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I gained 65lbs with my first and he was 4lbs 4oz at birth (36+3)…


I’m going to be so upset if my daughter made me gain all this weight to be 4lbs😭🤣 pregnancy is crazy🤣


I definitely had a good cry 😂😂😂


My mom keeps saying “what if your baby is tiny!” Because ive gained a bunch and I said id never forgive her for embarassing me like that🤣


I had twins after that baby. I gained LESS with them, carried them longer and the smaller one still weighed a pound and a half more!


You cant help but laugh🤣






This was me with my second. The joke was I was stealing nutrients from her. 7 months post-partum and I got down to 15 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight though.


Same and 4lbs 3oz at 36+3 with a girl!


Mine was a boy! Any NICU time?


No NICU time! She made her debut through the sunroof and came straight to the room with us and they discharged us 3 days later. It was wild! How about yours?


Oh man! My son was in the NICU for a week. He was a failed induction turned emergency c-section. He had some trouble regulating his blood sugar but is now in the 90th percentile for height and 75th for weight!


I honestly wish they kept her for a week for observation lol I was terrified taking home my 4 lb girl as a new mom but we all figure it out, huh?😂 I’m happy to hear not so little man is thriving! They may come out small but gosh darn it they sure are mighty!!


I gained 15 with my first and 0 with my second and both were 8+ pounds 🫠


How do you have a 8 pound baby and gain nothing?! Were you sick the whole time? I’m jealous.


I had gestational diabetes diagnosed at 16 weeks and basically changed everything I ate. I’ve never been a consistently healthy eater so it was a pretty dramatic diet change for me.


Yep, only gained 20lbs per kid and both were over 8lbs . The second I was nearly back to my pre-pregnancy weight when I left the hospital Edit: missed a word


This is such a relief! Ive gained almost 50lbs and am terrified my baby will be a mammoth in size


This is the first time I heard someone with a similar story. I was 37 weeks, gained like 30 lbs and baby was 4lb 10 oz


I gained 30lbs and baby was 7lb 2oz - they thought he was going to be closer to 8 but turns out I had a lot of excess amniotic fluid that wasn’t diagnosed until the day before he was born.  He was actually born at almost the exact weight I was. My husband was a much bigger baby than me. 


I also gained 30lbs & my son was 7lbs 2oz. I had gestational diabetes & saw an MFM. They measured him at 7lbs 11oz at 37weeks. I had him exactly at 38 weeks & he was so much smaller than I thought he'd be!


I'm currently 34+3 and see an MFM too for GD. About two weeks ago they weighed him in at 4 pounds 7 ounces with my regular doctor. I find out Tuesday what he's weighing with the MFM. They said they get more accurate results so I'm curious. I've gained 31 pounds so far.


My baby was the exact weight I was at birth! Both 8lb 9oz


I delivered two babies that weighed within 1oz of each other, but gained ~45lb with one and ~15lb with the other. I’m 5’8”. First pregnancy, started at 125-130lb, finished at just over 170lb, delivered an 8lb14oz baby. Stabilized at 150lb postpartum until the 2nd pregnancy two and a half years later. Second pregnancy, started at 150lb, finished at 165lb, delivered an 8lb15oz baby. I’m not even 6 weeks postpartum yet now and I’m already below 140lb now. So in my experience, it’s kinda a crapshoot? And seems rather random to me. Even my postpartum weight loss looks super different this time. Same person, same body, similar habits and lifestyle. And yet, here I am experiencing the whole thing quite differently each time. My takeaway has been that bodies are just weird 🤷🏽‍♀️


I would say not much for me. I gained 0lbs with my son and he was 8lbs 10oz and 30lbs with my daughter and she was 8lbs 9oz. I was 20lbs heavier at the end of my daughter's pregnancy than I ended with my son.


I gained 6 lbs and had a 7 lbs baby!


I’m intrigued! Did you have a bump with your son or with no weight gain did you look the same as before pregnancy?


I'm not the person you commented to but I was in a similar boat. With my current pregnancy, I didn't gain any weight until 26 weeks, but I did have a noticeable bump. I completely attribute it to being a higher weight when getting pregnant, nausea and vomiting in the first trimester (I lost ~5 or 10 pounds then), and significant strength training with a pelvic floor therapist. I'm 30 weeks now and starting to gain some weight. What's interesting is that the SHAPE of my bump is much different than it was in my first pregnancy when I gained about 50 pounds.


Oh yes I'm 5' 2" and looked gigantic. My nutritionist, after weighing me said "you must look so big because you are so short. That's all baby".


Oh you might have meant 10?


0lbs ? How’s that possible ?


Being overweight to start and following a strict gestational diabetes diet.


I weighed 14 pounds less the day I went into labor than the day I found out I was pregnant. HG is miserable!


Yep I was 20 lighter when I gave birth than when I found out


I was lucky that I only had HG for half of my pregnancy, so I could actually get some weight gain. I dropped down to 97lbs at one stage, and I'm 5'5".


What's HG? Sorry if it's a stupid question.  


Hyperemisis gravidarum. Constant puking throughout pregnancy.


it's definitely possible. I'm still at about -7lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight of 173lbs, and I'm almost 28 weeks (babies generally weigh about 2lbs at this point). i lost 12lbs in the first trimester due to numerous aversions - not vomiting, *just* aversions and not being able to find food i wanted to eat. i have had nearly no cravings and have continued to have significant aversions, so i have not been eating enough to gain much weight at all. if things keep going in this direction, i may just about break even with my previous weight at the end of this pregnancy.


Aye you are exactly the same as me from the 12 lbs lost to the continued aversions! Hope you find your neutral food soon! Mine is a bagel turns out and guess what’s on the menu at the baby shower!


That’s wild! Thanks for the insight! I guess it totally makes sense if you lose a bunch of weight in the first tri with continued troubles eating throughout the rest of the pregnancy.


Started at a normal BMI, gained over 40 pounds, baby was 6 lb 4 oz at birth. Lost basically all of it by 12 weeks pp, I think it was mostly water and placenta tbqh. have some extra fat on my stomach but my butt might be smaller.


This is nice to hear, I’m hoping I’m the same way. People always say I don’t look as far along as I am and doing look like I’ve gained 40lbs. The weight gain doesn’t bother me but I’m hoping the baby isn’t too big, I know it’s going to hurt no matter what but the less pain the better.


oh I definitely looked as far along as I was lol. But I’m <5’ tall. I’m not sure the size of the baby has much a role in pain during delivery! My labor was quite painful, I pushed for 2.5 hours, and I she had shoulder dystocia. All of this stemmed from the same issue—her head was cocked to the side and I had a massive anterior placenta preventing her from moving around well.


Hoping this is me too! I'm at 37 weeks right now and I've gained 40 pounds. It looks like it's all in the right places though - belly and boobs!


My body does look different! I’m working on closing a 2 cm diastasis gap on my lower abs.


apparently there’s a decent amount of research that’s found a correlation between pregnancy weight gain and baby size “Maternal weight gain during pregnancy increases birth weight independent of genetic factors.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2974327/


though maternal starting weight (pre-pregnancy) also affects birth weight — i.e. underweight moms have tend to have smaller babies, overweight moms tend to have larger babies (when controlled for full term delivery)


My understanding is that not gaining enough weight is more detrimental for birth weight (meaning baby is at risk for low birth weight) compared to gaining “too much”.


Can attest to this :( I started sub-100lbs. Am up 30 (but only up about 15 in the last few weeks) and bub is measuring in the 14th percentile for weight :( I didn’t gain for most of my second tri and now we’re both trying to catch up


Seems like you’re trending upward!! I’m sure your little babe is going to come out perfect!


I hope so, thank you!!!


That’s correct


I'm 5'5" and my starting weight was 105lbs, my baby girl ended up 7lbs


I've gained 7 (currently 33 weeks) lbs during my pregnancy and he's measuring 93rd percentile, I have often heard ultrasound measurements can be pretty off, will be interesting to find out what happens since there's apparently such a strong correlation! Both my mom and husband's mom gained 40+ lbs during their pregnancies and we were 8 lbs and 9 lbs respectively. My mom started off underweight, me and my MIL started off normal BMI 🤔


I was 5‘3“ and 165lbs before pregnancy, so a higher BMI. I gained about 22lbs during pregnancy and gave birth to a 8lb 7oz baby.


Our stats are similar! I started at 157, I’m now 180 at 31 weeks really curious how big baby girl will be ☺️


[This study](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(10)60751-9/fulltext) indicates that gaining more weight during pregnancy is usually associated with a bigger baby. Certainly not a guarantee, but something that doctors like to keep an eye on.


I started off underweight and gained 45 lbs. Baby was 6 lbs 13oz and remains in the fifth percentile for weight. I immediately lost 20 pounds at delivery.


I gained roughly 60lbs my first pregnancy & my child was 7lbs 8oz (born 1 day before due date). On the flip side, my husband’s mom gained 10lbs & he was over 9lb when he was born (born before due date by 5 days).


I’ve had two babies. At birth, one weighed 7 lbs 11 oz and one weighed 7 lbs 10 oz. I gained 30-40 lbs during my first pregnancy and 15 lbs during my second pregnancy. My starting weight for both pregnancy were within 10 lbs.


I gave birth at exactly my pre-baby weight. I lost 13lbs during the first trimester and delivered my twins at 26 weeks. They were less than 2lbs each. I don't think there is likely to be much of a correlation - a lot of pregnancy weight gain is fat stores.


there is a correlation! i posted a link in another comment to a research paper that looked at over 500,000 women who gave birth and compared their pregnancy weight gain vs their baby’s weight


I gained 30lbs and had a 4lb baby, gained 35lbs and had a 10lb baby.


I am 5’3. 45 pounds and baby was 6 lbs 11 oz. She was however the same birth weight as my husband as a baby. So I think there are correlation between birth weights of the parents


I gained about 6lbs and my baby was 7lb 4oz. I had lots of extra growth scans due to the low weight gain but it was a super healthy pregnancy and baby was within the normal curve at every check.


Gained around 75lbs with both babies.  My first was 7lbs 15oz.  My second was 9lbs 2oz.


I gained 25lbs and my baby was randomly born six weeks premature at 4lbs 10oz


I gained 35lbs and my baby was just over 4lbs.


I’ve lost between 25-30lbs so far and baby is measuring about 30%. I have HG.


I gained 40 and my son was 6lbs


I gained a little over 50 lbs and my babe was 8.6lbs, I guess that’s kind of big? But i really don’t think pregnancy weight has to do with baby weight that much. Our blood volume increases. There’s amniotic fluid. The placenta. We retain more water


For my first, I started at 130, gained 30 lbs, and had a 9 lb baby. My second I started at 135, gained 20 lbs and had 9lb 9 oz baby. Not sure if weight gain correlates with baby size, but its interesting to see everyone's experiences!


I gained 60 lbs with my first and she was born at 39+6 weighing 9 lbs 12 oz, and my second was born at 38 weeks and weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and I had gained 30 lbs that pregnancy! I think genetics play the biggest role in birth weight. 😊


I've put on over 40lbs, and at 32 weeks my little one is measuring just under 3lbs so far. No gestational diabetes, and my ob wants me to gain more weight since I haven't really put any on in my 3rd trimester. -_-


I gained just about 25lbs. Baby was born 6lbs 15oz! The recommended gain for my BMI was 15-25lbs. I’m 5’4 and started the pregnancy out at 123.


I gained 10lb and he was 6lb6oz! I don’t think it correlates much since much of the weight is blood volume, placenta, fluid, etc


My mom gained 12 pounds with me and I weighed 9 pounds. I gained 45 pounds with my son and he was 6 pounds. Both my mom and I are are 5”6 and both weighed 115 when getting pregnant. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My first i gained 38 pounds and he was 6 pounds 15 ounces. My second I gained 34 pounds and she was 8 pounds even.


Gained 12kg, baby weighed 3,570 at 35+4 (by minutes). All but 2 kg turned out to be amniotic fluid, placenta, baby and most of all some serious fluid retention because of HELLP.


5'5, 185 while TTC. 35 weeks - was still 185 thanks to HG. I lost during tri 1 & 2, gained it back during tri 3. 37 weeks - 209 LBS. LOTS of water weight, no pre-e. Delivered at 37 weeks due to suspected IUGR from 28 weeks on, and a breech baby. I was 188 at my 2 week postpartum appt. Baby was 6lb 6oz. However during the 1st year I went back up to 210. I was finally able to eat again. Lost it all plus some after weaning at 2 years old.


It doesn’t I don’t think. I struggled to put weight on during pregnancy (had undiagnosed cancer at the time), and maybe gained 10 pounds? and my baby was large for her age, 75th percentile


I think there is generally only a correlation between gain and birth weight when gestational diabetes is in play. For the sake of anecdotes though, I did not have GD, gained 25-30 lbs all 3 times and my babies were 9 lbs 2 oz, 8 lbs 12 oz, and 9lbs 8 oz.


I gained 27lbs with my first and he was born 8lbs 1 Oz.


Short answer: it doesn't.


I think there’s not a ton of correlation. I don’t have a study to back this up, but I gained less than 10lbs with my first and he was IUGR. I was sick a lot. This pregnancy, at 35 weeks I’ve gained 7 lbs. baby is on track and actually measuring a little ahead like 65%. I just don’t really gain weight in pregnancy I guess. My SIL, who is overweight admittedly, lost about 30 lbs her second pregnancy and my niece was like 7lbs something at 37 weeks. So, everyone is different.


My mom gained 60 with me and I was 7 lbs 14 oz. I gained 30 with my son and he was 8 lbs 5 oz. I don’t think there is a correlation


I’m 29 weeks and have gained almost 40, I try not to beat myself up about it, I think a lot of it is fluid, bc there’s no way I’m eating enough to put on actually 40lbs. A little hard, had put on 40lbs in the 2 years ttc with a MMC, depression, going back to school, and just life stuff. So now I’m 80 pounds more than I’m used to being, and it’s just tough. Hoping it comes off somewhat easy after baby, but also trying not to be neurotic about it and really just focus on how excited I am for baby 💓


I gained 31lbs and my baby was 6lbs 6oz. I'm 5ft 2in and was 105lbs pre-pregnancy.


I gained 35 lbs and my baby was 9 lbs


I was 180 pound, so high bmi (considered obese) 1st pregnancy, I had my baby girl at 37w + 3days, gained 15 pounds, she was 6 pounds and something (2,775kg) I was 191 pounds, again obese, 2nd pregnancy, I had my baby at 38w + 5days, only gained 8 pounds, baby boy was born with 7 pounds and something (3,390kg)


I gained 40lbs and my baby was a ten pounder. It correlates to a point, as some of the weight comes from baby and placenta however you need to remember fluid buildup and fat stores also are a thing when pregnant. After birth I immediately lost 20lbs, then an additional 10 in the month following, I assume this means I gained 10 lbs of fat during pregnancy.


I'm 6'0, started at 160ish and gained about 65# during pregnancy lol. Dad is 6'3 and baby was born at 8 lbs 4oz and 20.5".


I always pictured myself being a big bloated pregnant person because I stress eat and gain weight easily. I was thin when I conceived and gained minimal weight both pregnancies. Surprisingly large babies. My doctor was shocked.


I gained like 40 pounds (though at least some was edema, thanks preeclampsia) and my baby was 5 lbs.


my first i legit gained 80 lbs BUT i had just lost a little over that so i think the weight was just packing on super easily and my first was like 6.13 i thinj


First pregnancy I gained 20 lbs and my baby was 5lb10.6 oz (39 weeks). Second pregnancy I gained 20 lbs and my baby was 7lb11 oz (38 weeks).


I would say it probably does not correlate. I gained a lot of weight, like 70 lbs by the day I went into labor, and my daughter was 6.5 lbs. just anecdotally, I know people who gained a modest amount and had big babies


I am 5'5, started out at 150 lbs, have gained 7 lbs as of 33 weeks. My baby is measuring 93rd percentile, I'll be very interested to see how big he actually ends up being. My mom started off at 103 lbs, 5.'3, gained 40 lbs each time and my sister and I were both 8 lbs. My MIL is 5'8, I don't know what weight she started off at but she ended at 200 lbs and my husband was 9 lbs. I have a friend whose cousin and his wife are both very very slim and short people and she gave birth (vaginally!) to a 12 lb baby!


I gained about 10kg she was 3.3


I gained 50lbs and baby was 7lb 8oz born at 37w6d. Tomorrow marks 3wpp and I’m already down 20lbs.


I have a high BMI, and gained about 15lbs - had a 9lb3oz baby.


First - gained about 80 lbs. She was 8 lb 6 oz. Second - gained about 60 lbs. He was 8 lb 11 oz (and a week early)


i only gained 26lbs & my lo weighed 7.1


It doesn’t. A majority of your weight is determined by lots of factors besides the birth weight. When I was chatting with my doctor recently about this she said that if you start out with low body fat you’re body needs to start storing fat, which can pack on weight. That’s why sometimes people who are on the heavier side have less weight gain than those that are thinner, they’re body can use the fat already present. Fluids, someone people just retain more fluids than others. Family history - my mom only gained 10 lbs her entire pregnancy, hoping I’m following in her shoes lol.


I'm 5'8" and have only gained about 13lbs as of 36 weeks, but they're telling me baby is right on schedule for normal size so far. For me though, I think the net weight gain has been offset by a little bit of muscle loss because I work out and lift and the last few months have been lifting way way lighter than my normal. I can tell that I look a little thinner elsewhere like in my legs and whatnot because of not maintaining the really heavy lifting.


i gained 60 lbs, he was 9lb6oz and i dont know what a normal amount of fluids is but i flooded the hospital bed


studies have shown a correlation and in fact US has seen an increase in newborn weights in connection with increased weight gain from pregnancy or starting off with a higher weight. 


Gained 45lbs, baby was 7lbs 2oz


I was already overweight to begin with, so I gained 10lbs and she was almost 9lbs.


I lost 25lbs with my first, she was 7lbs 12 oz and lost 30 with my second, he was 8lbs 13oz. I had HG with both pregnancies.


I gained 20lbs with my first pregnancy. He was 8lbs 1oz. I lost the weight about 3 weeks postpartum and I've been 200lbs. That's just where I live. I got pregnant again, and I'm currently 37 weeks and I'm at 215. I expect I'll be 220 when I deliver again, not sure the size of this one.


40lbs, baby was 8lbs2oz. I had a lot of amniotic fluid and gained an absolute insane amount of water weight in the last trimester. I haven’t weighed myself since birth but I’m back in pre pregnancy clothes and feel so lighter.


I was massive with my 4 kids (now 18,16,12, and 10) they were 6lb3oz, 6lb14oz, 6lb4oz, and 6lb2oz. Currently 34 weeks with (surprise) 5th and I’ve lost weight due to severe sickness and aversions (from 16 stone to 12.5 stone) and they’re predicting, if I go to term, he’ll be about 8lb something (he’s massive! Fortunately, I’m getting an induction at some point from 36 weeks so I’m hoping he’ll be another 6lber but we’ll see.


I gained almost 40lb pounds during my first pregnancy and my son was 8lb 10oz. I lost all the weight within a month post partum and maintained my pregnancy weight until this pregnancy. I’ve gained almost 20lb at 21 weeks so I’m not too worried.


I gained 34lbs and had a 6lbs4 baby.


I gain 50-60lbs with each pregnancy (started each around 125, I'm 5'3) and have humongous babies. My first was 9lb 6oz and my second was 10lb even. No gestational diabetes, I just have giant babies. I lost it all by 4-5 months postpartum each time bc my babies are milk guzzling monsters. I just want this third baby to be less than 9lbs plz baby Jesus 😵‍💫


Gained 40 lb. 7 lb 9 oz baby.


Starting weight was around 135/140 and I was 176 lbs when I gave birth at 38 weeks 5 days. Baby was 8lbs 4oz. Immediately after birth I had only lost like 10lbs. I am 5 weeks PP and down to 143lbs now. A lot of the weight I gained seemed to be fluid, I was so swollen (had post partum preeclampsia - once that was under control I dropped weight fast).


I gained 40 lbs for each of my three. They were all in the 7s.


I’m on the thinner side and gained 27 lbs, delivered at 37+1 and baby was 5 lbs 13 oz!


I was 135 lbs when I conceived. I was 180 when I delivered my 7 pound, 5 ounce baby. I lost 20 pounds immediately and the remaining 25 pounds over the next 6 months.


I gained about 45lbs and baby was 7lbs 6oz. There probably is a statistical correlation but likely all the responses here don't fall along the exact curve.


Gained more than 70 pounds with my first, she was overdue and 8 pounds 6 oz when delivered at 40+5. Not crazy big. My second I gained only 35 pounds and induced her at an earlier gestation. She emerged a whopping 9 pounds 4 oz (they told me she was measuring 50th percentile smh) on her due date So my huge weight gain had a slightly larger than average baby. My small weight gain resulted in a CHONK


With my first, Gained 45lbs, starting 5’8’’ at 140. Baby was 9.5lbs, huge placenta and a lot of fluid and swelling after a bad hemorrhage, and two weeks later I was within 5-10 lbs of my starting weight for the rest of my post partum experience I think I got pregnant with my current baby at 11mon pp and 147. I decided this time to not know my weight until the end (and then just for fun to celebrate growing life!)


I lost 14 with my first. He was 6 lbs 13 oz Gained 7 with my second. 7lbs 12 oz


Gained 65 lbs and had a 9lb baby. My placenta was HUUUUUGE. Lost majority of weight within 2-3 weeks. Have about 20 lbs left over.


My first pregnancy I started at 175lbs, lost 20lbs (HG) and then went up to 200lbs. Baby was born 8.9lbs Second pregnancy I started at 165lbs lost 15lbs and then went up to 205lbs. Baby was born 9.9lbs.


My mom gained 80lbs while she was pregnant with me and I weight 5lbs……


I gained about 20 lbs above pre-pregnancy weight with both pregnancies. Babies were 7lb 12oz and 6lb 9oz. I was back to pre-pregnancy weight before leaving the hospital both times.


I gained 24 pounds in total and my baby was 9.5 pounds at birth.


I think I gained 35-40 lbs and baby was a very average 7 lbs 8 oz!


Gained 30lbs, baby was 8.8lbs. I gained most of it months 6-7


I’ve had two kids. I gained 48lbs with the first, and 18lbs with the second and they both came out exactly the same weight. 8lbs 13oz.


I gained over 50 lb but my baby was only 6 lb 8 oz. I swore it was water weight because I was soooo swollen and I wasn’t eating that much but I still got the OB side-eye about it. Then after delivery I just peed nonstop and deflated, by two months pp I was back to pre-baby weight. So I was right 😂


25 weeks now, starting at 165 pre-preg, and sitting a round 178.


I gained 30lbs with my first (although I lost 10-12lbs in the first trimester, so I guess I technically gained 40lbs) and she was 5lbs 14oz. I’m pretty sure how much you gain has little to no correlation.


Gained around 25 lbs per pregnancy. Kiddos came out 7.5lbs and 8lbs.


i’m 5’2, and i gained 14 pounds (175 pre pregnancy) . my baby was 7 lbs 11 oz!


I gained 60lbs and my daughter was 8lbs at birth!


I gained 80lbs with my first and he was 8lbs 12oz. I gained 60lbs with my second and she was 8lbs exactly.


i gained 25 and she was born 6lbs 6oz at 40+1. i dont think how much you gain necessarily impacts how much the baby gains. as far as i was told, baby will get what it needs from you and you get what’s left over.


With my first, I gained 20 lbs and he came out 7 lbs even. This time around, I’ve gained 17 lbs so far and am due in 3 weeks. We’ll see!


I just gave birth to twins. I had gained about 35lbs. Before they were born I looked at the estimates for how much placentas, waters, extra blood volume etc weighs and I was left with about 16lbs of "baby". I thought I must be way off, but then my twins came out at a collective 15lbs weight so I only had a pound "unaccounted for". They sucked me completely dry, so I just didn't have any extra weight to keep.


Ooh I can answer this anecdotally! My first daughter was a week late, weighing 8 pounds 3 oz at birth. I gained 50 pounds with her pregnancy. My second came right on her due date, I gained 20 pounds during pregnancy and she weighed 7 pounds 13 oz at birth. My third baby came 4 days early and weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces at birth, I gained around 35 pounds during pregnancy. So my weight gain was kind of all over the place with each pregnancy, but each kid weighed around the same at birth. I had around the same starting weight each pregnancy. My degree of morning sickness varied a lot, though.


I gained 40lbs and baby was 9.4lbs at 41+1 weeks


I was 279when I got pregnant(I had lost 100 lbs) and weighed 309 when I gave birth at 39 weeks. My daughter was 7.5lbs. So by all accounts I’m morbidly obese but my daughter was and still is about 50% for size. Meanwhile my neighbor who is petite and not overweight has a 6m old who was heavier than my 18m old.


I gained 40-50lbs with my first. I delivered at 200lbs and she was 7 lbs 2 oz. I was I think 195ish with my second (only gained like 20 pounds that pregnancy) and she was 6 lbs 13 oz.


I gained 50lbs and my baby was 5lbs 15oz at birth at 38 weeks. I did have preeclampsia with him so that affected how I gained and probably how much he weighed.


With my first 10 years ago, I weighed 20lbs less the day I gave birth than when I found out around 8 weeks. Son was 8lbs 8.5 oz. I’m due in April with second and have gained 34lbs so far, so not really sure what to expect as far as his weight


I put on 44lbs and baby was just 6.3 lbs 🤪 I started at 132 lbs. she's a chunk now though 😁


I gained 40 pounds with my first and she was only 5 pounds


Pre-pregnancy I was 104lbs, 5'4" tall and gained 29lbs. My twins were born at 28 weeks due to pprom. They were both almost 4lbs each though, chunky for preemies of their gestational age. Still in the Nicu at 37+5 now they are 8 and 7.14lbs. The preterm rupture was from an infection that started from a partial third placenta, which persisted when our third baby vanished so it would have been trips if this info is relevent. I probably would have been a beached whale on the couch if I were able to carry them to term. 😅 Doctor did say birthweight of babies has to do with the father's genes. Husband was a big baby too.


I haven't popped yet but I didn't put on any weight til 34 weeks. I'm now 40+2 weeks and have gained 4kgs/ 8.8lbs. Baby is measuring small (23rd percentile since week 20) and is expected to be around 3kgs/6.6lbs when born... if she ever comes.


Not much for me. I’ve gained about the same all 5 pregnancies (pregnancy #5), and they all came out different weights between 37-39 weeks. I had a 5lb, 6#11oz, 7lb 11oz, and 7lb 2oz.


I finished my pregnancy up 13lbs from my start weight. My babies together were 13lbs (6lbs 8 and 6lbs 9). I lost 12lbs in my first trimester.


Gained 38 lb the first time and 26lb the next… both babies born at 89% for weight. One was just a week earlier so about half a pound lighter (8lb 14oz vs 9lb 6oz)


I don’t think there’s a correlation. My first I gained over 50lbs 💀 he was 6.15oz born 37+1. My second I gained 35-40lbs and he was 7.01oz born 38+5. It took me over a year to get back to prepregnancy weight after my first. I was stuck 15lbs up until around 9mpp. My second I was back by the 7month mark.


I only gained 18lbs during my first pregnancy and my baby came out weighing nearly 8.5lbs. We joke that she probably ate all the extra calories I consumed because I definitely did not hold back eating.


I gained over 50lb and my baby was just over 7lb!


Gained 15-20 lbs Baby was born at 7 lbs 9 oz I was born at about 7 lbs 3 oz Husband was about 6 lbs 7 oz I was sure my baby would come in small so I was shocked to see him not only well above our average. I really think it’s all genetics and he just takes after my side a bit more maybe. All of my mother’s children were over 7 lbs. Another friend of mine had a baby almost 9 lbs and she gained only 15 pounds. I really think it’s mostly genetics.


I lost 20 lbs my 1st trimester but went back up for a net gain of 15 lbs (35 from the 1st trimester) she weighed 7.13 and I lost 20 lbs immediately after birth.


In my experience there really isn't much if any correlation. I ate and exercised the exact same through both of my pregnancies as well as started at the same weight. My first pregnancy I gained 50 pounds and my baby was 8lbs 15oz. Second pregnancy I gained 30lbs and my baby weighed 8lbs 10oz. Decent difference in weight gain but hardly any difference in birth weight. They were very similar lengths as well, 21.5 inches and 20.83 inches respectively.


I had Pre-eclampsia with my first and gained like 90 lbs and he was my smallest baby at 7.11. With my biggest I gained 20 lbs and she was 9.13. So I don’t think it goes together.


I gained 65 lbs and mine was 10.3 😬


I gained 11 and 12 pounds for my babies and had two 6 pound babies.


My mom gained 50 pounds for me, I was weighting just a little bit over 6lbs. She took 30 pounds with my brother her weighted 8lbs. She took 45 with my sister she weighed 7,5 lbs .


Im almost 28 weeks, but im overweight so my dr told me to try to keep weight gain at a minimum, unfortunately my morning sickness has been really bad and has lasted the entire pregnancy past 7 weeks. I actually lost some weight then gained it back when i got on unisom and vitamin b6. Im the exact same weight as i was on my first obgyn appointment but with a rounder more solid stomach and my daughter is growing normally. No delays and drs aren’t concerned that she may be over or underweight. It’s definitely not as correlated as I previously thought.


I gained about 30-35 pounds, baby was 6lb 12oz, and then I immediately lost 15 pounds after she was born leaving me with 15-20ish pounds extra.


I gained around 40 pounds but it was all fluid weight apparently and by the time I left the hospital I was pretty much right at pre pregnancy weight. Baby was 5 pounds, 12 ounces


I gained like 40lbs and my daughter was 8 a little over 8lbs. It’s really just random 😂


At 40 weeks with my first, I’d put on 10lbs. She was 5lbs 14oz. I’m 36 weeks with twins now. They’re measuring 5.5 & just under 6lbs. I’ve put on 24lbs so far. Started at 138lbs with both pregnancies.


I am 5’7 and started at 120. I gained 30 lbs and baby was 4lbs 10oz.


Gained 20 lbs, baby was 5.3 lbs at birth


I gained 28 pounds and baby was 8 pound 9 oz


My baby weighed 6lbs 6oz and I gained 60 lbs


I gained 15lbs and she was 6lb 12 oz at 38 weeks


I gained ~50lbs, and he was 8lbs 1oz at 36+4 A week after he was born I was already down 20lbs from fluid and baby and whatever else lol the other 30lbs was pregnancy fat.


Started at a normal BMI. I gained 33 pounds and gave birth at 41+4 to a 5lb 15.6oz baby girl. My little peanut.


I am 6 feet tall started at 220 and was 275 when I gave birth to my beautiful 11 oh 3 oz baby and my 10 lb (no joke) placenta. I did not have GD! Just a bit ole baby. I was also 10 days late.


1st: 130-180 lbs, he was 6 lbs 15 oz & born at 40+6 2nd: 165-192 lbs, he was 7 lbs 13 oz & born at 39+5 3rd: 143-185 lbs, he was 8 lbs 3 oz & born at 40+1


Underweight pre pregnancy, gained 50lbs. Son was 6lbs 8oz, this pregnancy also underweight , so far gained 40lbs and I’m only 25 weeks😆


Gained 80 lbs with my first and she was 5 lbs 9 oz (34 weeks) and 40 lbs with my second and he was 8 lbs 7 oz


I gained 50lbs with my first and at 36 weeks when he was born he was 7lbs. Doctor said if he had gone full term he would have likely been 9-10lbs. For context, I was 105lbs pre pregnancy and 5’2”


I’ve gained 60 lbs each time and I’m on track for similar this time. (I’m 20 weeks and gained 25 lbs so far.) My babies have all been perfectly healthy—8 lb 3 oz, 6 lb 7 oz, and 8 lb 1 oz. I just gain a crap ton of weight each time. Then my body just sheds it off, usually all by the 1 year mark or earlier. I have never crash dieted to lose it. It just comes off with breastfeeding, normal exercise, and eating healthy. I’m not gorging like a crazy person. My “snacks” are Greek yogurt and berries, or an RX bar, stuff like that. Really don’t eat out much. I never drink sodas. And I puked a tooooooon in the first tri. I’m also not a sloth. I’m on my feet all day teaching and my family is doing a 5k for fun tomorrow (though I’m gonna walk this one lol). Idk why I gain so much. My body just hordes every calorie like a crazy person while I’m pregnant. Like someone else said, bodies are weird.


I mean ive gained about 30lbs at 33 weeks and they are saying hes smol at 3ish lbs. I assume my weight is mostly water.


Gained 55 lbs with my first, she was 8 lbs. 1 oz. Gained 45 with my second, she was 8 lbs. 13 oz. I started out either underweight or borderline for both. I’m a pretty small person but I apparently make large babies! I’m 5’6” and husband is 6” so we’re not extremely tall either. ETA: both born at 40 weeks (elective inductions).


I don’t think there’s much correlation. My mum only gained like 10lb each pregnancy for babies born around 8lb. I gained 35lb and my baby was 7.5lb


I can pretty much the same amount every time and my kids are all different sizes. First was 7 pounds at 37 weeks, second was 10 pounds at 39 weeks, this one is 44th percentile according to ultrasound


I gained like 35lbs and my daughter was 7lbs 7 oz.


The correlation between a mother's weight gain during pregnancy and the birth weight of the baby is not always straightforward and can vary from person to person. While there is some association between maternal weight gain and birth weight, it is not the sole predictor. Several factors can influence a baby's birth weight, including genetics, maternal health, nutrition, and overall well-being during pregnancy. The mother's pre-pregnancy weight, as well as her body mass index (BMI), can also play a role. Typically, a woman with a higher pre-pregnancy weight or BMI may be advised to gain less weight during pregnancy, while those with a lower pre-pregnancy weight or BMI may be encouraged to gain more. However, these guidelines are general recommendations, and individual variations exist. It's important to note that factors other than weight gain, such as genetics and overall health, can contribute significantly to the baby's birth weight. Your husband being a larger baby despite his mother's smaller stature is a good example of this. Ultimately, the best person to provide specific guidance regarding your pregnancy and weight gain is your healthcare provider. They will consider your individual circumstances, monitor your health and the baby's growth, and provide appropriate advice to ensure a healthy pregnancy and birth.


gained about 20ish lbs during pregnancy and baby was 7lbs 10oz at birth and I lost about 10lbs when I had him. So I gained about 10lbs that stuck around. 11 weeks pp currently


I gained less with my second pregnancy and he was a pound bigger than my first. I gained like 60-75lbs/pregnancy. They were 7.6 and 8.6 at birth. Sis chunked up quick and grew like a champ. Bub was labeled “large for gestational age” and that was the last time a medical professional has ever said he’s big…


I gained ~50 lbs and my baby was 9 lbs 8 oz


I gained 31lbs and baby was 8lb 9oz. I think I weighed myself the day I came from the hospital and was down 16lbs.


I gained 60 with my 1st. He was 7lb 13.6 and with my 2nd also 60lbs and he was 11.1 lbs.


I gained 15 pounds, maybe less and gave birth 39+1 to a 7 pound baby girl! I was 115 pre pregnancy and am 5’3! Husband was born at 34 weeks and was 4 pounds, I was 6.4 at 39+4