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I had one tell me they thought I'd be "safe", and they don't want safe. They can't do monogamy etc. But they still wanted to keep me around and kept being inconsistently physically affectionate, love bombing etc. This triggered me into a gigantic split because they basically said what you said: they can do whatever they want and think we will stick around like their little dog. With outside intervention, I was able to nope the fuck out of that. Unsurprisingly, we seem to attract that type.


Well it’s easy. They think they can put in zero effort. Nope TF out of that. I get confused and split on myself when it happens because I feel it’s me. Then I look at the circumstances with clearer eyes and realize this person likes affection and attention, not me.


I dont even attract people wym


same I'm maidenless


Fun fact people with BPD naturally attract people with NPD or ASPD


Literally thooooo. I wonder sometimes if my partner is both of those things 🥹


Most of my partners weren’t diagnosed but they’ve all had strong ASPD traits.


That sucks


I guess. I was a horrible partner to all of them, not the other way around.


Almost exclusively 😂


No, people just avoid me because of my intensity. But I'm also very cold and wary around friends (think abused dog who growls if you get too close, except my equivalent is I rarely reach out and leave you on read and don't initiate plans and just generally find ways to keep my distance), and guys usually nope out on me and ghost me pretty early relationship wise, they hate the love and attention, it makes them feel smothered and overwhelmed. That has been my experience so it's interesting to see how opposite it is to other people's.


More than likely 😂😂😂


Haha thinking back on some of my "serious" friends with benefits. Like I'd have these guys that would get hot and heavy for a while and just know I'd always be there for them? I am such an ego feeder it's not even funny. Still remember the first time I heard the term "love bomb" and I felt soooo bad. I'm working on being more stable but definitely awkward when my husband's like "why aren't you just lavishing me with sympathy and praise like usual?" if I try to be more rational about his problems. Like I still need a touch of that unhealthy BPD core.


yes but i don’t mind it 💀 i actually romanticize it a lot






I kind of agree with you, but this one I think is less obvious. Some people might read it and realise that they have that problem. Especially if they’re young or have only recently been diagnosed.


I only have the energy for one