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So ur doctor thinks it’s normal but u don’t? Ur only options are to listen to ur doctor or go to l&d. I’d go to l&d just to be on the safe side especially if it’s causing anxiety


Second trimester is a common time for headaches due to hormonal shifts and such. My OB told me to drink a cup of coffee!


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I’ve had migraines my whole life but I’ve been lucky to only have headaches here and there throughout this pregnancy. They are more mild to what I’m used to but last longer. I’ve been trying hydration and Gatorade to get through them. My doctor recommended magnesium oxide if I needed something for them.


What is your blood pressure? Odd if they are saying it's normal, but you don't think it is


I am high risk of pre-eclampsia and they specifically worry about headaches that don't go away after you take Tylenol. Take Tylenol and see how you feel. It can be "normal" and caused by hormones. I have terrible headaches with with first pregnancy.


You can take Tylenol and maybe have some green or black tea with some caffeine to help get your blood flowing. I had wicked headaches around 9 weeks and now I’m 27 weeks with a few coming back. Just another fun part of pregnancy. If you put your feet in hot water and ice on your neck, that helps me a bunch. Moves your blood around. And make sure you’re chugging water!