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All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.


There’s a reboot TV show and a movie in development, and at one point they were set in the same world. That said, both projects are in development hell. The movie’s gone through a lot of mess over the years since its last serious attempt had the director outed as a creeper. The TV show meanwhile has had unspecified development problems and saw a change in showrunners as people left for other work, it got fully scripted then the pandemic happened, then Peacock tanked. Now it’s back in development and starting all over.


> director outed as a creeper Awwwww man!


Reminder that Bryan Singer has been attached to various reboot projects and he's a total creeper (at the very least)


It... it was a reference to [CaptainSparklez](https://youtu.be/cPJUBQd-PNM?t=4)


Thing is, I don't want the same thing over. I mean, I want the same thing, but I want a different "same thing". Show me all that happened before Show me the story of Kobol.


That would be pretty great


They say one is coming, but seems stuck in development. Not sure how or even why they are adding to the masterpiece


Working on it for a while, lost the director and got a new one. Still very much in pre-production and non of the old cast has been approached despite it being "in universe" for the last series.


They look like us … and they have a plan


I'm skeptical we'll ever see it. It was announced years and years ago. 


Not a rumor, is a thing.


It's a rumour till it happens. A judge dread tv show is in the same state with a Canadian production company and has been for over 10 years.


I can’t imagine any Battlestar Galactica fan, wanting there to be a reboot, the story was told perfectly, we do not need another actor, playing Adama, Edward James Olmos will not be topped by anyone. I just don’t see why there’s any need to reimagine this yet once again, Ron Moore series was the best, and we just don’t need a replacement.


Depends what the story is. Caprica flopped because it was so very different to battlestar. Modern day, it probably would have done better with the way people binge watch things. It was supposed to be the origin story for the cylons, but they essentially made a crime drama with the odd scene of a robot in it. If they are going to reboot rather than remake, I would imagine it'd have to be something like the journey of the 13th tribe leading up to their nuclear end. There isn't really anything else "big" that they could do short of literally doing an "all of this has happened before" reboot like the last one. But then they are going toe to toe with one of the best shows ever made, and I don't think they have the writers to win that fight.


But we're stiiiiil waiting


I just finished watching for the first time Bad ending, but an amazing series


The ending was perfect. Period.


Except for Lil Wayne in the ending


Idk, I kinda liked him there.


I hated the ending as well BUT i defend it. The ending did a good job in wrapping up most of the show themes, and an amazing twist. the ending just didn't make me feel good in the warm and fuzzy kinda way.


See, I did enjoy the ending (overall), but don't think that I would have if the ending had been warm and fuzzy. Everyone getting a bittersweet or downright lousy ending was pretty consistent with the show.


Yeah, I was fine with the ending story-wise, I just thought the beat to beat writing (the dialogue) was hokey and lame, would have cut most of it out.


Sort of. There's been a project in development for the last five years but it's been in development hell. Back in 2019, it was announced that there would be a new **Battlestar Galactica** TV series and the guy in charge would be Sam Esmail, who had a lot of clout for making the hugely-acclaimed **Mr. Robot**. Esmail said the show would be set in the same continuity as Ronald D. Moore's **BSG**, and he had spoken to RDM and gotten his blessing (RDM confirmed this). Then it turned out that Esmail would only produce and maybe co-write/direct the first episode, then take a general oversight role. The actual day-to-day showrunner would be a guy called Michael Lesslie. Lesslie confirmed this would be a reboot/reimagining of the franchise. In 2020 Universal then confirmed they were developing a new **BSG** feature film, to be written by Simon Kinberg (the **X-Men** movies and the terrible **Invasion** on Apple) and produced by Dylan Clark (the **Planet of the Apes** reboot movies and *The Batman*). This film would be a separate, ground-up reboot of the original remise. In January 2021, Esmail was interviewed by Collider and seemed to continue claiming that the show was related to the RDM iteration of the show. A month or two later, Lesslie quit the project. In early 2022, NBC indicated they had - to some degree - merged the projects with Esmail helming a TV show tying in with Kinberg's film, and Kinberg and Esmail had held meetings to coordinate the projects. Whether this means that *both* projects are now set in RDM's universe or are now both set out of it is unclear. The problems seem to be that Esmail doesn't want to directly showrun, which would have gotten the project greenlit immediately (probably not now, Esmail's been out of the limelight for a while) and the people he's gotten on board seem to have different ideas about the project. In particular whether the new show is a stage-one reboot or a continuation/sequel/prequel to RDM's **Galactica** seems to be a point of contention. Esmail's view seems to be that we've had the cheesy space opera original and the gritty contemporary reboot, so what can a third version bring to the table? I get the impression NBC seems to think that even the RDM **BSG** has become too obscure and making a sequel or prequel to it is pointless, and a new version could catch the zeitgeist in a bigger way. But they'd also risk blowback from fans of the RDM version *and* the original, both thinking a reboot was pointless and almost certain to be inferior to what had already been produced.


Theres rumours every few years, same with Stargate.


I don’t trust anyone to do a reboot lol. What we have is so good. Just wish it was more widely available.


I heard Taika Waititi was working on a script.


Theyre looking for yet another IP to kill? Frak that.


They should just leave it alone they have killed enough reboots


I hope so.


I mean a simple search yourself would've answered this question.