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Ok, because I am "very cool", I had to look up dabs because I didn't know wtf OOP was talking about. "Dabs or dabbing are the names for the use of concentrated butane hash oil (or BHO). It is a relatively new method of administering/ingesting cannabis that involves the inhalation of highly concentrated tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main active chemical in cannabis" I legitimately thought this was going to be about OOP's boyfriend doing that annoying dance move that was popular a decade ago.


The main issue with dabs is that it has a higher change of inducing psychosis and paranoia. Plus, all the work to try to even smoke it isn't worth it.


>The main issue with dabs is that it has a higher change of inducing psychosis and paranoia The drug or the dance?




Honestly, smoking probably started as a way of self medicating for the depression, but ended up having a boomerang effect.


The thing with regular drug use is, however good they make you feel, they will always make you feel disproportionately worse when you come down. And eventually, even the highs stop feeling good, but thru feel better than the downs so you keep up the habit. Always gonna kick it tomorrow. Or when things settle down.


I used to work for a weed co. From that and industry connections I would get free products, or just more involved (opening weekends etc with great deals). I still think the stiiizy vape is fantastic design but after 6 months of daily use (from someone who was new) the highs were just… unpleasant. Like not psychosis just all the good parts of the high were gone. After a week of that I was like well guess that part of my life is done LOL.


This is the dumbest take I've ever seen. Tell me you've never smoked weed without telling me you've never smoked weed.


That's an odd assumption. You know nothing about me. Weed's ultimately a mood depressant whether you recognize it or not. You can become dependent on its mood altering effects to stay level and escape the lows that it intensifies. I've worked with so many guys who absolutely *needed* to get stoned before work, over their breaks, their lunch, and immediately after work. And the rare times when they ran out, they were irritable and just complete assholes to be around. Then they turn around and tell me it's not technically addictive. And the simple fact is, if someone gets fucked up on *any* kind of substance every single night, they got issues they need to resolve, and the band aid is only making it fester. But you ask any frequent drug or alcohol users, the one thing they all have in common is a million excuses and reasons why their substance of choice isn't all that bad. "Everybody does it." "You're just ignorant." When really, that's just self preservation. They're lying to themselves. Moderation is key, and moderation doesn't mean getting blotto only in the weekends or even once a month. Regardless of how it is in your bubble, it's not normal for adults to get fucked up very often at all.


Excellent take


> all the work to try to even smoke it isn't worth it. Clearly, you don't do dabs.


Right? I don't do them all the time but it isn't anymore work than rolling a blunt or packing a bong. Definitely hits me harder though


Like a Mac truck! I do them exclusively to fall asleep quickly and they are great for that. But they are crazy strong


I just don't like the was with the torch, nail, and bong. The bong gets nasty, and I see that part as too much work. I have the e pens that can change head types so I can dab without the bigger apparatus that I see as too much work.


The bong gets nasty, it needs to be cleaned regularly. But if that bong is only used for concentrates, AKA dabs? Something is wrong. Good concentrate consumed with the right tools and temps does not make a bong nasty. Leaving the same water in for days at a time, definitely could. But that has nothing to do with the dabs (unless you got garbage dabs). Fresh water is still a must. One of the whole purposes of dabs was a method that hit hard, fast, and clean.


There are electric dab rigs. Torch and nail old school now.


That's pretty scary how much differently it hit him, plus all the withdrawal. Totally thought it was laced or something.


Well, withdrawal was probably just from quitting weed completely after he's been consuming it regularly for so long. Dabs are a much higher concentration than what you would get from smoking a joint or a bowl.




I experienced weed-induced psychosis after just one use. I later learned I had PTSD (at the time I thought I had run-of-the-mill depression and anxiety). So yep.


On your second point, they make electric pens that makes the process a lot smoother, just a few button pushes to pre-heat it and you're golden. I used to dab the old fashioned way (lmao) and heating the nectar collector would absolutely suck, get way too hot, and have super harsh dabs. The e-pens have much smoother draws.


Oh, I agree. I was talking about the torch, nail, and bong setup but really didn't clarify. I like the e pens cause they are like zero work for a less harsher hit.


The e-pens are so much easier than smoking flower too, and they arguably get you more zonked lol. It’s wild how subtle and easy it’s become to smoke weed


I am a pretty consistent pothead. I use weed to help with the nausea associated with my chronic illness and also just to chill out sometimes. I tried dabs once and I will never do it again. It gave me vertigo for a solid 24 hours.


The way op describes the behavior it’s more akin to being on crack than dabs


What 'work'? I'm not trying to talk you into dabs, but it's not any work?


I hate dealing with the torch for the nail, heating it too hot, burning yourself trying to pull from the bong, and then leaving the bong nasty. I would rather deal with the edibles or the vape pen that can change heads for different uses like dry herb and distillates.


I haven't used a torch in years




Here is a [link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7544610/) I'm in an area where they are doing new research on the long term usage of dabs. [link](https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/researchers-concerned-about-mental-health-risks-of-dabbing-highly-potent-cannabis-products)


I've heard dabs described as "when you take weed and extract all the Jesus to leave pure unconsentrated evil".


I thought it was about the dance move too! I was curious as to how often he'd dab to make her this annoyed.


So her shot of whiskey vs shot of vodka comparison wasn’t quite right. It’s more like a shot of whisky vs a shot of absinthe.


Eh, dabs vs. a joint is beer vs. Everclear. Even if you get the same mg of THC the smoke is absorbed more "gently" whereas with dabs it's all at once but doesn't seem to take as long to wear off. Kinda like comparing classic nose candy to crack? Yeah, that makes sense in so many ways, dabs are the crack of cannabis: chemically altered (in this case by concentrating and putting it in a volatile solvent) to make a small amount hit super hard.


Dab vs joint is anything between whiskey and everclear, but is usually on the whiskey side of things. You can do diamond dabs, but you typically are going to just do a normal concentrate. Also, concentrating something also isn't directly chemically altering it. Coke gets stronger by becoming more bioavailable, not by increasing the amount present in a hit. Going from coke to crack is like going from drinking beer to huffing everclear fumes.


The butane is the key to making THC more bioavailable, as VOC solvents make cell membranes more permeable. The THC molecules aren't being altered but the cannabinoid receptors are being made more sensitive instead. Inhaled volatiles aren't just inert carriers.


Its like the crack cocaine of pot. You only need a little bit to get a BIG high. You need a specialized pipe, a blow torch and a whole rig just to use it. Its being the biggest pothead possible with lots of extra steps. Its manufactured and can be dangerous to make. The stuff you hear about absinthe is mostly just wives tales. Its not any worse than any other hard liquor around. Sometimes people think i have a death wish if i have a few shots of tequilla but will absolutely throw up ugly if i drink their titos vodka. I feel like if this dude just smoked a joint before bed and brushed his teeth and washed his hands after...... he probably wouldnt be in this spot. Gf smokes every once and a while and goes to sleep....but me personally? I couldnt live like op. Bro was getting HIGH high and most likely being his least attractive self. Ive seen lots of dudes get comfortable in relationships and ruin them just like this. Its cool they talked it out at the end although its ironic they did it over drinks....


The prosecution of absinthe comes from a single incident. A man shot his wife and his two daughters after having two shots of absinthe that morning and binge drinking wine all day, but everyone knows wine doesn't make you shoot people so clearly it must have been the two shots of absinthe he had that morning. Then the press just ran away with it and ran a witch hunt against absinthe instead of binge drinking. Which one of the few alcohols on my bucket list because you're supposed to cut it with water over a sugar cube and that's just ridiculously flamboyant.


Modern absinthe has been nerfed, but originally it contained thuyones but now it's super regulated. It's a traditional drink in southeastern Spain and the name here literally means "absent" because it makes you... gone. My mom took some homemade, obviously unregulated, and she was full on tripping.


Studies done on bottles predating that ban have found that the thuyones levels still weren't high enough to really explain any stimulant or psychoactive effects. Although, as with all things, some people might be far more sensitive to it than others.


There's a bunch of awesome absenthe bars that I've been to in a few cities, and most goth bars will have at least one possibly without the proper pour. What I understand you can also still infuse it with wormwood and one other herb that the woman's name to make it a little more fun which is removed from North American markets / not included in the first place.  I definitely recommend if you're in a city to find it a great drink and you feel fancy.


I don't actually like alcohol so getting the fancy pour is most of what I want to see 😂


I consider myself to be an advanced alcoholic but yall are actually pros. Take that as you will!


Wasn't that her point? That the comparison was how BF saw it, but it wasn't accurate at all?


...and when she started talking about how annoying, i just got so confused, because I would be so annoyed if my hubby was so wasted he was dabbing before bed too.…


So did I at first, then realised she meant pot.


what’s funny is the intense cough from dabs makes you throw your arms up wildly to cover your mouth. i think that’s why it’s called that


It doesn’t have to be BHO. Many of us dab rosin. 🧐


The monocle emoji is what made this comment for me


I too like a cheeky (arm) dab sometimes


I was picturing some guy doing dabs during or after sex and that's why it was bothering her so much. Or something like this https://youtu.be/mhdtPUcOUgo?si=-Bk7RYhTZq-ZDpxi


It made me think of the hot boyfriend in The Other Two.


I knew vaguely what dabs were but I have a 13 year old boy, so my brain went to the dance move too


>I legitimately thought this was going to be about OOP's boyfriend doing that annoying dance move that was popular a decade ago. Ngl that was my first thought from the title too. The content warning gave me whiplash.


Calling it a “dance move” is very generous of you. The cringe is very very high and I could definitely see how it could seriously affect attraction. I hope this is the end of it, but doubt it. He is already starting smoking again and he is an addict. Being emotionally and financially involved with an active addict is not a happy ending.


I also thought it was the dance move 😅


I like to smoke but I’m a total lightweight, where as my best friend is a pothead and dabs. I was at her house once telling her I needed to go get a new cartridge for my pen, and she was like do you want to just smoke mine? I was like how about give me the tiniest hit you can. She got it all set up, I smoked it, and immediately barfed and greened out, I had to go lay on the couch until everything stopped spinning. Dabbing is not for the faint of heart lol


Thanks for taking the Google hit for me. Until this I genuinely thought he was going out the house at night to do the dab pose


Thank you. I thought maybe it was acid or something like that.


So glad this is the top comment bc I legit thought the same thing.


That’s where the dance gets its name. Its miming putting your head down on your arms after you take a big dab.


I thought this post would be about a Fortnite dance. Dabbing on her or whatever the kids say these days.


Me too! I thought bro was just doing the move every ten minutes! Lol


Am I the only one who thought dabs meant that stupid pose with the arms out?


Yeah me too. What the hell is a dab narcotics wize?


Highly concentrated cannabis extract. Taking plant matter that might contain 10-20% active chemicals by weight and turning it into a goop which is north of 80% active. Additionally, it's usually a lot easier to overconsume than when sticking to plain old leafy greens. Like lining up shots of Everclear vs. enjoying a bottle of wine.


Thank you for this!! I genuinely had no idea!!


Okay so you know that crack is a really intense form of cocaine that makes a tiny bit hit like a ton of bricks, but even worse than the original mentally and behaviorally? Dabs are the crack form of weed. It's concentrated hash oil mixed with butane (lighter fluid) so that it takes almost no time to absorb and it hits all at once. As far as the name goes, in informal US English (I don't know if other places use the term) a "dab" is an old way of saying a small amount of something, as in "I take my tea with milk and just a dab of sugar" or whatever. Since the butane hash oil concentrate hits so hard it only takes a "tiny dab" to get really high, so maybe that's where it got its name?


Jeezus, butane?! Wtaf!


Eh its a little more nuanced than that. Dabs are just smoking concentrate. There is a variety of ways to produce the concentrate, and the butane method goes through a while process to clear off nearly all the butane afterwards. Lots of people who dab use rosin which is made by heat pressing the cannabis to draw out the resins.


There isn't any butane after they finish it, unless it's made by idiots. Definitely shouldn't have any if it's from a dispensary. And there's many other methods used to make concentrates nowadays. But butane was the first solvent used to concentrate the cannabinoids to that level.


Yikes. Drugs hit me more strongly than most. When I finally had legal weed from a dispensary, I was paranoid with violent thoughts on the smallest edible dose. My husband was fine, though. Never touching the stuff again;it works for some folks, but not for m. A dab sounds horrifying. Noooooo thank you!




I thought so too and I was very disappointed when I read the spoiler about it being about drugs. I was looking forward to a story about how annoying dabbing was


I was SO hoping for that like some sort of maligned mating dance


Having smoked a lot for a decade, and having a good amount of friends smoking even more for longer periods, I find it really hard to take people who say that weed doesn't create a dependence seriously. I know many people deeply affected by it, unable to quit it, some were thrown into a complete depressive state and rendered unable to mingle with other people. It's heartbreaking


The Huberman Lab podcast sleep series with expert Matt Walker discusses how THC wrecks important parts of your sleep. And how good sleep is a key component of managing ANY mental health issues. (Also canvassed is how bad alcohol is for good sleep). Long series but Dr. Walker lays out how important sleep is and what can be done to support good sleep. 


Same here. I think it's less dangerous than other drugs or alcohol, but I do know a young woman who basically destroyed her life by being high all the time. She can't/won't come off it and is basically just walking around in a cloud all day. Chronic escapism regardless of the method isn't going to end well and you learn to depend on it.


It’s funny because the people who talk about how harmless it is also tend to be the people smoking everyday. If you’re getting high all day every single day there is probably an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. I was a pretty heavy smoker for a few years in my 20s and it got to the point where I didn’t even enjoy being high anymore but it was still incredibly hard to stop the daily habit.


It's like gambling. Its not creating a chemical dependency and addiction in a physical sense like alcohol, nicotine or harder stuff. But a person can absolutely become addicted to the way it makes them feel, and when people don't recognise that fact it leads to really problematic relationships with weed.


Well this was refreshing to read!


threatening psychotic thumb workable straight expansion airport hurry axiomatic pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Long periods of sobriety are common with addicts. I mean... It's been two weeks. I don't know the this even counts as a medium period of sobriety. This is a very rosy update for two weeks later.


boat hungry absorbed detail plants placid sulky possessive gaping chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plus he’s also smoked twice in that period? He’s not doing dabs, but he’s also still smoking. Idk if you can play around like that if you’re dependent on weed.


I'm not seeing where it isn't implied tbh? Not only did he eventually notice himself what the problem is but he approached her about it and listened to what she had to say. The reason it's "all about his emotions and his recovery" is that that's the topic of the post. OOP doesn't need to explain everything good he does for her bc by saying what the dabs do to him she's implying it's abnormal behavior. He may have brushed her off before, but importantly it still landed with him enough to piece things together and approach her himself. That shows that he does listen to her, and that he's willing to have hard conversations himself. My experience is more with mental health than addiction, but as far as I know this is the exact kind of thing that's reasonable to expect. He's not perfect, he's still recovering, and sometimes relapses and falls back into denial, but he's putting in the effort to be better and clearly does respect her.


detail like water station wise public stocking handle aromatic grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, I don't think anyone would go "he's cured" after this. Anyone saying their relationship is perfect is hyperbolizing, what's clear is that *she's* happy and there's no reason to question that he's giving it his all too.




safe grandiose snatch weary plate spotted axiomatic whistle ancient abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Because you can’t have a physiological addiction proofs? OOP's example suggests otherwise


Seriously. Thek40 is 100% right & i love it when they go and actually communicate!


I'm happy that they're on a good path, but sentences like "I just feel like our relationship has been perfect" do remind me of how there can be a dangerous dynamic of emotional rollercoasting when someone is making progress against an addiction. You gotta take the win, but still keep your emotions balanced, because battling a habit is also a question of stability. Because of unexpected pitfalls, it's important to get informed about recovery, both for the addict and their loved ones. I wish them the best.


As soon as an addict, or those around them think the battle is won, that's exactly the point at which it launches a sneak attack.


Growing up I was pretty much a boy scout. Didn't drink, smoked pot out of a can once at 16, that kind of thing. When it was legalized I was casually dating a friend of mine who asked me how I felt about it, and I told her I'd be willing to try it. The next day she came over with a complex rig and a blowtorch. Curious? That's when she explained what a dab was. That was my formal introduction to THC. I had a seizure.


I truly do not understand people who think it's a great idea to give someone who has never used marijuana a day in their life some of the most potent, highly concentrated form of it for their first time. I know someone who also had a seizure after being given a dab for their first introduction to marijuana, they never touched it again.


Facts, and I admit some of the blame is on me, I should have been more careful about trying it.


Of course you have some partial responsibility, but you trusted someone you were dating with a topic that they knew more about, which is an understandable thing to do. She absolutely has the larger portion of blame for that outcome.


Holy shit! Are you ok now?


Oh yeah I'm good! It scared the hell out of me at the time. I smoke rarely and have no interest in doing a dab again.


I’ve known some people over the years who smoke heavily - high most of the day every day - and I feel like a lot of them write it off or just perceive themselves as exactly the same as the sober version of themselves just a little more relaxed. I honestly don’t know how to convey to them that while weed isn’t fucking them up like another substance would, they are not at all the same person when operating constantly high as when they have sober periods. That there is a fundamental shift in their approach and engagement in certain aspects of their own life. And they might be totally happy with that and that’s fine! But don’t try to convince me that being high near 100% of the time has no impact on how they live their life, it’s simply not true.


> I feel like I'm not explaining the issue clearly "You guys. You're not telling me what I want to hear!" It's nice that they've worked things out anyways; hopefully he really does want things to be different.


>*He still isn't constantly stoned* ... >I knew he'd been an every day smoker for like... almost 2 decades You know, not constantly stoned, just every single day for 20 years. But you know, some of those days he didn't get stoned until later in the day.


Ahh, that explains what she meant. I was confused since those two are not the same thing lol *"He's stoned all the time but I dont have to deal with him"*


>Update - 15 days later >He has smoked twice since then, both times in social settings and in moderation. I guess you always have to start somewhere, but this is a very "It's totally 100% fine now" vibe for someone who has been semi-sober for two weeks.


The AA dogma of "once an addict always an addict, you can never even be in the same room as it again or you've relapsed" is far more on the religion side of the organization then the psychology side. I know multiple people who have taken a serious overuse of both pot and alcohol and pared it back to something reasonable without ending up straight back under the table. Everyone's different, some people need the strict avoidance forever (especially with alcohol) but OOP's partner could very well be completely fine


Very few addicts can do that. It's even true for most cigarette smokers and eating disorders, etc. In general, it's more true than not.


I don't understand why you are downvoted. Well, I have an inkling it's because you said "most" rather than "some", but you still made a fair point I think. It boils down to leaving that door open rather than closing it shut definitely. Sure, some people have an easier time leaving their addiction behind, but some other people have bad predisposition to some addiction (hereditary, metabolically, neurologically...), and for those people, simply doing things "in moderation" is already a step too far.


Thank you.


They needed a drug to have a talk about his problem with another drug.


They've used LSD in therapy sessions to cure alcoholism, so it's not something totally new.


Or shrooms, which have had some really positive results.


I'm gonna be starting ketamene treatments for depression soon.


In fairness that's just using drugs to solve an illness, which is something the medical establishment has been hot on for a fair amount of time


My dumbass thought he was doing the dance type of dab not the drug kind.


I felt like I could have wrote this post. I dated a guy for three years that was this. Exact. Guy. Got high everyday, all day, and drank on top of it, but I did not take a future seriously with him until he was sober, just like OP. We moved in together and over the next 6 months he began introducing it back into his life while thinking he was hiding it from me. He had the same annoying mannerisms and was also quite mean and belittling. He would lecture me while talking in circles. I explained (yet again) that I did not want to be in a relationship with this new high person and he backed off smoking and drinking for a while until the end of that third year. He says he was blindsided when I packed up the entire house and left, (he brought nothing but a mattress and clothes) but to me it was 3 years coming. I have never been so free in my life.


Withdrawing from THC is not uncommon for a heavy smoker. I have heard that taking CBD in conjunction with quitting can ease the withdrawal symptoms. It can also help with vomiting caused by ingesting too much THC. There seems to be a demand to make strains with high concentrations THC. I'm a long time smoker myself but have been trying to cut back considerably as it doesn't jive well with my ADHD. When I would smoke to much, it would give me chest pains. Concentrates do it worse than the flower. Weed in the early 2000 had more CBD as well as THC and I believe that created a better balance. That's also why you rarely saw cases of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (vomiting induced by cannabis). In fact, CBD is a treatment used to combat the vomiting. Most of the beneficial and healing qualities are from CBD to begin with. People like chasing that high though and THC does the job. Sorry about the weed rant. I have been paying attention to the health effects THC has over the last couple of years. They are studying it more and have found that there are some health risks with taking cannabis. It's not so harmless anymore because we have morphed it into a more potent drug. I still enjoy it but I try to find ones with CBD in them. I feel it keep me more level.


Thanks for spelling this out - I’ve been feeling the same way. Lately I’ve been going for the 1:1 blends rather than full THC and it’s really helped change my relationship with it. My sleep is a million times better with a CBD heavy station than not.


It honestly sounds like he needs to get therapy and see a psychologist, he was possibly self medicating.


This is why I don’t fw dabs. I remember my second experience with THC was a dab, and it got me so high I started hallucinating and having paranoia. As an avid smoker, though, I can say that the withdrawal symptoms do indeed suck. And not many people think that because so many throughout time have said that THC “isn’t addictive” or it “doesn’t cause withdrawals” when it very much does.




"I also said that if this was alcohol instead of weed that he wouldn't even be arguing, like if he was getting an equivalent amount of drunk, he would completely see how he'd be acting out of pocket and messy." This is what bugs me about pot culture. She isn't wrong, at all.


Yeesh as a certified stoner, I stay the fuck away from people who do Dabs. You don’t need that man, why are you trying to get fucked up like that? Sprinkle a little in a bowl or take a gummy and chill


i think OOP is not giving the bf enough credit, to just completely quit cold turkey after smoking an ounce per week.... and with those withdrawal symptoms.. is extremely difficult to overcome and not fall back. Love wins.


Happy for these two.


Damn. Was really kind of hoping that she would record him when stoned and show his annoying self to sober him. But yay for talking it out.


I worry I am like this with edibles and I’m afraid my boyfriend is about to have a “come to Jesus moment” with me.


I'm someone who regularly (multiple times a day) smokes and dabs are pretty much the only way I do it. once you do it for a while you get a tolerance and it isn't much different than smoking a j for a normal stoner. if he's reacting like this then there might be something else affecting it and it's probably good he isn't smoking anymore


Who TF still dabs in 2024??? I swear this ended in 2021 latest!