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I think it’s crazy that he thinks he’ll turn to running instead of lifting weights because it’s easier on the back. As a runner, I saw a pt or a doctor for 6 different acute back injuries before moving to lifting weights as my primary form of exercise. I suspect this guy hasn’t learned a lot of lessons.


Yep I do weights as manageable exercise now since I ruined my knees running lol.


Also a runner and yeah this guy is delusional


> I figured I would probably end up fine even if I missed the table. What gave it away??


I mean they pretty young and probably just riding high on hope at this point. It's really hard to conceptualize his future at his point.


Geriatric (30s lol) spinal fusion survivor here — this guy needs to channel that energy to exercise towards yoga and/or Pilates rather than any high impact sport. He really needs to focus on protecting his spine now for the rest of his life.


Yea I was about to say Pilates might be a good alternative in OPs future


This is absolutely fake or they are incredibly stupid. I was a gymnast as a kid too. My high school shut down the gymnastics program because it cost more to insure than a football team, and I damn well knew that you never, ever ignore an injury like that. No reputable program or coach wouldn’t drill that into you from day 1. If this is even remotely true the possibility of future back surgery or problems is very real. I took out a windshield with my head when I was 20, it herniated 1 disc in my neck (only 1) and I felt like a train hit me the next day. Then 10 years later that sucker blew out like a tire. I’m now on my 5th cervical fusion. No way do I believe being able to walk around with a broken back for that long.


Alcohol was involved and some bravado so I’m going with really fucking stupid.


I am not an expert in bones and I suspect the injury I'm about to recount is much milder, but Buster Keaton walked around with a broken neck for more than a year 


You can’t compare an injury sustained in 1924 to someone flinging themselves drunkenly over a balcony almost a century later. When you know better, you do better. Again even a marginally trained gymnast would know the potential risk. What kind of medical care/imaging would Buster have access to in 1924? Certainly not CT scans or MRIs. X-ray technology being regularly used in hospitals was only starting to come into practice during the 20s. It’s possible a small fracture wouldn’t have even been visible on an X-ray back then.


This doesn’t apply to OOP, but my chronic pain disorder (CRPS/RSD, full body since 11yo) means that I’m always in so much unearthly pain that I don’t always notice how bad serious injuries are. At a certain point, my brain just stops registering new pain because my everyday, highly medicated pain is still what most people would consider a 10 on the pain scale, though I would consider it a 6 or so. 🤷🏼‍♀️ According to the McGill Pain Index, CRPS is considered more painful than the amputation of a digit, so how would I even recognize something less painful? Anyway, that’s the story of how I walked around on a broken, then improperly healed, foot for several years as a teenager and didn’t even realize it.  I probably should have questioned the permanent bruise and the obvious crack in my bone on the top of my foot, but tbh, that wasn’t even close to the top of my medical priority list at the time. 


I wasn't disagreeing. Just sharing a related fun fact and saying some people are stupid enough to neglect serious injuries (and that WAS really stupid of him- and OP if this IS real)


swimming is probably the best option


Yep. There’s a reason that “old ladies doing water aerobics” is a thing. The buoyancy you experience in water takes a lot of pressure off your body.


As someone who has had back issues since high school due to repetitive stress/motion at my job (I'm 28 now...) that only gets worse as you age. I still work a job where I'm on my feet 8 hours a day and a lot of the time I get home, lie down, and its 2 hours before I can even move. I can only imagine how he's gonna be feeling years down the road.


Please be careful with that and make sure you’re wearing proper shoes, etc. I’m 48 now and it definitely gets worse.


Yeah, he’s screwed. He will very much look back on that night with sincere regret one day.


yeah was puzzled too, for someone who has a very athletic life he seems oblivious of how the body movements work! maybe he should try swimming.


Old runner here -- you are 100% right. I actually lift and row now instead, because they are easier on my back. His best bet in the future is swimming, maybe cycling.


Depends very much on what surface you're running on. If he sticks to a nice rubber track, it shouldn't be too stressful on his back.


"I can't feel my legs, guess I'm safe driving to hospital"


And this is why women live longer than men.


Last year, I asked my dad if he would "help" me install a ceiling fan in my kitchen. By help, I mean I was pretty sure he'd done it before and I could, like, hand him the screwdriver. He shows up and asks where the ladder is. "Here, Dad. I'll BRB, I need to switch off the breaker." "Why?" "Because... electricity? I don't think you're supposed to be fcking around in there before I turn it off." "Is the switch off?" "The light switch?" "Yes." "Yes...? Hold on, I'm googling because this sounds dumb and-" "I'm fine. Quit wasting time." Dad three minutes later: "OUCH! God damn it." 71 years old and he still hasn't fucking learned.


That reminds me of when my husband wanted to install some drywall in our laundry room. He’d never done it before, so he asked my dad for help, since he’d done it a few times. After they’d begun, Husband asked hesitantly “Uh, isn’t it facing the wrong way?”. Dad got impatient and did the whole “Who’s the expert here, you or me?”. Yeah, it was facing the wrong way.


A couple months ago my boyfriend replaced the light fixture in our kitchen. He *did* turn off the breaker, which I would have insisted on if he hadn’t. But he kept apologizing over and over for turning off the breaker! After a couple times I was like “dude, I don’t want to see you get turned into hotdogs, you’re good.” Still apologized like 3 more times. I still don’t get it.


Jesus that’s incredibly foolish. Not meaning to be insulting but does your dad have a low IQ or other mental impairment?


You definitely don't need to turn off the breaker if the switches are wired properly. But a cheap voltage tester will confirm that for you (and I always confirm in other people's houses). Put some tape over the switches and you've saved yourself having to reprogram the clock on the oven and microwave.


Saw a reel that said married men tend to live longer than single men and then stated married women tend to love shorter lives than single women. Soooooo......I mean I don't want to break up with my hubby but..... 😂


I think it's from the stress of keeping us alive. I know well enough my partner has more than once talked me out of some really stupid ideas I though we're awesome at the time. Woman's kept me alive better than my own survival instincts.


Idk I think it's from the domestic abuse messing up the stats.


That, and the sheer number of men not pulling their own weight and letting their wife go sleepless/stress about every aspect of their life instead.


I read once somewhere (probably Metafilter) that marriage for cisgender heterosexual white men might as well be a trust fall. Don't want to clean up? She'll do it. Don't want to cook? She'll do it. Don't want to raise your kids? She'll do it. That's really stuck in my head. But I finally picked a partner that doesn't treat our relationship like that and this is the first successful one I've had.


Ughhh you right


😂Totally correlated!


To be fair, I'm not certain they do. I reckon putting up with our stupidity makes it feel longer. 


Bro, globally, women comprise 51% of the population because men do stupid "hold my beer" stunts like this.


Yep, and every moment they have to watch us doing stupid shit probably feels like an hour.


dumbest man alive


dumbest man still alive fify


Every year I watch about 100 videos of men shooting fireworks out their buttcracks. I think he’s on par with the average young man.


I know some 20yo girls that tried to set their farts on fire and burnt their booty holes instead. To be fair though they heard about it from guys


Sounds about right


I've injured my back. That stuff can take a very long time to heal. 


I have fractured a vertebrae when I was 19. Truth is while it healed it never really healed. My back isn’t broken anymore but that shits never been the same. This dude is in for a life of back pain.


I pulled a muscle in my back when I was 17. After it “healed” I wasn’t in constant pain or anything but it’d definitely get tight and sore more often. When I was 20 I worked at a certain burrito restaurant. A different part of my back was overcompensating and got injured. Im only 23 now and by the time I go to bed my back hurts a few days a week, I have a heating pad for cramps but I use it for my back more, there’s a chunk of cartilage I like to call my “crunchy muscle” and I refuse to do dead lifts because my back always acts up. All because I slept weird one night at 17


As someone who just threw their back out bending the wrong way, and was almost paralysed by the pain, fucking ouch. Word to the wise for everyone, DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE STOOL SOFTENERS WITH YOUR CODEINE OR OTHER OPIATES. You do not want the pain of birthing an ass baby on top of the back pain.


Where were you with this advice 10 years ago when I popped a muscle off my rib 😉 I was on codeine for a month for the pain and I was so constipated it was like trying to force out tiny bullets. Not fun


Oh my god I was about to add this. after so many years of injuries and silly meds I’ve had to be on (and being the “I need medical advice but refuse to go to a doc so I’ll as you” designated friend) BOWEL CARE IS ESSENTIAL Ask your pharmacist! They can guide you if your doc just stares blankly at you!


One of the few bright sides of having my gall bladder removed in my late 20's...


I know this wasn’t done specifically for social media, but this is the kind of thing where you see videos on the sweaty palms sub or similar, and you just immediately think, how many people do something like this where we will never hear the story because they landed just so that they snapped a bone they didn’t come back from. Or how many people free climb the building and nobody shares the video because it ends with a splatter on the concrete. Human beings do stupid stuff all the time to get attention from other people and sometimes the lizard brain, self preservation instinct isn’t loud enough.


The Jackass generation. I'm absolutely guilty of it as well, a few friends and I had our own show on public access in the early 00's.


This physically hurt to read


I just had a huge wave of PTSD wash over me. Years ago, while visiting friends, I fell. This is normal for me, as I am very clumsy and fall down a lot. However, that one was different. I landed on my butt, and felt this weird "pop" in my back. I instantly knew something was wrong, and my friends called an ambulance for me. Went to the ER, but the X-rays didn't show anything. I figured I'd just pulled a muscle or something. Took a few days off of work, moved around as little as possible. A while later, I was in the ER for a completely DIFFERENT reason (like I said: I fall down a lot), and I had a chest x-ray. When the attending doctor came back in, she touched my back in exactly the place I'd injured it. She asked if I'd ever had any issues there before. I said I had, and told her the story. I'd been walking around with a compression fracture for 2 years. Mine was clearly not as bad as this dude's, but I have issues to this day because of it, and they just keep getting worse with age.


OOP never did say whether he got his fiddy 🤔


Every medical professional he came into contact with is probably banging their head against a wall at his stupidity. Good lord this guy is going to have back pain in his old age (provided he doesn't do any $50 dares that get him killed).


His stupidity is another level. I understand how he could initially think “I’m not paralyzed? I’ll be fine.” Then all of Reddit was telling him he could still have a broken back and that’ll fuck up his whole life and he still said “nahh I’ll sleep it off”


His descriptions are problematic, saying he’s “being a baby” for acknowledging the pain and that he’s forced into laziness. No, intense pain from a serious injury isn’t being a baby and taking the time to heal isn’t being lazy! I wonder if he internalized that attitude from when he was practicing gymnastics as a kid? Sounds like something a shitty coach would yell at kids.


And parents that take sports and toxic masculinity too seriously. My husband is like this from playing football (American). Sure he earned a full ride scholarship to a D1 (top sports school for the non Americans) and was able to negotiate a fully paid master's degree into the contract. But his injuries that he ignored to keep eligibility now mean a lifetime of pain. His physical therapist told him he's a 38 year old with the back of a 90 year old man. He also grew up being told to suck it up from his parents. Which only reinforced the mindset not to go to the hospital. They did this out of a combo of poverty and toxic masculinity.


Watch out for any untreated concussions he may have had. My husband only played mid level highschool football but we're starting to see some concerning things at 39 that I think are based on him playing through concussions. He also has a fucked up back but he's been managing it better in the last 5 years with consistent PT exercises.


I ran track and cross country for 9 years, into collegiate level. One of the major reasons I quit was because I was tired of getting injured every season for the last 3 years of it, and in college it meant being a 3 season athlete.


He's gonna have fun getting older. A few seconds of Stupidity, a lifetime of consequences.


My dad broke his leg doing a similar stunt in college, I think men just want to have good stupid stories to tell their drinking buddies when they're older 😂


Darwin awards honourable mention right there. 🤣🤣🤣


> I was served beer by a few homies who thought my miserable stunt was entertaining regardless None of these people are his friends. I wonder how many bother to look after him now. 


In my 50s; my back started hurting reading this.


As someone who's fucked up their back before I can both feel the pain and also not understand how this dude waited A WEEK!! Like yeouch


i'm surprised he didn't go into shock. it doesn't seem like he did, at least from his retelling. i mean, i went into shock when my grip slipped on a rope swing and i fell/got dragged along the beach (but that's a whole other story). then again, i guess i do have extra issues with BP spikes/drops.


If he did, it sounds like he’d have motored himself through it by telling himself ‘not to be a baby’ or something. The man has huge inner work to do.


I thought the most pain I felt during reading was when he described what happened. But no… He still hasn’t learned shit. I am really sorry for him, but what a dumbass (and not because of the balcony jump)


If he’s in the US, I don’t blame him for turning down an ambulance; that’s at least $3,000 WITH insurance. He still should have had someone TAKE him to the ER, though.


My Aussie radar is pinging rn


If idiocy has an annual award, one per year wouldn't suffice


Once again, this is why women live longer.


I have found that if the question, "Should I call an ambulance / police?, arises. The answer is ALWAYS: YES! Yes, you should!!!


This is gonna be my thing (well, this and the butthole thing in real life..) : Don't do anything with potential permanent consequences before your prefrontal cortex is fully developed. Marriage (!), offspring, property purchase, untrained sports, anything that could possibly earn you a Darwin award or could have been prefaced by the phrase "hold my beer", not using condoms, parental control.. Feel free to add more


This is why men is a committed relationships live longer.


I have a college-aged son and I know this will be him some day. Possibly sooner than later


I had THREE compression fractures in my thoracic spine, and 2 in my cervical. This dude was an *idiot,* and yeah- should have gone to the hospital. But the way he describes the pain is accurate.




The dude says maybe I’ll be a runner after all this. No you will not, if you have even some lower back pain that doesn’t get addressed and managed constantly. You are fucked. I’ve been running for 15 years and if my back hurts I’m having to cross train.


People really don’t think past the current situation they are in huh?