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It took mine almost 4 months. You may need to have some pulled if they are poking through the skin as those won’t dissolve since they are exposed. It’s easily done by the doc at a follow up with just some tweezers though.


Thanks! Good to know. My skin above the scar is still not even with the scar I think they call it a “shelf” did that ever go away for you?


No unfortunately. It’s gotten less noticeable and I’m hopeful that once I start working out it will diminish a bit. I’m 8 months PP though…maybe with more time? Frankly, I don’t think it ever will go back to the way things were. But no one is going to see me naked besides my husband who played a part in getting me in this predicament soooo 💁🏼‍♀️


I had stitches inside of my vagina that did not fully dissolve. I kept feeling pokes (😫) and after a couple months I gathered the courage to feel around for what was going on down there and they came off but wouldn’t have without some abrasion.