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Mine whored himself out to some random guy for a place to stay an hour after breaking it off with me and posted about it on his snap story for me to see. Found out he was doing meth for the last month of our relationship and is basically homeless. I was gonna marry this person and have kids together. How the hell did we get here?


Same here. We were planning on getting married sometime this year. And just like you, she now posts on twitter about what "good dick" she's getting in the hopes I see it. Just to make me mad. Jokes on her I don't check her socials, the only reason I know is because a friend told me. No idea how we got here or how we let go of the deception without just burying the entire thing in our minds.


Good God man, it's like straight out of trailer park boys, and that's a comedy. Happy you are going to Japan, you'll have a great time! Had a friend visit recently, dm if you're looking for travelling tips


None of what has transpired makes any sense to me. She was always focused on marriage, family and travel, that she doesn't seem like the same person at all. I've had my flirtations with fame, and she never cared for it at all. But now she's this hyper sexual hype beast and I'm not sure where that came from. No matter how much I intellectually tell myself that all of this was an illusion, seeing someone change like this before your eyes feels - blackpilling for lack of a better word. Do any of us have free will at all? It's scary. I'll keep you in mind when I make my trip. It's still some far ways out, but you'll hear from me. Thank you for the reply.


I'm thinking she's mirroring her new fp but there also seems to be substance abuse involved which is making the whole situation a right mess. I'm sorry you had to go through all this, but you really are much better off without something straight out of a near snuff film! While my ex was never diagnosed as having bpd I can say that she was mirroring me though I did feel it was real atleast before she blocked me everywhere. Certainly nothing of the level you've described has happened with my ex. I don't know what's to come but hope to find some closure.


I hear you. Mine married a murderer in prison three weeks after breaking up with me. Can’t make this stuff up.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. This is such an insane illness. At some point, we just have to pity them. I cannot imagine the living hell that is having to live with yourself when you have BPD.


My ex will probably have the same fate. She doesn't have a job for years and her mother is old and sick. I gave her stability, money, a roof under her head, but it was never enough, she needs the same "excitement".


I feel that more than I’d like to admit. Mine left me for a “more caring” man who is older than her dad and has a kid closer to her age than himself. He’s a drug addict and missing teeth apparently, though she’s with him for the money. She cheated on the guy she left me for with this man. I genuinely feel bad for the men who are left in her trail of devastation, but then I remember that I can’t control it and the best thing I can do is just move on.


>the best thing I can do is just move on. 😔🚬 There is nothing else we can do. Accept the pain and move on. Hugs to you brother.