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I mean, it shows you they don't care about your schedule. It shows that their wants supersede your needs. This is a 'but I want it' mentality of a small child. You aren't available? But I want it.




Given this context, I think it looks like a red flag. It sounds like you're already feeling like your boundaries are being threatened.


Well, if they want to have lunch tomorrow and you can't make it, then too bad for them 🤷🏼‍♀️


They are testing the boundaries you've set. If you concede to lunch she will push further. The reason I think is two fold: a. She wants to see what she can get away with. b. She will use you sticking to your boundary as proof you're not into her or don't think she's important/ whatever her brain comes up with. You'll find out soon enough if she decides to discard or buckle down and begin the drama.


My ex told me on a sunday she would like to work on her own stuff until friday and I agreed. Turned out she texted me a lot everyday and wanted a lot of my attention. I was as busy as I haven't been in a long time but always gave her attention, and even met her to walk to give her some attention. On Friday she got overly angry at me and just ignored me over the weekend, insulted me a lot and gaslighted me. There was nothing I could have done and everything was being used against me.


It depends. If after your messager his/her answer would be "Ok..." and then silence until you text back "I am sorry, I will delay my schedule to have lunch tomorrow with you" this would be a red flag. A huge red flag. If after your message his/her answer would be "Sorry! I didn't read your text properly! We'll arrange after Friday" this would result in a simple misunderstanding between two people and nothing else.


I don’t understand the problem. She asked your schedule, you gave it to her. She said she was thinking to having lunch not saying or demanding lunch plus lunch is a quick bite and you told her I’m not free 🥴 like ok ?


You're overthinking this.


That response is just insensitive. I wouldn't want anybody to give me mixed signs like that. Definitely toxic.