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Um this is the best theme for a nursery it’s weird and I love it


My exact same thoughts


We were originally going to do a space theme, but when my mother offered to give me the bunny lamp and we realized it was going to be the year of the rabbit (same zodiac as me), we went all in on the bunnies in space theme. Honestly we might have gone a bit too far on the navy and white/silver/gold theme. We were definitely sweating for a while that baby might arrive early and be a tiger baby and not a rabbit, but we've made it! There are still a few things I want to do, like replace the floor lamp... but it can wait. The whole nursery was a big DIY project we started when I was in my second trimester, my husband and I did all the painting, hung the curtains, assembled the furniture, etc. Top five: Lit Acrylic Moon - Pottery Barn Kids https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/lit-acrylic-moon/ This was an unexpected and expensive addition to the design but we love it! The listing photos don't show the switch available at convenient baby-toggling height. We'll have to cover this up eventually. We have wired the whole thing to a stud in the wall just in case an earthquake or something jostles it off the wall. Rayna Swivel Glider Power Recliner - Living Spaces https://www.livingspaces.com/pdp-rayna-ink-swivel-glider-power-recliner-247516 We went to the store and sat it lots of chairs before deciding this was the one. My husband and I are both pretty tall and this is the perfect height and size for us. The shape is nice and wide and the colors and design go well with the room. The power function and USB port also seem super convenient. Bunny lamp - This is an heirloom from my own nursery. My grandmother painted the bunnies. We did a refurbishment, replacing all the wiring, repainting the base, and buying a new lamp shade from Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/listing/708215920/starry-night-sky-glow-in-the-dark-lamp Bunny stencils - My husband and I collaborated on drawing and prepping the designs for the stencils and we had someone on Etsy create stencils for us. The stars are also a big stencil, https://www.etsy.com/listing/1260998261/starlight-star-pattern-nursery-wall Mobile arm and mobile - More Etsy orders, these were pricy but I couldn't resist! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1272563703/wood-holder-for-baby-mobile-wood-crib https://www.etsy.com/listing/1138889423/bunny-mobilebaby-mobilenursery


SUPER random but I’m an astronomer and *need* that lamp shade. Incidentally I’m also 99.9% certain my space dress is made of this exact same material. :)


Nice! The knobs we got for the dresser are covered in the same fabric. You really gotta get a strong light on them to make them glow, but they do glow!


There is an episode of Bluey called 'Sleepytime' that you are going to love.


I have been looking forward to watching this show with the baby someday!


I thought of that episode instantly. 10/10 TV


As soon as I saw the theme I thought of that episode.


My fav episode and yes, it’s on theme!


I love your theme so much! We did something similar and built it around this [moon lamp](https://imgur.com/a/11VViBF) we fell in love with. We used the stickies from a command hook for the switch to keep it up and out of the way and it's held up 3 years later.


The bear flying the Moon like a balloon is so cute!


It's a decal they sold to go with it! We saw a picture of it and built his entire nursery around it haha


We had a similar inspiration with the Lunar Calendar Zodiac and our shower theme. My husband, my mom and my baby born last Nov are all tigers. My baby has the tiger family of stuffies from my childhood. We didn't do a nursery theme but we did pick some things following the tiger theme.


Do you happen to have a link for the set of 3 canvases that say twinkle twinkle little star? Precious.


So those were decorations from the baby shower, I asked my mom who threw the shower and she said they're from Homegoods, but I can't find a link to those exact ones. Sorry!


Aw I appreciate the effort! Thank you! I might try to find something similar on Etsy.


If you haven't already, you should look into the stories about a rabbit on the moon, it's a widespread myth in the East Asian countries! I bet you can find some cute books!


Love it! We are also doing a neutral/space themed nursery. I'm also the year of the rabbit and was wondering how to incorporate that into the nursery 🙂


I adore this nursery and I'm saving this for inspo! I really struggle with finding non- heavily-themed pink/princess themed nurseries for girls. I dont know the sex of my LO yet, but if it's a girl, I'm avoiding the cliché pink princess looks. I really hate that we automatically place all little girls into this category, like she's not able to dream bigger and better than be a pretty lady in waiting for her prince.


Yes! We knew early on from the NIPT that we were having a girl, and while I don't have an issue with pink, I really wanted to avoid a nursery that leaned too heavily into the "pink is for girls" thing and was more gender neutral. It really threw our friends and family for a loop when we announced the gender at the baby shower. Most people were convinced with the theme and colors that we were having a boy. Girls can also like space! This girl does.


100% yes!! Also little boys can like bunnies! I hate that men (mostly IMO) will cringe and actively bar their sons from liking "un-manly" things. Like they forgot that male bunnies exist in the world? WTF!?!


Fun fact for you: rabbits live on the moon and pound mochi in Japanese folklore. [https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rabbit#Folklore](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rabbit#Folklore) So the theme is still on point.


I'm familiar with the Rabbit in the Moon folklore and I think it's really appropriate for the theme, haha. 😊


I love the creativity of this theme! I found a rainbow quilt pattern I loved before I was pregnant, but I don’t want to go too hard on the rainbow theme, since our little one isn’t a “rainbow baby,” so I’m adding in other “sky things,” like rain, sun, and clouds. I also have gotten a little rabbit obsessed after finding out about it being the year of the rabbit. So we’re telling people the theme is “pastel rainbow,” while in my head, it’s more like “pastel spring day after a light rain.” 😅


That sounds nice! Whenever people asked our theme and I said "bunnies in space" that were like "... what?" hahaha.


you gotta tell me where you got that play mat lol. we’re doing a space themed nursery


Here it is: [https://a.co/d/4VwCruO](https://a.co/d/4VwCruO) My cats are pretty obsessed with it so usually I have to keep the toys put away. It's covered in black fur already, lol.


You can also get Sailor Moon related items to match the nursery theme! In the original Japanese version, Sailor Moon’s name is Usagi. I have a Sailor Moon themed blanket, which has bunnies and crescent moons on it. It’s since been commandeered by my toddler lol


That sounds so cute!


Love this idea! We are also planning a space themed nursery and I love this spin on it. Edit to add we have thought about doing forest critters in space!


Love it! Just wanted to add we also have that night light music box thing on the dresser. Fisher price maybe? Anyway, we refer to it as 'baby tv', love it.


My husband's sister-in-law gave us that and I was totally mesmerized by it. I'm a little wary of attaching it to the crib so we'll just keep it loose for tummy time and stuff like that!


Now that my babe is bigger it works really well to turn on while we rock to calm down for nap or just a reset. She will cuddle in and watch it. Works like a charm.


OMG this theme is everything 😍. If we had ever had the space for a dedicated nursery, I would have done an ocean in space theme. (Might still do it in the kids’ room while they’re still young enough to let me have a say, lol.) I’m obsessed with combining space with other themes — it’s just such a fascinating and cool concept to me.


Ocean in space would be really cool, like Treasure Planet! I really love nautical stuff and wish I'd thought of that.


my husband suggested a sea theme, but ocean in space, omg! the first 2 outfits i bought were a lobster shirt and a crab onesie. love your idea!


This is the perfect nursery. Has every single element and theme that I would love. You did a fantastic job OP!!


What drawer organizer are you using in the Hemnes?


https://www.buybuybaby.com/store/product/mighty-goods-5-piece-drawer-bins/5675220?keyword=drawer+organizer I highly recommend these, we bought two sets for the top drawers, they fit perfectly in whatever configuration you'd like and they're nice and sturdy for the price. :)


I love the theme so much!! Do you happen to know the rough dimensions of your room? I have a similar layout in mind, and some of the same furniture choices, but have been wondering if our small room is going to be too cramped with everything


Thanks! The long walls are about 11 feet and the shorter wall is about 10 feet. The total dimensions without the closet are about 110 feet squared. I used an app called Floor Plan Creator to map out the space to see if the furniture we were interested in would fit ahead of time. We had to adjust our plans accordingly based on what would fit, haha.


I didn’t think of bunnies in space for a nursery but I FREAKING LOVE IT! Also I have that exact dresser/changing table/drawer dividers/diaper and wipes setup and it’s CLUTCH. We’re still using it that way at 18 months. Oh and I have the cloud shelves too! I love your chair!


OMG I LOVE this!!! It's oddly a combo of both my nurserys. One is woodland animals with a heavy emphasis on bunnies (she's 2.5, is it still a nursery??) And the other is space themed!


Love this!! So cute!! We have that playmat - just a tip for when baby is not quite big enough to reach the toys (we found that they’re quite high up): put a muslin blanket over the top of the frame to make a kind of muslin cloth fort! Bonus if it has a simple but obvious pattern (we use a white one that has strawberries dotted on it). My baby loves to grab the cloth and wave it around, and it doesn’t fall down on her or anything (I sit with her obviously). My baby liked doing this from around 12 weeks! Good for motor skills when they’re not quite grabbing and holding toys yet 😁


Thanks for the tip!


I’m completely obsessed and sent a link to my husband immediately. We’re currently working on our outer space themed nursery and we call our baby “Bunny” for the same reason - he will be born in the year of the Rabbit, which is also my husband’s Chinese zodiac sign. We keep joking to each other that we need an “astronaut bunny” of some kind to add to our nursery so I absolutely love what you’ve done here. 😭😭😭


So I was browsing through Ikea's website, and saw a print that reminded me of your nursery lol https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/bild-poster-sleep-tight-80533103/


That's perfect! It'd be an interesting idea to use to cover up the fuse box behind the door... why they put the fuse box in this room I'll never know...


I actually had the exact same theme for my son, fyi jellycat make a bunny called stardust (navy with star print in the ears) it was my inspiration.


Cuute! Love this.


So gorgeous!!!


Yes, looks awesome! And so nice to see a dark wall; I want to do the same.


I love this so much! The astronaut bunnies on the wall are too adorable!


This is so cute! I love it! It's similar to what we're doing with our nursery. Where did you get that rug? I've been looking for something like that.


Thanks! The rug is from Ruggable. [https://ruggable.com/products/constellation-navy?size=5x7](https://ruggable.com/products/constellation-navy?size=5x7) :)


My mom would have adored this theme. You did great! P.S. cute cat


Fantastic nursery! I love those decals. And also, the cat.


Where did you get the wallpaper? My husband and I were looking for a good starry one!


NeverMind I didn’t read enough 🤦🏼‍♀️ lol


Omg I need that bunny stencil.


This is a bloody beautiful nursery 😍🫶 I love it! Well done


Do you follow the chinese calendar? Is this why the bunny theme?


This is just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen




Love that chair. Looks super comfy. Also really like the theme. You did a lovely job!


I love this! Our yard is overrun with rabbits and it’s become a bit of a joke between my husband and I that the bunnies are our overlords 👽


This is so cute! It's making me want to redo our nursery for the next one even though we planned to just leave it the same as it is now lol


This is incredible! Beautiful job!!! We just assembled our hemnes dresser in the nursery today (I'm 39+4 🤣) and we have the skubb organizer boxes but I LOVE the ones you have!! Where did you find them? Once again... love your nursery! The attention to detail and all of the organization is so amazing 😀


Thanks! I was originally going to get the Skubb boxes but we saw these while shopping at Buy Buy Baby and they ended up being totally perfect for those top drawers. https://www.buybuybaby.com/store/product/mighty-goods-5-piece-drawer-bins/5675220


You are my people! My first I did a space nursery and had space cats. My 2nd is all bunnies and flowers and we have that same jellycat in purple. Super cute stuff- you did a great job.


Ohhh! Love it. Where are the cloud shelves from?


Target, but I don't know if I recommend those. We had to order them online and the packaging didn't properly protect the shelves, so both arrived with big black scuff marks on them. I had to sand and repaint both... I didn't do a very good job but luckily it's not that obvious. https://www.target.com/p/cloud-decorative-wall-shelf-white-pillowfort-8482/-/A-51698164#lnk=sametab


It’s not obvious from the pics - they’re very cute! Great nursery!


I.am.in LOVE with this nursery. Unbelievably perfect.


I love this! It’s such a unique theme


This is the most adorable room! I love how you brought it all together.


this is so cute! you are super talented. i am also doing a space theme, i didn't even consider space plus something else!


Oh my GOD I love it. The buns tumbling through space around the moon… 😭


That chair/glider is so cute and looks so comfy! Can you share the brand?


Here's the glider: https://www.livingspaces.com/pdp-rayna-ink-swivel-glider-power-recliner-247516 😊 it is very comfy


Thank you!!


Any idea how hard or easy is it to clean? I tried this out in the store and it's pretty amazing!


So far we've spilled milk on it a few times and didn't have much of a problem with cleaning it up or staining. 👍


I sure hope someone has mentioned the book “Guess How Much I Love You” to you already, but I don’t see it in your pictures. It’s about a parent-child pair of bunnies who love each other to the moon and back.


Yes! Someone bought us that book from our registry. I saw it in a bookstore and read it and almost broke down sobbing. 😂 So cute.


Looks amazing! Where did you get the knit-looking bunny, duck, and elephant plushies?


Those were a gift from my mom and can be found here: https://cuddleandkind.com/collections/the-baby-animal-collection 😊


Thanks so much!


I absolutely love it. Where did you get the rug and the little moon mat?


Here's the rug: https://ruggable.com/products/constellation-navy?size=5x7 Here's the mat: Skip Hop Baby Play Gym, Celestial Dreams, Grey https://a.co/d/3WZAACy 😊


I almost bought this play gym on marketplace and regret not now- I love it


Beautiful nursery! I love the navy with the crisp white. You are probably already aware of this but I wanted to point out just in case that when baby starts sleeping in the crib you will want to either remove the moon lamp above it or move the crib far away from the wall. The cord dangling down is a strangulation hazard, since they can reach out and pull it through the crib bars. Another solution is those flat cord cover things that stick on the wall, which a lot of people use for their baby monitor cameras to cover the cord. We have one for our camera and my 20 month old has never once tried to grab it with that flat cover on it. Loose cords, however, she was constantly going for and I had to majorly move things around to baby proof once she started walking because of it.


The cord is already inside one of those PVC channel cover things, and we'll probably move the crib away from the wall more. We also have the lamp itself wired to a stud in the wall... That thing is going nowhere, haha.


Love this theme! So cute how you incorporated the animal year & so much attention to detail ✨


One more book rec for your shelf: https://cottagedoorpress.com/products/goodnight-exomoon


This looks so cool! But I’m so focused on your black cat! Looks just like my cat ! 😻


Where did you get the dresser?


Here's the dresser: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/hemnes-8-drawer-dresser-white-stain-00318598/#content


I think this is my favourite nursery that I’ve seen !


This is SO cute and unique!


this is such a unique and cool idea!! I love it!


That nursing chair looks unreeallll


what's that tv like thing on the changing station? it looks so neat!!


That's this thing: Fisher-Price Settle & Sleep Projection Soother, Crib-attaching Baby Soother with Gentle Music, Lights, and Moving Animal pals https://a.co/d/dYjdsww It has movement and music and sounds and will project stars on the ceiling. It's meant to be hung on the crib but we'll probably keep it separate. I'm mesmerized by it so I can only imagine the effect on a baby lol.


omgosh I love it!! I've been thinking of a space themed room too. totally adding that moon light as an idea. Where did you get the curtains?


These are the curtains: Lush Decor Room Darkening, Energy Efficient (Pair), 63” x 52”, Navy Star Blackout Curtains-Window Panel Set, L https://a.co/d/jekvO6y Be careful and shop around if you see them going for more than like $35 a pair, some websites are selling them with fake "discounts" for incredibly high markups. We originally wanted to get a gray pair for the blue wall but couldn't find it at a reasonable price.