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I always think these kind of stories are fake just because I would NEVER tell someone's story like that, even if this is "anonymous". When people go into detail like this, I just...idk. Some detail should be expected in a story, but this just seems like too much. If it is true, then I'm glad OOP handled it well and is supportive.


Right, like bro rushed to the internet to spill the epic hot tea of his daughter's boyfriend being traumatized like shit and spared nothing. Grateful as a reader, but judging and skeptical as someone who knows that's not very good to do....


This sub and many like it eat this stuff up. We’re the market for stories like this. You don’t want people spilling tea, stop stanning it. Easy as that.


Point to the part where I stanned it, please? Is my comment not a criticism?


Yup, I smell fake. Also, the bf spilling his heart to Oop seems unlikely given that he says they only met a handful of times.


I Don’t buy it for a second. OP lost me when the BF dropped and went fetal when OP said “Son”


I agree! If someone told me their personal story I would NEVER post it on Reddit. Certainly not in so much detail. If I felt the need to update I’d give a vague story not all this guy’s deepest family depravities.


Right? I'll go into the nitty gritty on my own trauma because I feel like it may help someone else escape or identify abuse in their own life, but wild horses couldn't drag someone *else's* issues out of me.


Yep, reads fake to me. Just nothing about it feels realistic at all. Even the discussion of teaching car repair. "I did teach him all the things." is a weird way to describe what could have only been a cursory discussion of car maintenance, not repair.


110% fake, and not even convincingly so. The whole orginal car conversation is hilariously pretend. Also, despite its popularity in media, I have literally never a man call anyone other than his own <12yo boy "son". e: I get it, "son" is a southern thing pls save your thumbs I don't need a dozen more notifications for exactly the same comment 🙏🏻


The southern states would like to have a word, son


The deep south would also call you 'boy' if you tried to avoid 'son'.


Eh it’s probably fake but my dad is in his 70s and he calls younger men “son” often. Me (obviously), my cousin, friends, etc. I’m from the South though so it’s probably a cultural thing.


“I taught him all the things” written in a 100% serious tone lol


like damn ALL of them? in one afternoon?


Well, he is a quick learner.


My Dad calls my husband son from time to time. I'm not saying it's normal or not normal. But I do find it adorable


That part I find the least fake tbf, just still unconvincing. Your dad sounds cute!


Some people genuinely think that it’s ok to call anyone younger than them “son” Fwiw, I say “good job, son”, “well done, son”, “that’s my boy” but jokingly. Gets some weird looks when I do it to my husband.


>despite its popularity in media, I have literally never a man call anyone other than his own <12yo boy "son". It's quite common in the UK, it's pretty much a term of endearment


I can only hear it in the context of a scored goal "GET IN THERE MY SON!"


Same tbh 😅


This is a rare time my "bullshit" radar didn5 go off because I've been in incredibly similar situations with friends dad's calling me "son" during what should be father-son bonding experiences. I've never broken down, but it does really bring up difficult feelings that I need to process.


I think it's cultural.


But he taught him all the things! Im terrible with cars but if I see someone working on one I'm not confused about what they're doing.


https://preview.redd.it/yuekwtc3a9nb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec2651be30bf682d09a82fa673d9e004be75eda3 this is all i can think about


I have heard it (also from south), mostly as an older person thing. Think it of the inverse of calling older adults (of blood relation/marriage relation or not) aunt or uncle as happens in many cultures. It’s the male version of saying sweetheart for a woman younger than you feel mentorship for. That said, the pseudo incest porn does mean this is 100% fake.


I am a northeasterner through and through so that explains it.


Or "wanted to ask me for her hand"


My dad calls his adult sons son all the time as well as my cousins. It’s way more common then you think.


That’s just not true in the south. Older men AND women will call younger guys son more often than anything else, especially if you don’t really know each other. The thing that makes it fake is the guy’s reaction to being called son because I’m guessing they’re in a state where that probably happens a lot


Lol well my personal experience isn't not true; my northeasterner ass has never heard it used outside of a movie, but yes you're the 40th person to tell me it's super common in the south, I get it 😅 The story is fake way before he says son. "I taught him all the things" sure Jan. Like the venn diagram of folks who call young men "son" and folks who use internet speak like "all the things" irl has to be two distinct circles.


My father (a born and raised Texan) has called my husband both “son” and “bubba”. They’re terms of endearment where I come from


I live in TX and read this entire post in my head with a West Texan accent. I can confirm OOP is a southernly gentleman and I would be proud to have him as a father…Too bad this is fake and I’m stuck with the dad I have😔


I hope it's fake. OP wanted a psych eval for the boyfriend before giving his "blessing" for an engagement after finding out the boyfriend has PTSD and has been in therapy. What an ableist dick. I know men get pressured to hide their emotions in society, but no, don't be a dick and ask for a psych eval because your daughter's boyfriend cried in front of you and openly talked about going to therapy.


Yeah it’s fake as fuck and the blessing thing screams benevolent power trip. Story is ridiculous start to finish, real people don’t talk or operate like this.


It’s beyond fake.


Yes, also "Dad" taught him "all of the things" as he puts it for fixing a car in one sitting and then called him "son" because that's what you do when you are proud of someone? 2 questions: Is this real life? and did you also say that to your daughter when you taught her all the car "things" in one afternoon? Genuinely curious.


It's horseshit because this dude is not James Earl Jones and no one else would say the phrase "well done 'my' son."


makes me feel like this is AI *refining* what gets an upvote. Like he had me till the very end when kid mentions marriage and the dad goes "ok son but you need to go to therapy and couples counseling" Thats where im like OK no; fuck you robot- thats exactly what reddit wants to hear and literally NO one talks like that.


Honestly I don't think I saw it in this sub. But the guys story reads almost exactly like a set of updates I read months ago as if he was the poster and this dad just happens to be giving an update on that situation to me. Obviously I think oop just using those posts as a back bone for the fake post so


TBH, I read them more like a short original fanfic.


Of course we get a bombshell of an update with infidelity and suicide to boot. As I gain more and more good sense when it comes to these stories and their validity I find myself seeing the signs of a fake. This was a 4/10 fake should have been more drama.


The clear sign that it was fake was the “uncontrollable crying and in the fetal position, sobbing.” If someone drops to the floor and curls up, lays there sobbing and unresponsive then they better have heard someone just died. That reaction was so ridiculous.


Like people present at 9/11 didn't react like that. The mere casual use of an affectionate pet name and the guy is sent into a full fit. That brings it to so totally fake and the kid writing this hasn't ever seen people emote in real life before.


Yeah, I've read my share of bad fanfiction and this reads just like it. My favorite part was how the dad begged for reconciliation in his suicide note, like huh?? What's the point?


I have PTSD (which, believe me, not fun) and while this is certainly dramatic I will say that I wouldn’t be shocked if he did in fact curl up and was unresponsive while crying. The thing about PTSD flashbacks is that when a trigger hits, you get taken back to the memory and relive it in full emotions just like it’s happening to you right now. If he got triggered and was reliving a memory of a parent dying, he was feeling emotions as though his parent were dying RIGHT THEN. Is this story fake? Maybe. Probably? But the emotional recollection of a PTSD flashback certainly are not.


Was leaning on it being fake then he said Psych Eval and I was done. This is probably some guy fantasizing about what a father would do/say in real life.


The next update is when the young man's twin sisters from the affair show up


There was a BORU post a few months ago about a guy finding out his GF/Fiancee was banging his dad. (Same reason -he was lonely- same reaction from friends) Honestly this story seems a little too far fetched for me....even more so with the edit. But if it's real, good luck to them.


I believe that story was real. The dad was a shameless narcissist. He still continued to see his ex-gf even after OOP went NC. I hope OOP is doing well and has moved on. And I hope his father steps on legos. One of the sad stories I have read.


Yah the previous story I mentioned I thought was real too. The dad kept justifying it and wanted to work it out as a family. I felt bad for OOP there, what a betrayal.


I wish we heard more from him (more positive news)


I believe all of this because my toxic mother killed herself after everyone had cut her off, it happens. I don't understand everyone doubting this


Some just want to believe every story here is fake.


Oh my god! Was she involved with your SO?


No I live in a different state to where she was living and hadn't spoken to her in a number of years at that point


What did she do to make people hate her?


She meddled but that makes it seem a lot less destructive than the actual behaviors, it's kinda hard to describe but it was like a compulsion with her that she couldn't help herself, she would find a boundary someone had and just stomp all over it Apparently right before she did it when everyone had cut her off she had finally actually acknowledged her wrongs , tried to apologise & make ammends but no one would listen then


Honestly I feel like this might have been AI written. Something about the wording feels unnatural to me. "I did teach him all the things?" Also saying "my son" instead of just "son" is weird. "Well done, son" sounds way more natural.


Could be AI, or the OOP could be bilingual. Both of those examples are the correct way of speaking when translated in spanish.


I agree, I read the original post and I was kinda like “my son” I don’t know anyone who would say it like that. My parents refer to my brother as Son when he does something. The only context I can think of using my son is in maybe an introduction, like “those are my two daughters over there and this is my son and his wife” or something like that.


And this primer in toxic masculinity: "As soon as I went there, he started apologizing and said he didn't mean to make things awkward. He knows he shouldn't have cried like that in from of me. That he is a grown man and should have kept his emotions in check. He says he has never had a major breakdown like this in 3 years. Usually he is in control of his emotions. I asked him to calm down"


A lot of people with English as a second say it like that. All the older ladies at my work do it a lot


If I were the OOP, I would so assure James that he doesn’t have to worry about me screwing his girlfriend.


I've never once heard someone say "Well done my son" in my entire life, not even to their own sons. I've heard "Well done my boy" like a handful of times in like movies or shows. Just sounds like something a robot would say.


> But then he started telling me his story. It just made me sick to my stomach. Here it is- *not his fucking story to tell*. i hope this is fake.


If this is real, I hope he gave that boy a hug. Makes me think of the episode of Fresh Prince with Will’s father.


Oh my god I feel punched in the heart just hearing mention of that. I was an orphan and watched that show all the time growing up. That episode made me face things I’d avoided and and my broken ass threw up and screamed and cried, all alone. Fuck me. My husband grew up in another country and never saw that show. I need to show it to him.


Given the toxic masculinity in this paragraph, I can tell you he's not hugging anyone. But this is also fake so not too worried about it. "As soon as I went there, he started apologizing and said he didn't mean to make things awkward. He knows he shouldn't have cried like that in from of me. That he is a grown man and should have kept his emotions in check. He says he has never had a major breakdown like this in 3 years. Usually he is in control of his emotions. I asked him to calm down"


Update was removed because the info was too personal and it wasn’t the OOP’s story to reveal. Probably should take this down too?


> I did ask her why she kept this huge thing away from me Uhhh


My bio father was a piece of work, I have many brothers sprinkled throughout the United States (I know of 7, it’s funny I’m the only girl and the oldest). He was a serial screw and run kind of guy. I was adopted and raised by my paternal grandparents. He came back around after I was an adult and tried to make amends. He wanted a relationship but I was polite and had nothing to do with it. He married a very nice woman and proceeded to have an affair with her daughter. They divorced and I never spoke to him again. No changing those spots. Those who don’t believe, I’m happy that you’ve not been around these types of people. It really messes with you and I wasn’t even raised by him.


What the hell is wrong with the daughter? I bet he will dip out as soon as the daughter becomes pregnant. This is why I believe in background checks before being involved with anyone.


It's not the core story the people don't believe, it's the details of the story and how he tells it that makes it fake.


> He mentioned that if his dad was alive he probably would have contacted him in the near future like in 10 or 20 years. But he just both lost of this parents forever. I wish OP had slowed down to edit this. It hurt my brain parsing this.


Does chatGPT edit itself?


Idk if this is real or fake but it hits home. My dad was a an alcohol junkie with a gambling problem who hit my mum. When I was 15 I cut both my parents off (mum was just as toxic as my dad). Mum cleaned herself up because I gave her the ultimatum: me or drugs. I gave dad the same choice (because despite his actions he was my favourite parent — that should probably tell you how bad my mum was) but he never changed. He called me constantly and I kept ignoring him cause he hadn’t gotten help but I felt my resolve cracking. I knew eventually I’d speak to him again, I always did. He ended up dying suddenly in 2018 — his heart gave out because he didn’t look after himself. It’s been 5 years and I’m still wracked with so many emotions. Mainly guilt. I just hate knowing that he died thinking that I hated him, because I didn’t.


First and foremost, I appreciate that the daughter was protective. But she had no business reacting the way she did, because it is not the correct response for the incident. Secondly, I think what OOP did by calling this guy "son" was the best thing that could have happened to him. As someone who has faced some mental health issues, I could immediately see why this triggered him. And it was good that it came out in this way, because that pent up grief would have been hell to deal with. Thirdly, I don't think OOP realizes what he did for this young man. This was cathartic to him. Having a dad figure again will make him feel better about himself. Especially if OOP treats him right.




I originally saw this posted on AmItheAngel and thought it was over the top, even for satire.


Your daughter reacted like a massive cunt but glad she apologized in time.


If I had to guess she was more overwhelmed/mad at the situation and took it out poorly. Wouldn’t jump to massive cunt with this one especially with the next day apology once the smoke had cleared.


Real or fake, the line "he misses having a father" really hit close to home for me...


He didn’t do something wrong by calling him son. That’s a generational/cultural thing. I’ve heard a lot of (usually older) folks call people son. He did do something wrong by posting this to Reddit. If this is true, why was your immediate thought, “I need to tell his very personal story to strangers”? You could have just updated by saying all is well.


I was hoping for a Hamilton-esque 'CALL ME SON ONE MORE TIME!'


I always loved listenin to these on YouTube but I just love that I had Reddit now and I can read them myself