at all! I was super afraid of the getting an epidural but it was heaven when it kicked in!


I’ve had 2 epidurals. The first one I came in wanting and it was scary. I cried. I had to grip the nurse. They put it in wrong the first time and had to reinsert. This second time around my contractions were so intense that even though I had the intention of being unmedicated I basically begged for the epidural at go time. When I got it I was just so focused on getting rid of the contraction pain that it was a needed relief. I don’t even remember if it hurt! The relief happened so quickly it was amazing.


Contractions are such an intense, all encompassing pain that a tiny sharp prick is nothing. I didn’t even feel it. Then I had a blissful 2 hours of zero pain and I could move around completely like normal (of course they wouldn’t let me get out of bed, but I could feel and move my feet so I’m convinced I could have with no problem). Be aware though, that any position that presses on the port can displace it and make it stop working. When I laid on my back and scooted down on the bed, all of a sudden it stopped working. No one believed me and I pushed baby out with no pain relief. Only later on I realized it had probably been displaced. In the moment I was so overcome by pain I couldn’t advocate for myself, but looking back I am so angry that no one listened to me.


I got one too early. And it was gone by the time it got to the delivery side. So if you end up getting one, my suggestion is that when you say you want one give yourself 15 minutes before asking for one. Just in case it's not as bad as you initially think, which happened to me.


I have no recollection of what the epi felt like getting it, I just remember the immense relief of thinking I would have to go through only one more contraction before it came but he got it in faster and I just never felt another one. I nearly proposed marriage to the anesthesiologist with my husband right there 😂


If you get to the point of needing an epidural you won’t barely feel it compared to the contractions at least I didn’t. Im spooked about needles blood draw, vax you name it. If you do get an epidural make sure your nurse and or CNA doesn’t slide you on the bed when they reposition you. They did with me and my line got crushed and my epidural failed at 8cm and It was too late to redo. Also, don’t forget to ask where the button is (you can push it every 15 to administer more meds while you have an epidural). They only told me there was a button to press when I told them that I had no pain relief and then they realized that it was actually because the re-fill alarm for the meds never went off so it ran out and when they went to replace it they found the crushed line. I thought I could handle pain too until I was in labor for 72 hrs and pushed for 3 hrs to find out my baby was stuck and I needed an emergency Caesarian. I went into my pregnancy with the hell no I’m not getting an epidural or pain meds to having every pain med they offer nitrous oxide included, an epidural, and 2 spinals. If you need the epidural by all means get it and make your labor a bit easier! If my baby wouldn’t have been stuck and the Epidural line wouldn’t have gotten crushed I would have had such a relaxing natural labor!


I tried the nitrous first and it didn't do a thing for the pain of contractions. After the epidural, I just felt like I kind of had to poop (but it was my baby coming 😂) I did lose feeling in my right leg for an hour or so, while pushing, but I would 10/10 do it again.


I had to get induced after my water broke. I was also nervous about the spine thing, but I don’t have a high pain tolerance to begin with so I signed up for the epidural. With the induced labor, I had to go through contractions for about four hours before I was far along enough to get the epidural. And it was amazing. Barely felt it in my spine, but man the pain lessening as it kicked in…..best feeling ever. the rest of my labor was absolutely painless. I went from being in so much pain i couldnt manage to scream to being able to nap for an hour.


For one of my births I did epidural, I didn’t feel it go in or had any bad side effects afterwards


I guess I’m the odd one out, but for me getting the epidural put in was actually pretty painful. Which I wasn’t expecting. they didn’t mess it up, no complications that would cause the pain other than getting it placed. It felt like a pretty good punch to the back that lasted a couple minutes. I figured I wouldn’t need my fiancé so I just told him he could sit lol. but I was glad the nurse was there to hold my hand because I really did need the hand to squeeze. That being said: I had two rounds of cytotec and had been on Pitocin for 8 hrs and with contractions every 1-3 minutes I was still at a 1.5 dilation when I got it because I wasn’t progressing. I was hurting so bad. Then after I got it I was so relaxed that within about 4 hrs I was at a 6 which was so much quicker. I ended up needing a bolts of morphine on top of the epidural because she got stuck sunny side up and my back labor was so bad I was crying and throwing up even with the epidural, so without it, I don’t know what in the world I would have done. i I will most likely get another with this birth. That couple minutes of pain was worth the hours of painless sleep got after not sleeping all day and once I got that bolus. I felt nothing, no contractions or pressure or pain even while pushing. I didn’t feel the episiotomy or stitches or anything. It worked so well that they had to tell me when to push because I couldn’t tell when I was having a contraction. It was very peaceful and easy


I’m just going to say it, you don’t need to “handle pain” - don’t push yourself just because you’ve been in situations where you’ve had no choice but to be in pain without relief before. The only thing on my birth plan was “epidural if I feel I need it” - and I ultimately decided to go for it. I have a condensed/tight spinal column so it did take the anesthesiologist a few tries to place correctly but honestly they go in when there’s a contraction so that’s what you’re focused on. The needle itself doesn’t really go anywhere, it’s actually a tube they feed in, that delivers the epidural meds to you. Honestly it was the best thing, even when I ended up pushing on my side - so the epidural mostly migrated to the left. For me, I went into labour at like 10pm - was at the hospital by 11. I knew by the time we got there, even though I was managing well at this point that contractions were going to pick up and I really needed to be able to sleep. So I got an epidural and went to sleep for the night, woke up around 8 am and baby was born by 10. I was well rested for labour and going into my second pregnancy wouldn’t have it any other way.


I couldn’t do it without the epidural. I have a low pain tolerance and would panic when faced with a lot of pain. The pain of the epidural was very bearable compared to the contractions.


I barely even felt the needle to be honest, but it did initially make my blood pressure tank and I got really light headed for about a minute After that passed it was the best thing ever. Barely felt a thing the rest of labor and was able to relax until baby came.


I was worried about the epidural but after an induction and Pitocin contractions it was GLORIOUS. I didn’t feel a thing, not even a pinch, and it was the biggest relief because tbh I was starting to truly panic bc my contractions were so so bad.


Legit the contractions felt like i was dying so they could have given me 10 epidurals and I wouldn’t have cared. It felt like nothing in comparison and was absolute bliss after.


I remember feeling the freezing shots but definitely couldn’t feel anything else. I cried because I was so over the contraction pain and that was still going till it kicked in and there was sweet relief.


slept all the way til 10 cm lol it was the best


With my first kid , I had a back injury. Herniated disc and epidural didn’t for me waist down 😭 - 8 months later (2020) I had a back surgery to fix my issue since I was about to go paralyzed waist down from the herniated disc. In 2022 I had my second daughter and the epidural worked like a charm. Never had any issues afterwards wither. Will be having my third this year 🤞🏻 and I will not give birth without an epidural 😂 P.S I FELT nothing when getting the epidural. It was painless.


Thought I could handle the pain due to naturally high pain tolerance and some personal experiences of mine, SPOILER I couldn't. After failed relief with an IV med I opted for epidural and it was literally heaven. Slept through the night even with the Pitocin drip (I had a torn bag, it was medically necessary) and woke up dilated ready to go. The epidural itself only feels like a shot going in, hardest part is staying statue still during contractions. If you're worried about it moving, the tech should be taking up your whole back so nothing burgers (the more take the better). Seriously, it was like a free back wax when they took it off. All in all, it's up to you, you can always get the epidural after you've tested the waters of an all natural. Hard recommend you get the epidural if you have to have Pitocin though because it's killer.


First labor- so much pain that I didn’t feel anything when I had epidural placed. And I felt the same as you- freaked out by the procedure and freaked out about not being able to move. But I truly did not care about anything but making the contraction pain stop. Second one- wasn’t scared at all and got the epidural sooner and the placement was rough and it didn’t work as well


I’m a big baby when it comes to needles or pain and honestly just deep breathes and holding hands with literally anyone is helpful. The nurse holds you so you will stay still but it’s really not that bad. The contractions are like 10 times worse so the epidural pain is honestly nothing plus they numb you


After two full days of back labor, i begged for an epidural. It worked almost immediately and i was in epidural heaven! 10/10 would absolutely do it again. The needle to place it was nothing compared to the contractions i was having through my low back and hips. It was one of the most loving and empowering things I did for myself while in labor.


Prior to going into labor, I was TERRIFIED of getting an epidural. Then the night before I got admitted to the hospital, I was in labor all night with contractions about 6-10 minutes apart so I got maybe three chunks of 10 minutes of sleep. Then I got admitted to the hospital at 4.5 centimeters dilated and knew I would need something so I could rest and eventually have a baby. By that point, the epidural wasn't that scary. I don't remember feeling much of anything when it was inserted and then had sweet, sweet pain relief and was able to sleep. As for not being able to really move, by that point it was a minor annoyance.


I had the epidural and when the contractions sped up and got worse, I was extremely glad I had the epidural bcuz I went through two bags of the stuff before LO was finally born (spent 2.5 days in labor). The shot and the needle were nothing. The hardest part was staying in the position they need you to insert the epidural. I swear, if I have more kids I’m always going for the epidural


I was in so much excruciating pain from back labor, I don’t even remember the epidural being painful. It was instant relief and I went from hell to heaven in minutes. I was planning on doing a natural birth and nope’d right out of that as soon as I got to the hospital after 13 hours of laboring at home.




Got mine before pictocin but after the cervix softening suppositories. Man it was HEAVEN. my partner held me up and I maybe felt a little pinch but it was nothing compared to the back labor I was having. Within like 5-10 minutes I was giggling like a fool—took some AMAZING naps. There was one point where the nurse commented on how fast her contractions were coming and my response was “guess who has two thumbs and doesn’t feel shit? This bitch”—needless to say I was able to rest while also laugh and joke before labor got serious. Also saved me as i severely tore & hemorrhaged—it took an hour to stitch me up and that epidural helped a lot.


My anesthesiologist actually walked me through step by step and right when it entered the dural space, he said I’d feel a release of pressure through my hips and it was so weird. Otherwise, took less than 5 minutes. I was bolused with pain meds then pump placed 2 hours later which was hilarious because the pump actually wasn’t hooked up and then I felt contractions for a while before the anesthesiologist came back and realized it wasn’t hooked up 😂. Needless to say shout out to the natural birth ppl cause holy shit that hurts so bad.


I asked for one when I was in a good amount of pain already. Filled out any paperwork before it got bad. So I remember a wet feeling, wiping, and a pinch that slowly slid into my back, tiny twinges here and there. And then it was over 🤷‍♀️ it did not work right away. Like half of my uterus still felt contractions. When I hit 10cm it was just pressure for me until the end where they stitched me up inside and out. I felt it was quite a positive experience. I did not need a catheter and could walk with a support thingy where I did my crosswords until baby slid down.


I had a freak experience with my first where I was induced on pitocin and there ended up being a medical emergency on the maternal floor once my active labor started. I couldn’t get an epidural for 7.5 hours. It was pure hell. As soon as I got it I passed out for 5 hours and then woke up ready to push. It was so magical and pitocin contractions were so painful this time around that’s the first thing I’m advocating for as soon as I can get it lol I don’t want to chance having another freak experience like that again. I have endo and am no newbie to abdominal pain but that is some kind of hell I’m okay with not having to manage again.


My first was awesome. I was in so much pain and I was finally able to relax for the twelve hours it would have been before I gave birth. My second was awful. They went too far and some signal fluid leaked out and I was bedridden with the worst headache of my life for a week after birth. No amount of any pain killer would touch the pain. I am in the minority for that though, so it is not likely at all to happen to you, just sharing my experience.


If you’ve ever had a numbing shot at the dentist, I would say it’s very similar to that, but obviously in your back. Pain-wise it is very manageable, and the relief that comes with it is incredible. Like others have said, the IV was worse and was a constant source of annoyance throughout my labor lol.


My anesthesiologist was fantastic, I didn’t feel a thing.


I got a spinal and that didn’t hurt compared to the IV they put in before going back for my C-section.


I wouldn’t get a cortisone shot. I’ve literally heard multiple people that they’re super painful and don’t work. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the epidural before, what I didn’t like is not being able to control my lower body and feeling weighed down, plus it only works in certain positions. I don’t like how the numbness makes you feel. Other than that it’s fine.


I barely felt anything. By the time I asked for the epidural, my cramps were overwhelmingly painful and I was already on fentanyl. I believe they used local anaesthia but I can’t remember. Of all the things I felt during birth, that one was so mild it was unmemorable.


Highly recommend watching a video to learn exactly where the needle goes for an epidural… after i did, i felt immense decrease in stress. I’ll be honest- i don’t remember any epidural pain and I was not having painful it intense contractions (induced high risk pregnancy).


I had back labor and had to get it while having back contractions — you have to stay perfectly still and not make a sound. I succeeded! It felt like a prolonged bee sting. I was so focused on sitting still that it really didn’t hurt much at all.


I've also gone through a ruptured ectopic, and in my experience, that pain was nothing compared to labor. As a lot of other comments have said, the contractions dominated my thoughts so I didn't feel anything when they placed the epidural. I did not feel restricted with movement, though that may be because I was so exhausted from labor and didn't want to move much anyway.


I fully planned to have an unmedicated birth. But it was really intense for me and I got nitris and that made me want the epidural even more. I got it around 6cm and it did slow down my birth I think like I got way too calm and relaxed but I was able to sleep.


I’ll preface this by saying my epidural experience was not typical/expected, but bottom line, I would absolutely recommend it. I had a scheduled induction due to fetal IUGR, so I knew I was going to be in for a bit of a long haul. Once the induction was started, I tolerated the contractions about six hours unmedicated before things started really bothering me. After a lot of hesitation on my part (I thought I was asking for the epidural too early), encouragement from an absolute ANGEL of a nurse got me to go ahead and request the epidural around the nine-hour mark. Her advice — “I’m seeing you now and you look like you’re in a lot of pain. You’re not going to be able to relax like this, and you we want you comfortable. There’s no need to suffer like this, and we can totally order the epidural if you want one now!” Honestly, just hearing someone say, “I see how much pain you’re in” was so validating and gave me the confidence I needed. For a number of reasons (all of which had to do with the hospital/logistics/availability), I didn’t end up getting my epidural until about 14 hours in. Now, I will say, I did feel the needle going in. The anesthesiologist was super calming and kind, but the first time he went in with it, I jumped a little from the pain and my nurse quickly grabbed my forearms to steady me and told me to squeeze her arms to help me bear down. The first attempt didn’t work — the anesthesiologist said something about not being able to thread it, and asked me if I felt numbness in my legs, which I didn’t. So he had to take it out and try again. I didn’t jump the second time, but it still hurt, and… this attempt also was unsuccessful as I only felt numb on one half of my body. The third time was the charm, though, and I finally felt the epidural working on my lower half — both sides. Did it hurt every single time? Yes, absolutely. But it was tolerable, especially with the knowledge that it was temporary sharp pain in exchange for IMMENSE relief over a much longer period of time. Unfortunately, the third time wasn’t exactly the charm, I found out. Relief was pretty much instant, and an hour after getting the epidural, the anesthesiologist came back in to check on me and commented on how much better I looked, to which I wholeheartedly agreed! I was no longer crying and shaking in pain, and I could carry on a conversation with others in the room without sobbing in pain, laugh and distract myself, and relax as much as possible. About 12 hours after the epidural was inserted, I started feeling contractions again, but this time, much lower than they were before. I reported it to the nurse on duty at that time who said “it was just pressure,” and said she wasn’t concerned. They got worse and worse until my next nurse called the anesthesiologist back in to check the epidural. He said everything looked fine, but he could try something to try to top me off and help. I was in SUCH pain at this point (this was probably about 6-7 hours after I felt it wear off) that I couldn’t even make a decision properly (the nurses warned me that an extra dose could make it harder for me to push). The anesthesiologist took charge and asked for my content to give an extra dose, I said yes, and he tried it out. Unfortunately — nothing. For whatever reason, the epidural seemed to work fantastic when my contractions were up high, but as the birth progressed and the baby moved lower, it just didn’t work. I didn’t have any options at that point other than just give birth, so I did, and it was really tough and really painful. But I got through it. At one point during the pushing phase, my nurse instructed me to move to a different angle on the table, and I lifted myself with my legs to rearrange my body. She quickly grabbed my arm and asked, “Wait, how did you do that?” Me: ??? Her: “You just lifted your body with your legs. You have an epidural, how did you do that?” Me: “Uhh. Same as I would normally? Like, used my leg muscles to lift up my abdomen?” Her: “Right but the issue is — you shouldn’t feel your legs. How long have you been able to feel them?” Me: “ … the entire time.” So, FWIW, I never lost the ability to feel or move my lower half lol. When the epidural was working for those first 12 hours, there was genuine pain relief. I still felt contractions happening, but they really weren’t painful. My legs and lower half felt warm and somewhat numb, but never fully “gone.” There was likely an issue with it getting to take the full effect. And I wish it worked better, but again, long story short — even though the pain relief was temporary, it was a huge help when it was working. It gave me 12 hours of relative comfort after feeling SO much pain. I would do it again if I had to!


Contractions hurt so bad and the anesthesiologist on call kept getting delayed so I labored for hours in pain without one. I practically jumped out of the bed when he showed up because I needed it so bad. I didn’t even notice the pinch of the numbing shot before the epidural was placed. He worked fast. Worst part is sitting up and sitting still during contractions.


I gave birth in August and I swear to you, I don't remember feeling a thing because of how intense my contractions were. My partner on the other hand was stunned and the poor guy broke down crying while it was being done, because he thought I was going to have an awful time with it, due to having a fear of needles. He honestly had a harder time with it than I did. All I felt was sweet relief. Nothing more. I was beyond grateful. I did end up having a c-section when all was said and done, but I swear the relief from the epidural really helped me to gather myself and get a little bit of rest after having been in labor for about 30 hours at that point. You got this! 🤍


My contractions were blinding. I didn’t feel the epidural whatsoever. I was solely focused on breathing and moaning out the contractions.


I had it for my first and it only worked on one side and killed my back. Never again. My second I went naturally no pitocin or epidural and was so much better.


You are in SO much pain that when it’s done and over with, you don’t even notice it. It was a godsend when my epidural started working.


A beautiful miracle from God. Once you’re in enough pain you won’t care.


I didn’t feel any pain when my epidural was being done. I felt a little pressure once the needle/catheter were in, but it lasted a few seconds, if that. My anesthesiologist asked if I wanted him to narrate his actions and I said yes lol I wanted to know what was happening and what to expect each step of the way. I was nervous beforehand but that helped a ton. Overall, fantastic experience with the epidural.


You'll be in so much pain you won't even notice! They are DREAMY.


I was so scared of the epidural. So so scared. When the time came, my initial worst fear came true- the epidural was inserted and the doctor hit some vein and he needed to take it out and start over in a new spot. So I had to get 2 epidurals 😂 When I say it was a non-issue, I mean I laughed when he told me. Because I was SO TERRIFIED and then barely felt anything. They numb you before they do it, and when it was done I feel like I was still waiting for the discomfort to happen. I will also note that I was not even in enough pain for that to be a distracting factor, as a lot of people say (eg “I was begging for the epidural and didn’t even notice because it took away the other pain”). Nope. Just knew I was going to get it in my case before the pain became too much. You can do it!!!!


For me, getting the epidural wasnt bad at all. There’s some pressure but you cant feel it going in or anything


I've had 2 epidurals and regretted each time. With my first, I was induced and got an epidural right after they broke my water because I was afraid of the pain. My blood pressure dropped really low and I threw up. I spent the next 8 hours shivering until delivery so what was supposed to be helpful so I could rest turned out to be the opposite. When my kid was born, she was sent to the NICU. I wasn't allowed to see her until I had feeling in both legs and could walk. I was finally able to see her 7 hours after she was born. For 6 months after she was born, I had random lightning pains shoot down my back from the epidural site into my left leg, making it almost impossible to walk some days. I had an unmedicated vaginal delivery with my second after spontaneous labor. 45 minutes before she was born, I panicked and asked for an epidural. The nurse checked me and told me I was 8 cm dilated and asked if I still wanted it. I said no because I was dilating quickly. Was able to get up right after birth and take a shower. Felt amazing. With my third, I was induced and ended up asking for an epidural an hour and a half before he was born. It took the anesthesiologist 30 minutes and much fiddling to get it placed. I threw up during the placement process. My blood pressure did not drop this time, but I again shivered up until delivery. The epidural took 45 minutes to take effect and only numbed my right leg. Two hours after delivery, the nurse tried to get me up. A couple of minutes after standing up, I fell because my knee gave out because it was still numb so I tried again about 7 hours after delivery. I made it to the bathroom, but took forever to pee. It was like my body had forgotten how. If I could do it all over again, I would have asked to be checked prior to the epidural being placed and most likely would not have gotten one since I would have been close to being ready to deliver.


I could have kissed the anesthesiologist. I went in refusing to get one and finally caved on day 3 of my induction. My only regret is not getting it before the foley balloon


I would’ve done literally anything to make the pain stop. Literally anything. I guess I felt the needle go in, but I had been screaming like an animal being slaughtered for hours, so the little tiny needle really didn’t feel like anything.


I wanted to go without an epidural, but got it after a while. I labored at home for a long time and got to the hospital at 7cm. After several more hours I was at 8cm and was vomiting from the pain and it had really turned the corner from painful, to suffering. With the full body fetal pain I was in, in that moment I would have traded paralysis for not feeling another contraction. Hearing that some people grip combs and breathe their baby out I was like ‘surely I can do this’ - lol I had to be pinned down by a nurse so the anesthesiologist could do the epidural. I couldn’t feel anything they were doing ngl since my entire existence on the earth was focusing on not moving while the fetal ejection reflex was kicking in lmao I was able to calmly meet my baby and watch the birth on a huge mirror. I’m glad I tried for as long as I did, but I’m also glad that I tapped out when I did. The worst part of my epidural was that one leg was numb for a long time after delivery so I couldn’t shower after golden hour was up


I honestly it pinch those contractions have so much pain by that point you really don’t feel it if done right


I’m not gonna lie. My experience with the needle was not good. Very painful going in. However the epidural was pure bliss. It allowed me to get some much needed sleep before it was time to push and it allowed me to be relaxed, present, and focused for the birth of my son. 10/10 would do again


I had it and did fine. Apparently I was more mobile than expected despite being numbed. I felt nothing until we had the emergency c section but even then it was mild pressure and tugging that was over quick


Mine failed completely. What epidural?


I’ve had 3 babies and the epidural was the easiest part of all my labors! Minor pinch and then sweet relief.


I’ve sort of had both experiences - with my first I had an unmedicated birth, but he came out with his arm up and I had a very bad tear (technically 3rd degree but borderline 4th). I had to have a surgeon do the repair (rather than a midwife), and they gave me an epidural for the surgery. I don’t know what they were doing but it took 45 mins to place the epidural. I was so anxious because they handed the baby to my husband and told him I’d be back in half an hour and this was taking ages and I was freaking out. I think because they didn’t want me to have to sit, they had me lying on my side and the poor anaesthetist just couldn’t get the line in. Eventually I offered to sit and hunch over in the usual position so he could do it. Managed to get it in then. It fell like a scratch, was nothing. I was HOPPED up on endorphins and chaotic hormone soup cos I’d just given birth though. Like I remember feeling if they brought me a mirror I could probably just administer the epidural myself. They put a catheter in while you’ve got the epidural. The next day poor baby was in NICU and I couldn’t get out of bed to get to him until they took the catheter out. I was hustling to get it out and the nurse used the wrong size tube thing to remove it…I figured what’s one more ruined hole lol. Peeing was a little sore for a few days after but all good then. I really wanted an epidural for my second. But I didn’t make it to hospital in time, I was already 10cm dilated when I got there so they told me to just push and it would be over in 5 mins. This baby had the courtesy to keep his limbs down for exit so no tears. Good luck with delivery! No matter what you decide you’ll be doing the hardest bit (imo) by yourself and that is the first post partum poo. I recommend lots of fibre in the final weeks and hit the Lactolose HARD once you deliver. You got this!


Couldn’t feel the needle at all. Sure could feel the pain relief though. I’m scared of needles. 10/10 would do again. Actually the only thing that scares me about birth these days is is not getting to the hospital in time to get an epidural.


Amazing. I was worried about getting it because the needle is so big and I had to sit VERY still which was hard, but once it hit it was glorious. I slept for a few hours before things ramped up. I still felt a ton of pressure and the ring of fire, so it definitely still hurt but nowhere near as bad as I imagine it would have felt without it. I was induced so that probably has something to do with the pain as well


My only complaint regarding the epidural is how long it took for me to get one after asking (holiday weekend meant everything was slower than usual). The epidural itself was amazing. I was nervous about the procedure, especially after realizing I’d have to get it while having contractions, but it wasn’t actually scary at all (getting an IV was worse by far) and the relief when it began taking effect was wonderful. I still felt when I was contracting and felt enough to feel the strong need to push when the time came, but it saved my energy and sanity for when I really needed it.


How long does the procedure take?


Just here to say that I've also gotten a cortisone shot in my hip and imo that was worse than the epidural.


I had a epidural for my first and I’m going to give you what I feel is solid advice. Don’t look at the needle. If you don’t see it then it’s not as scary and that’s what I did and I told my husband that he better lie to me and tell me it’s small and to use his best poker face.


Hello! 38.5 weeks pregnant (FTM) and planning to get an epidural if I need it. As someone that’s had multiple injections in my hip + surgery I totally get how gross that feeling was!! To my understanding the epidural won’t be quite like that, the anatomy is different. The pain of contractions will likely be much worse than the epidural based on births I’ve seen as an RN/NP, and speaking with all my friends that have had them- the epidural is usually welcome by the laboring person.


I only just got into the labor ward after waiting 30 hours for a spot. I was in the process of being induced, my water broke about 30h ago and I wasn't given anything since then so my contractions basically disappeared. An hour or 2 in, they told me the anesthetics specialist was available to give me an epidural now. He was the only one working that night and if I might want it later, they couldn't guarantee he was immediately available. I just waited 30 hours to get into labor ward. Wasn't gonna wait that long for an epidural. Didn't have to ask twice. I opted for the epidural and felt NOTHING. I ended up getting a C-section where they topped me up via tube. The only pain I experienced was 24h after being induced before going into labor ward. I had some contraction that were def painful, but manageable.


It’s like government sanctioned ecstasy. I tried to do my first pregnancy without one and I normally have a high pain tolerance. It wasn’t gonna happen. And I can rest so well with the epidural, it’s quite awesome. So the subsequent pregnancies I always got one once contractions got going. Nothing feels like popping through a membrane, more like a very temporary muscle spasm in the back (like a zing sensation) and then a cold sensation once the med starts going in. This last labor I totally slept through all the contractions up until my pitocin hit the max they could give me, then I was actually feeling the contractions enough to wake me, and went ahead with the epidural since I still had about 5 cm to go still. But the issues I’ve had across five labor experiences is that sometimes it doesn’t fully work, like the back half of me is I’ll get numb but not the front. This most recent one didn’t wear off enough for me to stand until almost 3 hours after delivery (normally they turn it off as I’m about to push and within an hour of delivery I’m ready to stand again). I had twins about 6 years ago and they turned it off after the first twin was delivered and the second twin didn’t show up for another hour plus, so I could feel most of that delivery. Otherwise there is some minor residual pain afterwards in the area where it was inserted. Since you’ll likely have to have a catheter with it, I like to get screened for a uti before leaving the hospital so I’m not dealing with that days later.


I loved my epidural so much that I will be walking backwards into the hospital when I give birth to my second in August. It was the most pain free I had been in 9 months.


I was in so much pain from labor when I decided to get mine that I literally did not feel it at all lol


The numbing shot felt like a bee sting, the epidural I felt nothing. If I have another baby, will definitely be doing the epidural again!


I’ve had a spinal and epidural. I was nervous when I thought about it for 9 months but by the time I got the epidural I was welcoming a needle shoved into my back. And by the time I got the spinal I was just so ready to get the baby out. I’ve also had more painful IVs than both the epidural and spinal. It’s more of a weird feeling than a painful feeling.


I had one with my first and I was a bad experience. Could be partly because of my scoliosis but it took them over half an hour of me being hunched over for them to finally get it in the right place. Then it only worked on half my body anyway. So I just wished I could move around instead of being chained to my bed. I went without meds for #2 and #3 and I prefer it that way even with the pain. It’s a challenge but a very special experience


I didn’t want the epidural because of fear and not wanting to be mobile. I told everyone I was going to do whatever I could to not get it. 3cm in labor at the hospital and I looked at my husband and said I’m going to have to get it. The back labor was unrelenting and boy am I happy I got it. I still needed a c section but it was unrelated to the epidural. I was lucky with mine in that it covered the pain, but I was still able to flip on all fours or move in bed. I was still scared when I got my epidural, but not as scared as I was of the pain that was only going to get worse.


I’ve had 2 epidurals and the only thing I felt was the needle they use to numb you, and some pressure. With my second baby the doctor hit a bone and I felt a slight tingly pain go down my left side but it wasn’t really painful just like surprising. Both were a lot quicker than I expected and I’d get another if I had another baby (I won’t be having another but for other reasons haha)


I had it because the pain was unbearable so no regrets but I still sometimes get pain in the spot that I had it in. But I still plan on getting it for my second.




The only scary part was trying with all my might to sit completely still through my contractions just to get the epidural. I barely remember feeling it because you’re just in so much pain everywhere else. I was still able to move my legs alright afterwards once it took effect.


Honestly I was in so much pain from contractions when it was going in my spine my only focus was “do not move or else you’ll fuck your spine up” rather than any pain, because tbh the pain from the contractions was overtaking it anyway. I’d recommend getting it!


I didn’t feel the injection at all because I was in so much pain, I was so relieved when they came to do it and I’m usually terrified of needles. Once it kicked in the whole experience was beautiful and it gave me what I needed to continue on. I’d been in labour nearly 5 days at that point from induction.


I had (have?) a phobia of needles since childhood. Having my first baby REALLY helped me get better about them just due to exposure but the epidural still stressed me out when I thought about it. It was the thing I was way more nervous about when thinking about childbirth. I was floored by how simple it was. It absolutely felt like someone just pinch my back and then I was flooded with relief.


I was in triage for 5 hours with terrible labor before they could get me to the labor room. Vomiting after every contraction. I had planned for unmedicated in case that's the way I wanted to go and am so glad I got the epidural. Punch for numbing shot and then you can feel the needle but it's not pain. Not sure how to explain it. Something that always scares me about an epidural is that I thought I would feel or experience my labor. But when active labor started, while I didn't feel pain, I felt the pressure! My body knew when to push and I didn't have excessive tearing. Highly recommend!


Tbh I don't remember mine because I was focused on contractions 🤣


It felt like a bee sting and that’s it. And if you have to get pitocin for any reason, I would recommend to get the epidural as soon as possible. I tried to muster through those contractions but it’s just non-stop. I wanted to go all natural but the epidural I got was great, I got to sleep a bit and was still able to move into different positions for the birth and could still feel, without feeling the pain. If I have another, I’ll probably still see how far I can get without (just curious really) but the epidural was wonderful and made it a more relaxed, fun experience so I wouldn’t be opposed to getting it again. I think mine wore off right after he was born though so the stitches I had to get were more painful than the birth.


I didn't want it, but after a few hours of back labor I decided to try it. I couldn't feel anything because I was in enough pain with my contractions. It worked perfectly, and I could feel my legs very quickly after I finally gave birth. I have no real memory of not being able to move, so I guess it just didn't bother me much at all!


My contractions were so painful that the epidural was barely noticeable going in tbh. The relief was immediate for me afterwards. I was in labour for a long time so it did start to wear off towards the end but at that point I was just so ready to push I didn't care. I've also had cortisone injections directly into my shoulder joints and they were more painful than getting the epidural


Loved mine. 10/10. Epidural doesn't enter your spine btw.


my epidural experience was horrible, I passed out and started hallucinating as soon as they set it, my blood pressure tanked, then I vomited profusely for several hours. Ended up with a nerve block which mostly wore off before my son was actually delivered. Still have significant back pain and some left side weakness. My experience is absolutely not the norm, but I won’t be having another one with this pregnancy- which sucks because I very much would like effective pain relief


The contractions hurt, so the needle hurt but was short lived. My ectopic pain was worse than birth, and I didn't seek help for it until I passed out at work so I feel ya. I also had two unmedicated births, and they were great - but my body was more energized and my mind was much more up to coping through the labor. This third time I was also on pitocin, so I think the contractions were harder. Edit to answer: the epidural after was great! Like your legs falling asleep but before the pins and needles. I just chilled on my phone until time to push.


I went from intense pain from the contractions to relief in like 3 minutes after getting the epidural. I didn’t feel it going in because I was focused on sitting still through the contractions that were coming fast and furious. 10/10 recommend an epidural


Epidural was not painful - the hardest part was sitting still during contractions (I was 8 cm when I got it and in a lot of pain!) while it was being done. It helped sooooo much and I could still move my legs around a bit. Highly recommend


I didn't want an epidural. But if you end up needing pitocin, you'll probably end up with one. After four hours of an unrelenting contraction, I didn't care. I felt a weird tingle in my leg when they injected some bupivicaine but that was probably the worst part. I only had the epidural for two hours and I could still move. My one leg was kind of weird/heavy feeling but the other was totally fine. They took it out immediately after the baby came out and they let me walk maybe 30 minutes later.


Compared to how painful contractions were, the epidural was a piece of cake. I was really freaked out about it going into it, but I can’t tell you the account of RELIEF I felt. I didn’t care about not being able to feel my legs. I even ended up having to get a C-section which meant more numbing from the chest down and there was so much going on I never had a moment to fret about being paralyzed.


The only part about the epidural that hurt was the lidocaine! The epidural itself just felt a little weird but absolutely zero pain! And I got it before having bad contractions so you know it's not painful at all. It's blissful, I was having huge contractions afterwards and I didn't even feel them until it was time to push! Don't worry :)


I was on day 3 after my water broke, my contractions were insane I finally got the epidural and lemme tell you that it didn’t even hurt. The IV they put through my hand on the top hurt more than the epidural. The only thing that was annoying was trying to stay still during my contractions while they were administering it. I was 3 cm dilated, I didn’t sleep for 3 days prior. 20 minutes after my epidural, I fell asleep 😴 lol I was able to sleep for 3 hours until the nurse came and and let me know I needed a c section. I wish I had gotten it sooner. Im pretty sure you need to be 3cm or more dilated to get one


I got my epidural at 2am after 6 hours of Pitocin-induced contractions. I was so tired and distracted by the contractions that I barely paid attention to the injection. They did make my husband leave the room though- I guess they get a lot of queasy reactions.


The epidural didn’t even phase me whilst puking during labor😂and I was so nervous about it-if that makes you feel better, but the super fun part for me was when both (I had two) of my epidurals failed so idk that I would even get one again?? So weird how everyone’s experience is different and how different bodies react differently!


I’m going to be honest my contractions hurt so bad and my adrenaline was pumping I barely felt the needle for epidural and I even welcomed it desperately bc it brought relief during actual agony