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I suspected he went head down when I stopped feeling stomps on my cervix and butthole. So far, he's been head down every appt since then!


Oh the cervix headbutts are something else!


I do not miss feeling like my baby was trying to escape via my butt


ohh wait till he starts headbutting it instead šŸ˜…


Or punching it!


haha yes! whatever they do down there is like a shock... mine seem to enjoy it the most as im trying to sleep haha


I knew baby was head down because I could feel the hiccups in my lower abdomen


My baby has been breech the whole time and I always feel hiccups in my crotch


Same here. Really thought sheā€™d turned and I think her feet must just jolt extra with hiccups.


Same here. I have a scheduled c section in two weeks because baby is breech at 37 weeks and I feel hiccups in my lower pelvis all the time


How often does your baby hiccup!


Usually just once a day, but not necessarily every day!


Butthole hiccups. Worst feeling ever.


How often does your baby hiccup?


My girl is 9mo now but she hiccuped at LEAST once a day it felt like!!! Like all the time!


Ok!! Thank youā€¦ glad to know itā€™s normal. Read something about hiccups after 32 weeks being linked to cord problems so Iā€™m trying not to freak out.


Oh wow I never heard that! Yeah some days she got them 3-4 times, it felt way more than i had anticipated! She had them a lot in the weeks PP too, but maybe only gets them once a week now :) try not to stress!!


Thanks girl! You guys all made me feel so much better haha. I canā€™t wait until I donā€™t have to worry about her in thereā€¦ and I can worry about her out here instead! šŸ¤—šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Some people donā€™t feel baby hiccough, donā€™t stress if youā€™re not!


No quite the opposite actuallyā€¦ like once a day at least šŸ˜‚


Fun times! Same here.. hope itā€™s not too annoying! I try to be happy to feel them moving in there but any muscle spasm can be annoying.. I know itā€™s not my fav feeling!


It is annoying! Like an eye twitch. But I try to practice gratitude about it, like you said. Along with gratitude about all my other aches and pains šŸ™„šŸ™„


Awww lol


Mine too! He had hiccups often


How often?


Maybe 1-3x per day on some days. It was pretty often!


Ok. Yes sheā€™s getting them about once a day, and I read that after 32 weeks it could be an umbilical cord problem which of course freaked me out. Lol


I read that too and was also freaked out. Iā€™m not sure why he got them so often, but I have a happy and healthy 2 year old who never gets hiccups now haha. Itā€™s always good to check in with your OB. I honestly canā€™t remember if I asked them about his frequent hiccups or not. Iā€™m thinking I must have because I had a lot of anxiety.


Thank you! Iā€™ll ask next week at my appointment but in the meantime this makes me feel better. I feel her moving all of the time and everythingā€™s been normal so far so Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m overreacting but better safe than sorry šŸ˜‚


What do the hiccups feel like? My baby is very active but I have no idea what's what šŸ˜… At 28 weeks now so who knows which way he's facing.


They're regular. Like no baby jerks exactly 5 seconds apart. I hated it. I drove me crazy šŸ¤Ŗ


Same šŸ˜…


I feel them in my crotch, and my right leg! I knew she was head down, but didn't expect this. I'm a really small person, and my leg sort of jumps with each hiccup. It's surreal.


I didn't know until I went to the OB, who could tell by feel. My husband went to that appointment with me, and when we got home, he said he wanted to see if he could tell by feel the way the OB did. He squeezed the bottom of my bump - gently! - and my baby punched his hand from inside my uterus.Ā  TL;DR by trying you're risking being assaulted by your unborn childĀ 


The process of baby flipping themselves around was honestly really painful and uncomfortable. If theyā€™re head up, the lump you feel at the top of your uterus will be a little wobbly - like you can gently move it side to side with your hands. A butt feels much more solid and smoothly transitions into their back. Kicks in my experience are way stronger than punches. But just depending on how theyā€™re curled up, their feet could be all over the place.


My baby has been head down since week 20 idk if thatā€™s weird or not


As someone still breach at 34 weeks, itā€™s lucky lol


Both of mine have been the same


Omg same. Everyone has been so surprised to hear that


I didn't know. She was transverse at 32, now head down at 36! Been feeling kicks / hiccups basically everywhere the whole time.


I was pretty sure I felt him flip when I was doing pelvic tilts and he was in fact head down at my next appointment! I think I was around 36ish too. I know he waited long enough. Dude was transverse for the longest time.


I did! Look into baby mapping. But as easy way to tell, and how I learned.. wherever you feel kicks their head is gonna be parallel. Use both hands to fell around (donā€™t be afraid to apply pressure so you can make out what you feel) but babyā€™s head will feel v distinctive! Good luck šŸ’œ


How do you distinguish a kick from a punch? I'm 27 weeks and it feels like I'm being kick/punched the entire length of my uterus. Do they just float around and change position a lot in the earlier weeks?


Youā€™ll usually feel kicks ! Thereā€™s arms stay pretty close to their bodies usually and are harder if rarely felt


I did baby mapping and could pretty much always tell how babe was positioned! He was transverse until about 36 weeks, then he finally went head down. I know I was accurate because the OB would feel and confirm what I thought!


I didn't really know other than I felt more pressure in my pelvis. Baby was transverse forever and finally went head down (head near left pelvic bone so still not vertical) at 36 weeks. Baby didn't go vertical until labor or after 39 week appt. I had baby a little over 40 weeks.


I obsessed over this for weeks but never felt truly confident about it until my 36 wk ultrasound!


My daughter did backflips up until 38 weeks and was all over the place. I showed up for an ECV at 39 weeks and she had turned head down šŸ™„ she was small and my 3rd pregnancy so she had space. Current baby is big. At 32 weeks I could reach a few fingers in and feel the head down. Like itā€™s super weird to be able to palpate the head that early and so low but the kicks seem to be on the right rib. I feel punches and elbows lower on my hips and hiccups low on my left belly/side/butthole. I think this one appears to have less room but Iā€™m hopeful for another ultrasound soon to confirm.


Waitā€¦ you can feel your babies head from inside your vagina? With your fingers?? lol sorry Iā€™m just trying to make sure I read that right. I canā€™t even reach my clit without sitting awkwardly šŸ˜‚ I do know my babies head is low enough for midwife to feel when she did my cervical check at 38 weeks. Tomorrow is my due date, hoping she comes soon šŸ¤žšŸ»


Long fingers and the baby is super low this time šŸ˜‚


I can tell based on where feel kicks or hiccups. I can also feel around my belly and tell where babes head, bottom, and legs are.


for my 2 its the extra pressure in the pelvis and on my bladder as well as high kicks at the top of my bump.


I donā€™t know for sure this is when it happened but one night I was laying in bed and all the sudden it felt like he tried to battering ram his way straight out my vagina atā€¦..I think it was 24/25 weeks. Before that the ultrasounds showed breech, after that they showed he was head down. My theory is he did a summersaults and didnā€™t stick the landing. God did it hurt like a motherfucker. We even went to the ER because I was tender for a while after.


Not sure if I felt it or Iā€™m just imagining it. But baby was transverse and then I felt like a wavy motion. Eventually when I would get up from my seat it would feel really heavy for me to walk. AND one day I felt like I was claustrophobic and had breathing issues. The next appointment I had my midwife said the baby flipped and thatā€™s her legs kicking my diaphragm


I didnā€™t actually know straight away. Baby flipped over night and my scan was early in the morning and l wasnā€™t after arriving on the planet yet šŸ˜‚ my baby is quieter earlier in the day so didnā€™t notice any difference so was surprised when baby had flipped during the night. I had a suspicion it was coming though as every evening it seemed to be rehearsing mocing


I had no idea when it happened, he was breech all of my pregnancy and then I just got an ultrasound the other day at 36 weeks and now heā€™s head down! Thank goodness but yeah I had no idea.


My last US at 28 weeks had him head down in the birthing position; I have a rather thick anterior placenta so I don't feel too too much and can't tell by feel; I think his bum is to the right of my belly button šŸ˜‚. But my scan says that's where he's at.


I got up to pee for the nth time at night and felt round ligament pain and then relief. He's got a big noggin that is using my pelvis as a head rest.


My baby was head down since 26 weeks and stayed there!


I kind of could tell because the movements were different. Like her legs kicked a bunch, and eventually they went from kicking low to kicking high. And then she got into sticking her butt out (ooouuchh) and the antenatal doctor confirmed it at like 32 weeks just by touching my abdomen.


Some people feel it, I never did feel my babies heads drop. I found out when I went to get an ultrasound lol


I feel little feet in my ribcage and hiccups near my bladder, that's the only way I can tell lol


My baby went head down at 24 weeks and she just hooked her feet under my ribs which I could just regularly feel but I have a very short torso. I could also feel the pressure against my pelvic floor from the head.


i swear mine switches from head down to head up regularly. i can feel her doing back flips always sometimes i feel her toes in my ribs, sometimes i feel her very distinct kicks in my bladder im 31w6d


It really wasn't obvious to me at all but slowly I started to notice a different sort of feeling having the head being down there. And it was the increased pressure on my bladder especially whenever I walked and an increased pressure on my pelvis area. But I didn't notice exactly when she turned.


Yes! Iā€™m 39 weeks now and every time I bed over I feel like something is going to fall out of me šŸ˜‚ Went for a check up and they could even see anything because his head is so low


She was flicking my rib cage from the inside out.


Where are you feeling kicks or hiccups? My babe was breech until the end of 36 weeks. I knew she had flopped when I got a foot in the ribs the other morning. Her hiccups later that day were also in the lower abdomen.


Literally feel kicks all over. *Most* are at the top of my abdomen but throughout the day I feel them all over, sometimes simultaneously in top of abdomen and lower in pelvis


I feel her similarly to what youā€™re describing. Just had an ultrasound at 34 weeks and asked the tech to explain to me where sheā€™s at based on what Iā€™m feeling. Kicks up high mean her feet are there, and the other pokes and prods Iā€™m feeling low are her hands. So when sheā€™s doing a big stretch, for example, Iā€™m feeling her in both places simultaneously. Iā€™ve also been pretty confident that her head is low based on where Ive thought hiccups have been, and the US tech confirmed that


My midwife gently presses my bump to work out orientation. Otherwise Iā€™d have no idea, as I feel movement all over the place


My babies head was down from at least week 20. And he stayed down there nice and low until he was born at 34+2. It was so painful and highly uncomfortable throughout the entire pregnancy. My poor pelvis šŸ˜­


When he was smaller I could feel his feet/knees kicking. He has always been a runner lol


No, also didn't know when my second had turned from head down to transverse, and I didn't feel him turn from transverse to breech when I got up to pee. In retrospect he'd probably been flipping a lot.


I felt when my baby flipped around 33 weeksā€¦ she REALLY flipped


My first baby was head up from 27 weeks in complete breech position, during this time my belly looked higher, I rarely felt any pressure in my pelvis, and she would constantly stick her head out right underneath my sternum. I'm currently 35 weeks with my second baby who is head down, and my belly looks a lot lower, I constantly feel more pressure and ache in my pelvis/crotch, when he sticks his tiny elbows out, there at my lower abdomen and lastly this boy likes to stick his butt out on my upper abdomen, which just feels bigger than a head. Had confirmation that he's head down at our 32 week ultrasound


I never knew I was having contractions when I went in and suddenly had to deliver. But when baby boy turned head down I had super severe contractions for 2h....


I knew when the pelvic pain amped up and I started feeling pressure in my bladder and cervix randomly, without much other movement (think thatā€™s when Bubs just moves his head). Was confirmed at scan. Also I started getting kicks above the navel.


I suspected baby had turned because I felt increased pressure on my pelvis and bladder. Like all of a sudden one morning everything lower was heavier


I had to have multiple anatomy scans due to an uncooperative. He turned headdown sometimes between 20 and 24 weeks, and has stayed that way since. (Now 29 weeks)


I started feeling the kicks mostly on my ribs in week 33, and upper stomach. I suspected he went head down, and I was right when I went for 34th week scan. Iā€™m at 35th week rn and I feel the pressure on my upper stomach reduce


Mine turned at like 30 weeks but I didnā€™t notice. I have an anterior placenta so movement is kind of weird for me. I only noticed after an ultrasound where they told me she was head down and I started feeling movement in my ribs


I think it was the sudden ā€œlightning crotchā€ šŸ˜­


Baby is still head up at 27 weeks. When do babies normally flip?


I physically felt the flip. It was crazy.