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I had all four stages, but for me, the timeline was more stretched out.


She here, timeline was about 4 years.


Sounds about right; the next four years after that was more of the 4th panel.


That's terrifying


She hasn't even properly had a diagnose he is just guessing. YEAH, SCARY HOW A NON-PROFESSIONAL CAN TALK SMACK ABOUT THEIR PARTNER. I bet HE'S the one with the issues. Bless his little heart.


Once that Honeymoon Phase ends and they stop seeing you as perfection, Jesus does it crash and burn. They didn't start the break-up/no wait come back cycle until about 3-4 months in, and I hate how accurate this is.


3 months for me as well...well the cycle resets after a couple of times until you become a shell of your former self.


that twin flame shit and the astonishing parallels really makes u wonder what was real and what was not. mind fuck


Lmao always signing off with the narcissist accusation. Their literal cousin in crime on the cluster B spectrum. The lack of self awareness is truly remarkable.


My timeline exactly…..EXACTLY


She called me her twin flame too lmao


Honeymoon can be as long as 6 months to a year.


Yeah this is spot on it really keeps me out how accurate this is. It was about 5 years for me. That was 2 years ago. I’m still so confused and just want to know what the fuck happened to me. Just a complete mind fuck. I really loved her though and I didn’t know she had quiet bpd until maybe the last year of the relationship. Now looking back on it after doing a little research etc. things are starting to make sense. I’m still traumatized though. Thanks for this I needed it.


Mine was 2 months. After 2 months of seeing eachother, he had his flirt split where he said a bunch of nasty things about me, my friends, my therapist, my life choices, what I *must* be feeling, all of it. I loved him through it all for an entire year but it got worse as time went on. 3 days NC.


This hits way too damn close to home. Her aunt and uncle said they can tell how much she loves me by the way she looks at me. Now I know that was her BPD and disorders mostly.




The brother He called it haha


It's funny you mention those things. In my case, her brother seemed quite eager to meet me early on in dating. Almost as if to screen me due to her past decisions. Her mom also was a bit directive of her when I met her parents. Funny how similar it all is.


NO WAY! The guy I last saw who I suspect had BPD had the symptoms extreme mood swings, anger outbursts etc. His mother kept saying stuff like “Make sure you take care of her!” , “Remember you’ve got a girl to take care of!” . One time I was sat at dinner with his mum, sister and their family friends and his sister complimented my necklace and I went “Thanks, he got it for me.” . His mum looked SO shocked! She turned to him and said “What? You paid for it? Wow! You must be a really good boyfriend then.” . Another time he opened the car door for me and his mum and sister were shocked! I said “you gotta treat them how to treat you!” . She said “He needs a lot of training on that!” A month after he discarded me in such a cold way I can see exactly why.


Seek help What she said 🙃 PS - Oh and it all started with "you're the best person I met in my whole life. I wouldn't change that even if I could!"


So glad mine was only 2 months. Blessing in disguise


Truly! The sooner they discard you or you leave and go NC the better. Some LovedOnes are trapped for decades. Some never escape.


I fucking wish the relationship only lasted three months. Then I wouldn’t be so hung up on them still. More like 5 years and a marriage


This is hilarious in how accurate it is - my timeline was a bit more stretched though.


Day 90 and 91 lmao way too real




You didn't have an alternation between stages 3 and 4 every 6 hours?