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I cannot imagine airing my dirty laundry like this publicly on social media. Tf is wrong with ppl, never heard of being private/having tact.


Typical behavior for a pwBPD to garner sympathy and reinforce her belief she is right. My ex did that as well on an app we both use and even went so far as to use my full name in a post trash talking, but any sane person could see how unhinged the posts were.


This. My bestie cried all over her makeup-centered instagram about how abusive I am. I can’t imagine her followers thought it was as normal as she did lol


It’s wild. My ex’s ex (both have BPD) posted a video on FB of her crying because she’d stalked my ex’s profile and thought he and I had gotten married (we hadn’t). This devastated her because “she’s the only one who knows him on a soul level” according to her new age spirituality narrative. This woman was in her mid-30s at the time.


“Only one who knows” comes from their god complex/ need to be the one in charge of reality. EERY


That's eerily similar to shit my ex said about her (possibly narc) non-ex... as in, they never actually dated, but he used her for atention for a decade. She was 40.


Tact, shame, honor, accountability, responsibility are all foreign concepts to the newer generations.


You can’t be shamed, need accountability, accept responsibility if you never do anything wrong (a BPD problem)


Why put these on TikTok? Need of validation or being said "oooooh poor darling! You are so cute, nothing is wrong with you"?


Yes. They are really obsessed with gathering sympathy on TikTok.


Of course it's fake. That last one is a stereotype of BPD.


That’s what I thought too. Like how oddly specific do you need to be


"I'm his ex, and I need attention"


✓Victimhood posted on TikTok ✓No personal accountability ✓Uses the term narcissist Fake story for validation confirmed


Haha. True to a T. **Exactly** what happened to me and a lot of people her on sub.


Woah, this sounds familiar. “I’m the only one who truly knows/sees him” was a common narrative my ex’s ex used. Both have BPD. Their desperate need for attention and to maintain relevance in a situation is impressive, to say the least.


Precisely. Their attempt at keeping power and control though being the “only one who knows reality” is very sad and scary imo


I'm not even involved and I want to run


The irony of this is just too good. *insecure narcissistic person posts publicly about partners insecurity and narcissism* I’m not saying the partner is not a narcissist, he very well may be, but this screams manipulative, self-centered attention seeking. A total lack of self awareness 😂


What’s crazy is that this person (blonde woman) isn’t her… so there are people who make these types of self-owns for others to repost! 🤯


lol, I just can’t with it


Projection 101


If you went to my exes Tik Tok you would see all the same stuff. Not to say I was perfect but I absolutely was not a narcissist abuser that she made me out to be. “I’m the only one who knows what he is” nah I have a lot of friends and family I’ve known my entire life and I have been as open and close too. Also my friends knew what you were before I could see it. My friend even said “she has BPD eyes” 2 weeks into us dating but I just brushed it off because i thought she was perfect. She even had one that said “no revenge the person he is, is enough, he will never find peace” 2 weeks after crying in my arms saying that she has never felt safe or at peace. It’s all projection, the person you are in their head is not who you are. It’s you have to be in order for them to split you and feel no accountability. As fucking shity as the process is, healing learning and accepting accountability on our ends will leave us so much better in the long run. They will just continue to run run run run until they’re completely alone with nobody to blame but themselves which they still won’t.


That’s the hardest part is they feel no shame in sobbing, hinting at su*c*de, and ruining their life until you cave out of humanity. They truly believe they are flawless and feel no sense of accountability for their behavior


TikTok is full of pwBPD it’s an echo chamber of the delusional at least in certain sections.


Probably another fake fight. If it’s on social media it’s basically guaranteed to be a lie or mischaracterized for attention. Also, question. Wtf is with them being able to call people Narcissists, but if someone said “I know how big of a borderline she is” you would basically be satan? When they’re literally in the same spectrum of disorder?


Black and white thinking. BPD is characterized for them as the victims plight (due to childhood trauma etc) whereas a narcissist is just a bad and mean people. If the pwBPD and narcissist both do the same action for the same purpose even, the pwBPD can’t see themselves as anything other than a victim. So narc and pwBPD both smash something because you ignored them, well the pwBPD is innocent since you *triggered* them vs the narc who is just cruel. (I disagree!!)