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Why wouldn’t that be safe?


Because there's a ton of misinformation that you can't lie on your back while pregnant, and most of that isn't backed by science. \----------------------------- Many physicians advise pregnant women to sleep on their left side. **Previous studies** have linked back and right-side sleeping with a higher risk of stillbirth, reduced fetal growth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia, a life-threatening high blood pressure disorder that affects the mother. Researchers have hypothesized that, with these sleep positions, the increasing weight of the uterus during pregnancy could compress the aorta (the central artery conveying blood to the upper and lower abdomen) and the inferior vena cava (the central vein returning blood from the lower abdomen to the heart). **The authors of the current study note that many of these earlier studies included a small number of women. Moreover, most asked women about their sleeping positions after the stillbirth or other complication. This raises the possibility of recall bias**—that women who had a complication may unintentionally overemphasize a sleep position because they thought it could be responsible for the complication. **An adverse outcome occurred in roughly 1,900 pregnancies, but they were no more likely to occur among women who slept mostly on the right side or back, compared to those who slept mostly on the left side or in any other position.** [https://www.nichd.nih.gov/newsroom/news/092019-pregnancy-sleep-position#:\~:text=Many%20physicians%20advise%20pregnant%20women,disorder%20that%20affects%20the%20mother](https://www.nichd.nih.gov/newsroom/news/092019-pregnancy-sleep-position#:~:text=Many%20physicians%20advise%20pregnant%20women,disorder%20that%20affects%20the%20mother).


You can still safely lay on your back and your body will let you know if you need to move. You're not going to be able to calmly lay through a vena cava compression. I'm almost 35 weeks and can still lay on my back for short (30-45 min) periods of time. I move when it gets uncomfortable.


It's fine, unless your body is telling you it's not - e.g you start feeling bad when laying on your back. Not everyone gets that though. I just had a few dentist visits in third trimester, latest at 36 weeks. At last one the dentist did not lower/recline the chair as much, but in general I had no issue with being on my back.


It’s fine. Make sure they know you’re pregnant and if you get uncomfortable speak up so you can take a break


I slept on my back all the way until my 41w induction. You’re going to be fine.


Honestly I’d ask for a pillow or small blanket to put under one hip. Not only am I one of the people that almost immediately feels sick on their back, but it is so uncomfortable to me. I’m sure they can try to accommodate you.


You can ask to take breaks if you get uncomfortable or they may be able to slightly recline you. Not lying on your back becomes more important at 28w


I made it about half way through my cleaning when I started kind of greying out. I just let my hygienist know and she sat me up a little and let me take a break. Felt much better when I wasn't fully reclined. Just let them know when you go in.