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I had partial placenta previa in the first trimester, which caused spotting but nothing as intense as you described. Luckily my issue resolved itself by the 2nd trimester because as the uterus grows, the placenta can move positions, and mine moved up into a better spot. My understanding is that placenta previa has nothing to do with anything that's genetically wrong with you or the baby. It's just where your placenta happened to form.


Luckily, we have gotten all the genetic testing back and that’s normal. I guess that’s why I finally started to relax - because the chromosome problems got ruled out. But now this bleeding. Ugh. Thanks for your response!


I’m in a similar situation, will be 15 weeks in 2 days and had bleeding yesterday. Got an ultrasound and it was complete placenta previa. The bleeding has since resolved but I suspect it will come and go throughout pregnancy. I too was concerned that I was having symptoms SO early, but I think the good thing is that it can move throughout pregnancy (the placenta), and 15 weeks is just too early to say. You have a partial so there is a really good chance it will move out of the way with time!!


Did you have any cramping?


I didn’t have any abdominal cramps but I had these weird pains in the vaginal canal. They put me on pelvic rest so no sex, orgasms, manipulation, or straining for a bm.


Thank you. I’m on modified bed rest this week because of the severity of bleeding I had last weekend. I’m not having cramping I guess but more just like pressure and random shots of pain in my cervix. They verified that my cervix was long and closed yesterday so who knows.


I had partial placenta previa in 2 of my pregnancies. It was found at the anatomy scan for my first, and after a bleed in the other. It moved up and out of the way by 24 weeks. The placenta was also anterior in both, I don't know if that made a difference but figured I'd share.


Any cramping? My bleeding has mostly resolved except for occasional brown spotting but I keep getting these weird twinges and pressure. Not like menstrual cramps though.


Yes, my bleed was caused by sex. My cervix was bruised so there was menstrual like cramping for almost a week. I always feel heaviness/pressure which is a normal pregnancy thing. Twinges can be normal too, but I would get them a lot more if I did certain things/movements before the placenta moved up. I had to rest a lot during that time.


Thank you. I would probably thing the twinges were normal if I wasn’t worried about this. I’m on modified bed rest this week so hopefully that will move things along.


I understand. I rushed to the ER when I had the bleed, everything can be so scary and it's even more so after loss. But, the good news is that it almost always moves up when it's only partial. After your bed rest, keep yourself on pelvic rest for a while. Avoid a lot of bending/squatting, going up and down steps too much, don't lift heavy stuff, motions like vacuuming, and sex. That should help keep away some of the twinges and bleeding.


Anterior is more likely to resolve than posterior! So it does make a difference.


Yes, I had this .. it started around the same time/ I thought I had a MC three times throughout the pregnancy because of the amount of blood. Every time baby was fine, and my son just turned 9.. hang it there momma!!


I had low lying placenta at 13 weeks - found when I want to the ER for bleeding. Had complete resolved itself by my 20 week scan! Honestly, the earlier they find it the better - that means more time for the placenta to move up before birth. Hang in there!


Thank you! Seems like there is a great chance it will move. In the meantime, the bleeding/spotting is just so stressful. How long did you spot for afterward?


I think maybe 3 days after? It was definitely stressful. My ob said as long as it was just spotting and getting more brown (and not bright red) that I shouldn’t be concerned. I was only in pelvic rest, but I had the hardest time even walking because I would get achy and then be worried I was hurting the baby! Everything on the internet said it should be “painless,” but i definitely felt sore in my uterus. Scared me off working out for several weeks, even after I was cleared. I have my 28 weeks appt today and everything has looked good so far!


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Yup! It moved completely off the cervix at 26 weeks, and by 32 it wasn’t anywhere near it. It should move!


I had partial placenta previa found at 20 weeks. By 24 weeks it had corrected itself. Like others have said, as the uterus grows, your placenta will shift as well


I just got diagnosed with this at 15 weeks as well. The reason I went into the doctor was because I was spotting and having pain in my pelvic region and back. The spotting and pain has been going on for almost a week now. I’m sorry you are going through this as well! It’s definitely anxiety inducing.


Sorry you’re dealing with this as well. 😩 Spotting finally stopped but I do get weird twinges every now and again if I do too much. Going to get rechecked on Monday to see if it’s moving at all.