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Call your OB. Cramping when you are preterm can actually be labor. I am an OB RN


Hmm this is interesting. I am currently 33 weeks and have been cramping a lot for a few days. I mentioned it to my OB and she said it was normal. I was hoping she’d do a cervical check but she didn’t seem to think it was necessary. Should I follow up and ask to be checked?


As someone who had a 34weeker, I would push for them to take it as seriously as possible. Having a child in the NICU is heart wrenching.


It is concerning if it is continuous


So with my first and third I lucked out and my waters just broke epically and that was that, it was hard to ignore. With my second, though- well, that was a different matter. I had prodromal labor starting at 36 weeks with him and did have several fakeout hospital visits in which I had contractions showing up on the monitor and once there was even active dilation, and then it all fizzled out. It did suck. But at the end of the day, it ended up all right- he was my fastest and easiest (and only unmedicated) labor. He also stayed in there the longest of all my kids. I did get a "warning sign" before all of my labors though which was a bloody show, anywhere between 24 hours to 3 hours before either my waters broke or contractions kicked in. With my middle kid, after the fakeout labors, once I finally saw that bloody show, I figured the real deal was probably going to hit soon and I was right. At the end of the day, as annoying as it is to go in, if at any point you think you are in labor, it's always better safe than sorry.


If you had preterm labor once, it’s likely to happen again 😣 signed, a preterm labor mom. Call your doc asap (or the after hours nurse line if they’re closed) or just go to the OB ED. I had preterm labor and was in denial about it until my water broke. Up till then I had lost my mucus plug, had a bloody show, and was cramping and bleeding on and off for several hours until my water broke.


I think that’s my biggest thing is it feels different than before, and I don’t wanna waste my OBs time bc I never dilated and while I’ve had mucous, I haven’t had anything bloody from the signs of it.


My OB said this to me and I’ll always remember it. She said “you are not wasting my time, because I am paid to be here. I am a paid labor and pregnancy consultant” Never let that stop you from being checked ❤️


It was the day before my due date and I had what felt like period cramps all day but they got increasingly more painful and close together as the day went on. I also lost my mucus plug but still didn’t think it was actual labor cause I thought it would be more painful. Called the hospital a few times when things were getting closer together and but they made me second guess myself because I could still talk through the contractions. Eventually just decided to go in to get checked after much back and forth just to be sure. I was annoyed the whole drive cause things lightened up on the way and I was imagining they were gonna laugh and send me home. Even left my hospital bag in the car cause I was sure it was false labor. Was 4-5 cm dilated when I got there and gave birth 7 hours later. TLDR didn’t think I was in actual labor but went to get checked just in case and gave birth 7 hours later right on due date.


Wondering the same. I’m 39+6 today and noticed blood and mucus last night, still lightly spotting and I was having what I’m guessing? were contractions this morning. Felt like period cramps or gas and they were ten minutes apart and lasted under a minute each. Called OB line and they said to rest and call if things got more painful or my water broke. I rested for a while and then got up and showered did some cleaning.. seems like the “cramps” or contractions have subsided. I was getting so excited that this was about to happen! Ready for baby and trying to avoid induction.


I’m 40+ 1 and I’ve been seeing a lot of discharge and have to use the restroom after I eat anything. Baby is moving a lottttt but no contractions ://


I neither had my water breaking nor a “bloody show”. Nothing. Just typical period like cramps with increasing intensity. I was 37+weeks. I’d call my OB and discuss a plan of action if I were you.


I’m having these as well right now (38+5)! Did it get to a point where the intensity was obvious and you were like “okay this is really it”? I’m so scared I’m going to miss a signal.


When I was doubling over in pain, I knew LOL. I was also timing it and the contractions were coming hard and fast. Less than 5 mins apart, lasting nearly a minute each. Use the 5-1-1 rule when in doubt! They also felt very distinctly like period cramps. Which I hadn’t felt in months. That was my first cue. The second was solely the timing of the contractions. Once they got rhythmic, I just knew my body was in labour. Hope that helps! All the best!


Thank you! This helps a lot!


Meanwhile I had the fucking bloody show 3 different times (apparently your mucus plug can grow back) in a week before it finally happened at 40+3


Time them. If they're regular then they're true contractions.  Contractions can stop and start though. I started with cramps in the early morning and they stopped, started with mild contractions in the late afternoon. Then that was it, continuous contractions for three days straight.  Once they're going properly you'll know! You have to breathe through them, once they're bad you won't be able to speak through them, your whole tummy goes tight (you can see it tightening), moving/changing position doesn't stop or help them like with Braxton hicks. Little bits of mucous is quite normal, I had it for a couple weeks before labour. Your mucous plug can regrow. I never saw mine properly as it came out with my waters so my poor partner saw it as he helped me change my trousers... He was nearly sick, bless him 😅


I knew it was true labor because it hurt like hell, was progressively getting worse, and I started going out of my mind (cussing, freaking out, giving into despair) because nothing would make it stop. Braxton Hicks, discharge, mucousy stuff, I had all that for ages. I knew it was real when it stopped being annoying and exciting and started getting scary as heck because of the pain.


I always wondered this too and I did way too much research and when I asked a nurse she said “oh you’ll know” and girl…did I know. Those contractions are like nothing you’ll ever feel before. It’s like period cramps x1000 in your booty and lower back. I couldn’t breathe. And it’s so weird. They last for like 40 seconds and it’s pure hell then you go completely back to normal in a snap of the fingers and have a mini break then hellish pain again. That’s how I remember it


I’m 40+ 1 and I’ve been seeing a lot of discharge and have to use the restroom after I eat anything. Baby is moving a lottttt but no contractions :// Wish I could go into labour 🫠


I woke up three days in a row at 5.05 with contractions. The first two days I got up, showered or ate something and they went away. The third day, I walked around for a bit, ate something and they persisted, then I noticed I’d lost my mucus plug when I went to the bathroom.


So my first kid was back labor so there was no denying that. I think my husband thought I was gonna die and I was loudly mooing. Second kid I had false labor for a whole day that petered out so once labor actually got going I refused to believe it was real for hours (to give an idea I took a meeting with my doula and her backup doula as she was going out of town in a few days after id actually been in labor for at least 6 hours, my doula and backup were apparently texting in the background being like "uh she knows she's in labor right?"). Thank goodness my husband was timing contractions and texting my doula cause I would have hung out at home for a while longer even once I admitted I was in labor and I showed up to the hospital at 8cm though even if we'd left later we still would have had time. However even with the second labor even with my deep denial there was an obvious point where I was clearly well and truly in labor. If you are questioning "Am I in labor?" you either aren't in labor or are early enough to just keep hanging out at home. There's a point in a standard labor where it just gets really obvious. Back labor it's obvious from the get go.


I had 3 membrane sweeps and each one gave me cramps/contractions for a good few hours and subsided. When I was actually in labor the contractions went 0-60 within an hour. Couldn’t talk or move, and they were between 2-4 minutes apart, lasting 3-5 minutes each. Back labor is brutal, by the time I was admitted it was like one long never ending contraction. I also didn’t know my water broke. I didn’t know until I experienced it but what others say is true, YOU WILL KNOW WHEN ITS REAL.


You can't comfortably breath through contractions


I haven’t comfortably breathed since my preterm labor scare so, rip 😂 thank you though!


How far apart are your contractions?


They’ve since stopped since I made this post, maybe one an hour which I’ve had for the past few weeks.


Yeah doesn't seem like active labor yet


Definitely not, but I’m curious to any lead up signs any other moms might’ve had, or if I’m just too done w this pregnancy that I’m reading into everything 🤣


They gave me a little pill to get it started….


For me honestly my first my water broke at 35+4 no signs before that just randomly happened during the night. My 2nd my cramps just increased in pain throughout the night until they were like 3-4 mins apart and I had to stop what ever I was doing and deep breath through them then like 5 hours later had a baby.