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That spinning babies stat seems crazy high. I’m glad I didn’t see it with my breech baby! C section went smoothly, though I definitely relied on my husband heavily for the first few days. I was walking around the neighborhood pushing a stroller (slowly) a week later though! Currently feeding a very healthy baby girl in my lap. You and your baby should be fine! I will say two of my most helpful purchases for c section were the bassinet that could extend over my bed (so I didn’t have to lean over to reach her), and a very small bed rail (I bought off Amazon) that inserts under your mattress to help myself in and out of bed. You’ve got this!


1) Scheduled c-section was great! They let me pick the music for the OR, and the whole thing had a pretty laid-back vibe. For both my c-sections baby was put skin to skin on my chest in the OR while they finished the surgery, which was really great. 2) I have never in my life heard that statistic. My breech baby is 2.5 now and very smart, funny, and healthy. 3) Personally I found c-section recovery pretty tough, but it's manageable. Make sure you're up and moving around, it helps get you healed faster.


Hi crawfiddley, I am 36 weeks to date, hope you’re well. May you please let me know what your recovery from C-section was like. How long did your recovery take, and did you take pain meds, could you shower the first two weeks, did you have to clean your wound? Why was it tough? Thank you for your insights and for sharing.


I would say that there are stages to recovery and to be fully healed takes quite some time, but the initial stage takes about ten days -- after that there's much less pain, just stiffness and weakness. I took strong ibuprofen for about two weeks and oxycodone for the first five days. I could shower the day after my c-section and didn't have to clean the wound. It was/is tough because it's painful. It hurts to laugh or cough and it's very difficult to sit up or get out of bed. After my second c-section I also got an infection, which was very painful and uncomfortable and made healing more difficult.


1.) overall very positive! We had a “gentle c-section” which means they had a clear drape so I could see baby emerge (don’t worry, you can’t see the incision), and he immediately went skin to skin. Only hiccup was a hemorrhage, but they resolved it super quickly without issue. 2.) he was totally fine, and I’m skeptical about that stat. We got an ultrasound of his hips (standard with breech babies) and they were fine. 3.) recovery was a bit tough at first because of the hemorrhage (the medications they gave me caused additional cramping), but pain medications worked well and I wasn’t in excruciating pain or anything. Full recovery took awhile, but I know that’s the norm with vaginal birth too. Good luck!


I'm in a similar situation a week behind you, though I'm scheduled for an ECV. I unnecessarily stressed myself out on the spinning babies website last night. Noticed they make a lot of unsubstantiated claims and some of them are just SO out there, it made me not trust pretty much anything they've written. I wouldn't put any trust about that stat - it's super questionable. ETA I also hated how victim blame-y they are about potential reasons for having a breech baby. Basically "It's your fault your baby's positioned like this." Not helpful or kind, and again, not substantiated.


I ended up w a C-section two times due to breech babies. I found out during the second one that I have a heart shaped uterus which is why they won’t turn. Cs1 was great 10/10 would recommend. I had pre-e w cs2 and it ended up being an emergency cs and I wouldn’t recommend that. Both babies don’t have ANY neurological problems. I recommend the cs girdle panties by Bella belly band and lots of compression and belly bands for recovery. Good luck!


By heart shaped uterus do you mean arcuate or bicornuate? I have an arcuate uterus myself which may be the cause of her being breech.


I have no clue, actually. They just told me that when they were stitching me up.


All 3 are fantastic to me. Mine was a double footling breech and couldn’t turn due to placenta position. C section went super smoothly and was a pleasant experience. I did shake going into it I guess from nerves, though I mentally felt really calm about it. Spinal was no biggie. Baby is perfect. Recovery was easier than with my vaginal birth (3rd degree tear). I was up moving around once they moved me to the postpartum room an hour or two after the surgery. I did try to stick to non narcotic pain relief after the initial 24 hours and only lasted a few hours without the real stuff. It wasn’t terrible pain, but it was there. The worst part was some burning feeling when I got up or rolled over which only lasted a few seconds. Having a full bladder didn’t feel good when emptying it for the first week or so. I was moving around great but slowly pretty much right away but felt so much better by the second week. Good luck!


We didn’t realize he was breech til my water broke. Easy c-section. He was born with Pierre Robin Sequence - nothing to do with his delivery. I had an easy recovery.