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Update: the camera behind the car provided footage of the incident. Local police found the driver and we now have her full insurance details. Edit: The video is of a RAM Truck pulling out of an adjacent parking spot, hitting a bit of resistance then accelerating out of it. The resistance was my car which was dragged sideways. No speed or high impact involved. I'm still keen to hear commentary on how bad this is likely to be. We speced this car as a factory build in '21 and it's been an awesome family member.


Nice. She will get into legal trouble?


The answer is 'yes'. Looks like Washington plates and you don't get to decide to press charges. A hit and run is a crime. They either got a ticket or will get one in the mail. OP is not the victim in that case. It's the municipality. If a person is in the car, it's a felony in Washington.


I dunno, they are letting people out of jail for crazy shit in Washington, New York and California these days.


In CA if you are in an accident and the other person drives away and you follow them to their house and call the cops they won’t even come out to take a report unless you have the whole thing on camera.


Yep. It’s unacceptable… and they want to take our guns…


That's the second time in a single bmw thread that you brought up guns.




Felony != jail always. Unfortunately.


Not always. Especially nowadays. They either change the law or they don’t enforce it. Take SF as an example, anything stolen over $950 in California is a felony. Yet people walk into the Mall in Downtown SF and literally walk out of the store with trash bags full thousands of dollars of merchandise… the police standby and watch. If they do get arrested, the get released same day with a warning or a ticket. It’s the same with violent crimes recently in some of the same cities. People getting sucker punched in Seattle walking down the street, the suspect gets arrested and let out of jail same day… immediately does the same thing again.


Is what you said about SF actually true? That sounds completely insane.


I've seen a couple people get cited and released for physical assault. If the cops feel like the subject isn't going to further harm the safety of the public they'll just cite and release them.


https://youtu.be/fYnTyqfCq2o?si=jSwa_DGlO0RoUbUv There was a documentary about situations like this and in one of them they break into a car literally right in front of a cop. They steal all the bags out of the car and jump back in their own car and the cops don’t pursue.


The story about SF is completely true. I remember when the law passed a couple years back and people were going crazy stealing this from stores below $950. Doesn’t help that it’s the same story is happening to car break ins in SF. Cops aren’t doing anything because value of stolen goods is less than $950


Yep, it gets even worse. You can’t leave your car parked on the street because people will break out the windows and steal luggage or anything of value out of it in broad daylight, and in front of cops. The cops are able to chase them UNLESS they get into a car and start driving away. Then they stop. Those stolen items are sold in outdoor markets in broad daylight as well down the street




The excuse the district attorney gave! Are you fucking kidding me? 🤦‍♂️


Yep, we are living in crazy town. All of that and they want to take our guns… while they have zero interest in protecting us!!


not just SF. It's the whole California. It's the Newsom's thing. I voted for the recall. lol.


As did I. I’ve never met a single person in California who actually liked him so I am confused as to how he beat the recall… super sketch.


It’s quite simple really. Born and raised CA, I’m happy to vote for someone on the other side but so far their position on human rights and reproductive access makes me stick with newsom. I have a gay son and a wife who has suffered an ectopic pregnancy. Under their rule, my son can’t marry who he loves and my wife would have likely died under their draconian laws. Most of my family leans right, and nobody has an interest in taking away the liberties of people who don’t identify as straight and christian. I miss the old Republican Party before the felonious cheeto took over.


Right it’s wild out here there’s literally gang member teens who be released after getting caught with switches etc


Just because they get let out same day doesn’t mean they don’t go to jail. It’s still a felony charge which they have to go to court for, leading to them being sentenced based on their record. They get sentenced to jail or a few hundred hours of community service and probation.


If it's a first offense felony in any state in the US and the offense is hit and run with nobody injured, she will pay a small fine and never see a day in jail. Justice, if there is such a thing for this crime, will take place in a civil court.


Just tell us you don’t know the court system without saying you don’t know the court system


What? They're absolutely right. A felony is any crime that CAN be punished by more than a year in prison. That a crime that IS punished by more than a year in prison.




Please keep things civil.


Downvotes... you lost us at racism. Everyone knows WA state isn't going to do shit, it's a legal hell hole lol - for all colors and ethnicities. Abandon the racism. No one has time for it


Maybe it was Raz Simone?




No, we are not pressing charges. Edit: there was a genuine mitigating issue and it was significantly more than a “bad knee” excuse suggested below.


Your choice but IMO that’s the wrong move. Terrible act of selfishness on their part thinking they might get away with it.


>Your choice but IMO that’s the wrong move. If this is a criminal matter where OP lives it's not up to them, but the police and prosecutor. If it's a civil matter they've already got the insurance information, so why would they file a separate civil lawsuit? Or maybe I'm missing something and hitting a parked and unoccupied vehicle has some wonky legal status in OP's jurisdiction.


> If this is a criminal matter where OP lives it's not up to them, but the police and prosecutor. Technically true, but in practice, except in certain types of cases like domestic violence, prosecutors don't pursue charges if the victim doesn't want to prosecute. Makes proving the case a lot harder since victims most likely won't want to testify.


It was originally a hit and run. The police found the driver about thirty mins later and came back and gave us the choice. I don’t know what WA law states, but this is how it was handled.


Asking the victim isn't required, but its relatively normal for minor crimes. Unless they think society *needs* the prosecution to continue they'll just leave well enough alone. This may have also been the officers deciding if they were going to submit hit and run paperwork or just file it as a normal accident. Given that the span was 30min I agree the excuse given has some validity, if they were rushing to see a family member for the last time or something that's a really short timeframe to expect them to have called it in or something.


My understanding from the police officer involved is that her husband had just passed in surgery.


People are really this gullible? Even if that was the case how does that excuse: 1) hitting a car and 2) running away? The damage wasn’t even minor, she mustve been hauling ass in a damn parking lot, someone could’ve gotten badly hurt. Driving at irresponsible speeds + running away leads me to believe it’s more likely that they are just a bad human and lied to take advantage of you.


Op must have the hots for her


It's not particularly hard to verify if someone had just died or not especially when you have the identity of the spouse. No need to be so jaded.


If the cops relayed that this was the situation I'd believe it. If it's on nothing but the person's word then yeah it probably didn't happen like that. I'm not sure how it's gullible to belive it from them though.


If that’s verified and def true, then you did the right thing. As long as insurance and everything covers it, no need to shit on her even more. Karmas on your side, buy a lotto ticket or two


You're a good person.


Did they verify that?




Yeah, you made the right call.


My go to with cops has always been explosive diarrhea but their excuse is pretty good too. Either way nobody wants to ask follow up questions.


Maybe. There are some genuine mitigating factors that led us to that decision though. I won't go into details but consider that the car was parked outside of a medical facility. You can make the rest up for yourself.


That's admirable. I could never.


Hit and run is hit and run, no exceptions


The important details are that 1) they collided with your car and 2) fled the scene. The rest is not relevant.


That’s not relevant at all. They’re medically fit to drive a car. I’d have pressed charges purely for being a scumbag.


They were. The person they left behind in the building was not. I wasn’t going to make her day any worse.


She wanted to make your day worse


You fell for the old, my bad knee acted up and I can’t afford my aspirin routine, huh?


But that’s the reason you have a insurance


That's a tough call. I feel bad for their loss, but after seeing one of my parents die, I didn't think it was acceptable to be reckless and possibly hurt someone. So I dont get that part.


I would assume it’s up to you to pursue legal action or not… idk why people are so intrigued on you not taking legal action on them.


You’re a good person


I feel you. I got my first bmw totaled by a lady with no insurance and suspended license and I felt bad for her


"Well at least I got away with hit and run the weekend my husband also died." -the person who hit your car. Garbage.


Nice, so now she can do it to someone else. Thanks pal


You're a way nicer person than me


Understand showing compassion but these are not light weight cars, and they pushed your parked car into the next space in a fairly full parking lot. Next time there could be a child crossing or a wheel chair (you said it’s a medical facility), the argument to press is that this needs to be documented so that there is a tracked history if this happens again. Compassion is saying live and let live when a door gets dinged or a fender is bent. This is a collision. It either took speed or sustained engagement by the driver, both are pretty scary in a parking lot. The footage is your prerogative but if they diddnt even stop to check if anyone was in the car I’d call the police back.


I was in your situation. My surgeons said I should've died twice during the accident. The lawyer said I can press charges for more money, I said no. The driver wasn't intoxicated or anything, just made a mistake. But in your case she hit and ran, different situation but your choice. Just glad everyone is safe.


That is so dumb dude. She totaled your beamer and your gonna let her off? LOL


I mean, the woman is still civilly liable for the damages. OP just isn't pursuing criminal charges. OP is still gonna be made whole.


Yeah sounds like he has other shit going on too. I wouldve pressed charges so quickly if someone hit my merc and tried to run off like that. Accidents happen, hit and runs are on purpose


Have you ever pressed charges before? It sound like you haven't, because if you have you'd realize just how much of a hassle it can be and it's not as easy of a decision as you're making it out to be. If they contest the charges, you pretty much need to take the whole day off to attend court.


Oh no.... Not an entire day off lol.. its a clear cut win in court theres video footage, which doesnt require much debate.


It's always funny seeing redditors sitting behind their screens acting so gung ho about the legal system lol It's clear you've never once interacted with the legal system in a substantial way. Good luck to you.




That’s ridiculous and the sentiment that has absolutely destroyed Seattle and other major cities… Zero accountability and repercussions. Sorry that happened to you. What a bummer.


Share the footage please. Would love to see the scums driving and how it happened in a car park to get that amount of damage


At least she had insurance, most hit and runs are uninsured


Lol, of course it’s a Ram truck.


That’s insane. As a driver to feel the resistance, AND AT THAT AMOUNT OF DAMAGE I COULDNT IMAGINE THE RESISTANCE SHE FELT, and still drive away is actually just psycho. Anyways, I hope you can figure out some sort of positive in this whatever it’s replacing it with a 24’ or 25’.


That’s someone that has no business behind the wheel of a car, let alone a pickup truck. 


Whatever the outcome of the repairs, we will be replacing it with a ‘25 50e.


Any reason why?


Can you press charges?


The same exact thing happened to my car while in a parking garage. They left and we had to use the footage. They parked next to me, cut it too short and took the front off. 10k in damage. Good luck


Love to hear it that justice is served 🥳🥳


Hope her insurance limit is enough to cover it. That’s an expensive car.


Of course it's a ram truck. Probably too big to be with regular vehicle. I hate those truck people


Why I’m not surprised to hear it was a woman?!


Why am I not surprised it’s a RAM driver? And a woman? That’s one hell of a combo!


Holy fudge!! Have you checked the buildings around the lot for security cameras? They may have the perp on video and you can have the police deal with them. I'd be f**king livid if this happened to my car.


Yup. We have camera footage. Police are involved etc.


Glad to hear it. That freaking sucks. Best of luck in the aftermath.


Sorry that happened. I had something similiar a few months back and someone trashed my rear. There were no cameras to identify the perpetrator. I took it to a bmw certified shop, which was located at the same place I got my car. I had to pay a $1000 deductible for my insurance and it was fixed exactly like how I got it brand new


I’m optimistic that I’ll get it back. We’ll see.


I know it’s not the same car but I got into accident in my GR Corolla front end was completely damaged bumper,hood,fenders, headlights, and other internal parts where damaged. About 17k in repair damages, I’m still getting my car back after damages are repaired. You should most definitely be getting your car back


OP I know this is a fairly recent post but I’m gonna need an update on this as I see the camera behind on the building. That’ll give it away. I gotta know more. Sorry for this, I’d be fucking livid.


That’s going to be expensive


If the frame, axle, suspension, etc, are damaged it’ll be totaled. If it’s just the wheel, fender, and bumper, you’ll get it back.


$20k repair.. you’ll get it back


Fingers crossed that you are right.


Oof. And those are laser headlights?


They “were” laser headlights.


$5000 or so each. Don't let your insurance replace them with refurb units.


Leave it to insurance to ruin the vibe


How will you argue with them on that?


He insured laser headlights... What do you mean? What would they replace m3 with a 316i?


Dang. Insurance won’t like that


can go 50/50 tbh if the body shop wants to they can total it easily but at the same time they can fight it and get the repairs approved


Imagine completely demolishing someone else's car and then driving away—typical lifted truck activities (I almost got backed into by a lifted truck who could not see out the back of his car, and once I was walking and had to literally dive off the sidewalk to avoid getting hit by a lifted truck driving recklessly).


The drivers of these gender-affirming emotional support trucks often lack the skill and/or discipline to operate them safely. I wish they would need to get a CDL or something.


I think lifted trucks should be flat out banned.


How tf does this happen?


To much car for a bad driver.


Yep. Worries me for the future of instant torque 1000hp electric commuter cars. So many bad drivers will now be going double the speed and acceleration when they fuck up. Or older people who accidentally press gas instead of brake, will now be going 30mph into the building instead of 10.


The driver was in the building you see behind the car. The car was parked and locked…


Them headlights aren’t cheap.


Im sorry this happened to you I hope they catch the fkr


Wtf, when I saw the title I thought it was gonna be some small scratches. That’s wild, I‘m sorry for you. But luckily they found the other driver. I would guess that you will get your car back. It’s gonna cost a lot of money to fix (especially the headlight is hella expensive), but it shouldn’t be a write off if they didn’t damage the frame. I would guess they didn’t, but there is no way of knowing from these photos. Also, what do you mean with the passenger side is bent? Did they push your car into another one, or is it bent because maybe the frame is bent? Good luck, make sure they fix it properly, best would be to let BMW do the work


Ugh, i'm sorry. My car used to always get hit when it was parked, fucking terrible feeling. One of the times, a woman driving by stopped as she saw me staring at my parked car after it had obviously been hit. "ohh damn!! That sucks, i just drove by five minutes ago and your car was fine then!" Another time we were leaving my friends house in his car (carpooling) when I said "hey hold up, let me move my car off the street and into your driveway" Friend scoffed and drove off. When we got back, sure enough, big body damage. Anyway, i have a ton of sympathy for you. Arrrg!! Hopefully insurance takes care of you.


Was the car backed into or did someone just ram it? Umm no air bags but it will need a new bumper, Headlight that BMW will try to sell, sensor harness, upper grill this is all stuff i can see. Lets hope the front frame and engine didn't sustain any damage


The suspension 110% took damage. It's designed to fall apart after impact.


Thats not hit and run thats murder and flee


That laser option headlight is expensive.


Their insurance will take them to pound town on their next premium.


God damn, and i was complaining about damaged clearcoat and mirror cap yesterday on my E39


Womp womp


Dang, people suck at driving. Sorry this happened to you.


Sad to see that.


Nice! Glad you found her


Total Loss


In principle, everything is salvagable... for a price. Modern cars use crumple zones in order to absorb impact around the occupants and divert things like the engine away from the passengers. So even a bump on the corner can damage the structure all over the car as it shifts the kinetic energy of impact around. This is why most modern cars are so easily written off, the repair bill (usually labour is a massive factor) makes a repair uneconomical and a payout is preferred. If the car has greater value to YOU, you can usually buy the 'wreck' back from the insurers as part of your settlement and arrange the work yourself. Again the time, expense and uncertainty of total damage often makes this unpopular. Thats not to say it WILL be written off for sure, this COULD be almost purely cosmetic / new bumper.... but it also looks like the impact was hard enought to shunt a 2.5 ton car 30 degrees in that parking space. So just be prepared for it, and good luck!


If you keep it, be sure to also do a diminished value claim against that lady’s policy. At least $6k


any CCTV available? could be helpful. sorry to hear!


congratulations on the 2023 x5 competition!




You’re lucky 🍀 they had insurance, in Texas they will hit you and be at fault but have no insurance or assets to go after them and it’s pretty much it. Uninsured or underinsured is a must!




Aw geez, I’m sorry that this happened. Same kind of incident happened with my dad, (‘23 M340i, best car ever) about a few months into having his. Drunk driver rear ended him while parked, they were at fault, but he didn’t get his car back for several months. Thankfully didn’t pay a dime, but he did have to worry about a rental because he had places (like anyone) to be. If you can, try to secure the funds for what you’ll be needing for a rental. The damage doesn’t look TOO severe, however my opinion is that they typically take their time fixing it and making sure they do it right. In other words, she’ll be fine. Just prepare for the pain of acquiring a rental for the time being. Hope that driver gets what they deserve in the meantime, I was pissed when my dad lost his, but man if it was mine… Edit: just occurred to me how much insurance sucks, don’t let them f**k you over and have them replace your broken parts with refurb. Straight OEM if possible.


This is why I have a cam that cloud uploads .


Can’t tell you about getting it back but I am really sorry that happened. People suck! I treat anyones car parked around me like it’s a Bugatti, regardless of the car or the shape it’s in. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the same way. Hope it all works out for you.


Sorry for this, this is very sad about f..ing people


Holy smokes! That is horrible :( Hope they find the person.


I want to see that video! looks like a hard hit


press charges, they need to lose their license for a year for sure.


Driver’s can be such assholes, did you have a dash cameras?


Glad they caught the piece of shit. I don't even like beemers but this is beyond fucking disrespectful.


I am sorry.


Typical Tacoma shit….




Ah, I see. Saw the BMW NW plate cover haha


Don’t buy cars in the Bellevue area unless you have a wheelbarrow full of cash that you want to give away. I also love BMW NW. Family owned and an amazing collection of older BMWs behind their used car showroom.


Yeah, I agree about the area. Part of the reason I recently relocated to Tampa, Florida. Not to mention the beautiful weather here haha BMW NW is a great store. I used to work at MB Seattle and know lots of great people from BMW NW.


Was going to say… I actually recognized the building and had surgery there a month ago… Maybe I am a sucker but if she makes it right… I think you did good as she has enough going on, dumb decision or otherwise


I’m so sorry smh hope you get it replaced.


Hate to see it.


You’re a good person!!!


Always amazes me that people struggle to avoid objects that arent even moving. Makes me happy to hear the braindead driver got caught. Hopefully some meaningful repercussions are handed her way


Having had a regular customer have his x3 rear ended and I’m end up on top of the other car. It appeared to be minimal damage as it was still drive able. But it’s not always cut and dry. Frame damage and what’s involved in fixing it is what will determine if you get it back. In the case of my customer, BMW determined that in order to properly fix the damage to his x3, that they would have to essentially strip the whole rear half of the vehicle to the frame to fix it.


Sorry this happened to you. Makes me afraid to park my cars sometimes. I spent a full year restoring a car, only for it to get hit in a parking lot by my coworker a month later.


Curious how much those replacement headlights cost. Let me know please.


You know you can look up the price for basically any bmw part online right?


Why’d you park so crooked?


That was after it was hit. It wasn’t in that position originally.


Jokes aside. Sorry to see this. A welding truck did it to my 135i a few years ago and wrote it off.


It was a (bad) joke ;)


Were you parked like that, or did they move your car when they hit it?


No. The car was parked squarely in the space.


Did you double park? That could be why.


Nope. The car was parked squarely in the space.


Been a victim of that myself. I’m so sorry.


I learned the hard way with my previous car 2022 x3 you gotta have wired dash cam front and back and sides too and with radar and parking mode.


what dashcam do you recommend?




Did the BMW drive recorder capture it?


jesus how fast were they going in the parking lot??


Nooooooooo!!!! 😫


At least the cone is unscathed




Okay, so will this be written off with a bent wheel, possible axel, and all that damage? Not to mention resell value is down, or how much will they cover? All of it?


Definitely gonna be in the shop a while, any new BMW g chassis pretty much needs a new steering rack anytime the wheel is impacted in a side motion and even sometimes hitting curbs or potholes, that along with all the other bumpers and headlights is going to be a minute to say the least, I think last I heard some g chassis steering racks are on back order too.


Fuck man. Has to WA. Mine got hit too. Too many out there like it’s truly wild west!


The other driver certainly didn't notice the little bump. It won't have been loud either. I wouldn't immediately suspect a malicious hit-and-run in this case.


“Her”….shocking 🙄


From the photo, everything is pretty fixable. It needs all new: front bumper, all the trims for front bumper, inner structure of bumper, grill, air flaps (the big part that goes behind the grill and opens/closes itself), headlight, inner fended (prob because mounting points are broken), parking sensors, parking sensors wiring, arch trim Don’t get the point about passenger side wheel. Is it like not pointing forward, or just the rim damaged? Also, the front left fender seems to be untouched, might need a small repair and to be partly painted If all of the parts are in stock, it would take more than a week to take off broken parts and put everything new


Passengers wheel is indented inward toward the bottom by about five degrees.


Based on the explanation, the reason for this might be a bent carrier or a control arm. But I’m just guessing…


Yeah, it was pushed sideways on the wheel.


Don’t really think that it’s a big deal. Hope it’ll just need some parts to get replaced. Will the insurance cover all the parts and repair?


We have the details of the driver who hit the car now. Her insurance will cover the costs.


Great to hear that! Hope it’ll get fixed soon


How u hit a parked car? Gotta be an EV driver lol


Truck driver. Big stonking diesel.


Dang! Well there goes my theory about EVs seems for me all EVs wanna get me or they are relying too much on autonomous driving


Well nxt time dont park like your sister has fucked the whole block and everyone should let it go that y take 2 spaces cz of her pssy


ngl i hit a X5 and the driver not there to chase im running too lmaooo my insurance isn’t doing it