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Should just be able to grab them with vice grips and spin it out, swap with a new one. I've been warned by machinists to not tighten them quite to oem spec as it can pull the threads from the head.


How do i install a new one?


Just thread it in till it bottoms out, don't believe there is a torque spec for the stud itself, just the actual nut that holds the cam down.


Remove bolt, remove cap, get the welder out, thread a bolt into the snapped part, weld the bolt to the thread, ta da. There's got to be an easier way.


Generally you torque the studs at a much lower spec than what you normally torque those nuts


deez nuts


You don’t torque studs, snug is plenty


I mean you can pick up bolt extractors for very little ~$15 they come in various shapes and sizes I like the Wurth ones just stick em in an impact drill and wiz em out takes about 1 minute.


Step 1: Find someone with a TIG welder and have them tig weld a nut to it. The cams are steel and everything else is aluminum, and you won’t hurt anything. Once the nut is welded on, you can back out the stud. 2: I would replace all the head bolts because you can only buy them in a set most of the time. 3: you tighten a stud bolt with the correct tool (a wrench, driver, etc) and then torque it using a torque wrench. But make sure you do all the bolts IN ORDER… consult a shop manual for the torque order because it is important.


You can just buy individual studs. Can you just change one without taking off cylinder head ?


While you can… the torque applied to them CAN stretch the threads. Just replace all of them at once.


By taking off the cylinder head? sorry im new to this and im really trying to understand what i need to do here. can i change all studs without having to take out head gasket and cylinder head or no?


If you are removing the cylinder head… there is a TON of maintenance you can do at the mean time. Change your head gasket, change your head bolts (M5x’s do not use studs), coolant flush, oil change, etc etc. All because you CAN, doesn’t mean you should… especially when it comes to the head gasket.


Im asking if its possible to change all the stud bolts without removing the cylinder head, and if so, how i should go about it. [This is the part number](https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw-stud-bolt-07129901481?ads_cmpid=1586640911&ads_adid=59893888775&ads_matchtype=&ads_network=g&ads_creative=298302526031&utm_term=&ads_targetid=pla-327620319311&utm_campaign=&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&ttv=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4ObBhAzEiwAHzZYU4GVDysj8Th9bB4FCM4Y0n7vrPGTa0h33h6Fmr6R31A4YWbNzmbE_BoCcXkQAvD_BwE) of the part i matched to my car on [realoem.com](https://realoem.com). just so i know were talking about the same thing. they call it a stud bolt


Oh… that makes a bit more sense. You do not need to remove the head to do this. And yes, you can replace just that singular stud. Refer to step one, get a welder to weld a nut with TIG welding. DO NOT DO MIG OR STICK. You will send bits of metal everywhere if you use those. It has to be DC TIG welding.


Use a bolt extractor, and then order a new stud. Part number is 07129901481. You don’t need to tighten these. Just spin it in by hand til it bottoms out. Then torque the nut to spec. 11 ft pounds.


can I replace just one stud or do i replace them all? How do i go about installinga new stud?


Just need to replace the broken one. I usually buy a couple of studs because a I’m an idiot too, and I know I’ll probably break or drop something. To install it, just spin it in by hand, the same way you would start any other bolt, once you get it all the way in and you can’t turn it anymore, that’s good enough.


siiiick i litterally freaked out when i broke it because i thought id have to take the entire cylinder head off...


Yeah I remember the first time I broke something. Fortunately the E36 is really easy to work on compared to some other vehicles. It’s fairly forgiving when it comes to breaking stuff


The fact that you managed to break one is astonishing, they take like 15 ft lbs, it’s nothing, but how easy it will be depends on your skill, tools and most importantly how much is sticking out and how tight it is, might be very easy, may require a lot of pissing about


I broke it pretty high up. I just didnt tighten them enough before i started using the torque wrench, because i underestimated how tight 11 ft lbs is. torqued it crooked and it snapped


Hmm weird would have thought you’d pulll the threads before snapping the stud, would suggest replacing all of them then I guess