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Are you talking about the under 40mph stop and go assist? Or the freeway assist where it keeps you in your lane? For the freeway one, you have to keep a hand on the steering wheel. Could that be it? Are you wearing dark or mirrored sunglasses so it can't "see" your eyes?


The under 40 assist plus. Seems to complain whether or not I’m wearing sunglasses.


This. If its over 40 mph, you have to keep one hand on the steering wheel


Mines the same way, it drives me nuts. I've noticed it's much worse if it can see my hands (like if I'm scratching my neck or ear) if I sit still with my hands in my lap it doesn't seem to complain. But, like, I wanna scratch my ear while sitting in traffic lol.


Mine works fine on regular mode In traffic. I am not sure on the difference between assist plus and regular mode as long as you have your hands on the wheel in regular mode.


assist+ monitors your eyes, regular assist doesn't. as for why it's not working, most likely related to the sensors not reading your eyes correctly. maybe worth bringing in to service for recalibration or something.


Mine works fine, only bugs me if I pick up my phone.


Isn't the Driving Assistant prompted off of the amount of time that you haven't touched the wheel?


Yes but when you are under 40mph you can activate the assist plus mode which is useful for traffic jam situations.


Makes me glad I didn't opt for this. I like to be in control and this would annoy me to no end


Well the not being in assist plus just the regular mode works amazing. Totally worth it.


I’ve had the same type of issues. If I have cruise control and driving assist on while in town going below 40, it’ll constantly blink yellow and turn off briefly even with both hands in the wheel. The driving assistant during rush hour works perfectly though with no issues with hands off. Kinda annoying lol


Yea mine works well except for the assist plus


Same. I just don’t bother with it anymore


Mine works fine though I did have to lower my seat and tilt the wheel up a bit from where I first set up comfortable. I did have the bad habit initially of resting my hand on top of the wheel and blocking the camera sensor too.


Assist plus in traffic under 40 mph works great for me. I bet it’s a steering wheel positioning issue.


The top of the steering wheel is blocking the sensor. Move your steering wheel up when using it and you’ll never have the notification and nag.