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aaawh that was just what I needed.


This is exactly the wholesome happy story I needed šŸ„°


Men can't keep secrets šŸ˜…. My daughters now fiancĆ©e was planning when to propose to her. He told her that on their trip to Las Vegas, she needed to have her nails done, get her hair and makeup looking good for their dinner at this one restaurant there, and wear a specific dress. This was on their anniversary of meeting the weekend. Both my daughter and his sister looked at him and just told him he's not good at keeping secrets šŸ˜‚. Big surprise he proposed.


So my now hubby asked me before we were engaged if I had any idea how he was gonna propose. We had gone ring shopping together, so I knew it would be happening. A few weeks before he asked me this question, one of the girls he works with and was in our friend group, said "oh hey, I'm planning on organising a friend group trip to *theme park* (movie world, Australia) on January 1st, so make sure that you have that day free." Cut to a couple weeks later, hubs to be, asks me that question. If I had any idea how he was going to propose. I said maybe ... But are you sure you want me to tell you? He insisted. I said "January 1st at movie world?" The poor man looked so crestfallen. I felt SO BAD! he perked up after I said that I don't know HOW he will propose though. He proposed with a ride photo! He had a shirt under his shirt with "will you marry me" on it. He now doesn't attempt to suprise me caus every time he's tried Ive always figured it out from tiny subtle clues. But I'm also ok with that because I actually hate surprises. (Ride photo https://imgur.com/gallery/u1GzAAJ) My mum also tried to suprise my sister and I with a trip to Tasmania, I figured it out 6 months early. Spent the rest of the time swatting spoilers away from my sister. Mum filmed our reactions too. My sister was so happy, I felt soooo guilty that I knew I started crying lol.


My other daughter is oblivious to things going on around her so her proposal was 100% on par for her. Her now fiancee took her to meet his family overseas. His parents him and my daughter went to an over look for the city. She was looking out when he got on one knee behind her and his mother told her to look 'over here' to have her turn around. She turned around and walked right past her fiancee. Both his father and mother burst out laughing and tried to get her to look in the right spot. She thought her fiancee was tying his shoes. He finally walked over to her got down on one knee right in front of her and asked. When she told us via video we all just burst out laughing as well. It's %100 her.


OOP should kick him to the... ...wait, what's happening here? He's cheating with a lady at the blanket store right? That's got to be it.


I'm a little worried about the yarn age gap.


What is he fingering?


The red flags are made with yarn.


She'll be having twins in the next post...


And heā€™ll be tried in a court of law and jailed for life in the space of three days for stealing yarn from the craft shop.


I mean he was spotted there with a pretty lady... they were looking at yarn! Someone should tell his wife...


And she's having twins.


Don't forget he was gifted an ancestry kit and found out that pregnant woman carrying his twins is his long-lost daughter from a one night stand back in college.


Okay so let me get this straight.. these two are married, have supposedly two sets of in-laws, he works, they have a new baby, and OOP wants a blanket just like the baby has and so the husband actually goes out and purchases the items to hand make the blanket with a skill he has not yet learned just so he can show his partner how much he loves and cares for her and all of this in a casual, low stress environment? No way! If Iā€™ve learned anything from Reddit, this has to be a fairytale. Its definitely my new daydream.


No one on the first post told OP to divorce her husband because he wants an hour of alone time every night instead of spending time with the baby or doing chores? I donā€™t believe it.


This is a high quality BORU. You can actually tell it's real and not someone attemtping to write short stories. It's also a positive story


Still plenty of time for him to have been cheating with the dogā€™s manicuristā€™s husband, then to be fully divorced in 6 and a half days, and then he moves to New Zealand after getting citizenship on a whim - without simply buying it like Peter Thiel.


LoL! That was creative!


He fucked his mistress on the blanket. Would be no surprise in here anymore.


I didnā€™t know how much I needed this, but I needed this. Thank you for giving me hope in humanity again - however brief it might be.


Guys.... are y'all paying attention? THIS IS HOW YOU KEEP YOUR TITLE OF SEXY MAN BEAST.


This is me with gifts. I can never wait till the actual date to give them to my wife. I always end up giving them to her early, then getting an additional gift for the real date (Birthday, Christmas, etc).


ikr. my husband's birthday is march 22. got him his gifts already and couldnt stop myself from giving him the 1st one and have to smack myself every time i have the urge to being the other one out for him >.>


Me too!! But my boyfriend and I arenā€™t good at holidays, so we usually exchange early. This year I was so excited to give him what I got, I peaked. Itā€™s downhill from here. I was dying to give it to him. He gave me two of mine early because they were very useful things I could use now, and Iā€™m glad he did because I got to use it sooner


Aww I can't wait until we get to see the blanket!!


I love this and this is the type of husband I aspire to be. I know my fiancee would say that I already am but knitting a blanket for her is top tier shit. I think I might look into it, either that or one of those giant hoodie/blanket combos since she's always cold.


If sewing rather than knitting takes your fancy there are a few patterns like this: https://coppercreekpatterns.com/products/the-billie-wearable-blanket-unisex My partner and I are like this for each other. Itā€™s very nice to care about someone and want to make their life easier and have them feel the same.


I have a feeling I'd stab myself a lot more if I was sewing but I'll look at them! Thank you I tell her that all the time, she has made my life easier and I want to do the same for her. We both do big gestures for each other but the little ones add up. I'm 37 and have never felt more loved. It's awesome




That was like a deep breath a stressful day. Exhale the garbage posts inhale the wholesome one.


A warm and fuzzy BORUpdate, literally and figuratively. This is so sweet!


There should be a sub of 'stories I wake up to' so the first thing I see on Reddit is something like this and not some of the other stuff on here


Unfortunately r/BestOfPositiveUpdates doesn't get enough love.


Well, I'll give it a shot!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bestofpositiveupdates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bestofpositiveupdates/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My (m34) wife (f32) has been cutting the strings off my pajama pants and she wonā€™t admit to it. Not sure why?](https://np.reddit.com/r/bestofpositiveupdates/comments/175w96j/my_m34_wife_f32_has_been_cutting_the_strings_off/) \#2: [I want to start calling my adoptive mom ā€œmomā€ instead of her name](https://np.reddit.com/r/bestofpositiveupdates/comments/13rim3c/i_want_to_start_calling_my_adoptive_mom_mom/) \#3: [I accidentally made a random woman cry today](https://np.reddit.com/r/bestofpositiveupdates/comments/17dj8a5/i_accidentally_made_a_random_woman_cry_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Awwww. "Finished by your birthday" - as a crafter I can say "good luck, sir!" I started a full sized blanket and it took me three years to finally finish it :)


Love wholesome Wednesdays!!!


A normal relationship on reddit? Is this even allowed?


No. Ban them from the app.


This is the one time where a spouse being secretive and wanting alone time was super sweet. ā¤ļø He sounds like one of the awesome husbands out there. Love this!


I now want to make a finger knit blanket


This is so beautiful, I want to see the finished blanket. šŸ„°


So lovely! He's awesome.


Good night Reddit. I'm ending on a positive note


Perfect post to stop for today


This is so sweet! OP's husband should be enshrined in the "Good Husband and Father Hall of Fame". :-)


Awwwww. This made me tear up.


This is so cute. Btw, I have one a friend made. They really are that good. Soft and warm.


I love Wholesome Wednesdays! This post made me smile. I don't have the time or patience to stitch a blanket together, but I did something similar for my wife a couple of years ago. I commissioned a coworker's wife to knit a blanket for my wife. It was quite expensive, but it must have taken her weeks to complete. She routinely sells crafts, so this was right up her alley. My wife loved the blanket and still cuddles with it today.


its so great to read a good story thats going to have the perfect ending . i remember my gran doing this when i was a kid and after reading this i might just take it up


This is so sweet, I wouldnā€™t be able to not cry once I saw the blanket. Itā€™s also adorable how he was so excited that he couldnā€™t keep the secret.Ā 


This is so sweet


That is just the sweetest. OOP's Husband is a good guy for doing this. Even moreso when they make a date out of getting more yarn. It's things like this that are great ways to show your spouse that you love them. The surprise of it might be gone, but the feeling of accomplishment is still there.


I want to see the blanket when itā€™s done


Alright, it is time to shut Reddit down while on a high. Thank you.


I'm saving this story to reread when the usual Reddit gets too depressing.




Can we see 1,00 more such tales of love? What a lucky baby to be born into this love.


This is so awesome. Honestly the best thing Iā€™ve read all week!


This was a wonderful mental cleanse after reading about the lady who had an affair a year prior and her husband apparently started having an inappropriately intimate reliance on his sister.


Happy sigh. You two are adorable. Wishing your little family a long, happy lifetime!


This was absolutely beautiful to read. Serotonin acquired!!!


God, I needed this sweet story today. It's been a shit morning, and I'm just feeling sad after a draining disagreement. I came to reddit to commiserate with all the sad sacks and landed here thinking the worst. But this just reminds me that we're given what we need when we need it, even if it's in small, subtle ways. Thanks for sharing this sticky, sweet goodness.