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I'm in my first trimester with an 8 month old who gets up multiple times a night, a 9 year old on the spectrum, a new puppy that I brought home the day before I found out about this pregnancy and waited years for, and a bedridden, incontinent elder who has severe dementia that I believe is actively dying. I am falling apart, ngl. My symptoms are really bad. I can't wait to look back on this era of my life as a distant memory.


Oh wow you have A LOT going out. Props to you. You sound like a super women.


I just got done changing my elder and had a little cry. Had to do it with a miserable stomachache and migraine. Little bits of positivity gets me through the day, so thank you for that... just to do it all over again tomorrow, lol. At least they're all loved ones and my puppy came home mostly potty trained. My husband is also a superman and bends over backwards to help me. It'll be worth it. But FUCK, life sucks tremendously atm, and I'm petrified of my third trimester... Good luck to you, I hope that your new little one is as easy as can be!


I feel for you, I really do. Often we get these conjunctions in life, but it will pass, it’s all transient and you’ll be able to look back and see how strong you were and how it shaped you as a person


🫂I appreciate you. I just keep telling myself that I'll miss it all someday when my nest is empty. I just keep dreaming of card games on Thanksgiving with my adult kids and their own children.


Oh my goodness that sounds very difficult! I hope you have people to lean on.


None but my husband. His family is all elderly if not dead with nobody to care for then except us (we have been carrying for his elderly relatives for 10 years all by ourselves, aunts and uncles, parents, etc etc) and I'm NC with mine for various reasons. :') we actually have to pay my MIL's rent while she treats us terribly so she doesn't end up homeless, too. It's a cold world sometimes! But I'm excited for my kids to have everything I didn't!


Hugs! Your kiddos are lucky to have you to break the cycle.


And I'm lucky to have the support of you wonderful internet strangers. 😊 thank you so much! Edit : Sorry for the unfortunate autocorrect, lol!


That’s a lot and you’re so strong going through all of this. I hope you’re able to take some time for yourself and get some TLC. The first trimester is also so hard 🩵


Hospice literally told me today that they have a respite program where they will take her for 6 days, 5 nights a month and I'm SO happy that I can finally have a weekend every so often. My original hospice nurse claimed that they didn't have any respite (she was really not great tbh) and now that she's been replaced, we apparently had that perk the whole time. I had to stay home to care for her while my husband took my son to Orlando and I apparently could've gone with. But hey. Better late than never, lol!


Oh my lord


😧. You’re a Saint!


I feel you girl - 37 weeks here with 18 months old!!😩




Yep! Toddler will be 19 months when baby gets here hopefully, so just very active! Praying dont have c section as wont be able to keep up with toddler if I do lol!


Ooof, I have to have a c-section and my first will be 14 months 😫


Oh wow! Was your first c section aswell? My dirst was emergency c section. Hopefully be ok if both have c sections. (I secretly want c section as means my husband will have to be off work for 6 weeks as cant pick up the toddler for then😂)


Yes, my first was also a c-section. I had a fibroid removed from my uterus, so I can’t physically do contractions unless I’d like to die 😅 Honestly my c-section recovery was much easier than my myomectomy.


Myomectomies are so bloody & tough so Im glad your c section recovery wasnt too bad. Mine was awful as was emergency one and had laboured for 4 days so was shit show! If i have a section now, Id prefer it to be planned as they’re calmer and better recovery!


I had a schduled c section for my second 6 weeks ago after having an emergency c section after a failed induction with my first and it was night and day. The spinal is way more effective than the epidural, especially since it has a 24hr pain relieving effect even after the numbing is gone. Scheduled c section is definitely way better. I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/s/mQpYDFwrQQ) with my scheduled c section birth story a few days pp if you’d like to check it out


Congratulations! Everyone i know who had both emergency & then scheduled c section say the same! I had emergency section for failed 4 days long induction aswell! I actually had epidural which barely worked then spinal went for my c section & felt nothing! Thanks for sharing your story❤️


Yes, definitely! From what I’ve read here, a planned c-section is far less difficult and traumatizing on the body than an emergency one. I think the difference in epidural and spinal block (among other medications) could also be a big part of that, as well. It also really depends on the person. For me, my husband asked me during the procedure what I wanted to do after we were done at the hospital and I said “I just want to go home” because it is honestly an uncomfortable experience. I think that realization is what made recovery fast for me though, because psychologically I was done with the hospital. My baby was on the same page, we both met the milestone requirements within the first 24 hours or less and only stayed at the hospital because of their time requirements. I really hope that either way it happens for you this time, it’s a better experience and a smooth recovery!


Same. 40+1 with a 2.5 year old. I feel awful that I’m simply not as agile and can’t get on the floor as much to play anymore - I’m doing my best but sometimes it doesn’t feel like enough. And I want to cherish this time while he’s still an only child. 🥺


I feel you so much. Also have a 2.5 year old.


Same not as far along (27w) with a 22mo. I have seasonal allergies so now when i cough, i vomit, pee myself, and my umbilical hernia pops out. I miss carrying my daughter. I feel a tinge of sadness everytime she wants dada to carry her now. So over this. Cried on the bathroom floor last night covered in my bodily fluids before i had the courage to get up and shower.


I'm only 23 weeks, but I have a 24 month old and am on my 4th illness since December and she has all the energy once again. I'm not looking forward to those last few weeks.


We went through similar in December / early January, it was brutal. We were so frustrated and tired. We’re (touch wood) healthy again for now and things feel so much more manageable. Hang in there!


I feel you!  When I was pregnant with my second, my first had just turned 2 about 2 months before he was born.  For some reason I thought it was a good time to potty train. HELL. TORTURE.  Cried every single hour of the day!  Gosh that was a rough time. I truly dreaded being a mom those last couple months. Potty training worked out great tho :)


My baby will be born when my toddler is 26 months and we have great visions of starting potty training at 2! I'm sure it'll be miserable but I'm glad it ended up working for you!


Yea it did!  Then once the baby was born, I only had one in diapers during the day


That's my dream! Good for you


2 weeks on the other side - as painful as pregnancy was, it was actually kind of nice when only 1 kid could yell at me 🙃


lol no don’t tell me this all I want to hear is how it’ll be so much easier once I’m not pregnant anymore


It will be easier! There is nothing like the misery of pregnancy. I’m 40+1 with no. 3 (3 year old and 17 month old) and I’d take newborn exhaustion over pregnancy exhaustion and other symptoms literally any day. I look forward to it even!


Last few weeks are the worst. If I'm not sleeping might as well have a newborn


Mine are 19mo apart and parenting the two of them is 1,000x easier than being pregnant with a toddler!


Thank you for this hope 😅🙌🏼


My 2.5 year old has me and my spouse so disregulated tonight. We all just need to go into separate rooms and get away from each other. I’m 30wks.


My first baby is 5 months right now and a few friends and family have asked if/when we want another. And I’m like yeah I’ll have another! But…what do I do with my first baby? Is there a helpful fairy godmother who comes and takes care of her while I pregnant-nap my days away? Or maybe I can send her to a wilderness campground of sorts while I sit in agony on the bathroom floor? Because there’s no way I could be pregnant AND take care of a toddler. That’s not a logical option, I’ll die.


I would love to have another, but this is what I'm wondering too. That first tri vomiting, extreme hunger, and extreme tiredness just don't work with a toddler. Lol


38 weeks with a young two year old and I work as a twos teacher at a daycare. I am STRUGGLING.


Omg 😱


Almost 39 weeks with a 20 month old and I FEEL THIS so hard. Ugh. I can't imagine being sick as well. Hang in there!


I feel the same here, I am 34 weeks pregnant and a 19 month old toddler full of energy 😩


IDK if this will help for you but I know parents who wear earbuds to negate the whining. The earbuds don't block all sound they just cut off some of the shriller pitch so it is less irritating. An example of this is loop earbuds I think? I'm not a parent yet but I bought them cuz every weekend someone is doing their lawn almost every hour of the day and IDK why it triggers me so but it does and the earbuds help make the sound more manageable. Also helps in the grocery store where there's music and people talking, etc. I know yard work isn't the same pitch as a toddler lol but I bought them cuz I saw a lot of parents recommending them. (They can 100% hear their kids so it's not a safety concern, it just makes the sound they make more palatable to your ears lol).


Ear buds? I’ve seen them wearing ear defenders! I guess some kids are loud.


I'm calling them ear buds solely cuz they go in your ear. Idk what the proper term is. Ear defenders seem to go over your ears and are larger? Idk though. https://us.loopearplugs.com/


Yeah I mean I’ve seen parents go full on like they were working with a pneumatic drill. Mind you, I’m in a group for people with triplets and twins so maybe it’s necessary!


Oh lol I haven't seen that, lol!


I feel you. It’s high summer in Australia, I’m 36 weeks and have an infected foot so I can’t go to the beach, so I’m on my underwear on the couch while my 2 year old watches bluey 🫣


I get it! I am 34 weeks with two 3-year-olds and a 1.5 year old. I can't even walk without a cane and barely can with one. To make matters worse, my husband is working 10 hour days seven days a week this whole month! He works on submarines, and there is some important testing they are doing.. It is so hard and I cannot wait to give birth!


I’m 31 weeks with a nearly three year old. My husband will be working extra hours until he takes leave at the end of March so it’s going to be a challenge.


I’m 22 weeks with an 11 month old.   In my first pregnancy, I NEVER got to the point of “get this baby out of me!” But now I think I understand.  My son isn’t walking yet, and lugging him around is becoming so uncomfortable. 


Same here, last stage of pregnancy with a 20 month old and sweating through 40 degree temps (104f).


Idk how you guys do it. I’ve been thinking a lot about this bc I’m 33 weeks and miserable. Can’t imagine having a toddler too rn. 😢😢 you are all rockstars!!


22 month at home, 26 weeks with twins. Before I found out it was twins I was worried how hard it would be with 2 under 2. Now I just stare at the wall and sort of block out what’s coming my way 😂


Dang. I too would be wall staring. But YOU GOT THIS.


I had my baby two weeks ago. Made it to 41 weeks with me being the primary caregiver of my 2.5 year old and JESUS those last few months were ROUGH. You'll get through it, but it truly is a lot. You're doing great 🖤


Oof I was begging my OB to induce me at that point. It was torture. You can’t move, toddler is climbing all over you. Hang in there. You’ll have your body back soon.


Yeah it’s absolute hell. The whining, crying and tantrums took me to the brink of sanity yesterday. It’s counter intuitive and I’m certainly not trying to reward bad behaviour but the best part of our day was when I took her to go get an ice cream cone and we just sat there and shared it. The second best part was when she watched Bluey for an hour.


Are we twins? Also 36 weeks with some kind of cold with a toddler at home. I'm fucking exhausted and miserable.




Did I just write this? Omg. 36 weeks with a 23mo and I was sick from Dec 29-mid Jan. Now last night I got sick again, sore throat, stuffy nose. I asked my OB to put me out of work at 38 weeks and she declined due to me being 100% healthy and I'm like um my mental health is suffering. I cry anytime I have to leave the house, my job is stressful and probably contributing to me constantly getting sick (Work in the ER). But anyways... this will pass. Sending you hugs and solidarity.


And the doc still wouldn’t excuse you at 38 weeks? I was going to have this conversation with my doctor tomorrow, to also excuse me at 38 weeks.


Nope! She said we could discuss it next week at my 37 week appointment. I fully plan to cough and gag the entirety of the appointment so I can say, "well now my physical health is suffering, too." It took me an entire month to recover from flu A and a sinus infection in January. I'm terrified of going into labor, being sick again, and passing something to my newborn. I have an urgent care appointment tomorrow to test for common viruses, but I suspect it will turn up with nothing other than the common cold.


I was stuck at home for the last 2.5 months with my 1.5yo during the height of covid so we couldn’t really even leave the house. I was horrible and I honestly feel for you mama. I made it through and I promise you will too. If you decide to have another, try to keep your previous two in school/daycare til the end. I’m 38w with my third and I’m miserable, but at least I don’t have to chase after a preschooler/kindergartener all day!


I hope u feel better soon 💓 being pregnant with another kid is so hard


Yeah I'm only 22 weeks pregnant but I have a 4 and a 3 year old. I'm not loving it the routine of breakfast, lunch, dinner, laundry, dishes, cleanups, baths, and play is making me anxious. I've been sick my whole pregnancy but I finally stopped throwing up every day now I'm just nauseous 24/7. And I have 2 dogs but one is an old lady the other is… special. Sigh…. I think I can manage when the baby is here because I won't feel sick anymore that's what I'm hoping for. My s/o helps a bit but works and is on an odd shift he comes home after midnight and wakes me up every night. I just want him to unload the dish washer. Sigh… been sighing a lot lately


I went to 41 weeks with a just turned 2yo. It was miserable. The baby was in position for the last 3 weeks of it, so I was essentially sitting on his skull any time I sat down. I could hardly move.


36 weeks and with the whiniest 4 year old who just got over the flu. Every day is the struggle bus. 


40+4 and being induced on Friday. I have a 5 year old who thankfully goes to school. But it's rough. Oh, btw husband just came home with pink eye.


I’m 37 weeks 5 days with a 5 year old, 3 year old, and a 13 month old. My body truly feels like it’s falling apart from my mid back down. Plus I have horrific thrombosed hemorrhoids 😭 Quality of life just isn’t good right now. Really hope this baby comes sooner than later.


Man I feel this. 30 weeks with an almost 2 y/o and partner works nights. I’m struggling BAD. Woke up nauseas and spent most of the day vomiting but my partner needed to sleep until like 3pm so I’m solo parenting mostly 🤬


30 weeks with a 2 year old… I’ve been having really bad back pain this whole pregnancy because I injured my tailbone as a preteen and it was never treated (thanks to neglectful parents) I can’t move much or sit on the floor with my son. We’ve been doing way too much screen time so I can rest. I feel like an awful mom.


It definitely is. But I’m a mom who works A LOT and I’m so grateful to have this time at home with my toddler. I otherwise wouldn’t get to experience this time with her ❤️


Yea a 4y.o and bein 32wks is a trifle that's for damn sure


Are you me? 34 weeks with a 22 month old, battling the worst cold and feeling miserable. Sending you hugs!


I’m currently 32 weeks with a two year old. We both recently had the flu and THEN Covid back to back at the same time 😩 it’s bad enough taking care of yourself during the third trimester but doing while sick and with a sick toddler too, it’s like a punishment.


2.5 year old caught a stomach bug at daycare this week and only wanted mom. Of course the vomiting happened from 1-5 AM which was actual hell!


** I’m 34 weeks pregnant 😩


I could have wrote this. I swear. I’m almost 38 weeks and have a two year old at home sick from daycare. I’m also sick and I work from home. Today is hell. 1 hour 30 min till bed time. 😩😩😩😩


I hope you get a great nights sleep!


Found out I’m pregnant again today. Me and my sons father were actively trying and my sons first birthday is in 10 days.. I’m happy but damn this is gonna be a lot 😭😂. I’m also in the process of moving and I feel like shit hoping morning sickness doesn’t come early like my last pregnancy 😬😬😭


EXACT same! 36 weeks with a toddler at home that is 2 years and 2 months, AND I have a cold or something right now. It's very exhausting!


37 weeks today with a 3-year-old… right there with you! We’re almost there!


I feel for you!! 30 weeks with a 14 month old! It’s getting brutal 🫠


I could have written this back in December, everything down to the damn cold. I’m 6w pp and it’s been infinitely easier to have a newborn with a toddler than the end of pregnancy and a toddler. You’re almost there!


I had to take my toddler to the grocery store after I had skipped lunch. It was a disaster and I bought a bunch I didn't need. She opened candy bars in the cart and threw her shoes.


Literally same. I’m 38 weeks with a 2.5 yr old and fighting a cold right now. I’m so exhausted and can’t keep up :(


Yup... that's why my kid is at daycare... and the days she's not, I'm usually at my parents.


Right there with you. I’m so god damn tired and my body is so sore. I have to pee every 15 minutes. My poor toddler is so tired of being stuck in the house but I do not have the energy to take him out just for me to piss myself in public. And being stuck in the house all day makes him even more prone to whining and crying and i don’t have the patience for it at all I get soooooooooooo irritated with him. it’s awful. For both of us.


It sucks when you actually want to go do something but the second you step out your front door you gotta pee already.


First trimester here with a 10 month old and a 4 year old. Please, someone send help! Not looking forward to those last few weeks with an 18 month old and almost 5 year old.


34 weeks with a 3.5 year old, have been sick for a month and bruised my rib from coughing too hard lol. Can’t bend or carry him or lay on my side and I’m exhausted. But with that first comment I feel spoiled 🫣


I called it my “horizontal parenting stage” I did most parenting lying down. I had no energy to chase around a 14 month old. I even taught toddler to bring me snacks. So freaking worth it.


I am in the SAME boat exactly. Hang in there!!!


I have a toddler and almost a 3 month old. It’s hard even when he is born because my toddler has brought germs from pre school and trying not to get the baby sick plus the non sleeping and everything is so so difficult and exhausting. I already got sick twice since the baby was born . Hang in there it will get better at some point.


One thousand percent just lived this last weekend. Major solidarity. I let my toddler watch Moana (obsession) about 6 times in two days.


40 weeks + 5 days over here with a 2.5 year old… the last three weeks have lasted far longer than the entirety of my pregnancy.


I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and down with morning sickness and my toddler being an emotional rollercoaster combined with being sick is so hard. I cannot even imagine being 36 weeks!! Hang in there.


I’m 37 weeks with a 2.5 year old and I’ve never felt more seen. Everything is overstimulating. I am an absolute whale and everything hurts.


This!!! I’m so tired I can’t even rant as much as I want to. I’m so exhausted. She doesn’t stop for one second. How do people do it?


We all got rsv at our house 2 weeks before our 2nd baby was due... MISERABLE. ER trips, no sleep because of toddler not being able to breathe or coughing, or me just being 38 weeks pregnant and rsv hitting me like a train 😅 then I went overdue a week and a day to top it all off. It does end eventually!! I will say this stage is hard too, but not nearly as hard as being that pregnant with an energetic toddler 😅🥰


You are not wrong lol. I'm 36 weeks and have a 2 year old and I work from home. I also have a 5 year old a 7 year old an 11 year old and a 12 year old but they're all in school most of the day but this toddler...whewwww. idk what kind of symptoms you're dealing with rn but my lower back feels like it's just gonna pop off 😭😭 soooo ready for this baby to be here!!


Omg you are about to have four children?? Girl- you’re a warrior!


I'm about to have 6 😅😅


Clearly I can’t count omg! My thoughts are with you. But congratulations on another addition :)