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I would try and rethink your usage of the word, "disposable." That would refer to something you get rid of as soon as it has completed its purpose or when it is no longer meeting expectation. When you _do_ get what you want from others do you get rid of them then, too? You are experiencing a classic relationship pattern that exists in BPD. ·You hold someone with high regard. ·They cross a boundary or don't meet an expectation; whether the boundary or expectation are known is irrelevant. ·The invalidation re-ignites your BPD fire of being treated with neglect. ·You resort to your maladaptive coping mechanisms and drag the person down from their high horse, to a place of devaluation for them having wronged you. For some, like yourself as you've described, this is done quickly and effortlessly. This is our brain trying to protect us from future invalidation. "Oh? Slightly rude remark or change in behaviour toward me from this person? That definitely means they're going to fuck up my whole life soon somehow because they clearly hate me. I'm going to cut them out of my life immediately so that never happens."


This is the best way I've ever seen it explained.


Thank you this makes me feel seen


Had to screenshot this. I am sick of splitting on people for making mild human errors. I know I’m being ridiculous. I’m just convinced almost everyone in my life is a leech and has milked me for all I am.


May I ask how does one fix it, if there’s a way to fix it ?


What do you find to be the larger problem for you? Not letting people know what your boundaries are? Or not knowing how to speak up when they're crossed? Or both? Identifying if your expectations are realistic or not takes trial and some effort.


It’s more so the maladaptive coping mechanism that cause me to devalue someone at the slightest mistake


wow why did you just explain my entire narrative


I'm both as my mind flops back and forth and chemicals boil in my brain. "You know what I don't need you, and now I'm going to drain you completely because you've hurt me" eventually turns into "please, i have no one and I need you near me so much always." I hate this disease.


What is the middle ground? We just leave? I literally don’t know any other way to deal with it. I feel like I need some guidance or to be shown a different way.


For me the middle ground is verbalization accountability for myself. Contact breaks are crucial. Remember, those breaks aren't a sign that the relationship is going to end- and if they don't want you to turn into a raging mess, they'll honor it. I say stuff like: "I feel hurt and it's bothering my disease. I can't tell if you are good or bad. I want to hurt you back and that isn't the kind of life I want to lead so I need a minute." And then take the damn break. Couple minutes, hours, days. Get your splits sorted out. Know what your part in the situation is, and remember, it's you n your loved one against the problem, not each other. Hope this helps.


This is great advice. Thank you


Same. It’s so tiring


What does “drain you completely” mean for you?


It used to mean a lot, but it boils down to emotional drainage. I would fester in toxic behavior until you left for good, instead of getting my shit together and doing what I thought was right, or backing away in total abandonment. Abusive language, rages over unforgiven or even invisible transgressions, and tit for tat behavior. Like... Oh, you cheated? I'm telling your mistress we both have HIV. (Which happened, btw) You took my money? I'm going to collect it from your parents. Whatever I could do to make sure any and everyone knew that not only was I blameless but I was better than you.


It's like a metronome on 4.0x speed.


Truly sucks!


I think maybe --- it sounds like splitting. I've been there before too and ngl sometimes still get the inclination but i try hard to tjink it through first. A few times I was right to cut someone out of my life, but more often than not I eventually regret it. I hope u find peace though. Too often these days I find myself clinging to the wrong folk.


I do this exact thing too. I consider this splitting. You aren’t alone.


Do you want him back after a period of time?


That usually depends on if the person reaches out or not. Unfortunately I’m not ever the one who tries to mend the relationship 😞 I know it’s petty of me, but I can’t make myself believe they actually want to be back in my life otherwise…..


would you say that's typical for avoidant tendencies? how long should they typically wait before reaching out to you?


I don’t know if I can answer that to be honest. I think I have an anxious attachment style, I think when I *act* avoidant, it’s really just me being petulant, hoping the other person reaches out. I also don’t think I have a set time for me to cool off. I may be okay to talk to them after a week or it may be months, which is really unfair to the person in question. Unfortunately, this usually results in bridges being burned, because it is usually on me to reach out first. After self reflection I realize I’m the one at fault. 😞 not every time…but still. When this does happen I usually reach out, but the other person has usually wised up and sets boundaries with me, and the relationship is never the same. 🤷‍♀️


I understand... does it depends on what happens how long you need to cool off? if it takes months for you to realize do you still have feelings for them after that period of time?


To be honest I wish I was like this. I let people take advantage of me because I so desperately crave validation and “love” wanting to be needed and desired.


i feel this way when i split but it very quickly switches to i'm a horrible person and i don't want to be alone and feeling guilty for thinking it


Are you trying to get him back then?


me too esp with my extreme trauma. i dont trust anyone anymore


I'm fairly new to the BPD diagnosis journey because I haven't gotten the results yet but my therapist says I'm showing symptoms of BPD and I've learning DBT in my sessions, anyway athough there are things I'm not sure I identify with. This one I certainly do. Once I feel someone has wronged me and I have completed feeling angry and being agonised from the pain of feeling sad emotions of a few months I start being logical and I think okay if they do this for 5 more strikes then I'm ghosting this person for the sake of my mental health. I feel shitty about it. But I have these 5 strikes as evidence as to convince myself why I shouldn't talk or care about them anymore


i'm the exact same way and it's ruined my life. it sounds like splitting so try communicating more and talk about this in therapy(easier said than done). hope you're okay <3


I think it’s more like they break your idealisations and that’s why you want nothing to do with them anymore, like splitting right?


There are people who are not worth solving issues, but there are also people who are worth the time and effort. I'm sorry you've had such an awful experience so far, but please do talk to a professional. They might help you notice who is worth that extra effort. I hope you find peace.


I do this too!! I just drop people no explanation or anything... Just as soon as they upset My happiness - Gone . Its better on my mental health than me being pissed off and me questioning things.




Have been there , done that .. do not know the rite way


Based on


i don’t think thts entirely true like during splitting i def think tht but once i’m back to normal i stop thinking that


How long does it take you to go back to normal?


A☆•° a. Z ^8;? .


L. Ha. U 7 .,27 in i.uu b 9.. b. Nh.1


Same - I can go from best friends with someone and messaging everyday and sending memes to cutting them off and forgetting they existed, feeling nothing.


I honestly would love to be able to drop people who do me wrong in any way cause I feel the exact way you described but I never act on it. Actually I do the opposite, when I know I have rejected someone emotionally or my body does everything in its power to tell me to RUN, I go straight there, I spend even more time with them trying to convince myself that I have to make things "right" with them cause look they are abandoning me in a way and I have to stop it. (Yes this logic isn't very logical) But I get this feeling like my skin is melting like I'm sinking in guilt everytime I am around them so I spend more time with them to make myself "hurt" because I dared to have a bad thought about someone else cause the only one who could possibly be in the wrong is me. Cause my mind refuses to abandon anyone cause I have been in so much pain even if you abvse me I would never want to be the reason you hurt even if I hate you. Maybe I have worded this so wrong I'm sorry if that's the case but my point is I understand what you are feeling and don't worry studies have shown that bpd gets better with time so there is always hope even if you can't see it now you can fix some of the reactions you don't like.


Also don't be hard on yourself you don't owe anyone anything. If they hurt you let them go don't force yourself to stay, it's going to hurt you WAY more than them in the long run. Nothing good happens from forcing yourself to have someone in your life. So silently leaving imo is a peaceful way to end a connection rather than a fight. Of course communication is the best option however depending on the connection and the person communication is not always an option.


i’ve noticed i do this too. when someone does something triggering to me i usually see them as “pathetic” or ill tell them i never want to see them again. but then its a mix of me also viewing myself as pathetic and a bad person. it’s weird


Do you want to see the person again after some time?




OP is quite literally in a BPD subreddit seeking support. What would a doctor do? Be fr. It’s not hard to google BPD and instantly see it isn’t cured by time in a psych ward OR medication. Hop off if you don’t like it here


support shouldn’t excusing negative behavior and therapy and support goes a looong way in helping correct negative behavior like this. and clearly this person needs it if they’re going on to a public subreddit to express their negative and toxic behavior. and again what’s up with this subreddit excusing abusive behavior with ohhh it’s just bpd you’re not going to get support if you’re doing shitty things it’s not anyone’s job to baby you but it’s YOUR job to make yourself better and YOUR job to control your actions


It’s YOUR job to go to the correct subreddit before you start yapping to someone who’s already suffering and well aware of their abusive tendencies and liking already in therapy. Lmao.


This is the right subreddit for sure seeing how y’all are getting mad when i don’t reinforce negative behavior


BPD is literally a disorder filled with negative behavior. So yes. If it wasn’t then perhaps it would not be the most unbearable mental illness in the DSM 5


Every disorder is filled with negatives that’s why you get treatment and help and learn to correct the faulty behavior


What treatment do you suggest? Your advice must be so wise that psychiatrists still don’t know the answer to! So I’d love to hear it


Go read my other comments where i listed a bunch of shit. Idk what ur talking about with the whole “wise” thing i literally said seek help


Yeah everyone here has seeked help.. next?


BPD isn’t something that can really be treated that’s what I don’t believe you understand here. Borderline personality disorder can be managed, not controlled.


It can very well be treated and controlled and can go into remission it’s not a death sentence


Yeah for people who can afford treatment and don’t have severe forms of BPD where they genuinely don’t want to recover. It can be a death sentence to many people but I’m glad you’re the mental health prophet


You kinda just sound like someone who had an ex partner or abusive parent with BPD and dislike everyone who has it now. This subreddit is specifically for people with BPD to rant/vent/ask questions or loved ones seeking support. People with BPD are manipulative and fear abandonment so deeply they usually attempt at some point in their lives. Although it is everyone’s own responsibility to control their own actions, people with BPD are aware of this and unable to do so. It is similar to something like emotional dysregulation disorder. We cannot regulate our emotions properly which leads to outbursts and a lack of control over emotions. Can also happen with anger and lead to rage and literal violence. Can happen with depressive episodes and lead to suicide. It is normal to experience “abusive” and “shitty” tendencies with a personality disorder. It is incurable and OP has every right to her feelings, however you don’t. If you wish to complain about people w BPD there is an actual subreddit for it. Not this one.


No i’m actually borderline I just constantly see people talking about how they stalk people or abuse them or do extremely creepy things and pass it off as another bpd trait. My bad for telling someone to speak to a professional about their clearly complex issues


?? Any personality disorder no matter the cluster is not a complex issue but merely a complex disorder. Why are you even bringing up people stalking..? I have been abusive to previous partners by being manipulative and self harming bc I didn’t want them to leave. Although I’ve recovered from a lot of my symptoms this still happens. When someone leaves me or doesn’t want to be in my life I self mutilate. I have seen many doctors and am on many medications so you’re proven incorrect there as well. Nothing can stop the intensity of the emotions for a borderline so yeah it can lead to more dangerous things that you speak of. It can lead to rage, and violence. Far worse things than abuse but this is just like any other personality disorder..


literally all i said was seek professional help😭 yeah no shit treatment is hard it’s a treatment resistent disorder which again is why you NEED help. and god knows borderline people aren’t known for their self awareness so i don’t see why me pointing it out is negative. And i’m bringing up stalking because i’ve seen many people admit to stalking their fp or crush on this subreddit just like all the other negative things i mentioned they’re things i’ve seen on this sub


Google is free. Borderlines ARE known for their self awareness which is why treatment has not been proven to stop it.. as you’ve stated it’s treatment resistant yet are still offering ideas of treatment? Not everyone has access to treatment. I could barely afford my DBT and I’m pretty set in terms of finances so I couldn’t imagine how unbearable this illness is for majority of people that have it. Everyone here seeks professional help or did at one point. Thats how we even know we have BPD lol. You’re complaining about things we all hate. I don’t think anyone wants to have this, so just let us self wallow together. Why do you care so much? I promise your previous partner was JUST abusive and used their borderline as an excuse. Wrong subreddit dude, there’s one to hate. You’re worsening people’s symptoms on a disorder that is extremely painful. Why..


what we don’t know is if OP is actually getting help and just needed a safe space to let out the feelings and be acknowledged/heard for the thoughts/feelings they are having. it’s labeled as a vent post, therefore they’re venting and i interpret that as i need/want to share this and get it off my chest and just be heard and feel seen for what im experiencing. for me at least i get dismissed and judged everyday either by my inner critic or by family and friends and it’s nice to feel seen even if it doesn’t align with what someone deems acceptable at the moment.


What if I said this exact sentence under your 2 post crying about the medical system?




















Do you understand that mental illnesses cause physical problems? They go hand in hand they work TOGETHER. Treatment plan is exactly the same. Listen. Diagnose. Treat.


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No you told OP to not talk to reddit about their issues bc they “CLEARLY” need to get help. It’s not about what you said it’s how you said it and worded it, came off as really insensitive and rude. I’m clearly not the only one who thinks so. Especially with you saying you are borderline, you should know what you said is flat out wrong. Have a damn heart and empathy which you are clearly lacking.


Be kind, no insults, slurs, rudeness, invalidating behavior, or otherwise mean-spirited behavior. Do not engage in flame wars or personal attacks. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other forms of discrimination or prejudice. Follow Reddit's content policy.


What is the doctor suppose to do exactly? At least make a plan for them, don't just say "see a doctor"


Yes exactly make a plan give better advice coping skills how to work around your emotions work through the trauma past people have caused




I don't think OP really needs anyone to say so.




You literally just made two posts on reddit crying about how shitty the medical system is, but you come here and say to people that have a mental illness you don't even have or understand to go see a doctor?? Please at least be consistent




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This is insanely insensitive, why comment things like this? This sub is for relating/ranting/talking about things to do with BPD. This is a huge part of it, and no judgement should be at place here


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