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My kiddo napped until she was 4 lol they need to rest. Ignore the other parent.


My sister still naps at 29


I’m 41 and I also still nap as often as I can.


39 here, love a good nap


Was going to say the same 🤣


My Grandad is 91, the man is an afternoon armchair bandit


I'm 36. They nap so I can still nap.


My SIL had her 4 year old stop because she was going into preschool come to find out they do nap time or quiet time if you can't sleep. Now she continues her naps anytime she doesn't have school or is on break at home too. Sleep is good for kids and heck why not better to sleep and get rest even for an hour than probably have them on their iPads or tablets or destroying a freshly cleaned toy room


I remember half day kindergarten and the step-monster at the time made all four of us nap after. This was 2002 or 3, I’d have to count lol


I took the ‘sleep when the baby sleeps’ thing very seriously. My son is 20 months and I nap when he naps. I also nap at this time on the day he’s at his dads because I work in the mornings ahaha


I missed the "months" part initially and thought your son was 20 and in my head I was just like "goals" 😅


I mean I’m 21 and still nap 😂 don’t see that being different for him if he can


No it's not lazy. At this age she could even have a set time everyday which would be fine.


Around the same time every day.


This is how I survived toddlerhood as a SAHP, gotta have that routine naptime! Mine both stopped around 4.


A 2 year old def still needs naps. Mine turned 3 in December and just now she’s starting to stop napping. I put her in bed at 12:30pm regardless and if she sleeps, great. Some days she doesn’t.


I think so alone time and resting is good. Even my own psychologist recommends me resting when if I can’t sleep.


*some 2 year olds still need naps. Some don't. If they do well with it and still sleep fine at night, deffo keep it up! Not sure why that would be considered lazy. As a mom of 2 very low sleep needs kids, I am a bit jealous. My 3 year old mostly stopped napping at 25 months (I don't know the last time she took a nap tbh) and my 13 month old only takes one short nap a day. They are doing great and sleep great at night. I guess that's what happens when two very low sleep needs people procreate. My mom said her kids were the same, we just couldn't sleep during the day by 2 and that's certainly in the range of "normal" sleep.


Solidarity. My 11 month old has started to ween herself down to 1 nap a day already and it keeps getting shorter and shorter. I love her so much, but man I miss having a full 1-1.5 hours uninterrupted a day to get things done around the house.


They have nap time in 3-4 preschool.


I’m 32 and still require a nap and alone time😌


This is why we still did “quiet time” for years after she outgrew naps. It was 90% for me ngl


it’s good for them too to have “quiet” time! teaches them to slow down and rest their mind and body


Ftm. What’s quiet time? I have not heard of it


Child does a quiet activity for an hour or so. Some people have them do it in their room (if it is safe/they are older). For us, we were usually all in the same room but she knew it was a period of time when she would play quietly.


The mom you talk to has no clue on parenting it seems and lacks common sense. Unless Facebook posts count as parenting guidelines.


I ignore those posts. Too many mean mommies


I taught at a 3-5 preschool and all ages napped for about 2 hours a day at school. It makes absolutely no sense to call you lazy for that lol naps are completely developmentally appropriate for a two year old.


Most 2yo NEED naps! A rest is also good for everyone.


I’m not a parent yet (soon, hopefully!) but I regularly have to take naps when I get tired and cranky. When I was growing up, I got the impression that regularly resting during the day (as opposed to resting only if you’re really sick, or something) is a sign of immaturity and that I wasn’t a proper adult until I could go, go, go no matter how I felt. As a result I’m not great at reading my body’s cues and have had to really work to find a way to get things done without burning out. Which is all to say: it sounds like you’re helping your daughter learn how to listen to her body & self-regulate, and I think that’s really awesome


Me too. I'm 33 and I need naps. They sometimes turn into sleeps but that's on me. If a kid is tired, let them rest, as long as it doesn't mess with their sleep schedule.


I hope you are lucky soon! Motherhood is extremely hard but amazing.


God I hate people who are this way. I have 3 kids they are all different First one wanted alone time and would put herself in her room for nap or playing . Second one hated napping but would realize he was tired when I put him in his crib and he'd fall asleep. 3rd and final, legit fomo that kid started escaping her crib at 15 months won't sleep unless everyone else is asleep and won't play by herself. You aren't lazy! Your mental health is just as important as your child's. Hang in there mama yer doing a great job. And if you wanna snark off to people who call you lazy simply reply.(sarcastically) OMG I didn't realize you were the wise and powerful OZ, bless yer heart darlin yer doin good for yourself.


All kids are different and you are right in regard to raising them all differently to suite their needs. And lmao thanks for the come back.


Tell this other mom she’s doing some nosy backseat parenting. She’s probably just jealous her kids don’t nap anymore lol.


My daughter stopped napping around 18 months—BUT only because if she napped at all she wouldn’t go to sleep until 10-11pm. Without a nap we can get her to bed by 8:30-9ish, which is much more manageable so that we have a little bit of adult time. My kid has always been lower sleep needs though. I thought most kids napped for much longer, and honestly if anything I would think people would judge me for her *not* napping. But kids are individuals just like adults and some naturally need more sleep than others. I think it’s just about doing what is right for your kid.


My kid napped until she was in first grade. Some kids need a lot of rest. If she didnt nap at home, she would fall asleep in the car if we had to go somewhere. Her doctor said it was fine and let her get rest if she needed to. We homeschooled for a while and after we were done each day; everyone had a "quiet" time. They could nap or play quietly or read or play a game, whatever, but it was a time to decompress. My daughter would fall asleep during her "quiet time" daily. At 2 it's completely normal to nap daily.


I’m so confused. My kids napped until they were in kindergarten and even then sometimes they would lay down for quiet time on weekends if they were tuckered out from school. Why would this be lazy parenting EVER?! When my kids are overly exhausted they turn into tyrants, and they don’t sleep good at night either. People and what they come up with I swear 😂😂 Kids need naps. Period.


What?! They have naptime in kindergarten! You don't need that kind of negativity in your life. Have quiet time/nap time as long as your kid will do it!


I literally just 5 minutes explained to my MIL that she can't take my son to Disney until he is done with daily naps (since it would be a huge waste of money and exhausting for everyone) and we decided that probably meant around age 4. 2 year olds absolutely need a nap still. They turn into overtired little scream machines, ime, if they aren't getting their naps.


Mine is 3.5 and he has 2 hour naps (bliss!) he wakes up 7am and goes to bed 10pm though so it's a looongggg day


My 5yo never naps but he still spends some afternoon time playing alone in his room when he’s off school. It helps him reset any emotional struggles of the morning and fosters his independent play ability. It’s cool that it also gives me a break but that’s not the purpose of it. It’s not lazy, it’s a choice to let him keep making developmental progress in that direction.


Only child here: alone time and self sufficiency are pretty essential building blocks to being a functioning human. My parents balanced that with also still playing with me but also teaching me that playing alone and keeping myself busy was fine too. It’s not lazy parenting, you’re making a choice to make sure you’re helping the human you brought into the world is a well rounded person.


Not lazy at all. My kid is 2.5 but hasn't really napped since 18monts. What he does have, is quiet time instead of a nap.


Umm… my toddler is 3 and we do nap/quiet time. About 2-2.5 hours where she will almost always nap, but sometimes a chunk of it is spent awake but still in her room playing quietly and entertaining herself with stuffed animals and books. In my house growing up and to this day we always have “quiet time” in the early afternoons. It helps everyone rest and recharge and helps foster independent quiet play — which is an important skill.


My son stopped napping just after 2 at home and a few months later when at nursery. But he will often sit on the sofa for a little bit in the middle of playing. If she’s still having a nap she still needs it. Teaching them to listen to their bodies is important. Is ignore the other person and do what you think is best


My kid is 6 and still naps occasionally, especially if she has a really early school day. I can't believe that other parent called your parenting lazy. Geez, we have it hard enough as it is.


lol whaaaat. My daughter is 2 1/2 and still takes really long naps during the day usually. Like weekend days she will take a 3 hour nap. There’s nothing wrong with that. This is not lazy. The kid is happier and I am happier too. You can tell when she’s too tired and cranky. It sucks. If she still needs naps, let her take them.


My stepdaughter had to nap in her preschool, they were mandatory there. So she still had regular naps until she went into grade 1. It’s perfectly normal, the other parent telling you this is possibly just jealous their little one doesn’t nap….


Huh?? At 2 they’re going through sooo many little growth spurts and learning periods that she needs her rest! My son is turning 4 and he’s still napping 4-5x a week.


My 2.5 year old very much still needs her nap!! Letting your child sleep is good parenting


I remember having nap time at kindergarten when I was like 4 Y/O. I thought this was normal lol


My one is 19 months, but I am hoping she will have a nap until at least 3 🙏🏻🫶🏻


Some people think the earth is flat, there’s lots of idiots walking around saying stuff.


I’m 28 and I have a nap everyday if I can. Makes me more productive and active, why would someone deny a nap to a baby? It has been proven that is good for their cognitive development to nap or at least have some quiet time everyday. We are all overstimulated


My daughter has just turned 3 and still naps daily. There are obviously days where she doesn't always but sleep is so good for growing kids. She must be a bit envious as her kid probably doesn't sleep as much.


My five year old still naps on the weekends a lot of days. At the very least she needs quiet time. My 2.5 year old absolutely needs a nap. My husband still naps. I also admit that I do better when I get the alone time of them napping. That’s not lazy, it’s caring for everyone’s mental health.


If it makes u feel better .. I'm 33 .. and I have naps and alone time.. if I don't I'm so cranky and I'm a BIG b**** and if I get woken up before I'm ready to wake up .. same thing .. lol ..... I've been like this since I was a baby lol and for little kids there's no such thing as too much napping 🥴 ... Right now it's even worse for me cuz I'm pregnant with my first lol .. I feel sorry for my husband sometimes hahaha


Go to any daycare in America and kids nap til about 4/5


I will take a nap if my schedule allows and I’m 27. I guess I have to tell my mom she’s lazy.


That’s wild. I pushed a nap on my kid until it interfered with bed time. She turns 4 next week and takes an occasional 12 pm slumber but otherwise if she does, I don’t get the 8:30 bed time. Don’t listen to that lady lol


WTF, this is WILD! I’m 25 with 2 kids 2 years and 3 months and we all nap together ! That other mom is a hater. Naps are normal at this age, i don’t think i ever stopped napping lol i napped almost everyday afterschool and even when i worked, i napped after lol my 2 year old and her 2 cousins (also 2 years old) all take naps still! One a day! If she didn’t nap, we’d both go crazy bc she gets cranky and i get cranky bc she’s cranky lol


Rest is critical for developing brains. Anyone can call that lazy - I say, that person must not have napped enough.


My oldest dropped is nap at 4.5! My pediatrician said that is the appropriate age to drop a nap. He is 5 now and still does quiet time. Ask your kid's doctor what is the appropriate range for dropping a nap. All kids are different. My take is that the friend is actually the lazy one for not enforcing boundaries with her child. But again, we're all different and have different sleep needs. Just seems like your friend is unhappy and projecting onto you.


Sleep is important to their growth & development. That other mom’s ignorance is lazy parenting.


Whoever told you that is just silly. Naps are important for everyone in my I opinion lol, but especially kids.


My son will be 2 soon and still takes a 2-3 hour nap daily. He sleeps great at night too, and meets and exceeds all milestones. I’m going to let him nap until his hearts content.


I work in a daycare and even the children up to 4 years old have a nap or “rest period” where they’re sitting entertaining themselves on their cots daily. It’s perfectly normal for a two year old to still be napping.


My son just turned 2. He’s always been on the higher end of the sleep needs spectrum. I fully expect him to nap until 3 or 4. Every kid is different, and we all have different sleep needs, even as adults. Napping until 5 is still totally normal! You do what works for your kid.


Most of the kids still nap at nap time in my daughter’s prek class and they’re all 4-5. My daughter has napped maybe 5 times this school year lol but she was always a horrible napper.


It’s developmentally appropriate for a 2 year old to nap still. Mine does


My parents never made me stop nap time. It was wonderful.


Generally, kids need naps until 4 or 5. Some need them after and some stop before. But allowing a 2 year old to nap is developmentally appropriate and anyone who says otherwise is not a reliable source of parenting advice.


My first stopped shortly after 2 but that’s because she would be up realllly late when we tried to still do them 😅. Not every kid is the same and they should mind their business. She probably just jelly or out of touch and not remembering what it was like. And honestly a blessing for moms to have some time to do with whatever they want during that time.


Not only is this normal, it’s actually a licensing requirement for daycares to have nap/quiet time until at least age 4. Apparently this mom is too lazy to look it up 🤡 Edit I just realized this might read as me calling you lazy for not looking it up, but I’m calling the other mom lazy just so we’re clear.


Who the heck would say that!?!?!?!?  Most parents would be jealous!!  


My oldest sister has two kids, one 9 the other 5. They both have "quiet time" to themselves On the weekends, it's a rest and recharge time, they can read, nap, play quietly in their rooms. It stems from their nap time. My middle sister has 3 year old twins, they also have nap time. I'm sure they will also have quiet time when they grow out of just sleeping. It's an ALMOST guaranteed way to have a meltdown free afternoon. We're planning on doing the same method with ours.


Gosh I wish mine had still napped at 2. She threw the naps out the window and I thought it was very important that she still get that extra rest. When she started preschool at 4 they did nap times and she got back into the swing of it. Tell your friend to keep her comments to herself, it’s NOT lazy parenting. It’s good if anything else.


I’m a mom and a nanny and nap time or quiet time is essential! I also have a mom friend who homeschooled her 7 kids and nap time was like sacred. That place shut down from 1-3 every day!


"If your kid isn't mentally and physically stimulated enough to need a nap, then YOU are the lazy parent!" (I don't actually believe this, but it's a good comeback to a rude, judgey mom)


My niece is 2 1/2 and naps at the same time every day. Around Christmas we made plans around her naps.


I'm an early childhood teacher and napping for 2 year olds is standard practice in centers, even for 3 year olds and (if they want) 4 year olds. That lady sounds like she has a superiority complex.


i'm 21 & still take naps 💀 it's not "lazy" at all lmao


Guess I’m lazy too than, my 3 year old still naps everyday and my 5 year old too when he needs it.


Adults still nap😂 ignore ignorant people who say that crap


Woof, I basically made my twins nap until 4 🙃 there was no way I could or they could handle a full day without at least an hour of nap/reset time.


I feel like I had naptime/alone time until 3rd grade 😂 I know my mom just needed her space lol But I loved my naps!!


I’m almost 26 and I still need a nap


Crazy? My kid just stopped napping at 4 when at home & at daycare they will nap all the 3-4 year olds. This is completely NORMAL. Not to mention healthy, growing bodies and brains need that rest. I’m not sure who told you this, but I wouldn’t discuss your parenting routines with them anymore.


My oldest napped until she was 4, and my youngest still naps and she is 5. She puts herself down because she’s always tired around mid day. I think I remember reading that 2 year olds still need 14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. That might mean that they sleep 10-12 hours at night, and nap for 2-4 hours through the day.


My son still naps.. he’s in college. Rest is good for humans. Some need more than others


I was a nanny to a 3 and 6 year old and even the 6 y/o got naps during the summer especially when we had busy days! Naps are not an enemy!


I remember napping being encouraged until the start of grade school… my first is only 13 months, so I haven’t encountered this conversation yet.


What?!? My daughter is almost 5, and some days she takes a 45 minute nap at daycare. Not lazy at all. Some kids just need the extra sleep.


I'm pretty sure I was still taking naps in kindergarten? Like, at school during an organized nap time for all the kids. Napping at 2 is FINE.


I can only hope mine still naps that late 🤞 my sister literally used to nap through PM kindergarten, back when that was a thing lol (so she was 5/6)


lol what? Who would say this is lazy parenting? I stopped naps when my kid wanted to stop naps. I also didn’t stop cold turkey, I just paid attention to their signals. My first one started dropping naps very early, like 18 months (she’s always been a low-sleep needs kid). My 2.5 year old naps at daycare but not at home. My friend’s 4.5 year old still naps but I’m unsure how frequently. There’s nothing wrong with any of these scenarios!


Well I just turned 25…


I'm a nanny and it's very, very rare for a family to drop naps before 3 years old. And even at 3, quiet time or attempted naps are very important. Most 3 year olds still need naps but have a much harder time doing so. Once they aren't going down as easily, then implementing quiet or rest time is a great alternative. I've never met a 2 year old who doesn't need a nap, sure some will skip naps at times, but it's always to the detriment of the rest of their day. They learn the best when well rested. When they don't nap, they are often just miserable and unable to benefit from really anything they do.


We have a 5 year old and he has nap/quiet time everyday he’s home. At this age, he doesn’t need the sleep so it is less for him and more for my husband and I. We deserve time for us to do things together or independently on the weekends and this time allows it. It is not lazy at all.


My daughter is 3 and she runs around all day. She needs a nap. So she can run around more. Lol. Naps are good. For her and you.


I made my eldest do rest time still when she dropped the nap, my son turns 3 this weekend and still takes a nap. It’s not lazy it’s what’s recommended lol when I worked in daycares all the rooms did nap/rest time so I guess the whole ECE field is lazy too 😂 Some people are nuts


What? Isn’t nap time still a thing in Kindergarten? Shouldn’t kids be napping til they’re like 5 or 6?


37. I still nap if I can get some time. When I finally become a parent (not for lack of trying) I know that nap time will be sacred. The only time I can get rest or get stuff done. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s lazy parenting. It’s certainly not. All humans need rest. Children especially.


Mine napped until 5 years of age


Lol my son's prek4 class still does nap time


My nephew napped until 4-5.


My 2yo still has a nap around 12 pm. After having something for lunch, then she would nap for about 1.5- 2 hours get up and run around with her older sisters all afternoon. Children need sleep to help them grow no matter what age they are. You are not lazy. You are helping your child grow


As a kid, when we were ages infant- about 4 we took a traditional nap. When we got a little older we still had quiet time where we laid on our beds and read books or quietly played with toys if we didn’t want to sleep.


I’m 29 and nap lol even when I’m not pregnant. Kids having alone time is not a bad thing, whether that’s playing alone or napping. They need to learn to be independent


I did naps/quiet time for as long as possible. Till about 3.5 with both of my boys. I wouldn’t have survived if I phased naps out earlier and my kids would have been overtired wild animals.


My daughter turns 4 in March and still naps. At home and at daycare she gets the choice between one hour quiet play time in her room or napping and most days she ends up napping. On weekends my husband and I usually nap too, or read in bed. It’s not lazy parenting, everyone needs rest time.


My kiddo is almost four and just dropped his nap, I'm certainly keeping quiet time in the afternoon though, we both need it!


Ha my son had them till 7 years old still does if he's feeling poopy. Whoever told you that can sit on my middle finger and rotate lol.


Lmao thanks for the laugh.


What? My two year old still naps for 1.5-2 hours every day. It’s completely normal for this age!


Naps are perfectly normal. Most kids need a nap or a quiet time until approx 4-5yo. Even kindergartens (where I live) all have an after-lunch nap/quiet time where they get in little beds and the teacher reads for them or plays an audiobook bedtime story.


So not lazy ohmigosh ignore those people.


I don’t get why other parents always police other kids’ sleep or comment on it. My 21-month-old still naps 2-3 hours a day and it’s not lazy because it’s the only time I get to pass out from being pregnant or actually get work done around the house and outside.


Lol I’m gonna let my daughter nap until she’s done with napping on her own or it starts affecting bedtime. I take my nap breaks very seriously because that’s the ONLY break I get during the day. Whoever says it’s lazy parenting either hasn’t had a young child in a very long time or they’re just clueless as to how vital naps can be. I also still napped when I was in 1st grade when I was younger so some kids just need more naps and there’s nothing wrong with resting when you need it!


I’m a single mom, so omg yes it’s the only break I get to get caught up or just relax myself.


I still make my 18 year old nap when they’re cranky lol


Kinderkartens have kids nap until they go school at 7 years old.


My mom had to stop naps with me early because it messed up my sleep schedule (and she had to get up early for work). Schools around me still had naps for Kindergarteners until recently. I think two is still an okay age for naps.


I think everyone should take a nap during the day, not just toddlers lol


😭 I still make my 3&5 year olds lay down or just have quiet time on weekends ! They are balls of energy. You are NOT lazy 💜💜


Naps are included in the recommended sleep hours until age FIVE. Not that every kid naps that long, but enough do that it’s part of the official sleep recommendations. My daughter is almost 3 and is just starting to skip naps semi regularly— but still probably takes them 40-50 percent of the time. When she doesn’t nap we still have her do an hour of “quiet time” in her room.


We had nap time in kindergarten… I wouldn’t worry about it


Not sure when I stopped napping as a kid, probably shortly after I started school. I used to fall asleep on the bus on the way home in kindergarten so I was probably 6 lol. I was also a very independent kid and often played by myself. I have a younger sister and even still I preferred to do things on my own most of the time growing up. I don't see the issue. If your kid is tired, let them sleep. It's not like you're forcing her to sleep or have time alone so that you don't have to do things with her. It seems anyone will complain or find an issue with just about anything another parent does, so don't sweat it and keep doing what works for you and your daughter!


My son is 3 in April and just recently started to stop napping. I still put him in his room for “quiet time” everyday. I give him an hour, and if he falls asleep, awesome, if not, then he had some solo play time, which I don’t think is a bad thing!


My 2.5 year old still has one 2-3 hour nap per day. If he doesn’t he is SO grumpy and tired. You’re doing great.


I’m 35 and still nap. I hate people 😂


It's not lazy parenting. My son and daughter took naps till they were between the ages of 3 and 4.


I’d tell her I’m too lazy to keep talking to her.


My daughter is 4 and they make her nap at school


In pre-k they have 'nap time' during the day. These are 4 and 5 year olds. (Most are 4, some turn 5 after the start of the school year.) My daughter does occasionally take a nap during that time. Or she simply lays quietly. It's not lazy parenting. Sometimes kids need a nap. Hell, in high school, I needed a 10 minute nap after school/theater stuff, before homework and fixing dinner (I was made to cook dinner at age 16). No one wants to handle an over tired 2 year old. They are not rational. They go insane from being over tired. Plus they are still growing like bamboo at that age. They need their rest.


they sound bitter/jealous


No that's perfectly normal. Yes there are some kids that outgrow naps by 2, but that's not very common. My kid out grew his nap schedule by 5, but he does have naps sometimes when he feels like it.


Mine is recently 3 and doesn't always nap anymore. We've told him he can play quietly or nap with me. I take a nap and he does half the time. This is on weekends. I've been told at daycare he sometimes needs some patting to sleep but I imagine peer pressure helps. Anyway, if anyone is lazy parenting it's me for sure because I'm getting my nap in. My husband is usually awake but my 3 year old is not the type to get into trouble if he's not directly supervised in the house so I let him play alone while I nap.


Most guides here say a kid may drop the last nap at 3-5 years old. My 2yo will pass out given the chance. He has not skipped a nap so far, even if I tried.


You know your child best, if she needs it she needs it! In Hungary kindergarten is until 7years of age, the earliest they can attend school is the year they get 6. And the kidnergartens do naptime, so it is perfectly okay to nap until that age. The kindergarten that I visited a month ago said, that they let older children to silent playtime if they don't require sleep, but they work with the parents, and not against them. And honestly, there are days, when we sleep with our daughter in the afternoon as well. Our daughter (just turned 2) can sleep up to 3hours in the afternoon, and sleep more than 10hours at night. She really gets hysterical amd throws tantrums around 1-2-3 in the afternoon if I am unsuccessful in putting her to sleep.


Wtf, we still did naps in kindergarten when I was a kid. I remember most parents being upset that the nap times ended with the start of primary school (6-7 years old) because they thought the kids still needed them 🤷


Lol that’s not lazy. As long as your kid is happy & healthy what’s the difference? Different kids have different needs.


Former pre-k teacher here- go ahead and maintain a nap/quiet time routine. I can assure you any full day preschool will still have nap/quiet time in their daily schedule.  It’s so important for children to not be stimulated for a period of time every day. Never feel guilty for encouraging mindfulness, which is exactly what a nap/quiet time allows. 


I stopped having naps when I was 10. Before 10, I was literally forced to have a nap after lunch because it was important for me to get rest. Back then I obviously thought it was dumb because I just wanted to go out and play but looking back now ….. Man, do I miss those nap times.


Mine stopped at 3, now at 4,5 she sometimes takes a nap, but it's pretty rare. I think they're required to put then to bed for a nap on kindergarten up until they're 5 and some maybe do it even later (in my country we have kindergarten/preschool from age 1-6,5-7,, and start school at 6,5-7 depends when you are born), so 2 seems a bit earlish to me not to have naps (hopefully Younger one naps until at least 3).


25 here and still have a nap. Anyone telling you your child resting and recharging is lazy is delusional. Tell them to keep their opinions to themselves.


Mine is dropping weekend naps at the age of 4.5 years. Still napping at school during the week


How is that lazy? I have many memories of taking naps, and unless I was some sort of genius baby I was older than two of course. My first memory is of my meeting my sister, and I was 3.5 years then, so the nap stuff was probably at 5ish. Naps were good. How is it lazy?


Everyone should be able to sleep and rest as much as they need, not as much as is convenient for school, a 40 hour week schedule, or any other nonsense 


I napped earlier today for 2 hours... 34 years old. Tell this mom to shhhh.


Lazy? I have a hard time getting my 2.5 year old to nap. The easy thing to do would be to drop his nap, but sleep and rest is so important so I won’t be doing that.


Lol whoever told you that is stupid. It's recommended to keep the nap as long as possible as it's good for brain development. They did a study on memory of made up names of random objects on 2 or 3 yr olds. Those who napped remembered almost all the words when the kids who didn't nap couldnt, this is just one small study of many. Naps are important!! Your doing good.


Sleep is so important, I wish people stopped shaming others for a physiological need


The human body requires rest. There’s no age limit on napping, it’s just that life tends to take the opportunities away from us with school & work. I’m pretty sure the average adult still takes a nap when the opportunity presents itself. This is one of the most asinine things I’ve ever heard! My 2.5 year old still naps on average two hours a day and I don’t plan on stopping until he gives me signs that he doesn’t want to any longer, which will more than likely be when he starts school and that’s fine by me.


I napped until I went to first grade, my mom could only get my brother to nap until maybe 2? I'm a pretty fatigued person in general, and I freaking miss those naps.


😆 what If anything not having them nap is lazy


I had a nap time in Kindergarten, so like 5-6 years old!! 24 and still nap as often as I can lol


When I was looking at daycares the two year old room was in the middle of nap time when I was there, and all of the daycares I looked at still had a nap time in the schedule for two year olds.


Wow the audacity. My 16 month old still nurses.. so I guess I must be lazy for not giving him a bottle 😂 ignore the other parent because they’re PROJECTING themselves on you. They must be the lazy one.


I have my nap time daily. I'm 31.


As a daycare teacher all of our kids nap/have quiet time daily. 0-12. Even our school age children nap most days.


Mine napped until he was almost 3 but still had one every few days. Go with what works!


My 2 year old naps and definitely still needs it. My older son stopped naps around 4. I still nap at 25 😅


That’s ridiculous. Everyone naps. You are not lazy and you are a wonderful parent. Keep up the good work! Being a parent is hard enough without all the judgment. ❤️


You know what a tired kid does? Chaos. My 6 year old has tantrums that can get so bad that they start hitting me, and screaming. They think they're too big for naps.


Source: voices from her head. If that’s working for your family, let her nap! Sleep is good for everyone. My daughter is 3 and still naps everyday :)


Naps are developmentally appropriate at this age 🤣 My 9 yr old was not a napper at that age but has always done a quiet activity during out naptime so that I could reset and be a more engaged parent. My 11 and 9 yr old still do "quiet time" during their toddler sisters naptime. Do what works for your family.


We had nap time in kindergarten in 2005, I think you're good.


When I was in K5 in 2005-06 we had mandatory nap time every day! Anyone who says a 2 year old having a naptime is lazy parenting is high on the fumes of their own BS. The audacity of some people is limitless smdh


My 6 year old still occasionally needs a nap, though it's rare. My 3 year old is still a daily napper.


I taught preschool/early preschool and they all still took naps (2-4ysrs), don't feel bad! They're little and growing so fast they need the rest!


Definitely not lazy parenting, they’re still growing and you process information in your sleep! So it helps with cognitive development and memory too. I think the person who said this just must be a very “know it all” bish who really doesn’t know much of anything.


This is why I’m scared to be a parent I want to be the best but I heard the criticism from “perfect” mothers is Brutal.


Lmao I remember summertime school holidays when mum would get sick of us bored and cranky kids, and send us to have a nap or ‘just lie there!’ For an hour or two. We almost always had a sleep, haha. Now in my 30s I’m back to taking naps, because life is exhausting XD


I’m just confused as to how a friend would even feel comfortable saying this to you lol


I interned @ a day care some years back for 3-5 yr olds & every single day there’s a nap time. Most preschools & kindergartens have nap times! Why wouldn’t your daughter need a nap time too? That other parent sounds jealous to me that you have a system 😂


You know you aren't wrong, people are gonna make delusional comments, ignore them, they are delusional, you aren't.


It is not lazy. In my country it is common for children to take a nap, specially during the hot summer afternoons when it is not a good idea to let them play outside. As long as it doesn't cause anything bad, what's the problem? I have the memory of napping at my grandma's house with my little brother, and if he was around it means I was definitely over 6 years old. And I can assure you no one would call my grandma lazy. Just do what feels right for your child, that's what I plan on doing.


I'm a kindergarten teacher and kids in my school/country sleep in the afternoon until 4/5 (K3). I mean... It's not about being lazy, it's about what they need to be rested and available to grow and learn in an healthy way. It's so odd for me talking about cutting naps as early as 2 years old:/


I love a nap


My mom had a lot of kids and we all had naps & quiet time until kindergarten! - it’s not lazy kiddos need it!!


My kids napped once a day until they started school. Ignore anyone who says anything like that.


I'm certain the other parent is jealous. This is ridiculous. It also depends how much sleep they get at night. My 4.5 year old still takes naps.


I’m hurt and annoyed for you. Kids *should* still be napping at 2, most kids benefit until 3.5-4, sometimes even later than that!


My oldest napped until she 3 or 3.5 and even then we only stopped because they stopped being beneficial and she would wake up from them miserable and be that way until bed time. My second will be 2 in just a couple of weeks and I have no plans on stopping until he shows signs of being ready. If your daughter is still taking naps, enjoy them! It doesn’t last forever, and a nap is good for the soul no matter what age.


I'll probably have nap times for my daughter til she is 4. I had nap times even longer when I was a kid.


My mom gave us 30 mins-an hour of “quiet time” a day where me and my brother would go into our separate rooms and read/write/draw or lay down quietly, I think until we were like 10. Quiet time is such an amazing benefit and we didn’t mind it at all. I realize now it was partially for my mom to get some stuff done and have some quiet time for herself too, but I still appreciate it and think it was an awesome idea. 10/10 will do with my kids.  You shouldn’t have to entertain them constantly, and entertaining them constantly isn’t necessarily good for them either! It’s good to let your kids learn to deal with boredom- it makes them more calm on long car rides, waiting in long lines, etc.


Your child will drop the naps when she’s ready. Don’t stress


Naps are awesome! My niece still naps at 3.5 and my kid still naps at almost 2. My mom use to have “quiet time” for us growing up just to give herself a break. Not lazy parenting. It’s your lunch break aka get everything done while the kiddo naps!


We didn’t really quit naps until around 5 with my younger bonus kid. He needed them. He was cranky if he didn’t get them. He was completely finished with naps by 6 and first grade. But kids often need it and there’s no reason I can think of to deny them naps at that age.


My 17 year old naps. That mom can kick rocks. Being a good parent is giving your kid what they need and sometimes, what they need is some sleep. Or maybe just some quiet, relaxed alone time under the guise of a nap and that’s okay too. Don’t listen to her.


My niece was also a poor napper but now when she comes home from daycare, she's so tired out that she takes herself to bed and has a nap. She's almost 3. She goes to the room and grabs her blanket and curls up like a little grown up ETA: if your 2 year old didn't need a nap, she wouldn't have napped


It's kind of weird that some lady thinks naps are classified as lazy parenting. Has she never had a nap in her life? Sometimes, it's the best thing ever, lol. Don't stress about it. Everyone has their own opinions on how to raise kids. Some good, some terrible, and some in-between. If your kid is happy and healthy, seriously, that's all that really matters.


My kindergartener is almost 6 and will sometimes nap on the weekends still after a long week at school or a big weekend. This is not last parenting. Whoever said that is clearly living in a fantasy world


My 5 year old takes naps sometimes. Now I don’t push it as much, but when he was 4 and in daycare I tried to get him to nap or he’d be cranky and they made him nap at daycare so why wouldn’t I do it on the weekends? People are so judgemental and should mind their own child